Make tower hamlets Council truthful - or a local 'mayor' may sink as Ken did!
maketowerhamletstruthful | 21.04.2013 21:59 | Analysis | Social Struggles | London | World
UK Communities Secretary Eric Pickles may be in for a surprise welcome in a most
untypical zone - the inner city, routinely "deprived" East London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Pickles may not be even aware himself that he may be the leader of a subliminal movement progressing modestly across Tower Hamlets that may end up with sinking Lutfur Rahman in the forthcoming 'mayor poll' in May 2014.
untypical zone - the inner city, routinely "deprived" East London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Pickles may not be even aware himself that he may be the leader of a subliminal movement progressing modestly across Tower Hamlets that may end up with sinking Lutfur Rahman in the forthcoming 'mayor poll' in May 2014.
The vehicle [for it is a vehicle indeed] is a pravda that Mr Pickles has
dubbed Tower Hamlets Council's very own 'town hall pravda'. So there is consolation after all for the one with the propensity to get into periodic pickles with is plans, as is witnessed over the lifting of planning regulations over extensions...
Tower Hamlets is additionally interesting as the environment begins to get heated over what will be the outcome of the still scheduled election for the post of ‘executives mayor’ in the Borough in May 2014.
It is quite possible that Mr Pickles will be the second Conservative MP to be involved with a miniature coalition with the Labour Party in an attempt to unseat Lutfur Rahman, the
first occupant in the newly created office.
In January this year, a back bench colleague of Mr Pickles’ delivered a scathing speech in an inadequately noticed ‘debate’ over the abuse of power by certain English local Councils.
To close observers of the scene in Tower Hamlets, most of the materials that Mr Bob Neill MP used in that speech came from Peter Golds and a fair bit from the Labour Party councillors on Tower Hamlets Council.
The speech is the most extensive parliamentary critique of a Council Administration by name. It is very topical and may well have been the beginning of a series that may bring about the fall of the Lutfur Rahman “administration”.
As happened with the EVENING STANDARD’s focus in the run up to the 2008 London mayor election.
They totally undermined Ken Livingstone by associating him with the wrong doings of some of Livingstone's employees.
Bob Neill has made the start by identifying Isabella Freeman, “the white woman” that Andrew Gilligan finds so very odd.
Not because she is white. But because she is white and is still in the employ of Tower Hamlets Council.
The suggestion is that Isabella Freeman has been helping the Lutfur "Administration" over things that she should not be.
But Bob Neill went far beyond that kind of mild criticism. He listed a whole lot of abuses that he pointed out could have been motivated by the agenda to let Lutfur Rahman neglect the democratic, the legal and the accountability duties and let down the community.
Here then is a community platform which will be raising much more than just the question about one single holder of a post in Tower Hamlets Council.
The people are fed up with lies by the Council and the lies being told by employees in the name of the Council.
We here have NOT identified anyone in particular as a liar but we will.
Very soon indeed.
dubbed Tower Hamlets Council's very own 'town hall pravda'. So there is consolation after all for the one with the propensity to get into periodic pickles with is plans, as is witnessed over the lifting of planning regulations over extensions...
Tower Hamlets is additionally interesting as the environment begins to get heated over what will be the outcome of the still scheduled election for the post of ‘executives mayor’ in the Borough in May 2014.
It is quite possible that Mr Pickles will be the second Conservative MP to be involved with a miniature coalition with the Labour Party in an attempt to unseat Lutfur Rahman, the
first occupant in the newly created office.
In January this year, a back bench colleague of Mr Pickles’ delivered a scathing speech in an inadequately noticed ‘debate’ over the abuse of power by certain English local Councils.
To close observers of the scene in Tower Hamlets, most of the materials that Mr Bob Neill MP used in that speech came from Peter Golds and a fair bit from the Labour Party councillors on Tower Hamlets Council.
The speech is the most extensive parliamentary critique of a Council Administration by name. It is very topical and may well have been the beginning of a series that may bring about the fall of the Lutfur Rahman “administration”.
As happened with the EVENING STANDARD’s focus in the run up to the 2008 London mayor election.
They totally undermined Ken Livingstone by associating him with the wrong doings of some of Livingstone's employees.
Bob Neill has made the start by identifying Isabella Freeman, “the white woman” that Andrew Gilligan finds so very odd.
Not because she is white. But because she is white and is still in the employ of Tower Hamlets Council.
The suggestion is that Isabella Freeman has been helping the Lutfur "Administration" over things that she should not be.
But Bob Neill went far beyond that kind of mild criticism. He listed a whole lot of abuses that he pointed out could have been motivated by the agenda to let Lutfur Rahman neglect the democratic, the legal and the accountability duties and let down the community.
Here then is a community platform which will be raising much more than just the question about one single holder of a post in Tower Hamlets Council.
The people are fed up with lies by the Council and the lies being told by employees in the name of the Council.
We here have NOT identified anyone in particular as a liar but we will.
Very soon indeed.
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90% muslim
21.04.2013 22:34
no more cockneys
Tower Hamlets sub-sleaze gets linked with the Sleaze Record Vaz fete for Jackass
23.04.2013 00:07
Reported in the blog below is an “internal” Council letter from Tower Hamlets Conservative Councillor Peter Golds addressed to the “chief executive” Stephen Halsey exposing Tower Hamlets Council’s Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s s Deputy Ohid Ahmed's £140 cab fare over alleged trip to fete American 'name' Jesse Jackson who was in turn being feted for the aggrandisement of the slimiest of them all: Keith “the Sleaze” Vaz!
The external blogger is in fact the SUNDAY EXPRESS-employed Ted Jeory. He has been closely allied, in publication agenda, with the DAILY / SUNDAY TELEGRAPH Group’s Andrew Gilligan and the ultra Rightwing Harry’s Place blog.
That trio specialises in prejudicially focussing on “Extremist Muslims in power in Tower Hamlets”.
But their prejudice is now being given SUPPORT, traction, substance and validity by the allegations of dishonesty and abuse that Ohid Ahmed has now been caught up in !
He has chosen the wrongest “host” for this episode: Sleaze Vaz.
Sleaze Vaz is a notorious link to events that are way out of sync with common sense!
Like he was one of the sponsors of the 'Yes' 'campaign' at the referendum in May 2010 for a change to the Borough Council's constitution to one that made the Borough subject to an elected mayor.
That is Lutfur Rahman.
Sleaze Vaz also “attracted” the backing of a busload of “locals” who travelled from Tower Hamlets all the way to Leicester and gave Sleaze Vaz timely backing as Leicester has a significant number of “Muslim” votes and Sleaze badly needs them to stay afloat.
No actual audit has appeared yet about who funded that brazenly offensive and insulting trip from Tower Hamlets to Leicester and what part of the Tower Hamlets electors had even any knowledge of it let alone approving the outrageous trip to shore up the image of Sleaze Vaz.
Ohid Ahmed is a close partner in Lutfur Rahman's enterprise.
It appears that they take it in turns to appear on stage managed events.
The Borough is a poor one yet these individuals are being allowed to waste so much of the public's money that should be spent in providing essential services that are being cut daily.
its a bent corrupt
24.04.2013 00:17
a moved out cockney
Tower Hamlets POVERTY Council's alleged deputy mayor in cab fare extravagance
27.04.2013 20:03
Poor-borough resident
News! that Tower Hamlets Council's own 'head of legal' is suing her own Council!
30.04.2013 22:27
News! that Tower Hamlets Council's own 'head of legal' is suing her own Council!
EVENING STANDARD news about an ex-mayor of Tower Hamlets Council
03.06.2013 13:04
The EVENING STANDARD has run the following item in the past week It has however left no room for any comment.
A short comment follows:
The EVENING STANDARD item is not an original.
As has happened more than once in recent years, the EVENING STANDARD rehashes items
that had been published elsewhere.
The piece on the ex-mayor was possible because the Tower Hamlets Conservative group of councillors, which is effectively led by Peter Golds, is mostly in contact with a known number
of outlets linked with certain fundamentalist Fleet Street titles.
Those links themselves leak the 'finds' by the Conservative Councillors group on Tower Hamlets Council.
Most of the items are retailed as part of the Fleet Street Crusaders Agenda ti make the Tower Hamlets Population look akin to a population of marauding occupiers.
A far better approach would have been to look for evidence of malpractice by Tower Hamlets Council itself.
The ex-mayor council tax non payment t summons is not anything to do with Council malpractice, let alone any fault by the community. But the way it has been published makes the Borough resemble a sort of stereotype that has been built by Andrew Gilligan and his "mates"
who are determined to sell their line that Tower Hamlets people are somehow out to take over the world!
This is why Gilligan has failed to show any interest in the very serious failures by permanent staff in the Council some of whom are guilty of very serious malpractice and racism.
Andrew Gilligan calls Tower Hamlets a byword for sleaze
21.01.2014 13:26
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