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Margaret Thatcher death party - Trafalgar Square, London, 13 April 2013

William Godwin | 14.04.2013 01:16 | Public sector cuts | London | World

Margaret Thatcher death party - Trafalgar Square, London, 13 April 2013

An Analysis...

The Guardian live stream confirms 3,000 attended last night's "official" Thatcher death party in London's Trafalgar Square - which, for those critics who claim this event was "insensitive", to put the moral issues in perspective, is only slightly more people than were murdered by Thatcher's great friend, the monetarist pioneer General Pinochet, and alot less than died of superbug infections after the Tories privatised the cleaning of NHS hospitals! All in all a good turn-out for an event that was conceived 20 years ago by an activist group that doesn't exist any more, and all the more impressive for people making the effort at short notice and in the pouring rain.

At present the BBC and Daily Mail etc are wildly under-estimating attendances and seem to be down-playing the level of confrontation, of anger and of disruption, mindful, no doubt, especially in The Daily Blackshirt's case, of how their hysterical opposition to anti-Thatcher protests helped draw attention to articulate and well-informed criticism of Thatcher's poisonous legacy, thereby seriously damaging the carefully-manufactured spectacle of adulation, which the far-right media hoped they'd be able to manufacture and to retrofit on history (not to mention, again in The Daily Mail's case, helping draw attention to their own track-record of outright Fascism). As the Met Police themselves confirmed on TV, (quoting almost verbatim) the police won't be able to search everyone at Thatcher's funeral, and the "reputational damage" caused by even one protestor with a tin of paint or box of eggs will be massive, but in some senses the metaphorical can of paint has already been thrown.

Despite the fact that most critics of Thatcherism endured and lived through the bullshit from day one, a few (notably BBC) reporters grasp at straws, trying to imply it's somehow odd that younger critics of Thatcherism didn't live through Thatcher's personal reign. The implication that younger people aren't entitled to an opinion about events they're still living with, amounts to an attempt to discourage young people from learning about history (which is, of course, exactly what the right-wing would prefer young people do). However it's now very clear that, as a result of the monetarist politics pursued in both Thatcher's UK and Reagan's USA, de-regulation of the financial sectors and attacks on unionised industry placed employees, taxpayers and ultimately entire economies at the mercy of financial crooks, but Thatcher's legacy also lives on in employment practices that allow for instance the exploitation of interns. Once radicals fought to secure workers a decent living wage, now, as a direct medium-term outcome of Thatcher's attacks on organised labour, many young workers struggle for the right to earn ANY wage! In many cases the same corporations that cheat on taxes are actively subsidised by the ordinary parents who support those interns, and that same legacy also damages the lives of salaried employees, as, day-in-day-out, cowed and hen-pecked staff acquiesce to ever-increasing pressure to neglect their families and work late into yet another evening...

Meanwhile the right-wing media are trying to airbrush history, dishonestly re-packaging a Prime Minister who bitterly opposed the Anti-Apartheid movement, as someone who somehow deserves credit for helping bring down Apartheid.

We care about history because we care about posterity... Keep up the pressure... Fight Back!

William Godwin


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Only 25% of people think the hater's funeral should be paid for by the taxpayer

14.04.2013 01:36

Meanwhile, results from an opinion poll released tonight suggest that more than half of voters believe Margaret Thatcher's ceremonial funeral should not be funded by taxpayers' money.

A survey by market research agency ComRes found that 25 per cent of people thought the funeral should be paid for out of public funds while 60 per cent were opposed.


Good turn out

14.04.2013 12:13

Despite the desperate state media stating that only 200 turned up!

Fuck the tories

Thatcher's "funeral" is nothing but a political rally

14.04.2013 12:28

Last few days estimates have gone up from £8 million, to £10 million, to £15 million. The BBC tell us this funeral's been planned for years..... none of that planning involved estimating the cost?!

This isn't a funeral, the actual funeral's being held separately (and the general public aren't invited) - Thatcher's "funeral" is a massive stage-managed right-wing media spectacle and right-wing political rally

Adam Smith

Thank you.

14.04.2013 12:40

The BBC very noticibly played its cards last night and glued itself to the Tory party and those have have been trying to claim that the party remain relevent in the modern environment. It is certainly clear that they do this in order to protect their public sector revenue stream which is pretty much all the BBC ever care about. One has to wonder how this qualifies them to claim they are a publisher of the news in the UK. There is a clearly defined commercial interest that the BBC will always put before the public interest and that disqualifies them to claim they are an objective news broadcaster.

That aside, most other news broadcasters, even Russia today, have clearly steered away from reporting this clearly and without an agenda so we can see that what Thatcher repesented clearly does have a legacy in the Oligarchal, privateering world of the modern media. Oddly, that has brought forward a contradictory problem in that that same media are unable to report on the very object that they most adore! How the hell did that happen?

Thank you to everybody that turned up in the rain last night to show the heirarchy that their ways are no longer the ways of the people. Thank you for that, and thank you for keeping your dignity in the face of this dreadful face-spitting that passes for reporting these days among the global "mongrel" classes. As you assembled in Trafalgar Square last night, Tory party central office broadcast a documentary on one of their TV channels that set about the business of manufacturing the lie that is their party political machine. Predictably, they used halfwit tabloid editors, oddball economists and a few party extremists to put the party machines pointed view across liberally sprinkled with some face-spitting at so-called Labour "lefties" just to even things out. It was truly unconvincing in a way that is truly disturbing. A few people will take it up and run with it, you know, members of the EDL and National Front, but on the whole it was filled to the brim with innacuracies the most disturbing of which is the idea that Thatcher was a revolutionary and that the tory party represent the working class.

Wonders never cease...Parliament's only quality at the moment seems to be that it has the capacity to be a ceaseless wonder.


I got a bad feeling about the funeral...

14.04.2013 13:00

Her son tried organising a coup in africa!

maybe her coffin will be full up with guns, and she faked her death and her son will whip open the coffin and pull out a couple of ak47 passing them out to child soldier/mercinary/choir boys, they will then line up all the world leaders etc and execute a few of the ones they dont like Clinton etc.

then they will take over the world.

chaz n dave

Margaret Thatcher Party - Trafalgar Square PACKED - Panoramic Photo!

14.04.2013 13:05

Margaret Thatcher Party 13/4/13 - Trafalgar Square PACKED end-to-end
Margaret Thatcher Party 13/4/13 - Trafalgar Square PACKED end-to-end

Trafalgar Square was PACKED yesterday, end-to-end, there were a third as many again behind the camera, and (because of the rain) hundreds more in pubs round Charing X and Whitehall, with people coming and going from 6pm continually until 1am (so 3,000 represents the maximum in the demo at any one time, the total number who passed through the demo was far greater)

Click on the panorama to enlarge

Paul Dacre

Liverpool fans join Margaret Thatcher party!!!!!!

14.04.2013 13:35

Margaret Thatcher - you picked on the wrong city
Margaret Thatcher - you picked on the wrong city

Margaret Thatcher - you didn't care when you lied
Margaret Thatcher - you didn't care when you lied

Margaret Thatcher - the witch is dead
Margaret Thatcher - the witch is dead

Margaret Thatcher - we're gonna have a party
Margaret Thatcher - we're gonna have a party

Margaret Thatcher - a stroke of good luck
Margaret Thatcher - a stroke of good luck

Margaret Thatcher - flowers for the victims
Margaret Thatcher - flowers for the victims

Margaret Thatcher showed contempt, not compassion, for the Hillsborough dead, participating in the cover-up that protected the police who were responsible. At the Reading stadium, dancing fans chanted "We’ll all do a Conga, cos Maggie is a Gonner" and unfurled banners saying "You didn’t care when you lied – we don’t care you died", "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead" and "A Stroke of Good Luck". Reading boss John Madejski and Wigan's Dave Whelan called for the FA to hold a minute’s silence for the deceased hater, but were told to get a life, while a minute's silence was observed for the Hillsborough dead at Everton vs QPR.


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14.04.2013 14:49

3000 !!!

Was that it, days of people calling for a "mass demo" and claims that hundreds of thousands would be out and you managed 3000

Just how embarrassed are you ?


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14.04.2013 14:54

15 times less embarrassed than we would have been if the turn-out had been 200, as some media outlets claimed


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14.04.2013 14:55

500,000 minimum predicted

A few hundred turn up

Probably says more than anyone could about the true feelings people have for this issue.


Young Tories pretending to be Millwall fans

14.04.2013 15:00

Among other techniques used to frighten the public away, the Daily Telegraph promoted a story that Millwall fans were plotting to attack the Thatcher party. As pointed by another IMC'er, 1. most Millwall fans think Thatcher was a (quote) "c*nt", 2. Millwall fans started the Poll Tax riot, 3. Ian Tomlinson was a Millwall fan, also 4. Millwall brought their fun bus and mascot to the huge NHS demo in Lewisham, 5. Millwall players wore "Save Lewisham A&E" shirts at Wembley

After a couple of hours in Trafalgar Square we nipped off for some scram, and got a tweet saying there'd been a fight with Millwall in a pub on Whitehall. Fearing a mate might get hurt we checked the pubs down Whitehall - no sign of trouble so obviously we missed it. Coming out the Lord Moon of the Mall pub, 3 young & very well-spoken student types in Millwall scarves asked my mate if he knew the way to Soho. I came out a few seconds later while one of these twerps was showing some martial arts moves off to his chums. They caught up with us again at the bottom of Trafalgar Square, were told in no uncertain terms not to start any fights, and scuttled off pleading that (despite the accents and not knowing where Soho is) "we live here". A bit later they were talking to people in the demo, but seemed peaceful so we moved on. Moments after they were running through the crowd past us, offering to have anyone out who thought they were hard enough etc - however one very brief exchange of views was all it took to cause the none-too-impressive sight of these wannabes giving it the big one from behind (I'll say that again, behind) the police lines behind which they sought refuge

To be fair we saw one pissed thug who the police allowed to throw missiles at the demo, who was seen off by other protestors when he broke cover later on (there was no evidence of any football association), but the point is the bulk of the troublemakers were much more like the kind of berks who, back in Thatcher's day, would have been career-wankers in the Federation of Conservative Students, and were most likely to have got this bright idea from reading the Daily Telegraph. Better luck next time


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14.04.2013 15:01

You'll get over it


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14.04.2013 15:03

No 500,000 weren't predicted, but I think people trust the results of the Com Res poll more than they trust your lies


From a pub in Liverpool Saturday

14.04.2013 15:36

Burn in Hell

Real Casuals (not the racist fakes from facebook)

Dorothy Arrested

14.04.2013 16:36

Margaret Thatcher & the BBC
Margaret Thatcher & the BBC



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The numbers do not matter

14.04.2013 17:00

It doesn't matter if 20 or 20 million turned up the point is that people did. The ghost of Thatcherism has finally been laid to rest, the dawn of a Socialist era is upon us. I would estimate the crowd at perhaps 2500 and every one of us had a great time !

Proud to have been there

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14.04.2013 19:53

"It doesn't matter if 20 or 20 million turned up the point is that people did. The ghost of Thatcherism has finally been laid to rest, the dawn of a Socialist era is upon us. I would estimate the crowd at perhaps 2500 and every one of us had a great time !"

I'm so glad that somebody has pointed that out.

Bean counting, digit obsessed Conservatives the world over will now be in tears that the numbers no longer matter.

Who'd have thunk it!


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Indymedia moderators

14.04.2013 22:13

You removed the offensive comments posted by "Counter" and by "Lucozade", but have left the replies that responded to them. In context of the original comments those replies worked as devastating smack-downs; after the offensive comments have been removed however, those replies just come across as confusing. Arguably it would have been better to leave the offensive comments intact, to show how easy it is to discredit right-wing trolling, but if you are going to moderate comments, please remove the responses as well as the provocations, otherwise Indy pages run the risk of coming across as needlessly confusing.


Margaret Thatcher - Liverpool and London

14.04.2013 22:15

Anti-Thatcher crowd-surfing
Anti-Thatcher crowd-surfing

Liverpool remembers
Liverpool remembers

Thatcher & Pinochet
Thatcher & Pinochet



Margaret Thatcher Party - London & Liverpool

14.04.2013 22:58

Margaret Thatcher Party - crowd surfing
Margaret Thatcher Party - crowd surfing

Margaret Thatcher Party - on the terraces with Liverpool
Margaret Thatcher Party - on the terraces with Liverpool

Margaret Thatcher Party - Thatcher & Pinochet - Friends Reunited
Margaret Thatcher Party - Thatcher & Pinochet - Friends Reunited



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14.04.2013 23:08

You removed the comment which pointed out the confusing way you've moderated this thread, but still havn't removed the "@Counter" comment (which now appears totally random and out-of-context)


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Why Celebrate the Death of Thatcher? Ask a Chilean!

17.03.2015 01:37

Why Would Anyone Celebrate the Death of Margaret Thatcher? Ask a Chilean

Never have I witnessed a gap between the mainstream media and the public quite like the last twenty-four hours since the death of Margaret Thatcher. While both the press and President Obama were uttering tearful remembrances, thousands took to the streets of the UK and beyond to celebrate. Immediately this drew strong condemnation of what were called "death parties," described as “tasteless”, “horrible” and “beneath all human decency.” Yet if the same media praising Thatcher and appalled by the popular response would bother to ask one of the people celebrating, they might get a story that doesn't fit into their narrative, which is probably why they aren't asking at all.

I received a note this morning from a friend of a friend. She lives in the UK, although her family didn't arrive there by choice. They had to flee Chile, like thousands of others, when it was under the thumb of General Augusto Pinochet. If you don't know the details about Pinochet's blood-soaked two-decade reign, you should read about them but take care not to eat beforehand. He was a merciless overseer of torture, rapes and thousands of political executions. He had the hands and wrists of the country's greatest folk singer Victor Jara broken in front of a crowd of prisoners before killing him. He had democratically elected Socialist President Salvador Allende shot dead at his desk. His specialty was torturing people in front of their families.

As Naomi Klein has written so expertly, he then used this period of shock and slaughter to install a nationwide laboratory for neoliberal economics. If Pincohet's friend Milton Friedman had a theory about cutting food subsidies, privatizing social security, slashing wages or outlawing unions, Pinochet would apply it. The results of these experiments became political ammunition for neoliberal economists throughout the world. Seeing Chile-applied economic theory in textbooks always boggles my mind. It would be like if the American Medical Association published a textbook on the results of Dr. Josef Mengele's work in the concentration camps, without any moral judgment about how he accrued his patients.

Pinochet was the General in charge of this human rights catastrophe. He also was someone who Margaret Thatcher called a friend. She stood by the General even when he was in exile, attempting to escape justice for his crimes. As she said to Pinochet, "[Thank you] for bringing democracy to Chile."

Therefore, if I want to know why someone would celebrate the death of Baroness Thatcher, I think asking a Chilean in exile would be a great place to start. My friend of a friend took to the streets of the UK when she heard that the Iron Lady had left her mortal coil. Here is why:

I'm telling [my daughter] all about the Thatcher legacy through her mother's experience, not the media's; especially how the Thatcher government directly supported Pinochet's murderous regime, financially, via military support, even military training (which we know now, took place in Dundee University). Thousands of my people (and members of my family) were tortured and murdered under Pinochet's regime—the fascist beast who was one of Thatcher's closest allies and friend. So all you apologists/those offended [by my celebration]—you can take your moral high ground & shove it. YOU are the ones who don't understand. Those of us celebrating are the ones who suffered deeply under her dictatorship and WE are the ones who cared. We are the ones who protested. We are the humanitarians who bothered to lift a finger to help all those who suffered under her regime. I am lifting a glass of champagne to mourn, to remember and to honour all the victims of her brutal regime, here AND abroad. And to all those heroes who gave a shit enough to try to do something about it.

I should add here that I lived in Chile in 1995, when Pinochet had been deposed but was still in charge of the armed forces. I became friends with those who were tortured or had their families disappeared, so Thatcher's connection to Chile strikes a personal note with me. I also understand, however, that similar explanations for "why people are celebrating" could be made by those with connections to Argentina, apartheid South Africa, Indonesia, Belfast, Gaza or Baghdad. The case could also be made by those in the UK affected by Thatcher's Pinochet-tested economic dictates who choose not to mourn.

It also matters because the forty-eight hours after a powerful public figure dies is when the halo becomes permanently affixed to their head. When Ronald Reagan passed away, a massive right wing machine went into motion aimed at removing him from all criticism. The Democrats certainly didn't challenge this interpretation of history and now according to polls, people under 25 would elect Reagan over President Obama, even though Reagan's ideas remain deeply unpopular. To put it crudely, the political battle over someone's memory is a political battle over policy. In Thatcher's case, if we gloss over her history of supporting tyrants, we are doomed to repeat them.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with loathing Margaret Thatcher or any other person with political influence and power based upon perceived bad acts, and that doesn't change simply because they die. If anything, it becomes more compelling to commemorate those bad acts upon death as the only antidote against a society erecting a false and jingoistically self-serving history.

Or to put it even more simply, in the words, of David Wearing, "People praising Thatcher's legacy should show some respect for her victims." That would be nice, wouldn't it? Let's please show some respect for Margaret Thatcher's victims. Let's respect those who mourn everyday because of her policies, but choose this one day to wipe away the tears. Then let's organize to make sure that the history she authored does not repeat.


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