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Bare your arse for Thatcher

Tamati Waka Nene | 15.04.2013 09:28

Deliver your insult on Wednesday Maori style!

Instead of just turning your backs to Maggie's funeral cortege in London on Wednesday, why not do it Maori style and bare your cheeks for her? :)

Tamati Waka Nene


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growing up

15.04.2013 10:30

Maybe a grown-up is someone who will stand up and take action against injustice and oppression, by whatever means they can (maybe even a bare arse), rather than just moaning from the sidelines and criticising others?

Fuck Thatcher. Fuck their £10 million propaganda parade. Remember the victims of Thatcher and the system she was a part of. Fuck the state and media attempts to whitewash and silence us. Do what you can Wednesday and everyday.


I agree.

15.04.2013 10:38

Just grow up?


mental or what

15.04.2013 10:42

Remove this.

not going now