Luton Cops Use Anti-Terror Law To Stop ST. Patrick Day Floats
The Luton Voice | 13.03.2013 14:18
The Luton cops attempt to block the Irish community rights to freedom of expression by using anti-terror laws
Chief Superintendent Mike Colbourne of Bedfordshire Police is using the anti-terror laws to prevent floats being used on the St Patrick Days parade in Luton, he is quoted as saying he will use the "Counter Terrorism Strategy"
to prevent floats being used in the parade. Floats were used in last years parade and many years previous. People from Luton Irish Forum say this is like overkill - I believe it is probably a misuse of anti-terror laws. The article is in today's LUTON NEWS (reporter Bev Creagh 01582 526000).
Any comments or advice anyone please?
to prevent floats being used in the parade. Floats were used in last years parade and many years previous. People from Luton Irish Forum say this is like overkill - I believe it is probably a misuse of anti-terror laws. The article is in today's LUTON NEWS (reporter Bev Creagh 01582 526000).
Any comments or advice anyone please?
The Luton Voice