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Anti-Workfare Walk Of Shame Glasgow Mon. 6th May 12 noon

The Crutch Collective | 28.04.2013 21:34 | Workfare

Anti-Workfare leaflets will be given out from a Clydeside IWW May Day information stall on Wednesday May 1st from 12 noon on Buchanan Street.

We will be picketing several Workfare companies such as Poundland, Burtons, Top Shop and Debenhams on Bank Holiday Monday because if previous holidays are anything to go by Workfare companies will be using forced unpaid labour on a Workfare scheme rather than pay their regular staff holiday pay.

The Crutch Collective
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March of Shame

28.04.2013 22:28

First the Facebook page says the Crutch Collective is "a Glasgow-based group resisting benefits cuts and supporting claimants", but claiming claimants needing a "crutch" is the kind of language the tabloids to use against the people who the right-wing say are involved in "dependency culture", as confirmed by this specific example -

So, choosing to use tabloid language in this context effectively communicates to the general public the message that tabloid analysis is correct, before you've even had a chance to put across your own case about the issues.

Second the "March of Shame" title implies that it's the marchers who are or should be shamed, as when people go on a march of shame to offer penance or to atone for their OWN shameful actions, as in this example -

I can't think of a more poorly conceived approach to communicating your message


I agree

29.04.2013 12:13

The campaign is right and necessary, but the language is all wrong. It concedes huge tracts of ground to the right. The right-wing media coined terms such as "crutch", specifically to misrepresent us and deny us dignity. We need to use our own language, without being obscure or wordy, the sort of language everyone understands.
