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Street Party to celebrate end of Thatcher tonite

anticuts | 08.04.2013 16:55


- Original article on IMC Bristol:


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council house

08.04.2013 17:58

We made fortunes. Middle class wankas



08.04.2013 18:03

You became middle-class wankers


my old estate

08.04.2013 18:25

Full of ethnics now thank fuck for thatcher



08.04.2013 20:39

suck a bit more?

good dickhead


08.04.2013 21:00

Up the working class fuck the mid class.


Eddie Stampton

08.04.2013 23:23

If you did so well Eddie, how come you're reduced to scraping a crust touting enamel badges round EDL demos and doing low-rent coke deals in the toilet cubicles of run-down pubs?!