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Saturday's NF demo in Swansea

Semiotics | 08.03.2013 23:55 | Anti-racism

Details for Saturday's Nazi rendezvous in Swansea

"Earl Turner" is a nick-name used by former Welsh Defence League organiser Luke Pippen (pictured)

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Guess who's getting up at 5am to join the NF in Swansea

09.03.2013 00:12

Shane Calvert


Please folks, take lots of photos of the Fascists

09.03.2013 00:13

and post them on Indymedia


piss poor

10.03.2013 09:11

very weak showing for the far right. very little achieved apart from letting us get lots of photos of them and asserting that they dont have the numbers (or members who are under 45).

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