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Zero Dark Thirty (an apology for torture) Opening in London, Protested in U.S.

Close Guantanamo! | 21.01.2013 20:25

VID (3 mins) Witness Against Torture head to D.C. Zero Dark Thirty Premiere

VID NBC (2 mins) At the cinema “Protesters Demonstrate About ‘Zero Dark Thirty’”

A letter to Kathryn Bigelow on Zero Dark Thirty's apology for torture
by Naomi Wolf

By peddling the lie that CIA detentions led to Bin Laden's killing, you have become a Leni Riefenstahl-like propagandist of torture

Dear Kathryn Bigelow,

The Hurt Locker was a beautiful, brave film; many young women in film were inspired as they watched you become the first woman ever to win an Oscar for directing. But with Zero Dark Thirty, you have attained a different kind of distinction.

Your film Zero Dark Thirty is a huge hit here. But in falsely justifying, in scene after scene, the torture of detainees in "the global war on terror", Zero Dark Thirty is a gorgeously-shot, two-hour ad for keeping intelligence agents who committed crimes against Guantánamo prisoners out of jail. It makes heroes and heroines out of people who committed violent crimes against other people based on their race – something that has historical precedent.

Your film claims, in many scenes, that CIA torture was redeemed by the "information" it "secured", information that, according to your script, led to Bin Laden's capture. This narrative is a form of manufacture of innocence to mask a great crime: what your script blithely calls "the detainee program".

What led to this amoral compromising of your film-making?


Close Guantanamo!
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22.01.2013 00:24

"What led to this amoral compromising of your film-making?"

Erm, this IS Amerikaan Hollywood we are talking about here. You write like you expect that Hollywood knows what morality is?

Hollywood is just there to glamorise whatever their government does. Obama could have gassed and incinerated every Muslim on the planet, and Hollywood would still spit out garbage made to look like it was a heroic thing to do.

Hollywood has no brain, it has never had a brain, it will never possess a brain. All it is capable of understanding, is how to make Amerikaa look righteous to the rest of the world.

That's it. Dare aint nuttin else.


So do you want this film banned then?

22.01.2013 12:17

Or pulled from cinemas?

Dan Factor


22.01.2013 13:05

Nahhhh, not big on censorship even for Hollywood elites.

Discussed, protested, tube bus shelter posters enhanced creatively, approached with a critical disposition rather than approached passively all would be nice

Here's a photo o an intervention in D.C.

Close Guantanamo!

real truth

22.01.2013 18:10

Yet they found him. How do you suppose that happened?

They found him through intelligence. And the intelligence was gained through people

neptune spear

Go figure?

22.01.2013 19:44

Mark Boal, the writer and a producer of “Zero Dark Thirty,” continues to work on a possible Assange drama. Go figure?

Go figure?

zero bark dirty.

22.01.2013 19:46

Everytime this story crops up you always get some mindless fucktard coming along doing his impression of a daily mail reading, cnn watching white western moron convinced that the government and its soldiers must always be believed.

Its really sad that there are humans on this planet capable of that kind of stupidity.

Bin Laden died in 2005, you're government made a logical decision that it was safe to stage a stunt so they could take the credit for his death. Its what dumb as shit capitalist governments of the west do.

Its all they are capable of doing.

Its why almost the whole of your history is a lie.

What a sad sucker you are!


Launch of "Dirty Wars" at Sundance Film Fesival

23.01.2013 11:03

One point that Scahill makes in this interview (below) is that Bush Republicans say "at least we locked them up somewhere, Obama just assassinates suspects by drone strike."

Democracy Now (30 mins
Premiering this week at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, the new documentary "Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield" follows investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill to Afghanistan,...