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Too Soon...? Call out for Party After Blair's Death!

@ | 10.04.2013 12:17

Thatcher may not even be in the ground yet but parties are already kicking off around the country to celebrate the passing of Britain's former PM! With big celebrations planned for this Saturday in Trafalgar Square I think it's also important to look to the future... And the passing of another much scorned Thatcherite politician... Tony Blair!

Thatcher may not even be in the ground yet but parties are already kicking off around the country to celebrate the passing of Britain's former PM! With big celebrations planned for this Saturday in Trafalgar Square I think it's also important to look to the future... And the passing of another much scorned Thatcherite politician... Tony Blair!



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Unfortunately Thatcher knew how to destroy "Class Unity"...

10.04.2013 14:33

... and did so very successfully, but nonetheless people keep using the old slogans that failed and keep flying the flag for a group (Class War) that no longer even exists


The last desperate days of Class War

10.04.2013 14:39

I suppose when your entire political movement has reached a point where it consists of one phrase, one poster and a hope that the most successful politician of the past 20 years dies you know it is in the shitter !!

Laughed at Ian Bone 29 years ago

Can I play

10.04.2013 18:45

How do I know what Class I am ?

Not sure where I stand


10.04.2013 18:51

Mid class just like anarchist mid class who come on this site.

council estate

I'm more working class than you

10.04.2013 19:07

Lets all play "whos the most working class" buy comparing how much we live on a council estate and how much down-trodden existance we have had.

working arse-crack rollups sun council estate bookies sky tv class

Class - yesterday's divider

10.04.2013 19:09

There are no 'classes' in the UK, only fools think otherwise

No class

Go get em.

10.04.2013 20:29

"There are no 'classes' in the UK, only fools think otherwise"

Couldn't agree more. Class has always been a false construction of the political classes because that's how they choose to divide themselves. They have to have some way to segment the public according to their own rules and the class system is the way that they do that. The working class were always the plaything of the politico's who needed someway to depose the landed and aristocracy. When the aristocracy had been killed off, the working class were then moulded into the middle class to give some place for the politico's to fit in around them.

Now we live in a class based system but its now between the middle class and the elite controlling class. Oddly, the middle class reject that identity but the elite class are loathe to allow that rejection.

The complete refusal to accept that any class system exists, is to ignore the existance of the elite's and the coveting of our wealth.

So we have a final battle to wage. The fight to depose elitism.

Majority rule.

Tony Blair's major heart valve.

Tony Blair is dead.

10.04.2013 20:40

Tony Blair is the Labour clone of Thatcher.

Same obsession with longevity, same obsession with number of elections won, same obsession with international standing, same obsession with dividing the people to rule them, same obsession with the US, same obsession with busting the power of the Unions, same obsession with the Middle class, same obsession with privatisation...its all there, all you have to do is look.

Parliament has got a really bad fucking attitude to all of us.


War criminal.

10.04.2013 21:00

Shouldn't Tony Blair be in Scheveningen Prison at the Hague for war criminals?

I really don't know what he is doing giving interviews to TV stations for!


Liberals and trolls attracted to this site

15.04.2013 17:36

Fucking idiots who post on this site these days - of course there is class, it is a relationship, it happens and can be shown to happen. Who do you think does the work dimwits?

Anyway, it was a fab time at the THatchers Dead party and we will do it again for Blair too.

Many thanks to all who attended and participated on saturday. next time perhaps the workers should bring more banners, the NUM banner was mobbed on saturday and cheered into the square.

Ned ludd
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