Abolish Money!
Michael Dickinson | 17.04.2013 18:39
"Money, which has hitherto been the root, if not of all evil, of great injustice, oppression, and misery to the human race, making some slavish producers of wealth, and others its wasteful consumers or destroyers, will be no longer required to carry on the business of life: for as wealth of all kinds will be so delightfully created in greater abundance than will ever be required, no money price will be known, for happiness will not be purchaseable, except by a reciprocity of good actions and kind feelings."
- Robert Owen, Book of the New Moral World, 1842-4
"Poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings."
- Nelson Mandela
- By abolishing money, perhaps? That isn’t natural, either. Wouldn’t that be the best solution in the world?
The gap between rich and poor is immense. The richest fifth of the world population has approximately 75 times the wealth of the poorest fifth.
More than 1.0 billion people in developing countries lack access to safe water. Every year more than 10 million children die of preventable illnesses. More than 500,000 women a year die in pregnancy and childbirth, with such death 100 times more likely in Sub-Saharan Africa. Around the world 42 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, 39 million of them in developing countries. Tuberculosis remains the leading infectious killer of adults, causing up to 2 million deaths a year. Malaria deaths, now 1 million a year, could double in the next 20 years.
"Oh, it would cost too much to eradicate these problems just like that!" say our leaders. "Give to charities! Do your bit, and we’ll get there one day!"
Instead of saving lives and bettering the existence of others with their money, the British and American governments, for example, prefer to spend billions every month on weapons of war and on their illegal occupation of Iraq, a bloody fiasco which has caused the deaths of countless thousands.
Capitalism just ‘aint fair. It’s a system of inequality and injustice; it fosters division and hatred, and it’s dominated by the big corporations which in turn dominate our governments with the powerful influence of their cash.
Money is God, and every day countless victims are sacrificed upon its altar, slain to appease the unquenchable thirst for profit.
It’s not only our friends from the Third World who suffer under the tyrannous suzerainty of Money. The poor in the developed world hardly get off lightly. Mass unemployment, living off welfare, crap housing, crap education, lousy second-rate healthcare, struggling to pay the bills which arrive with sickening regularity month after month after month until it’s finally time for the funeral - oops! Did you remember to pay for that?
Meanwhile, as the poor suffer their life of drudgery, the lifestyle of the rich is flaunted in their faces; the mansions and automobiles, hairdressers and health spas, the laughing parties, the drinking and feasting; free from care, ‘cos they got it, and you’aint.
Things have change little since D.H. Lawrence wrote this poem in 1929:
"Money is our madness, our vast collective madness.
And of course, if the multitude is mad
the individual carries his own grain of insanity around with him.
I doubt if any man living hands out a pound note without a pang;
and a real tremor, if he hands out a ten-pound note.
We quail, money makes us quail.
It has got us down; we grovel before it in strange terror.
And no wonder, for money has a fearful cruel power among men.
But it is not money we are so terrified of,
it is the collective money-madness of mankind.
For mankind says with one voice: How much is he worth?
Has he no money? Then let him eat dirt, and go cold. –
And if I have no money, they will give me a little bread so I do not die,
but they will make me eat dirt with it.
I shall have to eat dirt, I shall have to eat dirt
if I have no money. It is that that I am frightened of.
And that fear can become a delirium.
It is fear of my money-mad fellow-men.
We must have some money
to save us from eating dirt.
And this is all wrong.
Bread should be free,
shelter should be free,
fire should be free
to all and anybody, all and anybody, all over the world.
We must regain our sanity about money
before we start killing one another about it.
It’s one thing or the other."
D. H. Lawrence, Pansies, 1929
Slaves and prostitutes - that’s all we are under the capitalist system, and money is a kind of syphilis that infects all who come in contact with it. A nasty disease that spreads pride, envy, anger, avarice, sadness, gluttony and lust - the seven deadly sins on tap in one clever human creation - Money!
Poverty, misery, corruption and waste will never cease as long as we remain under the thrall of the filthy lucre. It’s time to grab the golden calf by the horns and topple it. Let’s think about doing away with money once and for all!
Begin by making a list of all those occupations in which millions of people are enslaved at the moment, performing jobs which would become entirely useless in a moneyless world, not the slightest good to anybody. That would include everything to do with costing and selling:
Bankers, bookkeepers, accountants, cashiers, salesmen, customs officers, security guards, locksmiths, wages clerks, tax assessors, advertising men, stockbrokers, insurance agents, ticket punchers, slot machine emptiers, industrial spies - all of these would go for a start. Other occupations harmful to humanity such as the manufacture of pesticides, food additives and armaments would also be obsolete. Everybody working in these jobs would be redundant. But it wouldn’t matter a bit, because they wouldn’t have to worry about paying bills. There wouldn’t be any. No money - no bills. Relax!
Some jobs would, of course, still be necessary in the new moneyless society. Essential services like food production and distribution, waste disposal, furniture and clothing manufacture, but with so many freed workers available to do them, as well as modern technology and robots, working hours would be at a minimum, and people would be able to devote most of their time to pastimes, education, the arts, music, sport, science - whatever they liked.
Everything would be free, (there is more than plenty even now,) and everyone would work for free voluntarily. When you wanted something, you’d go get it from the Free Mall, or call and ask for the service.
The ancient Babylonians called gold ‘the Shit of Hell’. Jesus didn’t like money either. Remember how he tipped over the tables of the money-lenders in the temple, condemning them as a bunch of thieves? It’s time for us to turn the tables on the system.
"Give to him that asketh, and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away," would be the norm - and in many ways this moneyless world is the 'Kingdom of Heaven on Earth' which Jesus advocated in his 'Sermon on the Mount'; the rightful reward for the meek and poor in spirit, where there will be no need to worry about "what we shall eat or what we shall drink or wherewithal we shall be clothed."
"Ye cannot serve God and Mammon (money)," Jesus said. In which case, let’s opt for the former, by serving our fellow man. You don’t even need faith in a supernatural creator to see the righteousness in the only real law necessary – "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." Anyway, in the new society Mammon will be extinct.
The environmental crisis which looms over the entire world today and threatens our future is a result of capitalist activities and will only become worse if we let them continue. Finding a new fair way of managing things is of paramount importance. We all share this single planet earth, and we’d better start thinking globally, or the human race is doomed!
Is it insane to question whether money is a sensible social institution? It’s not all that long ago that it was considered heresy to question whether the earth was really flat.
John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ was voted the number one song of the last millennium, which suggests that there are more than a few ‘dreamers’ out there. If you’re one of them, why not share your ideas? Talk about the ideal society that the world might have; discuss, argue, plan – in pubs, cafes, schools, churches, temples and mosques - even at work! Let’s make poverty history for definite.
Abolish money!
- Robert Owen, Book of the New Moral World, 1842-4
"Poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings."
- Nelson Mandela
- By abolishing money, perhaps? That isn’t natural, either. Wouldn’t that be the best solution in the world?
The gap between rich and poor is immense. The richest fifth of the world population has approximately 75 times the wealth of the poorest fifth.
More than 1.0 billion people in developing countries lack access to safe water. Every year more than 10 million children die of preventable illnesses. More than 500,000 women a year die in pregnancy and childbirth, with such death 100 times more likely in Sub-Saharan Africa. Around the world 42 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, 39 million of them in developing countries. Tuberculosis remains the leading infectious killer of adults, causing up to 2 million deaths a year. Malaria deaths, now 1 million a year, could double in the next 20 years.
"Oh, it would cost too much to eradicate these problems just like that!" say our leaders. "Give to charities! Do your bit, and we’ll get there one day!"
Instead of saving lives and bettering the existence of others with their money, the British and American governments, for example, prefer to spend billions every month on weapons of war and on their illegal occupation of Iraq, a bloody fiasco which has caused the deaths of countless thousands.
Capitalism just ‘aint fair. It’s a system of inequality and injustice; it fosters division and hatred, and it’s dominated by the big corporations which in turn dominate our governments with the powerful influence of their cash.
Money is God, and every day countless victims are sacrificed upon its altar, slain to appease the unquenchable thirst for profit.
It’s not only our friends from the Third World who suffer under the tyrannous suzerainty of Money. The poor in the developed world hardly get off lightly. Mass unemployment, living off welfare, crap housing, crap education, lousy second-rate healthcare, struggling to pay the bills which arrive with sickening regularity month after month after month until it’s finally time for the funeral - oops! Did you remember to pay for that?
Meanwhile, as the poor suffer their life of drudgery, the lifestyle of the rich is flaunted in their faces; the mansions and automobiles, hairdressers and health spas, the laughing parties, the drinking and feasting; free from care, ‘cos they got it, and you’aint.
Things have change little since D.H. Lawrence wrote this poem in 1929:
"Money is our madness, our vast collective madness.
And of course, if the multitude is mad
the individual carries his own grain of insanity around with him.
I doubt if any man living hands out a pound note without a pang;
and a real tremor, if he hands out a ten-pound note.
We quail, money makes us quail.
It has got us down; we grovel before it in strange terror.
And no wonder, for money has a fearful cruel power among men.
But it is not money we are so terrified of,
it is the collective money-madness of mankind.
For mankind says with one voice: How much is he worth?
Has he no money? Then let him eat dirt, and go cold. –
And if I have no money, they will give me a little bread so I do not die,
but they will make me eat dirt with it.
I shall have to eat dirt, I shall have to eat dirt
if I have no money. It is that that I am frightened of.
And that fear can become a delirium.
It is fear of my money-mad fellow-men.
We must have some money
to save us from eating dirt.
And this is all wrong.
Bread should be free,
shelter should be free,
fire should be free
to all and anybody, all and anybody, all over the world.
We must regain our sanity about money
before we start killing one another about it.
It’s one thing or the other."
D. H. Lawrence, Pansies, 1929
Slaves and prostitutes - that’s all we are under the capitalist system, and money is a kind of syphilis that infects all who come in contact with it. A nasty disease that spreads pride, envy, anger, avarice, sadness, gluttony and lust - the seven deadly sins on tap in one clever human creation - Money!
Poverty, misery, corruption and waste will never cease as long as we remain under the thrall of the filthy lucre. It’s time to grab the golden calf by the horns and topple it. Let’s think about doing away with money once and for all!
Begin by making a list of all those occupations in which millions of people are enslaved at the moment, performing jobs which would become entirely useless in a moneyless world, not the slightest good to anybody. That would include everything to do with costing and selling:
Bankers, bookkeepers, accountants, cashiers, salesmen, customs officers, security guards, locksmiths, wages clerks, tax assessors, advertising men, stockbrokers, insurance agents, ticket punchers, slot machine emptiers, industrial spies - all of these would go for a start. Other occupations harmful to humanity such as the manufacture of pesticides, food additives and armaments would also be obsolete. Everybody working in these jobs would be redundant. But it wouldn’t matter a bit, because they wouldn’t have to worry about paying bills. There wouldn’t be any. No money - no bills. Relax!
Some jobs would, of course, still be necessary in the new moneyless society. Essential services like food production and distribution, waste disposal, furniture and clothing manufacture, but with so many freed workers available to do them, as well as modern technology and robots, working hours would be at a minimum, and people would be able to devote most of their time to pastimes, education, the arts, music, sport, science - whatever they liked.
Everything would be free, (there is more than plenty even now,) and everyone would work for free voluntarily. When you wanted something, you’d go get it from the Free Mall, or call and ask for the service.
The ancient Babylonians called gold ‘the Shit of Hell’. Jesus didn’t like money either. Remember how he tipped over the tables of the money-lenders in the temple, condemning them as a bunch of thieves? It’s time for us to turn the tables on the system.
"Give to him that asketh, and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away," would be the norm - and in many ways this moneyless world is the 'Kingdom of Heaven on Earth' which Jesus advocated in his 'Sermon on the Mount'; the rightful reward for the meek and poor in spirit, where there will be no need to worry about "what we shall eat or what we shall drink or wherewithal we shall be clothed."
"Ye cannot serve God and Mammon (money)," Jesus said. In which case, let’s opt for the former, by serving our fellow man. You don’t even need faith in a supernatural creator to see the righteousness in the only real law necessary – "Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." Anyway, in the new society Mammon will be extinct.
The environmental crisis which looms over the entire world today and threatens our future is a result of capitalist activities and will only become worse if we let them continue. Finding a new fair way of managing things is of paramount importance. We all share this single planet earth, and we’d better start thinking globally, or the human race is doomed!
Is it insane to question whether money is a sensible social institution? It’s not all that long ago that it was considered heresy to question whether the earth was really flat.
John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ was voted the number one song of the last millennium, which suggests that there are more than a few ‘dreamers’ out there. If you’re one of them, why not share your ideas? Talk about the ideal society that the world might have; discuss, argue, plan – in pubs, cafes, schools, churches, temples and mosques - even at work! Let’s make poverty history for definite.
Abolish money!
Michael Dickinson
Hide the following 6 comments
17.04.2013 21:30
Another thing Michael...
The west give a lot of aid (in the form of money and food) to countries such as India, N Korea, Iran etc to aid those in poverty. Yet, these same countries spend a fortune on: building nuclear weapons and sending missiles into/edge of space.
How can you trust a country that cannot even feed its own population, but prefers to spend all its money on building nuclear weapons?
my social landlord registered as a charity has just stolen my money
18.04.2013 07:46
I am skint now
in a moneyless world
18.04.2013 09:15
- You wouldn't be 'bartering' your skills - you'd be offering them for free, along with everybody else, for the benefit of others and yourself. You have a problem with your plumbing? A call to the Problem Centre will get a team round to fix it pronto.
As for wasting money aiding the poor in corrupt countries where the corrupt governments stick it in their pockets, that would be over. Aid and help would be provided wherever needed for free. Poverty would be eradicated with the abolition of money. And nuclear weapons would also be abolished. Countries will live at peace and share the resources of the world fairly and safely.
And there would be no more taxes to pay - or rent, for that matter.
As for purchases, perhaps this method using fingerprints might be used to keep record -
18.04.2013 11:36
dont get it
18.04.2013 20:03
That sounds great. Although I'd prefer just to stay at home and do my own thing than carry on working if thats ok with you. I just ring the teams up for a big house, food, maintenance if I'm not too busy reading my book. Good to know that if I need plumbing, a whole team will come and fix it.
I imagine the guys who get up at 4am to work 12 hours days in the cold winter gritting roads will probably want to stay at home in bed if thats ok with you too.
>> Aid and help would be provided wherever needed for free. Poverty would be eradicated with the abolition of money.
What if there wasnt enough?
>> And nuclear weapons would also be abolished.
Cool. Please send a letter to N Korea instructing them to abolish their nukes. Thanks
>> Countries will live at peace and share the resources of the world fairly and safely.
Brilliant. And what about all the bad people who don't want to live in peace, but would rather steal material goods off everyone else?
>> And there would be no more taxes to pay - or rent, for that matter.
No, but obviously we'd still have to work. Oh i forgot, I don't need to because i'm no longer being paid money, so I can just stay at home reading a book instead.
reply to 'saintly'
18.04.2013 21:17
- And what are you prepared to freely offer in return to help your community? You will have plenty of time to read your books, and even attend free courses where you could learn useful things like plumbing, or whatever else might interest you.
>>>I imagine the guys who get up at 4am to work 12 hours days in the cold winter gritting roads will probably want to stay at home in bed if thats ok with you too.
- Communities will grit their own roads, in a couple of hours at most, and then go back to bed if they like.
(Aid and help would be provided wherever needed for free. Poverty would be eradicated with the abolition of money.)
>>What if there wasnt enough?
Enough what? Wouldn't you be prepared to do what you could to help people in a disaster? And there is enough, more than enough resources to end discomfort.
(And nuclear weapons would also be abolished.)
>>Cool. Please send a letter to N Korea instructing them to abolish their nukes. Thanks
And to America and Britain? Every country will abolish. And if you've got manic oligarchs in charge, well, they've got to be removed from power. We're talking about establishing a fair and just society, without monarchs and dictators.
(Countries will live at peace and share the resources of the world fairly and safely.)
>>Brilliant. And what about all the bad people who don't want to live in peace, but would rather steal material goods off everyone else?
- Do you mean our present rulers? The moneyless world will be founded on TRUE justice, and bad people who want to exploit others will face the law. If they are not following the law - "DO TO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD LIKE THEM TO DO FOR YOU" - they will face punishment - just, but not cruel or inhumane. Only true repentance will be acceptable.
(And there would be no more taxes to pay - or rent, for that matter.)
>>No, but obviously we'd still have to work. Oh i forgot, I don't need to because i'm no longer being paid money, so I can just stay at home reading a book instead.
- So, you only work for money at the moment, as do most people. But wouldn't you be prepared to do something for the public welfare for a few hours a week in exchange for everythng you're getting for free? You'll have plenty of time for reading your book at home. Maybe you might even have time to teach some people how to read.