U.S. Senate Leaders Should Be Arrested and Charged With Treason
Dave Darrow | 17.02.2013 21:45 | Culture | Palestine | Repression | London | Wales
Despite the truth many Senators were willing to vote for Charles Hagel, as more than worthy choice for Secretary of Defense, on-the-ground facts show we Americans are stuck with defense contractor and Israel-firster suck-ups like Lindsey Graham, and his whiny, albeit slick, style of political correctness, such as his recent show-trial stigmatizing anything that suggests criticism of Israel’s right-wing agenda. Graham’s strategy-driven limelight approach (clever as if concocted by some backroom weasel committee) had the chutzpa to point-blank ask Hagel during a recent Senate confirmation hearing, about some of his previous statements, with all the solemnity of “ordained” mortal sins from a Catholic cardinal, such as 1) “…the Jewish Lobby has a tendency to intimidate people up here…” 2) “…I’m not a Israeli Senator I’m a U.S. Senator…” and 3) “…this pressure makes us do dumb things at times…”.
U.S. Senate Leaders Should Be Arrested and Charged With Treason
By David Darrow
One cannot help think—despite one being far more liberal and independent of mind than anything close to the rightwing—of the seeming arrogant smugness of John Kerry, now that he has been named Secretary of State, and as he continues to full-throttle forward Israel’s agenda to declare war on Iran (not that his transmogrification from humane being to puppet happened over night). This was once a man who defied the White House, State Department and Pentagon agenda of an unnecessary and inhumane Vietnam War that he viscerally understood. This was also a man who also came to understand actually fighting in a war, with some heroic stature, can mean nothing if the dirty enterprise of American politics can portray such patriotism as liability. But where is John Kerry now, the bigwig diplomat, advocating for his previous colleague Chuck Hagel to head the DOD, that is, now that Kerry has been uplifted to the mighty mountain of diploma sainthood (angel lore no doubt), and Neo-Con-Artist approved of course, as America’s puppet-sock Secretary of State that will continue to carry out for Israel’s right-wing ambitions and depravations?
Since the time of Vietnam, seemingly long ago, Kerry has morphed into one more AIPAC kiss ass (unlike lone range Hagel). Therefore Kerry was easily approved to be Secretary of State to carry off more ignominious lies about WMD supposedly hidden in Iran, as well as for the Military Industrial Complex and its banking cartels’ need to maintain profit margins, and all affiliated Zionists who believe they have some right to dominate American foreign policy and American taxpayer resources. John Kerry seems to be all but silent on the matter that he might need to work with someone who thinks for self and determines one’s own decisions (the very definition of “not” selling out one’s soul: so lacking in Congress and the D.C. Beltway)?
Despite the truth many Senators were willing to vote for Charles Hagel, as more than worthy choice for Secretary of Defense, on-the-ground facts show we Americans are stuck with defense contractor and Israel-firster suck-ups like Lindsey Graham, and his whiny, albeit slick, style of political correctness, such as his recent show-trial stigmatizing anything that suggests criticism of Israel’s right-wing agenda. Graham’s strategy-driven limelight approach (clever as if concocted by some backroom weasel committee) had the chutzpa to point-blank ask Hagel during a recent Senate confirmation hearing, about some of his previous statements, with all the solemnity of “ordained” mortal sins from a Catholic cardinal, such as 1) “…the Jewish Lobby has a tendency to intimidate people up here…” 2) “…I’m not a Israeli Senator I’m a U.S. Senator…” and 3) “…this pressure makes us do dumb things at times…”.
If Mr. Hagel said these things, and evidently he did, then he should be applauded and appreciated for working for the American people and not special interests that do not give a damn about the American people. Rather we had a media-driven circus climate frenzied up by the likes of traitor William Kristol and his Neo-Con-Cabal (who ought be hanging from the same rope as hung Saddam Hussein), which claimed Hagel’s patriotic assertions were not only controversial but insulting (and how could good Americans possibly stand for such dissident waves of non-conformity).
More importantly his assertion reflect a great deal of actual truth that many Americans readily understand even if plenty others do not—yet those who do are not often comfortable talking about these realities (especially given the propagated climate of creating a psychology of blackmail that uses ‘anti-Semite’ to anything some Jewish people might resent, and with a ready reference strategy to point to Holocaust horrors, and simultaneous capacity to manipulate Christian guilt and belief system. Most Americans have been cornered into a box of stultified stifling of real opinion (just as what was attempted at Chuck Hagel’s confirmation hearing).
And yet the fact is that the corruption levels of Israel’s involvement within the corruption levels of U.S. foreign policy is so much a can of worms few dare venture too far discussing much of it (least of all the Lame Stream Media or even many who claim to represent the liberal or alternative media).
Lindsey Graham, knowing full-well to the truth of Hagel’s assertions of Zionist and AIPAC intimidation in our capital on the hill (and their constant satiating of lobby politics and program), was betting Mr. Hagel would not have the nerve to directly name specific senators’ names, who may have conceded in private they felt pressured and intimidated by the “Jewish lobby” (a phrase he is suppose to regret as prejudice even though it clearly is a Jewish lobby). After all if they actually felt uncomfortable discussing the matter privately why would they want their names publicly named? So Graham insinuated Hagel’s thoughts were not true since Hagel himself did not play to Graham’s gambit and name names. And he proceeded to chastise Mr. Hagel for how provocative were his claims (as if it comprised nothing more than some imagined conspiracy theory).
The only problem is that everything Mr. Hagel said was true. And that is not even the beginning of how lopsided this whole charade is of American and Israeli relationship. What do social scientists call it when one person in a two person relationship pretty much calls all the shots and determines most of the outcomes on critical matters, meanwhile the controlling person contributes little in relationship to the other. Most would call it exploitative (if not parasitic). And yet to too much extent this is the kind of game that continues to be played out in Washington D.C. (with the cooperation of much of the media) year after year.
Some argue this relationship is worst than that—that it is more equivalent to something criminal in which one party is being held hostage in an elaborate con game. For example, several Israeli provocations to U.S interests did real damage to our country, and transgressed far beyond mere words that might have offended sensitive people, not least was their bombing our naval vessel the USS Liberty (which they knew in advance despite their deceit of an apology of ignorance). See documentaries such as Loose Change and War By Deception to get an inkling of how deep this corruption goes.
This is one reason why there has been so much denial about our foreign policy in relation to Israel and the Zionist Lobby—because it has been high-jacked (as few people dare talk about it). So every year the people of the United States live in denial and therefore more and more illegal wars can transpire (and all related atrocities such as torture can continue—that is while sweet speeches can emanate from the White House, State Department and Congress).
America is in crisis and the Zionist agenda which ignores Americans true interests is still winning. John McCain is another one who too often acts as if he is a mere pimple on some non-entity’s ass who ultimately does not matter in the larger scheme of things. But nevertheless we have a man who has never known what it is like to be normal—instead always trying to live up to an Admiral son’s status. Apparently he can’t even write his own books—but more importantly he doesn’t live up to values of his books such as living with real courage. Rather this thing seems a coward. Minimally courageous people have capacity to learn from their mistakes—but apparently not John McCain. Instead he is too much into protecting Senate turf and various egos least of all his own (something even homeless people also contend but don’t get the news coverage).
Yet if all this wasn’t bad enough, the real likely reality will remain that the United States cannot possibly survive (financially or politically), especially in the long term, by continuing to support Israel’s Zionist State of a religious Theocratic Jewish Israel, despite all the truths of historical discrimination, pogroms, various hate campaigns, persecutions, etc., Jewish believers have experienced around the world though several centuries (and especially by Christian majorities).
It is true that Jewish populations have been despised and made to suffer in many countries and by Christians (and even Muslims and yet not Muslims as much as Christians). This is historical truth.
Yet we go against “our” American value system of freedom of equality regardless of ethnicity and religion when we support any Theocratic state that discriminates and persecutes people based on religion or ethnicity (which Zionist Israel like some Muslim states do). By not honoring our own values we are instead destroying our own form of government with more and more attempts to limit our freedom (while covering up the deceits and crimes of our government—which is why members of Congress can be blackmailed in various con games of remaining silent and going along with what is not right or just).
So we need to be courageous enough to ask questions like why Christian populations have been prejudice against Jewish people from America to Russia, and be willing to consider new and radical answers, such as one likely answer is because of the “human” faults of religion itself. Any real political analysis of Judeo-Christianity will clearly show it has its own terrorist themes such as a God that claims he could condemn human souls to a hell of eternal torture (not too different from a political parallel from at least the Bush era White House that claimed his Executive Powers include the right of putting loosely labeled terrorists into prison systems forever with no possible claim to any kind of redemption).
Judeo-Christianity is morally flawed in several ways. No “just” God would create a hell of eternal torture to intimidate souls. Who cares what Senators today like Lindsey Graham and his kind think? The fact is that if slavery can end then so can slave religions, in which people once felt a need to buy indulgences to a Catholic Church so as to save them from prophesized torture.
Professionals need to address these issues and stop hiding the idea that religious Gods can declare it is OK for certain people to kill other people (because it is in the Bible). More has been written about this elsewhere.
Yes our Congress had been goaded into doing dumb things, like going into illegal wars with Iraq (by an arm-twisting Zionist lobby) even if it is equally true most Jews were not in favor of such a war. The fact is Chuck Hagel did not join the bandwagon “pressure” to label Hezbollah a terrorist organization, and this is proof-positive of the propaganda and pressure to label Israel’s enemies as terrorists, and then expect all Americans to equally assume that not only are Israel’s enemies American enemies (but that we are suppose to also label them terrorists as well and treat them accordingly). If that is not intimidating pressure then what is?
Lindsey Graham doesn’t work for the American interests (maybe some corporate interests).
Israel, AIPAC, guilt-trippers of every stripe, get off our backs, and as the real Navy still says: “DON’T TREAD ON ME”.
By David Darrow
One cannot help think—despite one being far more liberal and independent of mind than anything close to the rightwing—of the seeming arrogant smugness of John Kerry, now that he has been named Secretary of State, and as he continues to full-throttle forward Israel’s agenda to declare war on Iran (not that his transmogrification from humane being to puppet happened over night). This was once a man who defied the White House, State Department and Pentagon agenda of an unnecessary and inhumane Vietnam War that he viscerally understood. This was also a man who also came to understand actually fighting in a war, with some heroic stature, can mean nothing if the dirty enterprise of American politics can portray such patriotism as liability. But where is John Kerry now, the bigwig diplomat, advocating for his previous colleague Chuck Hagel to head the DOD, that is, now that Kerry has been uplifted to the mighty mountain of diploma sainthood (angel lore no doubt), and Neo-Con-Artist approved of course, as America’s puppet-sock Secretary of State that will continue to carry out for Israel’s right-wing ambitions and depravations?
Since the time of Vietnam, seemingly long ago, Kerry has morphed into one more AIPAC kiss ass (unlike lone range Hagel). Therefore Kerry was easily approved to be Secretary of State to carry off more ignominious lies about WMD supposedly hidden in Iran, as well as for the Military Industrial Complex and its banking cartels’ need to maintain profit margins, and all affiliated Zionists who believe they have some right to dominate American foreign policy and American taxpayer resources. John Kerry seems to be all but silent on the matter that he might need to work with someone who thinks for self and determines one’s own decisions (the very definition of “not” selling out one’s soul: so lacking in Congress and the D.C. Beltway)?
Despite the truth many Senators were willing to vote for Charles Hagel, as more than worthy choice for Secretary of Defense, on-the-ground facts show we Americans are stuck with defense contractor and Israel-firster suck-ups like Lindsey Graham, and his whiny, albeit slick, style of political correctness, such as his recent show-trial stigmatizing anything that suggests criticism of Israel’s right-wing agenda. Graham’s strategy-driven limelight approach (clever as if concocted by some backroom weasel committee) had the chutzpa to point-blank ask Hagel during a recent Senate confirmation hearing, about some of his previous statements, with all the solemnity of “ordained” mortal sins from a Catholic cardinal, such as 1) “…the Jewish Lobby has a tendency to intimidate people up here…” 2) “…I’m not a Israeli Senator I’m a U.S. Senator…” and 3) “…this pressure makes us do dumb things at times…”.
If Mr. Hagel said these things, and evidently he did, then he should be applauded and appreciated for working for the American people and not special interests that do not give a damn about the American people. Rather we had a media-driven circus climate frenzied up by the likes of traitor William Kristol and his Neo-Con-Cabal (who ought be hanging from the same rope as hung Saddam Hussein), which claimed Hagel’s patriotic assertions were not only controversial but insulting (and how could good Americans possibly stand for such dissident waves of non-conformity).
More importantly his assertion reflect a great deal of actual truth that many Americans readily understand even if plenty others do not—yet those who do are not often comfortable talking about these realities (especially given the propagated climate of creating a psychology of blackmail that uses ‘anti-Semite’ to anything some Jewish people might resent, and with a ready reference strategy to point to Holocaust horrors, and simultaneous capacity to manipulate Christian guilt and belief system. Most Americans have been cornered into a box of stultified stifling of real opinion (just as what was attempted at Chuck Hagel’s confirmation hearing).
And yet the fact is that the corruption levels of Israel’s involvement within the corruption levels of U.S. foreign policy is so much a can of worms few dare venture too far discussing much of it (least of all the Lame Stream Media or even many who claim to represent the liberal or alternative media).
Lindsey Graham, knowing full-well to the truth of Hagel’s assertions of Zionist and AIPAC intimidation in our capital on the hill (and their constant satiating of lobby politics and program), was betting Mr. Hagel would not have the nerve to directly name specific senators’ names, who may have conceded in private they felt pressured and intimidated by the “Jewish lobby” (a phrase he is suppose to regret as prejudice even though it clearly is a Jewish lobby). After all if they actually felt uncomfortable discussing the matter privately why would they want their names publicly named? So Graham insinuated Hagel’s thoughts were not true since Hagel himself did not play to Graham’s gambit and name names. And he proceeded to chastise Mr. Hagel for how provocative were his claims (as if it comprised nothing more than some imagined conspiracy theory).
The only problem is that everything Mr. Hagel said was true. And that is not even the beginning of how lopsided this whole charade is of American and Israeli relationship. What do social scientists call it when one person in a two person relationship pretty much calls all the shots and determines most of the outcomes on critical matters, meanwhile the controlling person contributes little in relationship to the other. Most would call it exploitative (if not parasitic). And yet to too much extent this is the kind of game that continues to be played out in Washington D.C. (with the cooperation of much of the media) year after year.
Some argue this relationship is worst than that—that it is more equivalent to something criminal in which one party is being held hostage in an elaborate con game. For example, several Israeli provocations to U.S interests did real damage to our country, and transgressed far beyond mere words that might have offended sensitive people, not least was their bombing our naval vessel the USS Liberty (which they knew in advance despite their deceit of an apology of ignorance). See documentaries such as Loose Change and War By Deception to get an inkling of how deep this corruption goes.
This is one reason why there has been so much denial about our foreign policy in relation to Israel and the Zionist Lobby—because it has been high-jacked (as few people dare talk about it). So every year the people of the United States live in denial and therefore more and more illegal wars can transpire (and all related atrocities such as torture can continue—that is while sweet speeches can emanate from the White House, State Department and Congress).
America is in crisis and the Zionist agenda which ignores Americans true interests is still winning. John McCain is another one who too often acts as if he is a mere pimple on some non-entity’s ass who ultimately does not matter in the larger scheme of things. But nevertheless we have a man who has never known what it is like to be normal—instead always trying to live up to an Admiral son’s status. Apparently he can’t even write his own books—but more importantly he doesn’t live up to values of his books such as living with real courage. Rather this thing seems a coward. Minimally courageous people have capacity to learn from their mistakes—but apparently not John McCain. Instead he is too much into protecting Senate turf and various egos least of all his own (something even homeless people also contend but don’t get the news coverage).
Yet if all this wasn’t bad enough, the real likely reality will remain that the United States cannot possibly survive (financially or politically), especially in the long term, by continuing to support Israel’s Zionist State of a religious Theocratic Jewish Israel, despite all the truths of historical discrimination, pogroms, various hate campaigns, persecutions, etc., Jewish believers have experienced around the world though several centuries (and especially by Christian majorities).
It is true that Jewish populations have been despised and made to suffer in many countries and by Christians (and even Muslims and yet not Muslims as much as Christians). This is historical truth.
Yet we go against “our” American value system of freedom of equality regardless of ethnicity and religion when we support any Theocratic state that discriminates and persecutes people based on religion or ethnicity (which Zionist Israel like some Muslim states do). By not honoring our own values we are instead destroying our own form of government with more and more attempts to limit our freedom (while covering up the deceits and crimes of our government—which is why members of Congress can be blackmailed in various con games of remaining silent and going along with what is not right or just).
So we need to be courageous enough to ask questions like why Christian populations have been prejudice against Jewish people from America to Russia, and be willing to consider new and radical answers, such as one likely answer is because of the “human” faults of religion itself. Any real political analysis of Judeo-Christianity will clearly show it has its own terrorist themes such as a God that claims he could condemn human souls to a hell of eternal torture (not too different from a political parallel from at least the Bush era White House that claimed his Executive Powers include the right of putting loosely labeled terrorists into prison systems forever with no possible claim to any kind of redemption).
Judeo-Christianity is morally flawed in several ways. No “just” God would create a hell of eternal torture to intimidate souls. Who cares what Senators today like Lindsey Graham and his kind think? The fact is that if slavery can end then so can slave religions, in which people once felt a need to buy indulgences to a Catholic Church so as to save them from prophesized torture.
Professionals need to address these issues and stop hiding the idea that religious Gods can declare it is OK for certain people to kill other people (because it is in the Bible). More has been written about this elsewhere.
Yes our Congress had been goaded into doing dumb things, like going into illegal wars with Iraq (by an arm-twisting Zionist lobby) even if it is equally true most Jews were not in favor of such a war. The fact is Chuck Hagel did not join the bandwagon “pressure” to label Hezbollah a terrorist organization, and this is proof-positive of the propaganda and pressure to label Israel’s enemies as terrorists, and then expect all Americans to equally assume that not only are Israel’s enemies American enemies (but that we are suppose to also label them terrorists as well and treat them accordingly). If that is not intimidating pressure then what is?
Lindsey Graham doesn’t work for the American interests (maybe some corporate interests).
Israel, AIPAC, guilt-trippers of every stripe, get off our backs, and as the real Navy still says: “DON’T TREAD ON ME”.
Dave Darrow
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18.02.2013 00:53
captain amazement