EDL Support Hardcore Anti-Semites in Manchester This Saturday #edl #nwi @slatedl
EDL Defile The Memory of Auschwitz Victims | 27.02.2013 23:15 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool | World
Since their inception in 2008, the EDL have repeated in parrot fashion the mantra that they are peacefully opposing Islamic extremism by taking to the streets. Formed after poppies were burnt in Luton, this far right group argued every day for a considerable time that they were not racist. Furthermore, setting up supposed Gay and Jewish Divisions, they appeared on radio, TV and the newspapers telling the world that they hated antisemitism and homophobia, and yet, few people believed them.
Mainstream Jewish organisations throughout the Western World refused to be conned by the EDL's shambolic attempts at using false support of one minority (Jews) to pit them against another marginalised UK ethnic minority group (Muslims). Marine La Pen of France, daughter of the notorious Holocaust denier has tried similar tactics to divide and conquer ethnic minority solidarity, by highlighting the anti-Semitism of Islamic extremists, while conveniently glossing over the nazi support which still forms the backbone of the FN in France.
Hitler salutes have been seen from day one at EDL marches and static gatherings documented by Hope Not Hate and Searchlight, and have always been brushed aside as being the work of supposed "UAF infiltrators" or "bad eggs". However, quite often there are great swathes of regular EDLers including "Regional Officers" or ROs doing it, sometimes right in-front of the camera. Time-after-time it happens, and time-after-time they repeat the same old line like a broken record "It's 'onestly not us, Guv'nor. We are not nazis!"
Everything the EDL do wrong, every anti-social or hate filled activity or gesture, is brushed off as simply as "over exuberance", be it overt racism, drug taking, criminal damage, violent punch ups, assaults, or grievous bodily harm of innocent bystanders. After Anders Breivik mass murdered children, hundreds of EDL members including ROs and members of the leadership even, defended Breivik, and yet they tried and tried to pretend they were only joking, when cross-examined by the media.
Not everybody within the EDL tried to wriggle out of accusations of extreme racism including anti-Semitism, in particular the NWI (Northwest Infidels) and CxF ("Combined Ex Forces = military fantasists), who broke away from the EDL a few years away, over their freedom to hate anybody they liked, and also accusations of Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll grassing to the police about their criminality.
Shortly after the split, keen to wash his hands of the overtly neo-Nazi splitters, Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon) the leader of the EDL, used their parting of company, warning their minority division "Uncle Toms" (black, mixed race, Jewish and gay "poster boys" to stay away from all NWI marches as they "might get lynched".
Another hardcore group, Casuals United, the football hooligan outfit based in Cardiff, Wales, with links to swastika-tattooed Welsh Nazis of the WDL (Welsh Defence League), stopped attending EDL marches last year, and until now, have not supported the EDL's events.
Fortunes of the EDL took a downturn after Stephen Yaxley Lennon was jailed for breaking bail conditions, and was charged with using a fake passport to enter the USA for which, if found guilty, could possibly face another jail term in a UK prison. While inside, he delegated his decision-making to his deputies, his cousin Kevin Carroll and Helen Gower, who have proved so shockingly unpopular, last Saturday in Cambridge the once-popular EDL could only muster a crowd of less than 30 people.
Next up, this Saturday in Manchester, is the EDL's return to the city. The last time they were there, well over a thousand EDL members gathered in Manchester's Piccadilly Gardens, in a violent mob which broke down cordons to fight with anti-fascists and police.
With fortunes fading for the EDL before their current visit, in a number-boosting exercise, the EDL leadership apparently initially claimed to out-sourced the EDL Manchester event to a fictional and non-existent rump of Northern EDLers who they named the NWA (not the expletive-driven rap group, but an expletive-driven bunch of aging racist EDL members called the North Western Alliance). The tagline of the NWA was to "Unite The Right", which meant Official EDL members standing neck to neck with the NWI, the NF, CxF, the BNP, and whichever nazi groups wished to freely attend the march.
Apparently, everybody, no matter how hardcore their Hitler-worshiping was, could attend. Once a larger than usual number of racists were booked to attend Manchester on Facebook, including NWI leader Shane "Diddyman" Calvert and (National Culturists / Young BNP) Jack Buckby, having bucked liability for the seriously nazi guestlist, Helen Gower, Kevin Carroll, and the admins of the @officialedl Twitter site have been quick to reclaim the Manchester march as their own.
Kev and Hel need a healthy turn-out in MCR to keep their "jobs". Failure to attract a significant amount of people would have meant both people getting the chop.
The upshot of Manchester is, with or without the tactic approval of EDL deputies Kevin and Helen, the EDL have agreed to allow their followers to stand shoulder-to-shoulder not just with Holocaust deniers and bog-standard anti-Semites, but with Holocaust glorifiers. The NWI was set up by two neo-Nazis within the ranks of the EDL: - John "Snowy" Shaw (now living in Canada), who openly admitted to reading and believing the Protocols, and current Fuhrer-in-Chief Shane "Diddyman" Calvert who only a fortnight ago, published a tweet in which he remarked about hoping Jews would again sent to the gas chambers.
Diddyman's tweets were common knowledge, the nazi heritage of the NWI and other groups attending the EDL march in Manchester are absolute and undisuptable, so why are the Official EDL Leadership now encouraging its members who supposedly are pro-gay and pro-Jewish, to line up with hardcore homophobic, anti-Black, hardcore anti-Semites in Manchester.
In the days and hours before the march, the EDL's regular pro-Israeli tweeters such as "Ambrosine" (not her real name) @mrsshitrit, will be lining up in an orderly fashion to support the EDL's Manchester Nazifest, trying to claim attendance is good for Jews and Israel. Most of the EDL's pro-Israeli bloggers and tweeters have been exposed not to be Jewish at all. One is a Catholic priest, others are doomsday evangelical Christians, and some are even occultists and Odinists, however it is still assumed that there are Jewish EDL followers out there, somewhere in the world, if not in the UK.
You have heard the expression "turkeys voting for Christmas".
Any Jewish person expressing open support for the EDL's visit to Manchester are expressing love and support for the nazis who murdered their ancestors.
A time to pause, get your thoughts, and remember the victims of the Holocaust at Auschwitz.
Hitler salutes have been seen from day one at EDL marches and static gatherings documented by Hope Not Hate and Searchlight, and have always been brushed aside as being the work of supposed "UAF infiltrators" or "bad eggs". However, quite often there are great swathes of regular EDLers including "Regional Officers" or ROs doing it, sometimes right in-front of the camera. Time-after-time it happens, and time-after-time they repeat the same old line like a broken record "It's 'onestly not us, Guv'nor. We are not nazis!"
Everything the EDL do wrong, every anti-social or hate filled activity or gesture, is brushed off as simply as "over exuberance", be it overt racism, drug taking, criminal damage, violent punch ups, assaults, or grievous bodily harm of innocent bystanders. After Anders Breivik mass murdered children, hundreds of EDL members including ROs and members of the leadership even, defended Breivik, and yet they tried and tried to pretend they were only joking, when cross-examined by the media.
Not everybody within the EDL tried to wriggle out of accusations of extreme racism including anti-Semitism, in particular the NWI (Northwest Infidels) and CxF ("Combined Ex Forces = military fantasists), who broke away from the EDL a few years away, over their freedom to hate anybody they liked, and also accusations of Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll grassing to the police about their criminality.
Shortly after the split, keen to wash his hands of the overtly neo-Nazi splitters, Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon) the leader of the EDL, used their parting of company, warning their minority division "Uncle Toms" (black, mixed race, Jewish and gay "poster boys" to stay away from all NWI marches as they "might get lynched".
Another hardcore group, Casuals United, the football hooligan outfit based in Cardiff, Wales, with links to swastika-tattooed Welsh Nazis of the WDL (Welsh Defence League), stopped attending EDL marches last year, and until now, have not supported the EDL's events.
Fortunes of the EDL took a downturn after Stephen Yaxley Lennon was jailed for breaking bail conditions, and was charged with using a fake passport to enter the USA for which, if found guilty, could possibly face another jail term in a UK prison. While inside, he delegated his decision-making to his deputies, his cousin Kevin Carroll and Helen Gower, who have proved so shockingly unpopular, last Saturday in Cambridge the once-popular EDL could only muster a crowd of less than 30 people.
Next up, this Saturday in Manchester, is the EDL's return to the city. The last time they were there, well over a thousand EDL members gathered in Manchester's Piccadilly Gardens, in a violent mob which broke down cordons to fight with anti-fascists and police.
With fortunes fading for the EDL before their current visit, in a number-boosting exercise, the EDL leadership apparently initially claimed to out-sourced the EDL Manchester event to a fictional and non-existent rump of Northern EDLers who they named the NWA (not the expletive-driven rap group, but an expletive-driven bunch of aging racist EDL members called the North Western Alliance). The tagline of the NWA was to "Unite The Right", which meant Official EDL members standing neck to neck with the NWI, the NF, CxF, the BNP, and whichever nazi groups wished to freely attend the march.
Apparently, everybody, no matter how hardcore their Hitler-worshiping was, could attend. Once a larger than usual number of racists were booked to attend Manchester on Facebook, including NWI leader Shane "Diddyman" Calvert and (National Culturists / Young BNP) Jack Buckby, having bucked liability for the seriously nazi guestlist, Helen Gower, Kevin Carroll, and the admins of the @officialedl Twitter site have been quick to reclaim the Manchester march as their own.
Kev and Hel need a healthy turn-out in MCR to keep their "jobs". Failure to attract a significant amount of people would have meant both people getting the chop.
The upshot of Manchester is, with or without the tactic approval of EDL deputies Kevin and Helen, the EDL have agreed to allow their followers to stand shoulder-to-shoulder not just with Holocaust deniers and bog-standard anti-Semites, but with Holocaust glorifiers. The NWI was set up by two neo-Nazis within the ranks of the EDL: - John "Snowy" Shaw (now living in Canada), who openly admitted to reading and believing the Protocols, and current Fuhrer-in-Chief Shane "Diddyman" Calvert who only a fortnight ago, published a tweet in which he remarked about hoping Jews would again sent to the gas chambers.
Diddyman's tweets were common knowledge, the nazi heritage of the NWI and other groups attending the EDL march in Manchester are absolute and undisuptable, so why are the Official EDL Leadership now encouraging its members who supposedly are pro-gay and pro-Jewish, to line up with hardcore homophobic, anti-Black, hardcore anti-Semites in Manchester.
In the days and hours before the march, the EDL's regular pro-Israeli tweeters such as "Ambrosine" (not her real name) @mrsshitrit, will be lining up in an orderly fashion to support the EDL's Manchester Nazifest, trying to claim attendance is good for Jews and Israel. Most of the EDL's pro-Israeli bloggers and tweeters have been exposed not to be Jewish at all. One is a Catholic priest, others are doomsday evangelical Christians, and some are even occultists and Odinists, however it is still assumed that there are Jewish EDL followers out there, somewhere in the world, if not in the UK.
You have heard the expression "turkeys voting for Christmas".
Any Jewish person expressing open support for the EDL's visit to Manchester are expressing love and support for the nazis who murdered their ancestors.
A time to pause, get your thoughts, and remember the victims of the Holocaust at Auschwitz.
EDL Defile The Memory of Auschwitz Victims
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Shame On You, EDL
27.02.2013 23:19
You were supposed to be just against Islamic extremism and its anti-semites, not line up with the original mass murderers, the nazis themselves.
Pure evil.
I hope you lose.
Good luck to hope not hate!
Jewish Ex EDL Follower
27.02.2013 23:22
me also
27.02.2013 23:25
Though not Jewish, I must express profound shock and anger at the leadership for approving of Calvert and Co.
Shame on you!
Uniting The Right Is Supporting Adolf Hitler
27.02.2013 23:28
Liam Pinkham, is a leading member of the NWI.
Pinkham openly makes nazi salutes as pictured.
27.02.2013 23:29
27.02.2013 23:33
Your lives will feel so much better now that you've moved on.
Don't just reject anti-Semitism. Reject all racism too. Islamophobia, anti-black, anti-EE, etc...
Love, Peace & Wisdom
Hippy Goddess
So True Everybody
27.02.2013 23:36
This is indeed spitting on the Holocaust dead.
Mr P Clarke
Rot In Hell
27.02.2013 23:42
Golden Dawn Effect
27.02.2013 23:47
What is the world coming to.
Lacette Brooks even was so in love with the vile NWI's tweets that she decided to betray the EDL for the NWI, only yesterday.
Shame on her too!
Sick Fucks!
27.02.2013 23:52
That's shocking. It really is.
At least Kev and Hel managed to keep the extremists underr wraps.
I hate the EDL but hope they can stay in control of their gang to keep antisemites from taking over again.
"ElizabethsEyes" on Twitter
28.02.2013 00:04
elizabethseyes - she calls herself.
She is tweeting a good luck message for the EDL in Manchester.
Can someone please inform her about the fact the march is now actively including antisemites.
Get the stupid Jewish woman to open her eyes!
Someone Please Tweet Her This Story!
That's Absolutely Crazy....
28.02.2013 00:06
She's letting Jewish people down everywhere by supporting the EDL's link-up with nazis in Manchester!
28.02.2013 00:06
paedo penis88
28.02.2013 00:11
Extremely sad!
28.02.2013 00:13
Some people are easily deluded.
elizabeth's eyes?
28.02.2013 00:16
I don't have a twitter account or I would message the fool!
More EDL Nazi Pics
28.02.2013 00:19
Rozsa claims to see the truth
28.02.2013 00:22
Must Have A Fucking Low IQ!
Tea Party
28.02.2013 00:24
Please Join Us In Manchester and On Twitter - JMForum
28.02.2013 00:29
Please join us on Twitter. This is a brand new group promoting peace, justice and religious and racial harmony for all, particularly in helping awareness between the Muslim and Jewish faiths.
Muslim Jewish Forum
Retweet this article please also
28.02.2013 00:30
28.02.2013 01:12
28.02.2013 07:22
Have they thought of becoming a mod here ?
Poor lacette
28.02.2013 11:59
Hard Evidence
28.02.2013 12:12
Alot of the evidence of EDL Nazism has been documented on Indymedia and on You Tube (evidence that Hope Not Hate and Searchlight did not publish). Look at the photos in this article for instance -
Major problems with EDL's attempts to revitalise British Fascism
28.02.2013 12:22
Shane Calvert - A Proud Future for British Nationalism!
1/ last time the far-right (the NF under Martin Webster in the 1970s) tried the "let's try to use football hooligans as a right-wing street army" strategy it failed miserably
2/ where once upon a time the far-right had reasonably presentable and articulate (if somewhat barking) leaders like - weird trousers notwithstanding - Oswald Mosley, now they have model citizens like Jeff "Stabber" Marsh and Shane "Diddyman" Calvert (photo from one of Diddyman's Facebook accounts)
Happy days :)
How the fuck?
28.02.2013 12:31
Job options
28.02.2013 14:22
Have they thought of becoming a mod here ?
Seen The Light
28.02.2013 14:31
No wonder the EDL's small band of Jewish supporters are up in arms.
They shoudn't have fucking joined the EDL in the first place, of course, but it's great they have seen the light and said farewell to fascism.
In France, the synagogues reguarly warn French Jews not to fall for the revisionism and the false promises of Marine le Pen, who happened to visit Cambridge last week.
I don't understand why unis like Cambridge, which one would think would be clever places, are often so goddamn thick.
28.02.2013 15:46
British Union thugs are now apparently attending the manchester EDL fight.
Never heard of them before.
Know anything about them, Malatesta?
Liam Pinkham
28.02.2013 15:52
Also, female students, make sure the likes of Pino88 (Liam Pinkham) don't follow you home, and walk into the nearest shop if being chased, and get the attention of staff / security guards, and call the police.
He is known for using extreme violence against women, and is also a sexual predator...
He came out of jail just a few weeks ago, and is back in the NWI, and he says on facebook he will be attending Manchester.
Beware Pinkham - He's A Fascist Paedo Stalker
British Union?
28.02.2013 15:56
From Stabby's Mouth.....
28.02.2013 16:28
little dicky bird
28.02.2013 16:36
ears wide open
This just in from the #edl hashtag
28.02.2013 17:47
@the jobless loser
28.02.2013 20:37
Yesterday, I thought it was Tuesday. It is because we are busy and tired.
28.02.2013 21:15
LOLs on you
Catch 22 for Casuals + EDL
28.02.2013 22:07
If the far-right "unify" for Manchester that'll provide even more hard evidence of the EDL (footsoldiers or leaders, it don't matter) openly working with Nazis
If they fail to "unify" then their demo's a washout anyway. Win win for Anti-Fascism either way.
Be sure to take plenty of photos and videos and post them on Indymedia and YouTube to make sure there are lots of faces for the research bods to ID :)
It's Proven EDL Cannot Count: 8000 EDL in Manchester @ 2009
28.02.2013 22:36
When the hell does 1200 EDL Numpties become 8000 EDL Numpties?
Why not got the whole hog, EDL you thickoes, and say there were 8000 million EDLers in Manchester, all living in caves as racist neanderthals.
Do The Math, Racist Scum!
Photo - Shane Calvert with gun
28.02.2013 22:39
Golden Dawn
28.02.2013 22:43
It wasn't going to be long before the EDL finally got in bed with hardcore nazis like the NWI and CfX.
The anti-Semitism now popping up on Twitter accounts by EDLers and NWIers disgusts me!
28.02.2013 22:57
Is this all Diddyman and his chums' doing? Or have the EDL's pro-Israel backers stopped funding the EDL?
It does make you wander why the leash has suddenly come off the facsist organisation's fangs.
It's not just Marshy. Lots of EDL and their fellow travellers are saying that they are returning to "old fashioned patriotism". By this, they don't mean the spirit of Day Day, but a return to the bad old days of Oswald Mosley when blacks, jews, gays, democrats and socialists were all threatened with violence by racist bootboys.
The irony of it is, Mosley himself, despite having bad trousers, always made his supporters wear shirts, jackets and ties, not trashy football fan gear.......
28.02.2013 23:01
Leeds Service Crew are as dangerous as the football-folowing Hitler worshippers go, and now they have booked their train tickets for MCR.
I wouldn't like to be on that 8'o clock train from Leeds or whatever it is, in the same carriage as these fascist lowlifes.
28.02.2013 23:03
EDL Panzer Attack Planned
28.02.2013 23:21
Antifascist Surveillance Vehicles
This means some will come from Salford Central Station, Picadilly Station, Oxford Street Station, and others via towards Victoria Station arriving late and making their own way to Manchester Town Hall, instead of meeting at the planned point at Granada Studios.
ANTIFA on the day (and Manchester AF) need to coordinate via mobile phone, taking a look at all bars in the city centre where they suspect fash might be drinking, to stop this from happening.
Free shoppers buses the Metroshuttles provide an excellent means of criss-crossing Manchester spotters armed with mobile phones with cameras scanning the whole of the centre for Rogue Nazi Divisions hell-bent on providing some surprises.
Only two days left now.
28.02.2013 23:23
Good luck everybody!
28.02.2013 23:30
28.02.2013 23:36
Keeping Quiet
28.02.2013 23:45
Not a word.
Has he been told to keep schtumn by his state handlers???
@Pixelandy3 + prospects for Saturday
01.03.2013 01:18
So, yes, I think you're right, if there were any rich backers the smart money long since decided these muppets were a poor investment and fucked off to pastures somewhat greener (hence Yaxley whining about money and getting himself jailed for financial jiggery-pokery last year)
There's ALOT of chat about Manchester on Facebook however so I'd urge Anti-Fascists not to underestimate the EDL on Saturday, this could be very nasty indeed. Shake up everyone you know and make sure they show up to oppose the EDL, cause this is going to be a proper far-right + hooligan fuckin' freak-fest
neither unified nor moving!
01.03.2013 07:39
both mosley's BUF and UM fared very poorly at the polls etc. so naming your outfit after such a failure is probably not an auspicious start. here is a list of far right groupuscules that are currently polluting the airwaves! read it, then forgive my cynicism when anyone talks about uniting the right.
calvert is going to prison with pinkham in may. shame. scroll down to para 6 to read about pinkham and his grooming skills!
look out for me on saturday. this is me!
british union ?
01.03.2013 08:33
unsurprisingly there is a bournemouth EDL members involved as well as well as gobshite jenna hines. this is her:
claire 'confused' khaw is alsi sniffing about. this is claire:
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