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Jeff Marsh Indeed Officially Surrenders #edl #jeffmarsh @slatedl

Antimarshist Action | 17.02.2013 00:19 | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Sheffield

The news everybody heard is indeed true, Mister Jeffrey Marsh Esquire from Cardiff (Joe Casuals), the cowardly founder of dumbarse ex-hooligan Casuals United, the middle-aged hot-air specialist, famous for getting all psychopath and stabbing Man United fans including children, yet talking absolute shite about anarchists being scared of him, has escaped to Sunny Spain to escape the attentions of UK Antifa.

In other words, the screwloose fatarsed prick has well and truly fuckin' surrendered, leaving the teenage girls this sick paedo has groomed to hold the fort.

Tell all your friends, dudes, and remember to remind all on sundry that Casuals United no longer exist apart from on Twitter.



Antimarshist Action


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Jeff Marsh.....

17.02.2013 00:21 a first grade



17.02.2013 00:23

Even the name of Joe (Jeff) marsh's twitter account makes me piss myself uncontrolllably while laughing (pass the TENA somebody)!


He goes fucking nowhere!


Marsh still relies on THIS LOT for support on Twitter

17.02.2013 00:28


The killer zombie freaks!!!!!!

Stella / Charlie

Join Up Today - Your Kevin Carroll Needs You!

17.02.2013 00:33


E-E-Ediots Recruitment Officer

Each time

17.02.2013 00:40

Marsh or Casuals United post bullshit on Twitter

I fall about laughing!


17.02.2013 00:51

This picture isn't copyright, copyleft or anything, so share it left, right and centre around the net.

Apparently Jeff Marsh is posting a video up on YouTube libelling Matt from Hope Not Hate but it won't be up until next week cos Jeff is a lazy cunt!

Make sure Twitter and Facebook is bombarded with this Casuals United Surrender Pic so he is totally humilated by next Friday!


Love The Picture

17.02.2013 00:54

I've already made it my main pic on Facebook.

Let's hope others follow suit.

Get clickin, savin, cuttin & pastin!


And share it on twitter

17.02.2013 01:01


the fascist scum


17.02.2013 01:10

ive done it too from my mobile

A N Other

Very silly thread

17.02.2013 02:34

Marsh may be a prick, but 30 seconds with Google proves the claims above are absolute nonsense


He's fucked off to Spain for a new life and a new job

17.02.2013 03:29

If that isn't surrendering, what the merry fuck is???????????????????????????

Annie Panny

Absolute nonsense.

17.02.2013 03:30

He's in Sunny Spain

you idiot

Casuals Disunited

17.02.2013 03:35

Only exist as a twitter page anyway.

They can do fuck all now Marshy's in Spain.

EDL Trolls - Use Your Sodding Brains! The Casuals HAVE SURRENDERED!!!

Fancy borrowing a

17.02.2013 03:48

pair of braincells


braincells for troll jane

17.02.2013 03:52

There's a couple of braincells found discarded in a Wetherspoons that the EDL frequent...




17.02.2013 13:13

The whole basis of EDL campaigning lay in trying to (unsuccessfully) deceive the public about the Fascism of the people involved in that movement, for years Jeff Marsh has been using aliases like "Joe Cardiff", when his address in Barry Island was found he claimed to have moved (if memory serves, to Newcastle), and a little while ago Marsh tweeted saying he was gay (which was clearly a joke).

Virtually everything this guy and his accomplices say is a pack of lies - so, believe me, if the lard has finally fucked off to the Costa I'll be sorry for the Spaniards but happy in equal measure, and thanks for the patronising comments, but I'd strongly urge people against believing every little tweet and post that's made by this pathological bullshitter. Don't crow about your own victories until you're absolutely certain they've actually been won


This is the original article

17.02.2013 15:14

Nazi scum

Marshs court case

His neice Zoe

17.02.2013 15:17

She is a nurse at the Royal Gwent hospital in Newport and that is a fact. Her father is a well known thug at Newport County. Marshys half brother Carl Farley

marsh scum

Him an Lisa Davis

17.02.2013 15:29

This is him with his fascist bimbo

marsh fascist

Jane or Jayne?

17.02.2013 16:08

Troll cannot remember her name!

I blame the schools! lol

Good Night, White Pride!

17.02.2013 16:16

From his hideaway in Spain, Stabber Jeffrey is promoting a white pride event in Wales.

If there are any ANTIFA watching, please call in to disrupt the event, to show them who's boss.

Antimarshist Action

White Pride

17.02.2013 16:19



Jeff's Mates

17.02.2013 16:22


Fuck The Nazis!

Wacky races.

17.02.2013 17:59

That's really lame to try and claim you are a part of us.

How do half a dozen drunk fag buts from England making Nazi salutes in a Welsh pub get to claim that they are the "Welsh Defense League"?

Look at them, hardly a picture of fitness and good health are they?

If any one of these nutless monkeys went to a doctor they would have to have their livers amputated to stop them becoming obese!

WDL, what a f*****g joke!

P.S Independence for Wales.


Beside the point

18.02.2013 00:37

Seeing as Marsh rarely had the bottle to show up on demos anyway, whether he's tweeting from behind a keyboard in Barry Island or from behind a keyboard in Spain is beside the point

But, yes, obviously, pointing out that much of what Marsh says online is deliberate misdirection DOES obviously prove the person who pointed that out must be a troll..... of course you're right


Spain's Moorish Heritage and La Falange

18.02.2013 16:11

It will come as a nasty shock to Jeff Marsh when he discovers that Spain's best and most famous buildings, the Alhambra for instance, are of Muslim origin.

If he's not such a lazy limpet, he might get off his fat, ugly pimply arse and go and search out the Spanish Falange, the nationalist far right political group founded in Spain in 1933 by José Antonio Primo de Rivera, son of the former dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera. They still exist, and are linked to the International White Power Scene.

Instead of the fourteen words, they have a whole 26 words, and now, like the EDL, stupidly campaign to stop mosque building in Spain despite the country's rich archetectural Moorish heritage.

Allies of La Falange (Spain) include Noua Dreapta (Romania), Forza Nuova (Italy), Nationale Alliantie (Holland) along with the Nordiska Förbundet (Sweden), and the
Norwegian Defence League (Norway).

Do that, and you will have the wrath of Spanish antifa and anarchists after you.

That's a promise, Fat Fuck!


Pointy Hats

18.02.2013 16:14

On religious occasions, don't the Spanish people march wearing white pointy hats?

Maybe that's attracted Marsh to the place, what with his hardcore nazi friends???



18.02.2013 16:21 a


Spanish Antifa

18.02.2013 16:43

Don't just type on computers Marchy. They helped bring down the fascist Franco regime!



A good move.

18.02.2013 19:18

"It will come as a nasty shock to Jeff Marsh when he discovers that Spain's best and most famous buildings, the Alhambra for instance, are of Muslim origin."

Spain is partly a former Islamic state and in its heyday was home to one of the muslim worlds most formidable Islamic empires...the Almohad Dynasty. The Almohads stretched from most of northern Africa to southern Spain. Much of Spanish history, architecture and culture is a mix of Islamic and Christian dogma with the Christians in the north and the Muslims in the south.

It really is very striking the difference between the Spanish south and the north. The change in the country is very noticable and easily seen.

Mr Marsh should be at home in the north of Spain but most English nationalists who flee to th...sorry, travel to the country tend to settle up around the coastal areas for the sun and sea especially around the Costa del Sol which is as far south as you can go without ending up in Morocco.

Mr Marsh will be surrounded by Islamic influences and will presumably find it very difficult to fit it. But then again, he will probably enjoy it hugely. Why wouldn't he, he is away from the Nazi saluting English nationalists and the miserable drunken rabbit hutches they are stuffed into by their councils.

Mr Marsh will have a much better and more compelling quality of life.

Richard Stillgoe.

anti working class bastard

21.02.2013 13:29

you utter utter scumbag.i was in class war and afa for 20 odd years because of people like you.i was born in one of them "miserable drunken rabbit hutches" and God forbid if the left is left up to the likes of you as we're fucked if so.

London Celtic Punks