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Serious Nazi threat to Brighton's Cowley Club

Haptic | 17.02.2013 00:04 | Anti-racism | South Coast

Serious Nazi threat to Brighton's Cowley Club

On 16 Feb 2013 the Facebook page of openly Nazi EDL spin-off group the North West Infidels published photos of the front and back entrances of the Cowley Club in Brighton (see screen-grabs), describing the club as "Antifas shithole" (sic). The photo of the front was posted with a comment that says "A couple of the lads went down to Brighton.... on a little scouting mission to the Cowley Club.... This is a message to you Brighton Antifa.... We know who you are and we know where you are.... We'll be seeing you very soon". In might of the arson attack on the Freedom Bookshop down in London, this threat should be taken seriously. Readers in Brighton please pass this info to the Cowley Club absolutely ASAP, and the club should take immediate steps to make certain their premises are secure and that their fire protection, CCTV and insurance etc are up to covering a worst possible scenario.

Another comment on the same NWI Facebook page says "see they repaired the top Windows lol, bff hit the place 4 years ago" - meaning a Nazi gang who call themselves the British Freedom Fighters (sic) reckon they smashed the windows of the Cowley Club in 2009. By way of context, BFF member and EDL protestor Mike Heaton (aka Wigan Mike) recently finished a jail term for inciting the murder of Jews, and Mike Heaton ran a group called Aryan Strike Force, whose members Ian Davison and Nicky Davison were jailed for making pipe bombs and chemical weapons (use IP shielding before accessing far-right websites) -



Display the following 9 comments

  1. So now we know who set fire to the anarchist bookshop — PC Plodd
  2. On-line Threats — Bingley
  3. both — john
  4. Evidence — y
  5. Not very convincing — Keyboard Warrior
  6. KW — PLY
  7. Not what I meant — Keyboard Warrior
  8. Communication — GLS
  9. they'll be wearing their earl grey next time — Durutti Flying Column