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UKBA band playing gig in Cardiff on Saturday

Teenage dirtbag | 29.03.2013 09:18 | Anti-racism | Culture | Migration | Wales

The band "SOLUTIONS" has at least one member of staff in the enforcement division of the UK Border Agency in Cardiff. This video shows lead singer and guitarist "Nicky Anthony Williams" at work on a dawn raid:

When the above video went viral, there was widespread revulsion from pretty much everyone about the sick things Nicky does for money, the band split, social media profiles were deleted and members went into hiding. However, it appears that Nicky thinks "the storm has passed" and the band will be gigging again "in the not too distant future".

There is a rumour that a "secret gig" is planned for somewhere in Cardiff this Saturday, if anyone knows where it might be, please leave a comment here.

The inherently racist violent work that Nicky takes pride in (smashing into the homes of migrants at 6am, and locking them up for deportation against their will) is possibly the most evil kind of employment on offer. They ruin lives on a daily basis, and should be held responsible for their actions.

Teenage dirtbag
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29.03.2013 10:51

Dunno if it's linked... his dad's band are playing in Koko Gorillas on Sat... there's a spare 20min slot on the bill... could be them...

Racoon with pistols
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They're not playing a show.

30.03.2013 12:20

They have split up. Get over it and move on you morons.

Someone with a brain