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Berlin Helicopter Crash

dads army | 22.03.2013 05:42

Berlin Blizzard Helicopter Hiccup

Zwei helicopter kaput und fumpfzehn polzei in der krankenhaus!

und ein polzei is tot!


Today the ghost of Andreas Baader pissed from heaven on to two police helicopters which crashed after colliding.

The flying mince-meaters then proceeded to chop up to 50 police men on the groud, sadly, they all lived.

Luckily no snow-men were hurt in the incident.

One policeman/pilot was killed.

They were part of 400 cops training in a civil disorder exercise. Fuck them.

dads army


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Former Stasi killed?

22.03.2013 20:58

Do you reckon it was any of Andreas Baader's fellow travelers in the GDR regime's police / Stasi who got killed? Perhaps?



22.03.2013 23:48

@clarifications = cop minded

See ya!

ok if you dont like Andreas baader....

23.03.2013 11:42

maybe it was the ghost of Rosa Luxembourg?

king kong

Murder dem

23.03.2013 19:48

Who gives a shit ? Nothing can stop the fact that we like it when cops get killed. ;)



24.03.2013 12:38

I dont, every death is a families loss, both of a wage earner and a loved one.

To wish for the death of a person because of thier job is both pathetic and frankly a betrayal of humanity.

The cop you wish death upon could well have that day delivered a death message and compfored the family, caught a burgler who prayed on the weakest in our society and done anyone of a number of things you are too blinkered by hate to see because it dosnt fit with your rather one dimentional ideas of the world.

Yep they stop us from breaking stuff and come after us for doing stuff that the law dosnt hold with but its thier job, the German ones can be confrontational and gruff but they are trained to be definate in thier behaviour as German law is prescriptive, if you dont like it dont go there.

If you dont like what the police do then come to power and change it, dont hate the human who does the job hate the laws and rules they have sworn to uphold, wether they believe in them or not.

Hate is a weakness and I feel sorry for you.

anon by right

Fuck da feds!

24.03.2013 17:32

"If you dont like what the police do then" blah blah, save it, people are celebrating.

deaths in custody

All Cops Are Brothers

24.03.2013 19:38

My heart bleeds.


@Fuck da feds!

24.03.2013 22:39

You sound like one of those street erchins with a blackberry going on about how big a tv you stole in the riots with your trousers falling down 4 inches below your pants with a funny swagger walk of your favourite gang rapster half a dollar role model.

nobody talks like that. Its a policeman your prick. Stop trying to be cool and you wont look such a tool that we all laugh you you

next time i read about an anarchist saving someones life in a car crash (ie. never), i might actually give a shit about you. But, in the meantime, everytime i read about one blowing himself up with a homemade bomb or setting himself on fire, I will laugh-out-loud

@ the person pretending they are black

All Cops Are Banksters

25.03.2013 12:46

Spot the Daily Mail reader having an eppy.

Chin Chin!



25.03.2013 18:03

"eppy" = derogatory term for epileptic fit

which means you are a racist who picks on the disabled and vulnerable people.

double knee bend mechanism