EDL Leadership Are Attending Manchester #edl @slatedl #NWI @misslbuttercup
Muggy Mushroom Watch | 26.02.2013 17:54 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Sheffield
From a fresh tweet taken in the last hour, the EDL leadership are "wetting their pants" absolutely looking forward to visiting Manchester, which proves the "Uniting The Right" rubbish was a trap laid on by KKKev Carroll to get the rebels all back to pay subserviant lipservice to Tommy's deputies - the infamous "and universally loved" Hel Gower and Kevin Carroll, lol! All of those idiots such as the NWI, who seriously believe the terrible twosome, with their "muggy mushrooms" talk are not welcome in the North - think again. You idiots are being used to cement Kev and Hel's popularity.
This is the first national march since Stephen Yaxley Lennon has been freed from the proverbial can, and Kev has been warned that a small turnout would spell his immediate sacking, even though he is Tommy's best cousin.
So Kev, with the help of some loyalists, plant the seeds of "footsoldiers taking over" when anyone in the know, still realises that this is all part of Kev's stunningly clever and devious popularity plot.
Anyone who thinks Kev and HEl will be staying away from MCR, is seriously deluded.
So, Muggy Mushrooms returning to the cupboard (kettle), expect lots of Kev and Hel Speeches, and remember to clap when told to do so, you old-school unreconstituted NWI/ CxF / NF/ BNP / BPP nazis, or else there will be absolute Hel to pay!
It will be such fun that former EDLers are being used to boost the EDL's leadership's popularity, stupid Sheeple!
I bet you dare not utter the 14 words within earshot of Hel Gower, Liam Pinkham, Diddyman and pals.
So Kev, with the help of some loyalists, plant the seeds of "footsoldiers taking over" when anyone in the know, still realises that this is all part of Kev's stunningly clever and devious popularity plot.
Anyone who thinks Kev and HEl will be staying away from MCR, is seriously deluded.
So, Muggy Mushrooms returning to the cupboard (kettle), expect lots of Kev and Hel Speeches, and remember to clap when told to do so, you old-school unreconstituted NWI/ CxF / NF/ BNP / BPP nazis, or else there will be absolute Hel to pay!
It will be such fun that former EDLers are being used to boost the EDL's leadership's popularity, stupid Sheeple!
I bet you dare not utter the 14 words within earshot of Hel Gower, Liam Pinkham, Diddyman and pals.
Muggy Mushroom Watch
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Kev and Hel Still Running Things!
26.02.2013 17:56
Kev and Hel Rule The Roost
26.02.2013 18:08
Roosta Boosta
England is great
26.02.2013 19:14
Not So Beautiful
26.02.2013 20:37
Hel And High Water
Emperor Kev's Masterplan
26.02.2013 20:46
Since slagging off anybody who disagreed with him as Muggy Mushrooms, KKKev has suffered a fall in funds entering his bank account, and thus, in a fit of desperation, he has plotted to pretend to make peace with the doubters, enticing the NWI and Northern ex-EDL sheeple into a trap which they cannot escape from, in one piece. Once their leaders have capitulated, the footsoldiers will be rapidly reintegrated back into EDL cult.
The last time the EDL visited Manchester, was in the heyday of the EDL's Spring, under a Labour government, the Sun and the Daily Mail incubating Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred to turn the tide of public opinion firmly against Gordon Brown. Muslims Against Crusades were paraded on every newsstand across the British Isles as the pantomime baddies who needed to be opposed by "the silent majority" being rallied out on the streets of Luton and elsewhere.
Although Islamophobia is still making headlines now, a Tory administration safely in place, UKIP snapping on the heels of David Cameron, the mass focus of trashy rightwing gutter journalism is now Eastern European immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria, especially Romanian Roma people, rather than Muslims.
The NWI, who openly declare support for National Socialism, and the actions of Adolf Hitler, who murdered a large number of Roma people across Europe, would be more than happy to march against Eastern Europeans, calling for them to be sent to concentration camps, and Jews too (judging from Shane "Diddyman" Calvert's recent tweets, however the mythical psyche of the EDL and its splinter groups is stuck like a broken down lift back in 2009, unable to adapt its nazi message beyond what millionaire former funder Alan Ayling (Alan Lake) called "The Muslim Problem".
A one-track pony without Tesco's or a dodgy abattoir to put it finally out of its misery, the EDL now solely relies upon the donations of American neo-conservative cranks Geller and Spencer to keep it afloat, which means an indefinite spamming of anti-Islamic propaganda 24/7 from the Official EDL Twitter Feed, along with similar offerings from (Twitter goon) UBlocks, facebook, and on their very website, ignoring the home-grown racist siren calls such as general immigration, which have absolutely nothing to do with Israel, and therefore are not permitted to be on the EDL's "pro-Israeli agenda".
It was the EDL's obsession that rendered its political wing the (falsely-named) "British Freedom Party" a lame duck as the inheritor of the BNP. Muslim paedo this....., Muslim terror that...... , there was no room given to anybody to rant and rave about African immigrants, the IRA, asylum seekers, gay and lesbian people, or any other traditional British neo-Nazi rallying cause.
Like a football team relying only on attackers or strikers with nobody up in midfield, the EDL's manic fixation with Islam and Muslims has left them to stagnate, each EDL march since 2011 on a downward spiral to terminal oblivion. Once a force of street thugs to be reckoned with, the EDL are now a joke, zapped repeatedly by Muslamic rayguns into a quivering mess that is cannon fodder for SLATEDL and stand-up comedians alike. Their supporters mercilessly lampooned as thick since the Ray Gun incident. followed by the Oldham microphone fiasco, there was no way back, only Tommy Robinson, Uncle Kev Carroll and Helen Gower's buffoonery at the reigns, has rapidly hastened their ultimate demise.
They should have quit whilst they were ahead, and called it a day immediately after they were captured by the Press TV camera, but being not too bright from the top downwards, they had to go on and finish the job of totally and utterly dismantling the EDL from within. Casuals United and the NWI belatedly moved out of the EDL's comfort zone, since their much-publicised falling out with the EDL's hierarchy, eventually going on to link up with the BNP, then the NF, and openly call for the extermination of all non-whites in the United Kingdom, but if the NWI were hoping to become the new Combat18, it was a case of too little, too late. The Llama harmer emigrating to Mounty Country, Liam Pinkham making prison a hobby, and poor old Diddyman well and truly diddled, they are ultimately heading for the same fate as the EDL - extinction.
Casuals United, another EDL offshoot who didn't see the point of not being anti-Semitic, have recently made moves as publicised on Twitter to do their own thing. Whilst Shane Calvert (i.e The Diddyman) was tickled pink with the idea of sending Jews as well as Muslims to the gas chamber, Jeff "Stabber" Marsh and chums were busy promoting a White Power Rockfest happening in Wales.
Just as it seemed for an instant the old philosophies of British fascism were gradually creeping back into the hearts and minds of the nation's neo-Nazis, a dilapidated and worn Kevin Carroll plays a trump card to bring the EDL's dissidents to their knees - UNITING THE RIGHT!
Hope Not Hate were quick to point out that the EDL's Manchester march would be awash with disparate hardcore neo-Nazi groups all jockeying for position, but how much were they underestimating the ego of Emperor Julius Carroll......
Whilst "Uniting The Right" sounds like the rallying call for all of the old Blood and Honour boneheads to get out of retirement to hobble around in their Doc Martens, in reality, it appears to be nothing more than an intricate plan for Kev Carroll to wrestle control away from his enemies, those former EDLers who regularly criticise Kev and Hel Gower on Facebook and Twitter.
In agreeing to attend Manchester to bolster the EDL's miserable expected turnout, groups such as CxF and the Infidels are sacrificing independence and peace of mind it all for the halycon dreams of a Manchester that never was. Diddyman and co., plus many other former EDLers appear to have fallen hook, line for Kevin's clever "Unite The Right", giving what they (and Nick Griffin) described as the dead donkey of "plastic nationalism", one last flog.
Willfully hurtling headfirst into oblivion, the dissidents will not be turning up at an Official EDL Event (in all but name) as equals with the EDL. It doesn't work like that. They will be in for a nasty shock if they think they will be able to speak their minds without "politically-correct censorship" once they are safely back within the ranks of the EDL.
What is it they say about keeping enemies nearer than friends????? LOL
First and foremost, NWIers, and anybody else returning to the fold will have to apologise unreservedly to the EDL leadership for ever doubting Tommy or Kev's slipshod leadership. Secondly, they will be barred from expressing anti-Israeli sentiment on Facebook and Twitter. During the march, they will be expected to accept and support the Israeli flag bearer, who will be turning up in Manchester to show support for Israel, under instructions from Pam Geller.
All open and overt expressions of support of Ulster will be prohibited by Emporer Kev purely because he is jealous of Jim Dowson's all-new Unionist street army and doesn't want to give people ideas which would lead to them joining his bitter sworn rivals. All Celtic cross flags and swastikas will likewise be confiscated by EDL stewards, who have promised to give a hefty clip around the ear hole to anybody as much as giggling whilst Emperor Julius Carroll speaks.
Forget the phoney "Northwest Alliance". This is a strictly EDL event where sinners may (in Roman Catholic confessional style) do their penance for falling out with Tommy, Hel and Kev, the absolution of their dissidence being a pledge taken by former members of the organisation to once again fork out top dollar for EDL hoodies and other mass-produced tat.
For supposedly unashamable "patriots", the EDL are paranoid to the point of insanity. So scared of being labelled as racists, worried of anything that could would undermine their declared support for the State of Israel, under the instructions of USA funders Spencer and Geller, Tommy and Kev have decided to turn their annual Luton march into a (supposed) "anti-racist" music festival. Everybody returning to the EDL will be forced to accept such moves with a smile, North Korea-style.
The NWI nor anybody else turning up in Manchester, will be digging their own graves, much to the pleasure of committed anti-fascists everywhere. Groups like the NWI will be rejoining the EDL under the EDL's terms, the likes of Diddyman forced to rebecome "a plastic nationalist".
The overall turnout in Manchester will still be pitifully low compared to last time. While the march will be declared a flop by all but the most ardent, blinkered EDLers, in the power struggle constantly bubbling within the ranks of the British Far Right, Emperor Julius Carroll will be victorious, his misguided brain-dead rivals softly surrendering willy-nilly for a piece of the action.
The EDL is already sinking into the ocean of anonymity, but Manchester is a win-win situation for Mr Carroll's troubled ego. His sworn nationalist enemies forced by hefty EDL stewards at boot-point to clap, whoop, holler and cheer every single word that emanates from Kevin and Hel's mouths, victory will be sweet, and will keep them in-charge whilst Stephen Yaxley Lennon faces a further jail term for passport fraud.
Excellent news for antifascists: - Nick "Griffo" Griffin's prophesies about a pro-Israeli EDL putting traditional hardcore fascism to bed will have reassuringly come true, once and for all, after all the refuseniks surrender, whilst the EDL will continue vanish bit-by-bit into the fascist swamp. The footsoldiers of hate, with nowhere viable to turn to, will soon vanish from sight, some returning to football hooliganism, whilst others hang up their Stone Island Swastikas and bovva-trainers for good....... !!!
Pay Homage To The EDL Leadership and Their Speeches, Serfs!
It's gonna be hilarious...
26.02.2013 20:48
making up the fucking numbers!
It's Serious Anal Tickling Stick Time, Diddyman
26.02.2013 21:20
Once @officialedl get up and start lecturing people in Manchester about how to do things, talking the usual tosh about muggy mushrooms, castigating anybody who dares to criticise Kev Carroll's leadership, or Hel Gower's looks, or having the gall to question why Israel is linked to British or English Nationalism, or talk about the EDL's pro-Zionist funding.
Will Diddyman throw his toys from his cot, or start throwing rotten fruit at the lying EDL leadership when he realises he has been well and truly diddled under the absurdist aim of "Uniting The Right?"
You cannot unite chalk and cheese, and since their inception, the EDL have, just like Nick Griffin's BNP, become more autocratic by the day, whilst Tommy, Hel and Kev get rick quick from their members, grassing up their enemies posting crappy facebook posts to the police.....
Knowing Shane Calvert, he'll burst into tears, the big baby. He tried to be all hard when he interrupted the anti-cuts protest the other weekend, but he's really a big softy with shir for brains, when push comes to shove. He won't say boo to the proverbial goose not when the twenty-three stone nightclub bouncers who do EDL Security at events, start coming to Kev's rescue.
Diddyman will piddle and diddle into his nappies....
Northern Alliance, Nortwestern Alliance, or whatever the supposed organisers of this fascist jamboree of hate are, it's just another boring, pointless EDL march with the same old tired and warn speeches.
Train fares are not cheap, and the EDL will cream off yet more profits fleeced from both past and present members. They might even try to sell NWIers some EDL hoodies, when he realise the once mighty splitters are sucking up to Hel and Kev.
Well done Hel and Kev, as all committed antifascists can say as the hardline British neo-Nazis surrender to the EDL leadership.
If you can hoodwink the members eternally, British Nationalism is well and truly fucked.
Give them their due: - at least the EDL leadership (fascists though they are) have helped marginalise British anti-semitism, with the false-flag Israeli flag waving.
Look out for the Isreali flags in Manchester, Diddyman, AND ENJOY!
Watch Diddyman's Humbling In Manchester
Enjoy The Israeli Flag, NWIers!
26.02.2013 21:22
LOL @ Nazi Sell-Outs
Who will claim credit for a good turnout in Manchester, Muggy Mushrooms???
26.02.2013 21:39
and Kev
Long Live The EDL Leadership!
spot this
26.02.2013 22:16
troll spotter
EDL are finished
26.02.2013 22:43
Slate them
EDl Scruffs!
27.02.2013 03:24
How this fits in with the EDL is anybody's guess, but as usual, every EDLer and NWIer will be getting pissed in pubs beforehand, which is absolutely piss-poor when you compare these latterday fascist nobodies with the polished jackboots and buttoned uniforms of Oswald Mosley and his followers.
If the EDL and their ilk want to do fascism properly, why don't they employ a proper firm of bespoke tailors to produce reasonable outfits for their footsoldiers so they don't look like a load of drunken bums wearing Stone Island cast-offs???
If you want to go march through Manchester like proper fascists, at least act the fuckin' part!
EDL: - Look Like Lowlife Racist Scum = Are Lowlife Racist Scum
EDLers Cannot Blame The Recession
27.02.2013 04:08
Fascism has always preyed on the lumpen working classes, now and then, so instead of looking like a rabble that has rummaged through the bins for Primark chuckouts, it's high time EDLers showed some finesse in their organised race hatred.
Perhaps one of the top European fashion designers could produce some special EDL catwalk outfits. Especially in Paris and Milan, there seems to be plenty of secret nazi supporters amongst the ranks of the fashion world.
Before you start sniggering, please bear in mind Hugo Boss, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, they were all avid national socialists, and didn't hide their active collaboration with fascism, and people still love buying the clothes and perfumes they designed today.
Only recently John Galliano was outed as a fascist after making racist remarks towards a ;policeman (there, the stuff of EDLers, racially assaulting a copper from a minority background).
Tommy Robinson and pals could employ Galliano to manufacture special catwalk fascist outfits.
Maybe a speciall neo-Nazi marching outfit based around the theme of prison stripes.
The EDL might even become trendy (once the bloke with the baby bump, the strange hair, and the skirt is told to sling his hook)
Stranger things have happened.
Take To The Catwalk, EDLers!
EDL Louts Army
27.02.2013 04:17
We are not talking snobbish UKIPism!
Most working class people do not associate with either the clothes the EDL wear or their stupid arsebrained penchant for carrying beercans in one hand while marching.
It just looks loutish.
Oswald Mosley must be turning in his grave!
Put the beer cans away, my dear...
27.02.2013 04:28
You just look like a joke!
Compared to their hero Oswald Mosley.....
27.02.2013 04:32
will always be comedy nazis
Indeed: - Oswald Mosely Didn't Drink Whilst Marching
27.02.2013 04:44
If his racist thugs could stay sober, why can't the EDL do likewise, holding dry marches, with strictly no drinking before and after the march???
They might have not lost all of their supporters if they had not started marching whilst drinking.
EDL Pissheads
EDL Drunks
27.02.2013 04:49
Painfully Embarrasing
EDL - Drunks? Surely not...
27.02.2013 07:43
Mind you, most of the rest are drinking their share.
Admin on Official EDL
27.02.2013 11:03
Becki xxxx
@ 'Becki'
27.02.2013 12:02
You left the admin of the OFFICAL account to "two girls and a lad"
Who looks after your bank account, your goldfish?
"You should be arrested for incitement."
For what, reporting something posted by the two girls and a lad you left as admins.
"looks like a 10 year old concieved it." Lol, you left 3 ten year olds as offical edl twitter admins, ha ha ha ha
"We all think its Matt Collins from Hope not Hate on here posting this nonsense. Are we warm?"
Make your mind up, is it two girls and a lad or Matt Collins.............. your about as warm as the jeans of an EDL marcher who has had 8 cans of diamond white and gone nowhere near a bog.
Marshy The Pervert
27.02.2013 12:20
Don't forget the Casuals have officially surrendered but now three of them are still pretending to go to Manchester to "save the EDL".
If Jeff is going to make Manchester his last port of call before jetting off to Sunny Espana, let's consider that he will be there with all knives blazing, ready to sadistically stab every Man United fan (and other "red" he can lay his knife on).
He particularly got a perverse thrill at slashing teenage lads in the arse with his blade, yes, the arse, lads.
Now he writes sick books about it, hoping to make lots of cash from his gullable hero worshippers.
Marshy is a pervert, well and truly!
Casuals Disunited
Casuals Disunited
27.02.2013 12:21
The Pussy Posse
I do the talking around here
27.02.2013 13:43
EDL From Leeds To Stop-Off @ Queens Pub, Bradford To Get Pissed
27.02.2013 18:51
However, no pubs do early breakfasts in HB.
They do at the Queens pub on Bridge Street next to Bradford Interchange, which opens at 7am in the morning. This is where the EDL visited en-route to Keighley last year, draping EDL flags all around, sat outside on the pavement, we have been reliably informed.
There is a nice little treat in store, however. While unmanned Hebden Bridge has no barriers, Bradford has new £25,000 security ticket barriers which swallow up the tickets when you leave through the barriers, we have been told also.
On special occasions, you can ask a British Transport Policeman to let you through whilst keeping the ticket, but they will more than likely say no to a gang of EDL pissheads looking to get drunk in Bradford before heading across the Pennines to Rochdale and Manchester. Also they will be prepared for this, now!
Vault over these barriers, and the EDL fash will spend the rest of the day in the cells.
I guess this foils their stupid little plans. They'll have to now stock up on the Stella at Tesco's instead......
Antifa Mancunia
Paedo Marshy And His Bling
27.02.2013 18:55
Antimarshist Action
Extremely Close
27.02.2013 18:56
Nonce Marshy Prefers Roll-Ups
Food And Drink
27.02.2013 20:05
Get some horse burgers overloaded with hormones while youre at it, little fascist weirdoes.
They might help you all grow a pair!
All shapes and sizes
27.02.2013 20:56
27.02.2013 22:11
Is this not the new edl leadership?
28.02.2013 12:21
Muggy Mushrooms?
28.02.2013 12:24
28.02.2013 12:41
A hopeless despotic project
28.02.2013 21:00
two kinds of message
We really have to think
28.02.2013 21:02
despotism on the potty
Hispanic Pictures from Unfunny Troll!
28.02.2013 21:21
Well what will be funny will be when the anti-racists take the piss out of the EDL good and proper in Manchester this weekend.
Now the NWIers are back in the fold
28.02.2013 21:25
Evidence of losers
28.02.2013 22:03
Life of O'Brian