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Why BBC journalists are on strike today

Tony Gosling | 18.02.2013 13:58 | Analysis | Other Press | Public sector cuts

BBC NUJ members have a proud record of defending their colleagues against compulsory redundancies. They have held to their policy through thick and thin and against all the odds. Their struggle is an example to this government that it cannot expect working people to accept cuts which effect working people lives, careers and the quality of the services they provide without making their voice and actions felt. The strike today must make the BBC think their through their decisions again - stop recruiting while others are being shown the door. Today makes me proud to be a NUJ member all over again. Unity is our strength.
John Fray retired DGS and Broadcsting Organiser 1990 - 2000

Michelle Stanistreet, said:
"NUJ members across the BBC are taking action to defend jobs and quality journalism at the corporation. They are angry and frustrated at the poor decisions being taken at the top of the BBC - decisions that are leading to journalists being forced out of their jobs and quality journalism and programming compromised.
"Instead of making sure that the redeployment process works properly in all areas of the BBC, managers are prepared to waste public money on needless redundancies and sacrifice the livelihoods of experienced and talented journalists, at the same time as advertising other jobs externally. It's particularly disappointing that the BBC has failed to engage meaningfully in attempts to resolve this dispute - an abdication ofresponsibility for a public service broadcaster."
NUJ members across the BBC - in Scotland, in BBC South, the Asian Network, Newsbeat, News, Five Live, the Big Screens, the World Service and English Regions - remain at risk of compulsory redundancy.
BBC jobs have been externally advertised while experienced and skilled staff, who face losing their livelihood, have not even been considered.
The NUJ has put forward constructive proposals to the BBC to resolve this dispute. The BBC has been asked for a moratorium on all job cuts for a six month period, to allow for talks and negotiation with the new Director General. So far the BBC has not responded to this request.

Tony Gosling
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you hypocrit

18.02.2013 15:46

You were saying the bbc was a tool of the state not so long ago.

stuff em

You hypocrit.

18.02.2013 17:07

I really am sorry for that last comment. I have a swelling in my brain and it causes me to troll websites for no reason.

Please forgive me.

stuff em

messages of support from journalists around the world

18.02.2013 17:30

Messages of support

On behalf of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) and its 44 affiliates across the continent, I wish you the best of luck with your strike this Monday, 18 February, against compulsory redundancies at the BBC. I was shocked to hear that NUJ members across the BBC remain at risk of compulsory redundancy. It is very miserable dejection that experienced and skilled BBC staff are particularly facing a situation of losing their livelihood. Our thoughts are with you and all our NUJ sisters and brothers as you go on strike against this appalling condition. The future of BBC journalists and quality journalism are at risk. We call on the BBC to accept constructive proposals submitted by the NUJ to resolve this labour dispute. We stand with you and are ready to help in any way we can. In solidarity, Omar Faruk Osman, President of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ)

Tony G
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18.02.2013 22:38

I [along with countless other people] was horrified to read that a character called Michael RUDON has been involved in what is nothing less than what can be described as a hatchet job to MOCK the people of TRUTH and INTEGRITY fighting for a meaningful INDEPENDENT investigation into the background of 911.

911 is the defining argument on which every US Executive since 2001 has been involved in prosecuting a war without end [against people of MUSLIM belief] directed against every SOVEREIGN nation [which most surprisingly has no shortage of Minerals - now what a coincidence]. This background to 911 [not the SPURIOUS DECEIT - THE LIE - that TARGETS innocent people of a MUSLIM belief - supporting the PAPAL belief to emasculate those of another belief in order to misappropriate the Temple in Jerusalem for people who are of the Jewish &/or of Christian belief].

Come Clean BBC - IS that possible?
Who precisely is Michael RUDON from New York - does he not come with huge baggage - not exactly the most unbiased of people to represent FACTS & TRUTH? [Is he a person of utmost honesty & integrity?][Conflicts of Interest...? between his private interest and his public duty to represent the truth?]

Is it the case that his father & grandfather have give substantial amount of money to ZIONIST causes - and was it not the case that ZIONIST interests were implicated in the bringing down of WTC1, WTC2, WTC7 the PENTAGON [or was it the PENTaCON] along with the purported "plane crash" at Shanksville [witnesses have made clear it was caused by a missile].

INDEPENDENT JOURNALISTS, and RESEARCHERS appear to now be on the case...

Yet the BBC does it not have a history of protecting those who have been proved to ABUSE the most vulnerable in society by means of DEVIOUSLY CLEVER DECEIT...


NEVER TRUST THE BBC AGAIN [Understand who controls it = Understand that its Charter was drafted on the advice of the Prime Minister - and who exactly supported him and funded his nomination to be considered as the appropriate candidate to be considered as political leader designate...? and which organization did he swear a private OATH to protect his Brethren?]

Number 11 KINGSBRIDGE ROAD, north Kensington (RBKC) W10 6PU [wedged between HIGHLEVER Road and WALLINGFORD AVENUE - he likes gong to the Juice Bar in Portobello - his mother has a shop just next to north Kensington Public Library (he has a very intelligent and a very attractive wife - with an artistic flair linked to a stationery company)][Is not his parliamentary constituency based in an ultra safe seat in Oxfordshire, where he avails himself of another home?].

michael browne

Responsibilities of BBC journalists

19.02.2013 09:56

To be honest when I've dealt with BBC journalists they've broken promises, so I take it BBC journalists will now be showing reciprocal solidarity with other progressive causes, or will they insist on remaining "balanced", ie - on stuff like (just one example) giving massive TV time to tiny far-right groups like The "Institute" for Economic Affairs?!



20.02.2013 01:49

3 Times they slated the bnp why bother? obsessed or what.. The bnp have had everything thrown at em from the media to gov taking them to court etc but the bbc total mid class liberal elite.
