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21.01.2013 14:51
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Anarchists March and Attack Businesses in DC on Eve of Inauguration
21.01.2013 17:46
Carrying black flags and two large black banners reading, "Fuck Every Cop, Fuck Every President" and "No President Can Give You Freedom," the marchers chanted and periodically hurled stacks of pamphlets into the air.
Several businesses were targeted, including banks and the notoriously sexist establishment Hooter's.
Despite being followed and almost surrounded by police, the crowd eventually dispersed with, reportedly, no arrests.
From handbills found on site:
"This world gives our generation no future. There will be no American Dream for us -- only a slow decline of the wallet and of the soul...In rage at the storefronts and surveillance cameras and police of this city, we present this small act of rebellion...The armed goons no longer intimidate us, the ballot boxes no longer distract us, the empty promises hold no more meaning."
From mainstream media coverage:
"Around 60 protesters damaged property around midnight Sunday to Monday morning around the 700 through 900 blocks of 7th Street NW, MPD officials say.
Police located 3 separate locations of damage:
1. DVA Federal Credit Union ATM at 800 K St. NW. The front of ATM screen was completely smashed.
2. TD Bank at 901 7th St. NW. A window was smashed and yellow paint was thrown on a side window.
3. Hooters at 825 7th St. NW. A window was smashed out by a man wearing a black mask.
The group also dropped pamphlets on the ground near the TD Bank. The pamphlets said, "Against Every Cop. Against Every Boss. Against Every President."
The group dispersed in several directions and police were not able to make any arrests.
D.C. police are taking the incident seriously and are working on obtaining surveillance video and further investigating the incidents."
Failed Logic
21.01.2013 22:06
Thats debatable. Life expectancy is higher than ever in history. Future is life. Without life, there is no future.
>> There will be no American Dream for us -- only a slow decline of the wallet and of the soul...
Dreams are what you make them. Don't expect something to be handed to you on a silver plate - it won't. It never has been. Once you are out of school - you are on your own - its being called an 'adult'.
>> In rage at the storefronts and surveillance cameras and police of this city, we present this small act of rebellion...
Storefronts? Emphasis on the word "small"
>> The armed goons no longer intimidate us
Really? :)
>> the ballot boxes no longer distract us, the empty promises hold no more meaning."
Uh huh. You are young, you are full of ignorance. As you get older and wiser, you will stop this foolishness - that's why there is no one there over 40.
21.01.2013 23:45
not real
Snatching some oath.
22.01.2013 00:37
Thats debatable. Life expectancy is higher than ever in history. Future is life. Without life, there is no future."
That is such a crummy argument to make, you're a beginner aren't you?
">> There will be no American Dream for us -- only a slow decline of the wallet and of the soul...
Dreams are what you make them. Don't expect something to be handed to you on a silver plate - it won't. It never has been. Once you are out of school - you are on your own - its being called an 'adult'."
No, its being called an animal. Thats Amerikaa for ya. Soon as you're old enough, fuck off into the jungle and fucking die if you're weak. Yuck, even monkeys in the jungle get more support from their community than that! Fuck Amerikaan animal Capitalism and fuck Amerikaan apologists.
">> In rage at the storefronts and surveillance cameras and police of this city, we present this small act of rebellion...
Storefronts? Emphasis on the word "small""
Did I mention that I work alongside Al-Qaeda. Been doing that for ages. You have no idea what fun it is being able to dictate the lives and freedoms of hundreds of millions of people in Amerikaa just by showing up for work. Piss funny mate!
">> The armed goons no longer intimidate us
Really? :)"
I met some armed goons once. But they died. Funnily enough, I just can't seem to remember what their names where! Oh wait, I think one of them was called "Mummy", at least thats what I think he screamed before he died.
">> the ballot boxes no longer distract us, the empty promises hold no more meaning."
Uh huh. You are young, you are full of ignorance. As you get older and wiser, you will stop this foolishness - that's why there is no one there over 40."
I am 45. Older I get, the more problems you have over there in bad ole Yankiland. Fuck knows what state you will be in when I'm 60!
Osama Bin Laden...Jihad from beyond the grave!
Mods, please hide - inaccurate.
22.01.2013 09:19
Accuracy please.
Street moderator
22.01.2013 18:06
In your opinion. Plenty of people who are living longer and loving it. Just because you lot arn't, doesn't mean anything part from you are losers.
>>No, its being called an animal. Thats Amerikaa for ya. Soon as you're old enough, fuck off into the jungle and fucking die if you're weak. Yuck, even monkeys in the jungle get more support from their community than that! Fuck Amerikaan animal Capitalism and fuck Amerikaan apologists.
When the going gets tough, the tough get stuff.
Saying "fuck amerikaa" lots isn't tough because it clearly doesn't get you stuff.
Perhaps you need a big nanny state to look after you, to rub your bottom and tell you it is special and better than everybody elses?
>> Did I mention that I work alongside Al-Qaeda. Been doing that for ages. You have no idea what fun it is being able to dictate the lives and freedoms of hundreds of millions of people in Amerikaa just by showing up for work. Piss funny mate!
Pathetic. Its not our fault your such a loser.
>> I met some armed goons once. But they died. Funnily enough, I just can't seem to remember what their names where! Oh wait, I think one of them was called "Mummy", at least thats what I think he screamed before he died.
>> I am 45. Older I get, the more problems you have over there in bad ole Yankiland. Fuck knows what state you will be in when I'm 60!
Maybe thats because you didn't get a pension? Loser
silver plates are out im afraid
He he he.
23.01.2013 17:33
So that makes your master a carrot...and you a donkey!