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Nottinghamshire twinned with Cyprus? (Mahatma) | 26.03.2013 20:55

A comparison that encourages anti-austerity solidarity.

Nottinghamshire twinned with Cyprus - FIVE similarities that encourage anti-austerity solidarity.

1. They share roughly the same size population. A basic point which gives some perspective to the bullying pressure the powerful EuroGroup are exerting on Cyprus.

2. The people in both places are undergoing severe austerity measures, a burden which they are forced to bare without, of course, causing the banking crisis.

3. Foodbanks are being set up in both places (if not already actively in operation) in order to deal with people going short of FOOD, as basic needs are not being met.

4. People are told, "we are all in this together" or "we all share the blame" (David Cameron, PM, and Averof Neophytou, DISY deputy chairperson, [dis]respectively). Significantly similar messages intended to encourage acceptance of responsibility from people who are responsible in no way what-so-ever.

5. Both communities have responded to attacks with concerted organisation against neoliberal agendas, fueled by compassion, rather than selfishness and greed.

So, what does this all mean? We're supposed to THINK these situations are separate and entirely individual, but when laid out like this the human realities are strikingly similar.

We don't need to be told.

LET'S BUILD! (Mahatma)


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Build what?

26.03.2013 22:18

Build what?

The IMF have this deal all sown up.

The people of Cyprus are now in debt to the IMF for the rest of their natural lives and there is nothing you or anybody else can do about it. Yet again, you utterly useless left wingers lose because you utterly failed to see what was right in front of your face. Just accept that you are slaves to those who have far more power, and are imeasurably cleverer than you are.

Stop masturbating in public, get a job just accept your place in the world.

They are your masters, and you are their slaves.



26.03.2013 22:36

What are you talking about you utter tool?!

A job isn't "slavery" you tit.

Consider a man stranded on a desert island.
There are no betting shops; dole offices; charities etc. There isn't hand outs at all.
So guess what, he has to work for a living.

He has to work for a living. Finding food, hunting, shelter building etc.
If he just sat on his arse waiting for handouts, then he wouldn't have any food etc.

It has been like that since the dawn of time.

Food is not a right. It is a resource that you earn by paying/finding/forraging/cathing/growing it.
If you expect to be given free food as a right then you are an idiot.
