Taylor v's Kirby 2015
Taylor: Leader of the SOS (Save Our Society) Party | 14.02.2013 09:51 | South Coast
Matt Taylor from Brighton, has declared his intention to stand against the Kemptown Brighton MP, Simon Kirby in the 2015 General Election.
Matt Taylor from Brighton, has declared his intention to stand against the Kemptown Brighton MP, Simon Kirby in the 2015 General Election.
Having gained county wide exposure during the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner elections in November 2012, Matt Taylor again stands on anti-corruption platform.
“I'm standing up for the honest man. The honest man who works hard and does his best for his family and community. I'm standing up for integrity, justice and the interests of everyone in Brighton and it's boroughs, not just the few.”
On Simon Kirby, he's scathing, “Simon Kirby is a closet transvestite as far as I'm concerned. He's a corrupt puppet of the Establishment, who's got his nose in the parliamentary trough. I have no respect for him at all. He's failed the people of Brighton and its my intention to expose him for what he really is. A fraud....”
“I have published an parliamentary investigation into Simon Kirby and his parliamentary buddy, Philip Davies Shipley MP. I have uncovered serious abuses of power and irregularities in their Disabled Person's Parking Badges Bill. These MP's should be arrested for fraud immediately.”
Matt Taylor aged 41 who lives in Moulsecoomb is the leader of his one man SOS (Save Our Society) political party, and says “I'm the perfect candidate for Brighton because I'm Brightonian. I know what the average person wants from their community and their representative in Parliament. I know because I'm one of them.”
“Once I'm elected my first business will be the reopening of Katrina Taylor's murder case. I campaigned for this during the Police and Crime Commissioner elections and have no intention of dropping it. Simon Kirby has resided over wholesale corruption and coverup since becoming MP and I'm standing to ensure this ends.”
Asked about his election stratedgy he adds “I going to attack Mr Kirby's record at every opportunity. I'm not bothered if I offend people along the way. Our local politicians across Sussex have taken abused their parliamentary positions for too long and the voters must wake up and realise it. If it means I have to shout from the roof tops to get their attention, then so be it, I will. Mr Kirby makes no apologises for playing the system. While this is fine and dandy, it doesn't help the vast majority of Brighton residences who are victims of higher living expenses, with attacks on their benefits and more and more laws which squeeze and strangle their God given rights.”
“Campaigning starts now. The 2015 general election will arrive quicker than people think. It always does. Simon Kirby was desperate for the new proposed boundary changes to be introduced because he wanted to dump the poorer unwanted boroughs off his constituency. Hard luck Kirby, you've got a fight on your hands.... Put'em Up.... you transvestite...”
Matt Taylor caused quite a stir in 2012 when he declared his intention to stand as a Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner candidate. Having appeared at seven hustings in the run up to the November 15th 2012 vote, he pulled out at the 11th hour, refusing to hand over the £5000 election deposit and instead asked for voters to spoil their ballot papers with SOS as a vote for him.
He has since created the Federation of Shadow Police and Crime Commissioners, as an added layer of public scrunity holding elected Police and Crime Commissioners to account. He has also released his debut novel called The Golden Cube, a sci-fi thriller based in Brighton.
Simon Kirby has not commented.
“Its Taylor v's Kirby at the 2015 General Election. Check out my website www.sosparty.co.uk for regular up-dates and thank you for your support in advance...Check out my investigation into Philip Davies and Simon Kirby, you'll be amazed at what I've uncovered. Together we can beat them.”
Partners in Crime: Philip Davies and Simon Kirby Exposed Part One
Partners in Crime: Philip Davies and Simon Kirby Exposed Part Two
Having gained county wide exposure during the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner elections in November 2012, Matt Taylor again stands on anti-corruption platform.
“I'm standing up for the honest man. The honest man who works hard and does his best for his family and community. I'm standing up for integrity, justice and the interests of everyone in Brighton and it's boroughs, not just the few.”
On Simon Kirby, he's scathing, “Simon Kirby is a closet transvestite as far as I'm concerned. He's a corrupt puppet of the Establishment, who's got his nose in the parliamentary trough. I have no respect for him at all. He's failed the people of Brighton and its my intention to expose him for what he really is. A fraud....”
“I have published an parliamentary investigation into Simon Kirby and his parliamentary buddy, Philip Davies Shipley MP. I have uncovered serious abuses of power and irregularities in their Disabled Person's Parking Badges Bill. These MP's should be arrested for fraud immediately.”
Matt Taylor aged 41 who lives in Moulsecoomb is the leader of his one man SOS (Save Our Society) political party, and says “I'm the perfect candidate for Brighton because I'm Brightonian. I know what the average person wants from their community and their representative in Parliament. I know because I'm one of them.”
“Once I'm elected my first business will be the reopening of Katrina Taylor's murder case. I campaigned for this during the Police and Crime Commissioner elections and have no intention of dropping it. Simon Kirby has resided over wholesale corruption and coverup since becoming MP and I'm standing to ensure this ends.”
Asked about his election stratedgy he adds “I going to attack Mr Kirby's record at every opportunity. I'm not bothered if I offend people along the way. Our local politicians across Sussex have taken abused their parliamentary positions for too long and the voters must wake up and realise it. If it means I have to shout from the roof tops to get their attention, then so be it, I will. Mr Kirby makes no apologises for playing the system. While this is fine and dandy, it doesn't help the vast majority of Brighton residences who are victims of higher living expenses, with attacks on their benefits and more and more laws which squeeze and strangle their God given rights.”
“Campaigning starts now. The 2015 general election will arrive quicker than people think. It always does. Simon Kirby was desperate for the new proposed boundary changes to be introduced because he wanted to dump the poorer unwanted boroughs off his constituency. Hard luck Kirby, you've got a fight on your hands.... Put'em Up.... you transvestite...”
Matt Taylor caused quite a stir in 2012 when he declared his intention to stand as a Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner candidate. Having appeared at seven hustings in the run up to the November 15th 2012 vote, he pulled out at the 11th hour, refusing to hand over the £5000 election deposit and instead asked for voters to spoil their ballot papers with SOS as a vote for him.
He has since created the Federation of Shadow Police and Crime Commissioners, as an added layer of public scrunity holding elected Police and Crime Commissioners to account. He has also released his debut novel called The Golden Cube, a sci-fi thriller based in Brighton.
Simon Kirby has not commented.
“Its Taylor v's Kirby at the 2015 General Election. Check out my website www.sosparty.co.uk for regular up-dates and thank you for your support in advance...Check out my investigation into Philip Davies and Simon Kirby, you'll be amazed at what I've uncovered. Together we can beat them.”
Partners in Crime: Philip Davies and Simon Kirby Exposed Part One

Partners in Crime: Philip Davies and Simon Kirby Exposed Part Two

Taylor: Leader of the SOS (Save Our Society) Party