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fight back | 12.04.2013 11:33 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles

CALL OUT! London – Sat 13th April – Who Wants To Evict A Millionaire?

On Saturday 13th April, UK Uncut will be using civil disobedience in London against a massive wave of cuts that will hit millions of people across the country.

In April, the bedroom tax, the benefits cap, a new test for disability allowance and cuts to council tax benefit all kick in with devastating effects for people, including more hunger and homelessness.

We will resist these brutal and unnecessary cuts by bringing them home to the ‘architects of austerity’.

Last year we partied outside Nick Clegg’s house. This year another well-known millionaire misery maker, to be revealed on the 13th April, can expect a visit they’d rather not have…we’ve even found an ad they’ve posted online showing off their spare rooms!

We want to make this a family-friendly and accessible action. There’ll be plenty of activities on the day to keep people entertained and engaged, including bedtime stories for the kids!

Meet at 11.30am, Kings Cross station, main concourse, Saturday 13th April

Look out for the UK Uncut Removals Team at King’s Cross, and bring a topped up Oyster card or travelcard. We’ll provide travel fares for those who need them.

More details, including accessibility information, will follow soon.

UK Uncut actions are creative and fun. If anyone is nervous or has any questions, please get in touch by emailing

See you on the 13th!


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12.04.2013 12:45

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