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EDL Numpties Achieve Nothing In Manchester - #edl #nwi @slatedl @misslbuttercup

The Overseer On The Ground | 02.03.2013 17:06 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Sheffield

The EDL got absolutely nothing from today's visit to Manchester, leaving its braindead devotees so absolutely bored shitless, afterwards came a mad dash to jump naked into the canal at Canal Street (possibly wandering where the EDL's Gay Division had vanised to). After the usual run-of-the-mill speeches, anti-fascists will be pleased to know nothing has changed, Tommy, Kev and Hel still in-charge of the EDL, and not the French Revolution-like leadership change that many members had prayed incessantly to Nutzi Norse God "Odin" for.

Muggy Mushrooms came from far and wide to Manchester believing this was a brand new dawn (or "Golden Dawn" even) for the beleagured EDL, the moment when the rebellious Northern racist fuckwits would stop paying lipserve to the Islam-obcessed leadership, and would take over the EDL and shape them into a flat cap, balm cake and whippet version of the Forth Reich.

Out would go the slavish devotion to Israel, and the fake pretence that the EDL were not homophobic, and in would come, what many EDL refuseniks on Twitter called "real patriotism without the political correctness".

On this particular pretence, many former members were in attendance in a crowd of no more than 450 fascists, including many ardent Hitler worshippers giving the EDL-branded Fash one last try.

So what exactly happened behind the Albert Square Pig Pen? Was English Patriot History changed forevermore? Was this the new Neuremberg? Was there a French-revoution counter-rev style with Tommy, Uncle KKKev and Hel Gower's heads lopped off with a makeshift guilotine erected Blue Peter-style from Stella Cans, silver foil and a "broken bottle blade" while chanting joyously Let Them Snort Coke!"

Was there 'eck! Absolutely nowt happened.

NWA = Numpties Without Attitude


The Official EDL Leadership are claiming the event was a rip-roaring fandango of a street fascist success, hyperinflating attendance numbers to an fantasmagogoistic humongous 1500 attendees, but when the real maths are done with an electronic calculator, and they realise that they indeed cannot add up (or spell), they will still claim the march was an astounding success.

Unite The Right was a catchphrase invented to ensnare all EDL dissidents and former members into believing there would be a major change of leadership, where in-fact there was no net change after all of the postulating and posturing on Twitter and Facebook.

The speeches were all contrived. Normal service was successfully maintained by the EDL Leadership with Tommy, Hel and Kev safely in charge before and after the rally.

So it was indeed truthfully a success for the unloved EDL Leadership. The mugs who turned up longing for leadership change were so blasted neutron-style out of their stupid little brains, they stood like sheeple, chanting aimlessly "Allah Is A Paedo" in the cool March sunshine, without realising they had all been taken for a big, shiny, bells, knobs and buzzers ride.


Someone else who was taken for a ride (in personal police transit no less), was the clueless EDL angel who allowed her halo to slip, believing she was destined for a career in nude modelling if she lowered her jeans before PC Plod.

Sadly the reporter who took the full-frontal photo was in complete and absolute shock afterwards, and had to be resussitated (another thuggish EDL casualty), so reports she had diddled over herself in an incontinent burst of false patriotism, remain uncomfirmed.


The Overseer On The Ground


Hide the following 33 comments

EDLer Naked Beside The Canal (off Canal Street)

02.03.2013 17:14



Join Today

02.03.2013 17:18

Pants down, alcoholism, vomit, Hitler salutes, nazi tats, all these wonderful facets were in action today at Albert Square. If you have what it takes to join these Muggy Mushroom legions, join them ASAP.

Your pint and wrap is waiting!

Do England proud!

Recruiting Officer

The Webels!

02.03.2013 17:22

Those pathetic "webels" who insisted that Kev would be no more after the march, surrendered after their sixth pint of Stella.

Kev Caroll and Hel Gower are always gonna lead the EDL with Yaxley going back into prison.



eld photographer...

02.03.2013 17:31

Mr EDL photographer. beige is not your colour.


eld photographer ah

02.03.2013 17:38

the classic smackhead look and crap clothes


Poor Tina, Luv! Tha's Just Been Takken For A Ride

02.03.2013 17:39

Change of leadership my fuckin' arse


Kev Carroll Laughing At The Mushrooms

02.03.2013 17:50

I vehemently dislike the whole of the EDL including the leaders, but I admire how this hapless gett has managed single-handedly to retain his and Hel's Gower's grip upon the supposedly rebellious footsoldiers who are collectively marching to fuck all, politically under his leadership.

A reinvigorated hardcore fascist EDL merging with the NWI, openly antisemitic and homophobic would indeed have been a far greater worry for British anti-fascism, but thankfully, the advice of MI5 and Special Branch to get all of the footsoldiers so blasted out of their sorry skulls they didn't realise they were being shafted, worked.

It wasn't only the booze, it was the fighting, the urinating, the general disorder that also help kept the troops occupied, but the pro-Kev speeches managed to hyponotise the Unite The Right bullshit into dithcing the revoltution and keeping the status quo.

So what next for the multitude of EDLers who were giving the EDL one last chance?

It's Dowson and the EVF for them!

Happy Fascisting

Deputies Kev and Hel Stay In Charge

Hel and Kev

02.03.2013 17:54

Are Doing A

Nick Griffin (lol)!


02.03.2013 17:58

You love and want muslims to shag your kids. You are mid class cowards


Surrender Of The Far Right Groupuscles

02.03.2013 17:59

It must get a bit tiresame and samey penned into a kettle and chanting shit, but that is all that happened this time. And many of the stupid breakaway fringe groups such as Casuals United and the NWI (who Lacette Brooks recently joined), surrendered in the process...

Not Night Of The Long Knives


Afternoon Of The Tiny Penises

Casuals United Pussy Posse

Casuals United had.....

02.03.2013 18:01

...already surrendered

Stabby Marsh On His Plane To Spain

You want

02.03.2013 18:02

tongues up Hel and Kevin's asses

You scabby nazi cowards!!!

These lot...

02.03.2013 18:06

we're not in a trillion years going to outsmart Kev Caroll and Hel Gower, who maintain their eternal power grip within the EDL.

You've Been Used, LOL ..... YOU MUGGY MUSHROOMS
- Homepage:

We Continue To Run Things

02.03.2013 18:08



Femme Flasher

02.03.2013 18:12

That woman who pissed herself and took her pants down to flash was called Karen Clarke....

Anyone know anything about her???

Paparazzis Against The Nazis

Achieved nothing except....

02.03.2013 18:19

To humiliate and humble some Antifahahaha tossers.

Tell me son, did that dreadlocked gimp find his teeth all right? Because last I saw, the NWI lads had knocked them straight out of his scruffy mouth.

Also that pleb with the Mohawk who hid behind his girlfriend when the NWI rushed him needs to hand in his mancard. That was embarrassing that was, cowering in a shop doorway behind his fat girlfriend whilst his mates run off and abandon him.


Delete The Nazi Trolls, Admin!

02.03.2013 18:47

Confession of guilt or complete and utter bullshit, press delete ADMIN! Thanks!

Troll Slasha


02.03.2013 19:24

how's the alternate reality thing going? You still looking for help?



02.03.2013 20:10

The Slum Lords of old Engerland Tarn.
The Slum Lords of old Engerland Tarn.

I went and looked online for some stuff about this march. According to the BBC fifteen were arrested but according to the Daily Fail its about 2.

The Daily Fail is being bombarded with edl comments in the comments section of the story because nobody else is interested in reading about it. The top comment with 900 odd votes is some cack about England not being a Sharia law country. Apparently everybody who is reading the story (about 20 edl'ers with multiple identities!) agree's with this and anybody that says the edl are crap is demoted.

Don't ya just love our wonderful objective and impartial press. Don't you just love how our media present everybody in our nation as backward retards with attention deficit disorder living in a slum ghetto.

And they wander why our economy is up shit street without a paddle!

The Daily Mail = Slum Lords of the Fourth Reich.

Tommy Yaxley-Harris of Robinstonshire.

mainstream full of shit

02.03.2013 20:12

700 edl in manc being reported .. is laughable and utter bullshit!



02.03.2013 20:13

"Confession of guilt or complete and utter bullshit, press delete ADMIN! Thanks!"

Do better, blast the bugger from the water.

Its funnier.

John Kerry (typing from my personal jet, airforce 3)


02.03.2013 20:32

1000 haha!

enoch's a dead dick

Casuals United confirm 400-500 EDL in Manchester (screengrab)

02.03.2013 21:42

EDL Manchester 2 March 2013
EDL Manchester 2 March 2013

Please, can we not have the Heil England, Casuals Pussy Posse & Excremental Dropouts graphics over and over and over again. Especially not TWICE in the same thread! It's boring, distracts attention away from the useful material & is not a good use of Indymedia resources

Screengrab shows Casuals United estimating 1000 EDL 8 hours ago, revised DOWN to 700 EDL 5 hours ago, revised DOWN (by Casuals' Zoe Smith) to just 400-500 EDL 3 hours ago.

Let's be nice to them and say 500.

That's 500 more than we would have liked, but still a very poor show for any attempt to "unite" the right ;)


Hel and Kev Strengthened

02.03.2013 21:48

As Malatesta will be quick to tell you, Hel Gower and Kev Carroll's leadership role will be ever strengthened by the larger than expected turn out of the fash, which means that if Casuals United, the NWI, and another other halfwit fuckbugles thought that showing solidarity and Uniting The Shite would change things, they were catastrophically wrong, for the show of numbers would have earned Uncle KKKev a hearty pat on the back from Stephen Yaxley Lennon.

The only way Kev and Hel would have got the boot, would be if nobody had turned up to Manchester.

The problem is with the EDL, the hard drug taking and heavy drinking sessions leave them under-capacity in the old brain department.

To all the nitwits who believe the line now pushed by Stabby Marsh on Twatter, if you seriously think the dissidents taught the EDL leadership a lesson by turning up in their droves to Manchester, you thickoes are seriously beyond all help.

Think for instance the football scenario. If fans want a manager to be sacked, far more effective than standing on the terraces booing and chanting against the manager would to vote with bums not on seats, and stay the fuck away until the manager gets the sack, low crowds a weapon of your discontent, but intelligence is defo not a high point for these seriously braindead chumps.

Any pressure upon the shoulders of Hel and Kev after Cambridge would have swiftly been forgotten after this sizeable turn-out.

Indeed as other posters have said, the EDL sheeple have been well and truly used to bolster a flagging leadership's popularity.

And turning up in their masses, they didn't even fuckin' realise it.


That's so true...

02.03.2013 21:57

The dissidents shot themselves in the bloody foot by boosting the EDL's numbers just at the time Kev Carroll was feeling the heat.

They'll have Kev and Hel for life now!

Serves 'em fuckin' right!

Hey Kev.

02.03.2013 21:59

Kev, are you there?

I know its you, I just phoned Dawn and she said that you're sitting at the computer trolling on Indymedia.

Its me, Tommy.

Tommy Yaxley-Lennon Harris Robinson.

we can mexican and so can you

03.03.2013 23:07

lets be absolutely clear - you dont know anything about manchester at all



04.03.2013 12:38

You think you're big and clever, EDL Numpties, but there's nothing clever in putting pictures of non-white Americans photoshopped with the letters EDL when the EDL is a BRITISH white supremacist organsation give and take the odd UNCLE TOM!

Bullshit Watch

Uncle Tom's EDL Cabin

04.03.2013 12:51

It's time once more to pay tribute to the EDL's non-white members who numbered two in manchester: - One stupid young Sikh idiot waiting to ex-communicated, plus the EDL/SDL's mentally unstable self-loathing Muslim "EDL Abdul"

The EDL's Uncle Toms On Parade

Jeff Marsh Is The Troll Posting Hispanic Troll Pictures

04.03.2013 12:54

Re Troll posting Hispanic troll photoshopped photos:

Jeff Marsh (the troller from Spain) does not understand Manchester at all, except when he is stabbing young teenagers who follow Man United in the leg.

Barsh The Marsh

EDL Uncle Tomz @ Manchester

04.03.2013 13:20

If anyone knows the identity of the young Sikh Uncle Tom, please let the Sikh organisations against the EDL know so he can be excommunicated, thanks!

Sikh Excommunication At The Ready

Brains Unplugged

04.03.2013 23:39

And the final count of braincells missing from the average EDLer is......

1,500 Braincells Lacking, as proving by failing this basic maths challenge!


EDL Dumbfucks

04.03.2013 23:40

They really ARE thick these nazis.