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Summer action camp against Shell

Stop Shell | 28.03.2013 13:17 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Policing | London | Sheffield

Come to Mayo on the 21st of June for a week of action against Shell.
Whether you've been to Rossport before or this is your first time, this is the week to come.
Check website for updates & more information.

Smash Shell!
Smash Shell!

Get involved in building the camp 1st – 15th June, all welcome, no experience necessary, come & learn/share skills

Action camp from Friday the 21st to Sunday the 30th June

The G8 is to take place 17th-19th June in Co. Fermanagh. The camp in Mayo takes place after the G8, for those who would like to have an active month in June!

New posters, leaflets, youtube videos and speaking tours are being organised/made to promote the campaign and summer camp. Please contact us if you can help organising or promoting the events this summer.

Stop Shell
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28.03.2013 13:34

nice poster!
