Mayor Ferguson 'volunteer' adviser's Matt Payne's firm KPMG being investigated for fraud
Tony Gosling | 18.02.2013 00:55
Tony Gosling
Original article on IMC Bristol:
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Why do some editors consider suspected white collar crime is 'not news'?
11.03.2013 23:37
hidden article screen
part of article on hidden page with link removed
reason for hiding screen - news? at the bottom
Initially a request to the Bristol City Council press office got no responses despite reminders. Then, a request to the mayors office direct got a response and three names, one of those names is of a man being paid by KPMG to help the mayor go through the city's budget and to 'help' the mayor to make his £35m cuts to public services.
Now KPMG are undergoing a special investigation by the Competition Commission into collusion and fraud both now and in the run-up to their fraudulent auditing of the accounts of the major UK private banks in the 2008 financial crisis.
The investigation is looking at probable collusion between the 'big four' UK accounting forms including Deloitte, PWC and KPMG. Several financial journalists I have spoken to say KPMG is the worst.
This was the first time that Bristol mayor Georgwe Ferguson's unpaid KPMG adviser Matt Payne's name had been made public and so it was doubly newsworthy.
Firstly confirmation that that a company being investigated for fraud have supplied someone to 'help' Bristol's mayor to go through his budget and secondly giving the name of that individual.
Most strange then for Bristol Indymedia editor(s) to hide the report.
Three days after the report was hidden the administrators of the Bristol Indymedia editors list were written to by email asking if the hiding had been a mistake and if not what the reason for hiding was. Two weeks after still no reply so we are just left with the tag 'not news'.
As an employee of a dodgy financial services company, being accused of price fixing and potentially criminal activity is involved in setting the £320m annual tax spend for roughly 350,000 people it fundamentally calls the mayor's judgement into question.
blacklisted observer
hidden story
21.04.2013 19:40
Matt Payne
Big Four stopper