Loughborough - Axe the Tax
anon@indymedia.org (George) | 08.04.2013 08:55
Loughborough's first bedroom tax protest.
Yesterday Leicestershire against the Cuts mounted a bedroom room tax protest in Loughborough. It started with the scurrying of the organisers whilst they built their little bedroom set-up with a good 15-20 of people massing right off the bat. Both the Socialist and the Labour party wandered on over not long after, with Labour being particularly conspicuous in this Tory Council (Loughborough being covered by Charnwood Council, also home to a lone BNP Councillor). There were several rather rousing speeches made, along with the unfortunately familiar tales of personal woe due to yet another unjust attack upon us, which garnered plenty of attention from passing shoppers on a heaving market day with many taking the time to discuss the issue, take a leaflet or sign the petition. Unfortunately there was some unpleasantness with a stallholder who threatened to burn a woman (when the police arrived he claimed he threatened to burn her leaflets) in front of her daughter when asked if she could put some leaflets on his stall. Despite this blip all in all it was an excellent demo with a well-organised demo with a fantastic turnout of local activists for a largely conservative town.
anon@indymedia.org (George)