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Israel Plans Attack To Create And Occupy 10 Mile "Buffer Zone" Inside Syria

Henry | 14.02.2013 11:19

ISRAEL is considering creating a buffer zone reaching up to 10 miles inside Syria

The proposal, which has been drawn up by the military and presented to Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, is intended to secure the 47-mile border against a growing Islamist threat if President Bashar al-Assad’s embattled regime loses control of the area.

The buffer would be modelled on the Lebanese security zone, in which the Israeli defence forces patrolled jointly with the South Lebanon army, a militia, up to 16 miles inside Lebanon from 1985 to 2000.

“We’ve presented the prime minister with a comprehensive plan to defend Israel’s border after, or perhaps before, the fall of Assad’s regime,” said a source close to the military planners.

“A buffer zone set up with the co-operation of local villagers lies at the heart of the plan. If the country remains unstable we might have to stay there for years.”

In recent months jihadist groups such as the Nusra Front, which Washington regards as a terrorist organisation linked to al-Qaeda, are reported to have infiltrated several border villages. Two of the villages, Breika and Bir Ajam, are less than a mile from the Israeli border.

Netanyahu, who visited Israeli outposts overlooking the rebel villages last month, watched construction workers erect a 20ft steel wall along the border to replace a rickety fence.

“The old fence was fine for more than 40 years,” said the military source. “We knew then that there was a strongman in Damascus. But not any more. The new wall will be good when it’s ready but without the buffer zone mortar and rocket attacks on Israel would be a daily event.”



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14.02.2013 17:00

This aint happening.

Just a lot of hot air in the newspapers and TV.

Who the f**k would they find to actually patrol the area. The IDF would be up against battle hardened Jihadi's and others', not defenceless women and children in Gaza.

You seem to think that Israel is true to its word.

What on earth has led you to such a preposterous conclusion?


@ anonymous

15.02.2013 10:51

Yeah we know

Israel hasn't got nuclear weapons
Israel is a military state
Israel is failing any day
Israel is a con-job

We are all very used to your regular posts and the damage they do to the cause of the Palestinian people. For those of us who have actually been to the country and have faced one of the best equipped and motivated armies in the world it is rather different. It may well play to your political and racial prejudices to pretend that Israel has no power but the opposite is the reality in Palestine and the OT.

Why not do something useful for Palestine ?

Friend of Palestine


15.02.2013 12:37

In fact I probably rate as one of the best informed commentators here when discussing Israel.



15.02.2013 14:43

In fact you probably rate as one of the least informed commentators here when discussing Israel.

not anonymous

Good grief!

15.02.2013 15:30

Yapping to yerself again I see.

How terribly sad!

Apparently, the Israeli's are now doing the exact same thing.

Which is even sadder!


Hello again.

15.02.2013 15:49

"We are all very used to your regular posts and the damage they do to the cause of the Palestinian people."

There's that word again..."we".

"For those of us who have actually been to the country and have faced one of the best equipped and motivated armies in the world"

Well, if you believe that then you cannot ever have gone anywhere near the place.

"It may well play to your political and racial prejudices to pretend that Israel has no power but the opposite is the reality in Palestine and the OT."

So Israel having no power makes me racist does it? Yep, that's the ticket. Well done you, here, have a bun.

"Why not do something useful for Palestine ?"

Your right, I shall cancel my membership to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign immediately. They are just a load of lefty Zionists trying to take ownership of the British "scene" for what purpose one couldn't possibly tell.



Calm down dear

15.02.2013 17:48

Be careful there, this obsession of your with all things Israeli is really going to lead to mouth frothing


Not anonymous

Fuck you !

15.02.2013 18:56

Fuck off and die


Never mind.

15.02.2013 22:48

"Fuck off and die"

I guess 'anonymous' was just too much for you.

Well done anonymous.


What an utter cunt

16.02.2013 08:37

Anonymous has been trolling the news wire for months with his Israeli related bullshit. Good to see him being called out.

Clever enough not to be anonymous