Decoy Pond camp evicted.... :(
Anon East Sussex | 31.01.2013 12:06 | Free Spaces | Policing
Decoy Pond camp evicted but the campaign continues!
January 31, 2013 by combehavendefenders
Decoy Camp eviction, 30-01-2013. Photo copyright Adrian Arbib,
Decoy Camp eviction, 30-01-2013. Photo copyright Adrian Arbib,
Decoy Pond camp – the third of three camps that had been erected on the path of the planned Bexhill-Hastings Link Road (BHLR) – was finally evicted yesterday (Wednesday 30 Jan).
January 31, 2013 by combehavendefenders
Decoy Camp eviction, 30-01-2013. Photo copyright Adrian Arbib,
Decoy Camp eviction, 30-01-2013. Photo copyright Adrian Arbib,

Decoy Pond camp – the third of three camps that had been erected on the path of the planned Bexhill-Hastings Link Road (BHLR) – was finally evicted yesterday (Wednesday 30 Jan).
In the end it took scores of security, bailiffs and police three days to evict all of the climbers – not to mention tunnelers, people in tripods and folk locked-on on the ground! Denied food, water and medicine by East Sussex County Council, the activists in the trees also had to contend with torrential rain and gusts of wind of up to 54mph (Met Office figure for nearby Battle)! See below for photos and films from yesterday (30 Jan). In total, 9 people were arrested, and the CHD is now helping to assist those charged, as they go through the court process.
After 48 days of continuous protest (with 28 arrests) some of those involved will probably now be taking a short but much needed rest. Nonetheless, the Campaign continues, with four activists in Court this morning (Thursday 31 Jan), more news expected from the High Court on Friday, the “Grannies’ Dinghy” action in the Valley this Saturday (2 February), and an opportunity for opponents of the Road to get together to form groups and plan future activities, this Sunday (3 February: 4-6pm, The Roomz, 33-35 Western Road, St Leonards on Sea, TN37 6DJ).
Many more activities and projects are also in the pipeline, so please sign the Pledge / like us on Facebook / follow us on Twitter (@combe_haven) / send a donation (use the PayPal buttons on this site or send a cheque) and stay posted for more news on Phase 2. A luta continua!
Anon East Sussex