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Anarchists get a job instead of causing trouble!

I pay your benefits | 28.03.2013 10:27

Hey how about you anarchists going and getting a job instead of causing trouble all the time. I pay you benefits and I am sick and tired of paying for workshy scroungers like you who will not work and instead decide to spend all your time causing trouble

The people of Britain do not support you they want you to get a job. The people of Britain do not want anarchy, they want order. Oh and grow up and stop acting like children.

I pay your benefits


Display the following 11 comments

  1. By the way this message will be reposted again and again — I pay your benefits
  2. Hey — anok
  3. The metropolitan police need to do this again to you scum — I support the police taking action against worskshy scum
  4. whose benefits do you pay? — libertarian
  5. Oh Rly — read something
  6. right — hungova
  7. Re: met supporter — libertarian
  8. Anarchists are terrorists, terrorism is a serious crime! — Smash terrorism
  9. skiving — Oliver Irwell
  10. Troll Post — anti-tory
  11. Don't feed the Trolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — Aunty Christ