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Buckingham Palace, Church & Whitehall getting cold feet over Thatcher funeral

Sunshine on a rainy day | 12.04.2013 17:34 | Public sector cuts | Repression | London | World

Margaret Thatcher worship FAIL - the carnage continues...

The Daily Mail ("Hurrah for the Blackshirts") reported this morning (page 9) that the book of condolences set-up for Margaret Thatcher, within no less than that epicentre of financial greed, the City of London, had received just FOUR signatures – 2 of those were from small children, and naturally the book of condolences is being guarded by a police officer. The Evening Standard is trying to blame the fact that "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead" is apparently set to reach No.1 on "lefties", blind to the irony of a Radio Times poll which shows 89% of the public think the BBC shouldn't ban the song. The Standard's also reporting that no less than the Deputy Bishop of London, the Right Reverend Peter Broadbent, has condemned suppression of dissent about Margaret Thatcher, and criticized the "tide of propaganda" and "appallingly sycophantic reporting" about Thatcher's legacy. Could he, by any chance, be referring to the Evening Standard and Daily Mail?

The Guardian are reporting that Buckingham Palace and senior Whitehall figures are seriously worried about the reputational damage which will be suffered by the Armed Forces, on account of the Forces' role in Thatcher's funeral associating them with such an ideologically-driven and divisive political figure (normally military funerals are reserved for Royalty, in the belief that Royals are perceived to transcend at least party-politics). It seems the only reason that Jeremy Clarkson's been invited to Thatcher's funeral is because he went on prime-time TV calling for striking public sector workers to be murdered in front of their kids.

Last but not least the Met Police are expressing surprise that not a single potential anti-Thatcher protestor has contacted them to discuss arrangements for lawful protests. Lestrade never was the sharpest tool - evidently blind, in this case, to the fact that beating Ian Tomlinson to death and telling people you'll arrest them "pre-emptively" probably isn't the best way to encourage to come forward and discuss how best to exercise their democratic right to protest!

As for Trafalgar Square this Saturday -

1. Stay constantly alert, keep looking and listening out for what the police are up to, especially behind you
2. If the police try to kettle folk or to prevent access to Trafalgar Square etc, keep moving
3. If the police so much as breath on you film their faces and ID numbers (in fact, film them anyway)
4. Beware of Daily Mail reporters acting as agent-provocateurs

Sunshine on a rainy day


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Football fans to confront anti-Thatcher protesters at Trafalgar Square

12.04.2013 18:32

Thousands of Millwall football fans are planning to confront anti-Thatcher protesters at Trafalgar Square see this:


Ian Tomlinson was a Millwall fan

12.04.2013 19:08

Top police spy (and former infiltrator of activist groups) Paul Mercer says, in this video, that it was Millwall fans (not anarchists) who started the Poll Tax Riot, because of Millwall's long standing hatred for the police, even before the police killed Millwall supporter Ian Tomlinson


Photos of police undercovers

12.04.2013 19:12

Cops will probably be deploying different undercovers, but remind yourself about these faces just in case

Camera Squad


12.04.2013 19:20

I don't think anybody has anything to worry about because the Daily Telegraph are desperately trying to turn this Thatcher circus into a battle between "left" and "right".

Millwall fans are not going to turn up mob handed because the vast majority of those guys and gals are middle-class Jeremy and Wanda types who will be too eager to get back to Pimlico for drinks with the Kardashians. The few anus lickers, knuckle draggers and sausage heads that might be up for this will be, well, the few. Unfortunately, the Daily Telegraph doesn't quite understand that this isn't 1983 anymore and the Millwall firm lost their reputation as trouble many years ago.

Many of its hard nuts went on to become city traders and interior decorators.

This is just grasping at straws. I think we can put to bed this charade now. The Daily Telegraph are just the tory parties rent-a-mob and do what they are paid to do...keep the tory coke sniffers in power so they can keep us...underpower.

Ignore and lets all have a party.

The witch is definately dead.


Thatcher Fandango.

12.04.2013 19:27

Don't worry about the nark, we've got them covered.

Not a problem.

Imperial unit.

Total mis-information about Millwall

12.04.2013 19:29

The Telegraph DOESN'T say "thousands of Millwall football fans are planning to confront anti-Thatcher protesters at Trafalgar Square", they claim that (emphasis) "SOME fans from Millwall have threatened to confront the anti-Thatcher protesters", and that (emphasis) "THOUSANDS have vowed to hold a party to celebrate the death of Baroness Thatcher". The comment above is joining together 2 different quotes to try to deceive protestors about tomorrow

Seeing as how far Wembley is from from Trafalgar Square, a more accurate deduction would be that 50,000 Millwall and Wigan fans will be doing the Trafalgar Square protestors a big favour, by keeping large numbers of cops busy until at the very least an hour after the final whistle if not more.



12.04.2013 19:32

Point taken, but I don't think insulting Millwall fans is the best way to take this forward


millwall forums

12.04.2013 19:41

for every fascist dickhead calling for this, another two on the same forums call thatcher a cunt.



12.04.2013 19:47

"Point taken, but I don't think insulting Millwall fans is the best way to take this forward"

Millwall fans aren't going to be that bothered by this. The few "anus lickers" and "knuckle draggers" will only turn up if they are drunk, in numbers, and can successfully navigate the London Undergound. The last time I looked, they tend to fall asleep and end up at West Ruislip or Upminster sitting in a puddle of urine at 2 o'clock in the morning having missed everything with their wallet and mobile phone gone.

I might be wrong of course, this could be the Daily Telegraph trying to incite a riot by trying to get what remains of the EDL out in a mob attack, in which case I think the reporter who wrote this garbage should be arrested for incitement, especially if it turns out that he was the person who wrote the damn threat on the Millwall Faceplant page itself.


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12.04.2013 21:22

Really, shut the fuck up. Some activists spent a good deal of time trying to get Millwall fans to attend the Tomlinson demos. I'm beginning to think maybe it's you who's the right-wing journo trying to incite them



12.04.2013 22:29

I also might be wrong of course, but this could be "anonymous" trying to incite a riot by continuing* to insult the Millwall fans who the Ian Tomlinson campaign actually tried to win over?

Indy mods - examine your consciences closely before spiking this comment

Your name

Ex-miners to join anti-Thatcher protest in Trafalgar Square

12.04.2013 22:33

David Hopper, general secretary of the Durham Miners' Association, said miners from the north-east would be among the protesters. "There are some ex-miners coming down for the protest in Trafalgar Square and they are taking one of our banners down – the north-east area banner. They are trying to get a Yorkshire banner to go down too so I think there will be quite a few down there."

He said there was a still a great deal of anger over the impact of Thatcher's policies in former coal mining communities: "She destroyed our communities, she destroyed our villages, she has destroyed our pits and she tried to destroy our dignity … Her reign was a disaster for the mining communities."

Tony Smith, who woked as a miner in a Nottinghamshire pit before it was closed in 1989, said he understood the argument that it was inappropriate to celebrate an elderly person's death. "But the strength of ill-feeling is so deep it overrides any reservations," he said. "We've lived under Thatcher's shadow for many years. It split families right down the middle and that resentment is still going on."

John Mulrenan, 58, who was an active trade unionist during the 1980s said he would be joining lots of his former colleagues and comrades in Trafalgar Square on Saturday night. "We made that pledge 25 years ago that when Thatcher was no longer we would get together and we have been in touch to arrange it. We are not talking class war here, we are talking about normal, concerned, politically active people who remember the devastating impact of those years on working people."

And thanks, ironically, to the Daily Mail etc, whose hysterical and vindictive reaction to anyone who dares to object to UK Pinochet helped create such huge publicity for Saturday's Thatcher party and helped to mainstream so much critical discussion of Thatcher's legacy ;)

William Cobbett

Paranoia is for the paranoid.

13.04.2013 15:54

"I also might be wrong of course, but this could be "anonymous" trying to incite a riot by continuing* to insult the Millwall fans who the Ian Tomlinson campaign actually tried to win over?"

I say that there are no Millwall fans in existance that are capable of rioting, and those few left are not really concerned with supporting the commie, Ian Tomlinson. (commie because he did at a commie event, according to the edl and tories!)

Personally, I don't conside the Daily Telegraphs "Millwall dimension" relevant. Although their Conservative Part Central Office handlers probably do.


"anonymous" = right-wing troll

15.04.2013 19:06

No-one in their right mind would refer to a drunken newspaper seller as a "commie" because he was beaten down by the police trying to make his way home past a left-wing / radical demo.

Thanks to "anonymous" for proving that, in terms of insulting Millwall fans as "anus lickers", you are a right-wing troll trying to stir up trouble between radicals and football fans

The problem with the right-wing trolls is they're usually too thick not to let their real prejudices slip out

Pablo X

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15.04.2013 19:46

> The problem with the right-wing trolls is they're usually too thick not to let their real prejudices slip out

The same as left wing trolls then.

anony mouse

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