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Upcoming Manchester Events and Articles

Manchester unite | 26.02.2013 16:34 | Anti-racism | Culture | Social Struggles

A quick look into what's happening around Manchester over then next few weeks

Hi all Just another quick update as to events that are up and coming in the next few weeks

Anti EDL Demo - 2nd march in Piccadilly Gardens

levenshulme baths campaign gig - 2nd March
we are holding a gig at the Klondyke to raise funds for the campaign (lots of printing bills to pay!) and to celebrate what we have achieved so far. Claire Mooney and Robin Sunflower have already confirmed for this gig but others are being asked so we should end up with a fantastic line up of local talent.
Manchester Temporary Autonomous Arts is back!! 6th – 9th March

Bedroom Tax Protest 16th March

Also below you can find some interesting reading on subjects we care about

flase economy fact sheet

The case of the disappearing workfare scheme

now then manchester - a magazine, blog andpromoter that champions grass roots culture, traders, community and entertainment.

Save Alexandra Parks Trees - Sign petition to MCC & HLF to let them know we want to save 400 trees and 3.3 acres of wildlife habitat

and heres a couple of memes for you to ponder over

Manchester unite


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Mark 1 year since GMP shot and killed Anthony Grainger

26.02.2013 23:18

This Sunday 3 March the Justice 4 Grainger Campaign has a speakout/vigil in Piccadilly Gardens 1-3pm to mark one year since Greater Manchester Police shot and killed Anthony Grainger as he sat unarmed in a parked car. One year on and and we still wait for a completed investigation into his death never mind a trial or inquest. Speakers include Wesley Ahmed - Anthony's cousin, Kedisha Burrell, Janet Alder and Carol Duggan - Mark Duggan's aunt.

Bob Shepherd
- Homepage:

Good Idea!

27.02.2013 20:24

Might be a good idea to hand out Justice For Grainger leaflets at the anti-EDL demo at the same place this saturday. Sure lots of concerned people will be interested in finding out more about the campaign!
