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Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

PARTAY!! | 08.04.2013 11:53

Maggie Thatcher's finally bit the dust!

In memory of those she ruthlessly fucked over. Good riddance!



Hide the following 27 comments


08.04.2013 12:02

Happy day! :-D


The World

08.04.2013 12:04

is one shithead lighter.

miner's lad

These are for Ian Duncan Smith and co

08.04.2013 12:09


fuck you tory scum

BIG Q???

08.04.2013 12:19

Where's the parties!!!!
Like EDinburgh,Glasgow,LOndon,Brighton Portsmouth...should we hold one in every city!!??..
nOW if your a troll and going to pick me up on me grammer get a lifE!!

P Nut

Trafalgar Square Saturday 6pm

08.04.2013 12:24

Bring a bottle and a firework.


good riddance

08.04.2013 12:30

parties in every city this saturday surely :D



08.04.2013 12:48

May the rest follow asap!!


List of parties

08.04.2013 12:51

just in


08.04.2013 13:25

Lets prepare the next revolt under the ashes of her dead bodie!


Happiness is ..

08.04.2013 13:33



It's a beautiful day...

08.04.2013 16:31

The sun is shining and she's finally dead!

That witch nearly destroyed my family in the early 80's.

Where is she being buried so I can go and piss on it?



08.04.2013 16:52

with @KermitTheFrog. Where's the fucking grave site? Word has it funeral at st pauls, follow the decomposing corpse from there.


It's not a beautiful day

08.04.2013 16:57

The right-wing media are going into hyperdrive to make ideological capital out of the legacy of Thatcherism, we need to get on the case to highlight the worst aspects of her legacy and to put forward straightforward, coherent and concise arguments which prove why the mother of today's barely-restrained Grand Theft Capitalism was so flippin' evil



08.04.2013 17:08

They always are, so fuck them haha there's more happy people in Britain this day than there has been for a fucking long time.

Guillotine tory scum

Thatcher's Dead, Good Riddance Party Trafalgar Square Saturday 13th 18.00hrs

08.04.2013 17:18

The Witch is dead, jolly good riddance to her. Her legacy will be remembered by the tens of thousands she destroyed with her policies. She took the milk from our children in schools, gave the bosses one of the greatest schemes ever when she introduced the Youth Training Scheme, bosses rubbed their hands together in glee, they laid off employees and brought in cheap labor through the YTS, sold off council homes, stopped local authorities building new homes, she destroyed the mining industry in the UK but was prepared to buy in coal from Poland on the cheap (then a communist country) gave people the opportunity to buy their council homes then stabbed em in the backs when she introduced the Poll Tax which brought fear and worry to many, who were fearful that they'd lose their homes & have debt collectors smashing in their front doors, she was an inhuman monster who benefitted the rich with tax cuts while the rest of us paid for their greed.
So I'm glad she's gone, it's only a bloody shame we can't find an old miners pit deep enough to throw her down.

London Class War

coucil house

08.04.2013 17:55

We bought em you middle class cunts.



08.04.2013 18:33

'coucil house'? .. you fucking braindead piece of facebook.



08.04.2013 18:37

U mid class cunt u wanted us workin class to have nothing now wrer guckin loaded



08.04.2013 19:53

give it up ya ..


@the prick

08.04.2013 20:01

gay test

sad licker

@sad licker

08.04.2013 20:25

hahaha! Charmed dear. Thatcher's in zee morgue and hey baby! fuck you too! ya proper ..



08.04.2013 20:32

there there ffs
there there ffs



@sad licker @nazi

08.04.2013 20:35

noddy land beckons!
noddy land beckons!


fucking trolls

Hang the fuck on!

08.04.2013 21:45

Margaret Thatcher pronounced ‘fit for work’ by ATOS!!


Just rejoice at that news!

09.04.2013 07:15

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Workers' revenge

brixton& bristol protests ended as golden propaganda for thatcherites

09.04.2013 13:47

its that simple,
the Ritzy sign was brilliant, but "bitch is dead" was lazy&daft.

Car horns blaring, champagne& ding dong songs cant be used so easily by the tory propaganda machine,

Show videos like this,much of Britain still believes the army of thatchers liars,before celebrating nothing,lets win the argument
