Fascist thugs attack Nick Lowles in Havering
tim | 03.03.2013 13:09 | Anti-racism
Nick Lowles and other anti fascists were attacked yesterday by Nazis, who forced the campaigners out Havering. The fascists formed a vigilante squad, similar to the muslim extremist patrol in East London. The fascists have posted videos on the internet bragging about their activities. Lowles was threatened with violence and ordered to leave the area, as were several other anti fascists. This another set back and proves that fascists are a potential menace. hopefully the incident will be investigated by the police, and some arrests should be definite in the near future. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=168Veee6tWU
Hide the following 45 comments
03.03.2013 13:37
How much does that kiddie fiddler in the flat cap want a smack with a bowie?
stood his ground though
03.03.2013 14:11
its the same tactic anti fascists use
03.03.2013 14:12
no parasan.
abit akward
03.03.2013 14:29
Say the posters on here or any Antifascists had caught say, Kevin Carrol, Nick Griffin or any other "fascist" alone on the streets. Would you have sent him away unharmed or beat the shit out of him? I think the latter. The EDL lads, although angry towards Lowles acted calmly and without violence. Something that you folks on the left would not have done. Come on, be honest. If you saw Nick Griffin on the streets would an antifascist group just let him walk away with only a few harsh words? I think not, you've violently attacked him and other BNP members in the past.
To me, that gives the EDL the moral highground here for not attacking Nick Lowles, which they could have easily done and if the boot was on the other foot, the opposite would have happened. I expect this post to be deleted quickly because everyone knows you lot hate when you get criticised and lack the intellectual capacity to argue with someone... especially when said someone is correct in everything he has said."
Nick Lowles was in complete ownership of that situation. Had he laughed at you, gave you the finger and told you to fuck right off, you would have knifed him to death, run away then and not posted the video on-line.
Don't kid yourselves that you are non-violent. You are just trying to present yourselves as though you were us.
Presumably, you think that might somehow fool the readers of this site into supporting you.
Personally, I think you have nothing at all to offer us.
So I suppose this is the point where you fuck right off.
Tommy Robinson.
03.03.2013 14:38
concerned of gipton
friendly fascism
03.03.2013 14:49
03.03.2013 16:28
Slap the knuckle head.
03.03.2013 17:30
Smack the bitch up.
Jog on
03.03.2013 22:12
Clear threats
03.03.2013 22:34
Paul Prodromou aka Paul Pitt
Paul Prodromou aka Paul Pitt
Lock Stock
whats the difference between a fascist thug and an anti-fascist thug?
03.03.2013 23:01
03.03.2013 23:10
Not to mention the resistance fighters all over Europe
Hope-Not-Hate's video of Paul Prodromou
03.03.2013 23:17
04.03.2013 00:12
Slap the man upside the head.
04.03.2013 00:18
Something tells me up against it that scutty fucker would beg for his mummy.
Utter smack-down.
04.03.2013 00:28
Defiantely him aswell. He is aching for a smack.
And by the way, the Pete Seegar music in the background really is unbelievably shit by the way. It makes you come across as yankee-suck, stoopid and thick and mummy-boy pathetic by the way.
04.03.2013 01:04
04.03.2013 02:05
EDL Nazi Troll Field Day
04.03.2013 03:48
04.03.2013 16:07
04.03.2013 17:09
Nazi's getting all excited because they ASKED SOMEONE TO LEAVE!? Come the fuck on lads, this is pathetic. As one of you pointed out; if a group of AFA had come across Griffclops on the streets then he would of got battered.
At least Moseley's nazis could take a street, you lot couldn't take a Nurofen unless an an antifascist battered it past your teeth...
South Coast Sab
04.03.2013 18:05
> They are both wankers!
> The commandos and RAF pilots who helped save Britain from Hitler were Anti-Fascist "thugs" you pillock. Not to mention the resistance fighters all over Europe
Strawman argument... You're not an RAF pilot!! Or a WW2 resistance fighter. Or a commando.
And you're not fighting the Germany! And there isn't actually a world war on either. And we arn't under threat of invasion.. And there arn't any ariel bombardments going on or V1 rockets falling from the skies.
What you are encountering is some louts drinking beer who are trying (rather successfully i might add) to wind you up and get under your skin. This is very, very different to a armed Panza division rolling through Manchester with infantry support doing house-to-house with grenades and flame throwers. An EDL supporter with a can of stella is very, very different to an SS soldier with an MP40. They are two completely different things you thompson.
still lolling
04.03.2013 18:43
laughing harder!
04.03.2013 20:34
word is out
04.03.2013 20:55
the breeze is picking up
04.03.2013 21:35
Either way, I take it by "melting away" you mean clear video of Hope Not Hate openly delivering thousands of leaflets after Paul Prodromou and the diddymen had fucked off? You people are so fucking thick
04.03.2013 21:39
Less of the Royal "we" please, we live in a word where not everyone shares your views ;)
@still lolling
04.03.2013 21:56
Bearing in mind that most Anti-Fascists aren't militants, even then, to argue that both contemporary militant Anti-Fascists and WW2 RAF pilots could both (from a certain - most probably Fascist - point of view) be described as "thugs" is not (as you pretend) an assertion of the blatantly ridiculous statement that modern-day militant Anti-Fascists are literally RAF pilots; and the fact that this is all totally over your head neatly illustrates why your right-wing propaganda campaigns are, to use the vernacular, "fucked" (the main reason the BNP has been successfully put back 30 years and why the EDL is now a pale shadow of its never-very-impressive former self is because none of you lunk-heads are actually very bright)
Have a nice day ;)
English is a language as well as a nationality
not lolling - just starring in open mouthed astonishment at your nonsense
04.03.2013 22:36
Let me point out your school boy errors:
Firstly... a definition of an "Anti-fascist thug", and also a fascist thug.
"Thug" is defined as "a violent person, typically a a criminal".
So an "Anti-fascist thug" is a "violent anti-fascist who is also likely a criminal"
Given that street violence is illegal, then it follows that a violent fascist/anti-fascist is a criminal too.
Now then. I do not believe that your metaphor of an honourable RAF officer performing his civic duties in the war can be a very HONEST metaphor/comparison given that most sane people would not describe an RAF officer as a "violent criminal" whilst doing their duty of defeating the nazis.
Therefore, your comparison/metaphor/horse-manure is utter bollox.
A violent anti-fascist criminal thug is NOT an RAF officer who was fighting in the war and is also not 'metaphorically' an RAF officer fighting in the war. In fact, they are completely different with NO comparison what so ever.
>> Bearing in mind that most Anti-Fascists aren't militants
Correct. But a strawman argument since some are militants, and some do criminal 'thuggery' don't they. In fact, there are some in jail rigfht now who are convicted or said crimes.
>> even then, to argue that both contemporary militant Anti-Fascists and WW2 RAF pilots could both (from a certain - most probably Fascist - point of view) be described as "thugs"
When did I argue that WW2 RAF pilots are thugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have i actually written that statement you dumbass! You implied all that shite not me!!! lol dumbass!
>> is not (as you pretend) an assertion of the blatantly ridiculous statement that modern-day militant Anti-Fascists are literally RAF pilots
No............. but some are in jail....... convicted of violence attacks on the streets.....ergo they are violent criminals, and thus they can be factually described as "thugs" according to the definition in the oxford english dictionary. Try and wangle your way out of that little factoid and stop going on about something that happened in somebody else's lifetime
Let us be clear:
Modern day anti-fascists residing in jail for violence -->ARE NOT<-- RAF pilots.
To produce some argument based on some metaphor is nonsense.
At the end of the day, my point was:
There are fascist thugs and there are anti-fascist thugs.... there is little difference between the two. They are both violent criminal thugs.
To argue that anti-fascist thugs "do not exist" and are all actually, metaphorically, born-again RAF pilots and are therefore holier than thou is utter horse manure.
The only good thing you have done is not to try claim a victory because someone happened to make a typo whilst using a keyboard..... like some of these cretins have. If that is the whole basis of their argument - that they can type better - then they need to get out more.
not lolling, as that would be silly to keep lolling unless on medication
04.03.2013 23:51
grinnnning. nationalists
@grinnnning. nationalists
05.03.2013 01:22
@not lolling
05.03.2013 09:01
You said it mate - you are silly and probably are on medication. THANKS :)
Bottom line this stunt didn't prevent HNH from leafletting but did provide them with a minor PR coup
Fascist fail on both counts
Local people kick out labourites (middle-class tossers)
05.03.2013 10:52
05.03.2013 12:30
Dickhead Delfont
05.03.2013 13:46
05.03.2013 16:03
The EDL is a white supremacist group, give and take the odd Asian or mixed-race Uncle Tom.
No hispanics, as this is the UK not the United States.
If you meet me, I'll zap you with my raygun!
EDL's Top Secret Gay Division In Action
05.03.2013 16:09
Cop A Feel Of My Mantits.
EDL's Uncle Toms
05.03.2013 16:13
Uncle Tom Watch
It's Jeff Marsh Posting The Hispanic Photoshopped Pics
05.03.2013 16:20
Jeff the Stabber Marsh who gets erections stabbing young teenagers in the arse!
Malatesta has the measure of him every time LOL!
And let's not forget, Casuals United have already surrendered!
Jeff Marshole
EDL gang members
05.03.2013 21:31
casualties disunited
06.03.2013 13:21
laughing all the way into the future!
06.03.2013 22:35
"Jones" AKA Jeff Marsh
07.03.2013 00:20
As for the hispanic photos, is this something to do with all of the Spanish people you will be living amongst as an economic refugee?
Or should we say asylum seeker, as you really fled the UK cos you are petrified of ANTIFA!
Unite Against Marshism!
Jeff Marsh's Friends
07.03.2013 00:24
Seik Fuckin' Heil!
07.03.2013 00:26