London Solidarity with Bradley Manning, Report from Pre-Trial Hearing Ft. Meade
Solidarity with Bradley Manning | 13.04.2013 08:13
22 activists gathered at the U.S. embassy in London Friday April 12th in solidarity with Bradley Manning who was appearing before a pre-trial Military Tribunal hearing at Ft. Meade, Maryland, USA Those gathered stood in vigil as Manning's last court statement was played on a speaker. The audio had been secretly taped & released

Those gathered outside the U.S. embassy on Friday included Veterans for Peace, Catholic Worker, PayDay, human rights, WikiLeaks solidarity and anti-war activists. Photos
U.S. lawyer Michael Ratner reports on this week's rulings at Bradley Manning's Ft. Meade military tribunal pre-trial hearing. (Specific reference to the Manning hearing begins 7 mins into this newscast)

U.S. lawyer Michael Ratner reports on this week's rulings at Bradley Manning's Ft. Meade military tribunal pre-trial hearing. (Specific reference to the Manning hearing begins 7 mins into this newscast)

Solidarity with Bradley Manning