Jeff Marsh "Comes Out" On Twitter As Being Gay #edl #lgbt
LGBT Anarcho | 11.02.2013 19:06 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Sheffield
Perhaps the most surprising tweet of them all, was this afternoon when violent racist ex-soccer hooligan "Joe Casuals" (Jeff Marsh to you or I) openly came out as "gay". This is the sadistic racist former EDL thug who enjoys slashing Manchester United fans with sharp knives for fun, and many of his mates do stiff arm nazi salutes and use the hashtag #14/88, and now he has supposedly come out of the closet, putting himself at risk of homophobia from his nazi mates.
Is Jeff Marsh telling the truth, or is this a lie to hopefully silence rumours of his alledged attraction towards his underage troop of teenage girls? This is up for anti-fascists, his former WDL mates, and the rest of the internet to decide.
What is for sure, he is a nobody, and he knows that any lie told on his Twitter account is all publicity for him.
But what sort of publicity? Surely coming out openly as gay, would (if true), put his life in danger with the homophobic boneheads whose friendship he likes to court on the internet.
Casuals United have now (publicised on EDL News and Still Laughing At The EDL - Facebook), signed up as supporters of "England's Goilden Dawn" better known as Golden Showers, who are unreconstructed nazis.
If the Golden Shower lot, or the NWI for that matter, let alone the BNP, BDP or BPP has their way, lesbians and gay people would be sent quickly to the gas chambers.
Joke or otherwise, Jeff Marsh (Joe Casuals) is playing on thin ice here.
What is for sure, he is a nobody, and he knows that any lie told on his Twitter account is all publicity for him.

But what sort of publicity? Surely coming out openly as gay, would (if true), put his life in danger with the homophobic boneheads whose friendship he likes to court on the internet.
Casuals United have now (publicised on EDL News and Still Laughing At The EDL - Facebook), signed up as supporters of "England's Goilden Dawn" better known as Golden Showers, who are unreconstructed nazis.
If the Golden Shower lot, or the NWI for that matter, let alone the BNP, BDP or BPP has their way, lesbians and gay people would be sent quickly to the gas chambers.
Joke or otherwise, Jeff Marsh (Joe Casuals) is playing on thin ice here.
LGBT Anarcho
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Any truth in this, Malatesta?
11.02.2013 19:10
Why would Jeff Marsh with his vast array of traditional gay-hating unreconstructed well-'ard nazi mates, pretend to be gay?
Alecia A
11.02.2013 19:17
If only he would admit he was wrong being a racist nazi, setting up Casuals United, etc, and make amends for the nasty things he has done in life, and he would then be accepted by the Spanish LBGT community, who like the UK community, do not look kindly towards nazis and racists.
General Franco persecuted gay and lesbian people!
11.02.2013 19:21
Sadly he is still reposting EDL tweets and other racist crap on twitter, so I don't know what to believe.
Think Twice, Jeff!
11.02.2013 19:32
Being racist and gay does not match.
Some of Adolf Hitler's generals were gay, and as soon as Adolf found out, he had them executed.
Fancy A Snog???
11.02.2013 19:45
Jeff Marsh Is A Good Kisser!
Quiz Time
11.02.2013 19:47
Anyone care to guess?
It's not chewing gum! LOL
Don't Mess With HNH
11.02.2013 20:13
Learn your lessons!
Ooh La La!!!
11.02.2013 20:17
It's not even Valentine's Day yet!
Gaydar Radar
Jeff Marsh's.....
11.02.2013 20:38
Homophobic Mates (Seik Heil!)
Trudy Toker of the EDL
11.02.2013 20:57
not a pic of jeff marsh
12.02.2013 00:08
Gay or not...
12.02.2013 13:52
Going to Spain? - what, you mean he's off to become an immigrant in a foreign country? coward, idiot AND hypocrite!
12.02.2013 17:47
2. How do you know that is him? It says "Jo" Marsh - what evidence do you have?
3. He's got more twitter followers than visitors on this website
4. Saying "I'm gay" to a woman is a usually a police way of saying "Im not interested - so dont bother". This isn't rocket science - it is really basic stuff.
5. And what is wrong with being "gay" anyway? Why are you all taking the piss out of someone you think is gay..... for being gay!!! Isn't that gay bashing?
Not impressed
Lol Mista Troll
12.02.2013 18:54
If this is "police" speak, then my local rozzers must be chatted up daily at the station, which is hard to believe...
Troll Hayta
Jerking Chicken
12.02.2013 19:07
Some people created great works of fiction, others invented complicated machines, built spacecraft to visit Mars, or spent half a lifetime working on a cure for cancer...
"So!", says God, after Jeff Marshole eventually leaves for the "Green Street" in the sky.... "What did you do in your lifetime?"
"I stabbed some innocent Man United fans in the leg like an imbicile, then ghost wrote books bragging about my cowardly actions, before going onto be a racist prick who sold my mates down the river in Brighton like a chicken when confronted by the local ANTIFA..."
"In other words, you were a complete waste of space"...
Jeff Marsh
12.02.2013 19:32
12.02.2013 20:25
The last time the racist rabble invaded Manchester, back in the days when they could muster seriously intimidating crowds, one EDL member in particular, who went by the name of Arthur, or Arthur Disbury, (real name Tony Davis) spent all of his time trolling LGBT notice boards and chatrooms, in preparation for the Manchester static march, telling people these EDL idiots were GAY-FRIENDLY when infact the EDL from the leadership down to grassroots level were secretly homophobes as they were anti-Semites.
This soft-sell (which didn't work by the way) was pioneered by Arthur Disbury, who proclaimed the EDL "opposed alll sexual repression and violence". These were indeed meaty words from this white supremacist lier, who is a friend of Nick Griffin.
Well, yesterday, @Dizzy99 (Arthur Disbury) of Plymouth Division on Twitter has now disgustingly threatened one of the Internet's nicest, most hardworking campaigners against hate, retired schoolteacher Lucy Buttercup with rape. Lucy, who is in her 60s, campaigns vigourously and tirelessly against all social injustices, and this animal, who had previously pretended to be socially conscious (albeit to everyone except Muslim people whom he had always admitted to dispising), just because he wasn't getting the better of her, has now threatened to rape @misslbuttercup.
Racist pervert Arthur Disbury / Tony Davis has been reported to the police, and can expect a knock at the door with a pair of handcuffs swinging.
This is not the first time Tony Davis has voiced rape threats. Last Summer EDL News reported he had fanatsised about child rape: -
As reported
It's Official - Casuals Disunited Officially Surrender
16.02.2013 23:18
Tell all your friends, dudes, and remember to remind all on sundry that Casuals United no longer exist.