Japanese Sasago Syndrome & Dutch Dam Marker as Evidences of Hot Expanding Earth
Zbigniew Charnas | 18.01.2013 21:41 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Energy Crisis | World
The end of the world can be realised physically in nearly seven known ways. Eighth scenario for that is almost not known nowadays on the whole globe, but there are many symptoms that its way is the most possible at all. This scenario is supposed to change our world to the dust in XXI century from now. It maybe started on Sunday in 2nd day of December of the 2012 year in Japanese tunnel “Sasago” on the route from Tokyo to Nagoya in Yamanashi Prefecture. Nearly in one while hundreds of support bolts have been there torn loose down from tunnel ceiling. The bolts have been earlier optical checked on its quality by technical service. It is probably for all of us “corpus delicti” and “smoking gun” of unknown yet for official science hypothetical process of anthropogenically accelerated (!) thermonuclear expansion of the Earth (Accelerated Hot Earth Expansion Theory – AHEET). Accelerated – by the human technical civilisation with huge increase of complete hothouse effect (gaseous air & water clouds) in anthropogenic global warming and internal thermal radiation blocking!
This theory combines debatable old scientific Expanding Earth Theory (cosmic enlarging of the planet) with official scientific Plate Tectonics Theory (drift of the planetary continents). The theory (AHEET) postulates real physical existence of the three types of nuclear reactions inside the Earth – decay, fission and mineral thermonuclear fusion. Next it supposes huge emission of inner heat – very much greater than estimated till today. Also it assumes large internal production of oxygen and volcano gases enlarging the Blue Planet from inside – slowly in the past and in sped manner in our times. Cause of that the Earth has in the year 2013 about one kilometre more in its Equator than it had it in the year 1850, but a bit smaller surface gravity in the year 2013 than in the year 1850 makes our satellites wrong informing about this geophysical phenomenon. Earth’s equatorial periphery had about 40,000 km in the year 1850 and it has 40,001 km in the year 2013, but none of scientists knows of it yet now.
In the Accelerated Hot Earth Expansion Theory (AHEET) – which includes Hot Expanding Earth Theory (HEET) – the Earth has three internal spheres. The first one is sticky-liquid inner core – build by iron, nickel and also by uranium processing there in decay and fission. The second one is gaseous plasmatic magnetic outer core – where in temperature of about 20,000 degrees of Kelvin scale (assumption) slowly goes mineral-irony thermonuclear reactions. The third one is sticky-liquid mineral mantle – rich intruded by post-thermonuclear gases, it means oxygen and volcanic ones (see graph in the article linked below: ‘Expanding Earth’s Internal Dynamic Structure’).
In the Accelerated Hot Earth Expansion Theory (AHEET) there are three constituent integrated geophysical velocities of the Earth’s crust moves. The first one is speed of slow ascent of the surface of the Earth in its natural expansion – stated on millimetres per year at vertical move. The second one is speed of natural drift of continents – counted in centimetres per year at horizontal move. The third one is speed of fast rise of the surface of the Earth in its anthropogenic expansion – estimated on metres per year at vertical move (already about 150 meters per 150 years). This velocity is stimulated from the first one. The third velocity is generated by industrial human activity in XIX, XX and XXI centuries – when it incessantly impacts on planetary atmosphere in the way with big thickening of it!
From the beginning about one billion years ago till today the Earth have got bigger for nearly 1,7 times in its radius, for 3 times in area of its surface and for 5 times in whole planetary volume. In this very long time complete about 10 % of primeval continental area have been disintegrated inside Earth’s mantle during tectonic collisions in continental drift. Continents have been worn out in process of tectonic subduction and in mountain rising process with mountain wind-and-water erosion. I think that it will be catastrophically enough for natural Earth’s expansion maybe in only next 22 millions of years or it is enough for our civilisation with human environmental evil even now in XXI century!
In this moment I mean maybe true history of the planet Mars. Primeval Mars (named by me: Inta-Mars) was little more grand than now our Earth, but that Inta-Mars was hit once upon a time by immense asteroid having strange cosmic origins. Then Inta-Mars got deep planetary decompression and it exploded. In this hypothesis nowadays Mars is burned in oxygen planetary wreck (see: ironic orange colour and two different general altitudes of its dusty surface). Matter of the Red Planet, all moons, near planetoids and small cosmic rocks in the Solar System is matter dispersed during monstrous explosion of Inta-Mars. Also the Earth can someday finally crack – following in space history primeval Mars – like gigantic unduly inflated cosmic balloon. I think it is real geophysical and cosmological scenario!
Reacting hot blazing matter inside the Earth’s globe expands nowadays thermally more than cool dark matter on the Earth’s surface. Lithosphere is now yet stretched with spring manner, but in the future it will crack and go on the rampage with catastrophic gaped fissures. Today there are already many expansion cracks on the old wall and historic buildings (my recognition) in my indigenous city Warsaw, the capital of Poland (European Union), where in the year 2013 prestigious UN Climatic Conference COP 19 will be conducted in November for 192 countries of the world. But science does not search mentioned here dangerous phenomena yet. Scientists have not been sounding it and even thinking about it!
Meanwhile the Earth opens already now in the African Rift Valley. Our planet does it slowly for us day by day but from a few years ago with tempo unknown in all geological history of this volcanic region from the start existed before of last 15 millions years. Scientists watch it, but they are unable to interpret this phenomenon without right theory (→ HEET & AHEET). Diversified sea level changes take place over oceanic tectonic rifts in characteristic way. Its analysis suggests that analogous to African processes evolve in the ocean abyss too. Lava rifts in many zones lift up, also dilate faster asides and probably more and more acidly contaminate nearby deep water (besides pollution of carbon dioxide from atmospheric carbonic excess).
In the “Japan Sasago Syndrome” there works mechanism of “Rock with Slot Stretched Slowly” – which magnify for little tunnel’s opening and derivatively (like in fractals) bolt nests. It means that also some of many mines of the world are in danger of surface and ground water flowing to them as long-time or ultimate underground floods. Next in this non-futuristic global warming and expanding earth scenario is cracking and decomposition of world’s great water dams, like ones in Holland. This problem includes risk for all Dutch dams and dikes, but especially for two long Dutch enclosing dams. Special scientific role of they in process of the Earth’s sped expansion is named “Dutch dam marker” (compare: Holland’s dam named Markerwaarddijk) because they probably more and more get leaks in geological dam stretching. Pump transfer of internal water out to the sea is already now expensive too much, so in that way there are no new great polders in the Netherlands from many decades in fast development of this European country.
Great world’s modern (but not up-to-date) science looks even for quasars on the confines of the macrocosm – where we do not live and we never will live – but in the home of everyone of us which comes quickly to pieces science gets idleness and ignorance. It seems that establishment and scientist have forgotten that in the base of the state just the society finances natural and technological searching. They have forgotten that all of us live on the planet where mankind has got realisation in old and nowadays history a lot of excesses of terrible bloody wars and such revolutions with horrendous genocide purges, and it has this mortal doing in its genes! They have forgotten that there are already nearly eight billions of people on the one small planet and there is no way on this piece of the universe to safely unplug rapidly everything or even anything!
Scientists and establishment are not alarmed by unusual geophysical “African Infernal Overflow” and they also are not alarmed by fact that in the XX century the Earth stopped slowing of its age-long rotation and from the beginning of seventieth years of this century the planet has started dramatically to accelerate. In this way from the year 2013 we will not add leap-seconds to calendar time – two or one per year through a half of century till today – but now we will subtract it. This acceleration of the Earth is just probably result of changes in its inertial thermal and expansionistic processes. Such effect is also big fast running change of Earth’s planetary magnetic field, observed from 1845 year till today.
Ordinary citizen from suburban village do not understand that only 0.7 degrees centigrade of global warming in the XX century can change gigantic for him planet so far. But in this knowledge one should know and remember that it is only average value of this warming. There are very much higher temperature changes up and down on the scale in many different regions of the Earth (see: my article ‘Cumberland Syndrome – The Greenhouse Trap’). Maximally it is warming of even 10.0 °C in January in central Alaskan valleys and 7.0 °C on summits of the Himalayan Mountains (see: my theory ‘Climatic Buffer Effect’, ‘Global Distribution of Temperature Trends 1967 – 1986’, my graph of Temperature Changes in Seasonal High and Low Air Pressure Centres under link titled here ‘Climatic Elephant of Charnas’ and my article ‘Himalayan Glaciers Death – 2035 or 2350?!’). More and more thicken clouds usually set solar radiation on our globe down and temperature does not increase too much, but for infrared rises coming from inside of the Earth clouds are weak for transmission or non-transparent material.
Many glaciers in the world get warm not only at their thawing iced extreme ridges, but also much at their frozen snowy tops. Glaciers melt not only at sea shore – near the Polar Circles, on Greenland and the Antarctic – but they melt in comparable manner also at the world’s highest mountains, like Himalayas – neat the Equator and the Cancer and Capricorn Tropics. When inner planetary heat comes up to the surface and it can not easy radiate to cosmos, then there get warm also rocky bases of this mountain glaciers and ground bases of the Earth’s continental glaciers in the Arctic and the Antarctic. They more and more often decompose, flow and collapse in ocean. Ground base and deep water warming in global warming is observed in deep lakes under 1,000 meters of depth and in ocean abyss too. This last warming is near comparable to oceanic surface warming (half of average land warming). Warming in so deep zones is evidence for existence of colossal cumulated heat, which needs strongly to escape up from inside of the Earth!
Deepwater ocean warming is fragmentally observed at least until 900 meters of abyssal depth. Somewhere it is as high as surface oceanic warming. In these places there often occur deposits of methane hydrates. They include three times bigger quantity of chemical energy than it is accumulated in nowadays world’s resources of all fossil fuels. Land and ocean stocks of methane hydrates are in danger of trickling out and of gigantic atmospheric eruptions. They can intensively accelerate huge global warming with positive feedback! Right searched and stated global warming on the Earth is very dangerous mechanism. It can increase itself upon realistic physical apocalypse!
In this real end of the world the Blue Planet can not crack and deadly erupt in African Rift Valley as the first place. In catastrophic scenario there is as the first freed of ice southern ridge of Greenland. It must lift up on magma-gaseous pillow. When Greenland platform will be coming up in this process it suddenly will get remote from surface of the globe and in this place the planet will deeply crack. These are the most important realistic scenarios of ultimate planetary decompression and its explosion in our XX century of human history!
Zbigniew CHARNAS
7th – 13th of January, 2013 / Warsaw, Poland
For advance knowledge with very more details go through the links carried below to series of my near-scientific articles. They are titled and broadly subtitled in English language, but texts many times need translation from Polish:
[Formally my article № 176. Under the text many links to my previous articles]
[Only real physics in general texts, in additions/comments also cabalistic matter]
The Cow and Chain
[There are no seismic S-waves (transverse waves) in linkless gaseous plasma]
[All the text in English language]
[Map by P.D. Jones & T.M.L. Wigley, “Scientific American”, Aug. 1990]
[My general theory about diversified places of huge global warming]
The Climatic Elephant of Charnas
[Scheme of average global warming and its temperature extremes in pressures]
[Scheme of glacial changes. Clear text in supplement below the first one]
[Scheme of primeval Solar System and prehistoric great planetary collision in it]
[On the top fragment of the text in English language]
Expanding Earth / Wikipedia
Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing / nealadamsdotcom
Global Expanding theory part 3 / Didactikus
Expanding Earth Conclusive Geometric Proof / chisza777
Expanding Earth Theory / imaginexovideo
[ Japan Sasago Tunnel ] / 1
[ Japan Sasago Tunnel ] / 2
Cars trapped after Japan tunnel collapse starts fire burned bodies
/ LiveCatchMedia
Tunnel death toll rises to 9
Expressway operator to be investigated for negligence
29 tunnels built in the same way as Sasago
Sasago Tunnel Accident
Sasago Tunnel Accident
Japan orders tunnel inspections after Sasago collapse
Fatal tunnel collapse blamed on aging bolts [Kyodo graphic]
171 support bolts found fallen out , loose in checks on 2 tunnels in Yamanashi
Violent Seismic Activity Tearing Africa in Two
Ethiopian Nabro Volcano Waking up! New Earthquake Swarms and Eruptions
Nabro Volcano / Wikipedia
Weakening of Earth’s magnetic field and solar cycles
Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Fading /1/
Earth’s Magnetic Field Is Fading /2/
Earth’s magnetic field weakening
Earth Magnetic Field
[Figure from the British Geological Survey]
Is the Earth’s magnetic field reversing now? How do we know?
The China Syndrome (1979) HD trailer / zhukaiww
A Tribute To The China Syndrome / jediscar
Trailer : The Impossible NEW TRAILER (2012)
Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts ... / MovieclipsCOMINGSOON
Zbigniew Charnas
Hide the following 62 comments
Read and analyse my next article titled:
12.06.2013 06:05
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
Zbigniew Charnas
Will Be Big Earthquakes in London?! Just How Quickly?!
18.06.2013 17:37
Do ask your state community for scrupulous interdisciplinary searching!
Because there exists some...
Shocking (!!!) Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
What about strangely enough vertical bent of Big Ben’s London tower?
He Cannot See the Wood for Trees
Truth May Be Blamed
But Cannot Be Shamed
(Vast Lies May Be Famed
But Truth Cannot Be Shamed)
Necessary supplement to my next article
To fragment:
NEFACO – New Fare Compensated Orbits
D1 ~ = D2 (altitudes of satellite orbits)
Phrase addition:
D2 ± TESURF (sat-altitudes with expansionistic surface fluctuations added)
Nowadays empirical facts tell us that distance between satellite and surface of the Earth is quasi-constant (taking it without high atmosphere rare-gases effect). That is because its discrete changes are still hidden in precision of scientific measurement. But already today scientists cannot achieve precision for satellite geodetic network as it exists in the ground one. In the future of XXI century there will be more problems in that question because radio-telescopes of ITRS will be more and more lifted to escaping quasars and satellites of GPS will be possibly supposed to leave up farther and farther faster and faster expanding Earth. Then D1 will be equal to D2 no more. Then also ITRS, GPS or other scientific and technical cosmic space systems will use to say many lies us!
Why nowadays official science does not watch yet and does not know yet about accelerated hot expansion of the Earth? Because that science has still too little precise measurement systems!
To see is just to believe. It is true for laymen, too. I have found in Internet two scientific pictures on this doing which exclude each other. First of them is made with GPS precise (?) system and the second one with VLBI precise (?) system. Both of them are published for example in the article of Australian web-portal “Environmental Space Geodesy” what include below its dual graph these words:
“The northward motion of the UTas Mt. Pleasant Observatory as observed with GPS and VLBI using the older 26m telescope. A constant rate has been removed from the data prior to the December 23, 2004 Mw 8.1 earthquake that occurred north of Macquarie Island. This earthquake preceded the great Sumatra earthquake and subsequent tsunami by just 2.4 days, and has caused far field deformation at the few mm and mm/yr level across the south eastern section of Australia (Watson et al., GJI, 2010, in press). These changes are evidenced by the coseismic and postseismic changes observed in this figure. A major objective for 2010 fellow, and 2011 fellows, is to improve the Australian VLBI contribution to the determination of the celestial and terrestrial reference frames (ICF and ITRF). [...]”
On the first picture we watch results of GPS research in the period 2000 – 2008 (all in January 2000 – December 2008) what gave mean rate outcome: 55.12 ± 0.04 mm/yr with WRMS = 1.95 mm (before earthquake) and 53.68 ± 0.05 mm/yr with WRMS = 1.75 mm (after earthquake). On the second one we watch results of VLBI research in the period 2000 – 2008 (all in March 2000 – August 2008) what gave mean rate outcome: 56.74 ± 0.76 mm/yr with WRMS = 10.40 mm (before earthquake) and 52.07 ± 0.69 mm/yr with WRMS = 9.70 mm (after earthquake). Worth of WRMS is measurement extent of outcome fluctuations. Either of mentioned result – of GPS and VLBI research – in its error limits (±) does not indent each other. Such undentness disqualify these results – the first or the second or both of them – as result of ultra precise scientific measurement!
In shown here decade experiment point of Mount Pleasant Observatory (University of Tasmania) changed its latitude to the north of about fifty centimetres. When in GPS measurement it was of about 55.1 and 53.7 mm/yr then in VLBI one it was of about 56.7 and 52.1 mm/yr. Let us make for such northward ground move special geometrical model wedge of circle getting longer with fast expanding Earth now for one year. Let this wedge be long on start for 6317 km – like radius of the globe – and wide for 55.1 mm. In my expansionistic estimation (40,000,000 km + 1 km maybe dangerously on the Earth’s equator in the XX century) after its longing during globe expansion event in some year period in the decade 2000 – 2010 it should be long for 6317.002 km and wide for 55.100017 millimetres.
It means that proportionally it must be wider for only 0.017 micrometers – very and very less than difference result of subtraction: 56.7 mm/yr – 55.1 mm/yr = 1.6 mm/yr. So, both of showed methods in different way each does not take scientific account of incriminated by me dangerous fast expansion of the Earth and in case of GPS measurement of mentioned in my next article satellite’s slow take-off or drop!
Motion of the Mt. Pleasant Observatory observed with GPS and VLBI
[Article with mentioned picture]
[Only mentioned picture – larger one]
My next important article (*) is not for some advertising, but it is for humanitarian alarming.
It is critical material what is right according to IMC idea!
Read and analyse my next article (*) titled:
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
Zbigniew Charnas
“In GPS We Trust” albeit God Is Real and GPS Is Virtual!
20.06.2013 20:30
Do ask your state community for scrupulous interdisciplinary searching!
Because there exists some...
Shocking (!!!) Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
Important supplement to my next article
In the main text “Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge” change words “arrive (from)” for words “leave (up)” – transforming whole phrase with it word for:
In the future of XXI century there will be more problems in that question because radio-telescopes of ITRS will be more and more lifted to escaping quasars and satellites of GPS will be possibly supposed to leave farther and farther up faster and faster expanding Earth.
Additionally to higher inquiry I think here about next problem with GPS system – problem with global lithosphere (natural and) expansionistic fluctuations named by me with only letters as: TESURF. In the main text I wrote: “For such lift scientific investigations we have for example German modern satellite project of DLR exploiting electromagnetic radar of type named SAR (twosome: TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X) precise to about 2 m of ground altitude.”. Now I am not sure of this two meters of measurement precision of this satellite mission and I suppose to make special experiment with TerraSAR-X & TanDEM-X modules that would conduct measurement once more time or even many times to watch if there exists its precise scientific recurrence in time.
If not to do this and also some other necessary special scientific investigations on generally mentioned TESURF problem I anticipate there will be few crashes during aeroplane’s GPS-landing in the world before we understand this terrible situation! [Who is guilty? Pilot, of course! Of course?!]
On that I do not worry about precision of latitudes and longitudes of aviation points and planes in aircraft GPS-navigation but I am afraid especially about unsure continuously changing altitudes of these important points and planes!
The TESURF process (Tectonic Expansionistic Surface Fluctuations) or from other hand phenomenon of NVPL (Natural Vertical Pulsation of Lithosphere) in my opinion is caused by disturbances in mass streams going inside Earth’s internal plasmosphere (plasmatic sphere of the Earth is the space of the global outer core). Only in plasmosphere massive fluctuations are as quick as these what exists in case of planetary surface moves like TESURF (terrestrial surfing) and NVPL in alleged here by me dangerous manner.
My next important article (*) is not for some advertising, but it is for humanitarian alarming.
It is critical material what is right according to IMC idea!
Read and analyse my previous supplement and next article (*) titled:
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
Zbigniew Charnas
Who Will Pay for Energy-Investment Mistakes? All of Us, of Course!
22.06.2013 08:51
Newest ground geodetic data and preliminary satellite data seams to verify fairness of actualised old geophysical theory of hot expanding Earth. The problem is not yet fully researched and even one does not yet universally enter basic researches on it, however it has its many natural empirical verifications. Quick scientific verification of it or quite practical one in communal, transportation and mining infrastructure will get wide-comprehended energetics faced the firing squad – it means in view of necessity of financing and fast entering of far-going technological changes. Because of that above all one should now seek to reliable and exact scientific searching of mentioned phenomena.
*| When eventually in the future of XXI century lithosphere of the Earth will crack already in many places there will be hothouse-making methane (as natural gas) fast fleeting from its cave deposits, not from slate ones. Methane is twenty and few times stronger on molecule greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and there will work in atmosphere in dangerous colossal additional feedback. Let us remember at this moment about thermal-reactive lithospheric deposits of methane hydrates, existing now in the global crust (under sub-polar ground area and world ocean bed) in gigantic amount near their eruptive limits!
NEUF 2013 International Conference in Warsaw, Poland
“Investments into Low-Emission Energy”
Zbigniew Charnas
Changing GPS-Altitude as Result of Mass Compressions at the Earth's Plasmosphere
25.06.2013 05:52
You have with you great fine binoculars to watch around all far area,
But you drive in this while rickety all-terrain car at the pathless tract
Fragment #1 of the text covered under the link below [1]:
“GPS and Geometric Height // The most commonly recognised global model is the World Geodetic System established in 1984 (WGS84). There are other datums that may be more accurate for individual countries, but in the hang and paragliding world we tend to use WGS84.
WGS84 defines the Earth as an ellipsoid: a squashed ball. This ellipsoid is a pretty good approximation to the mean sea level around the planet, but is recognised as having errors between – 100 m and + 70 m with respect to the geoid, depending where you are on the planet.”
GPS versus Barometric Altitude: The Definitive Answer / Mark Graham [1*]
Fragment #2 of the text covered under the link below [2]:
“In the air, however, I am seeing significant differences. For example, when I went flying at about 4,000 ft per the altimeter the GPS units were reporting about 4,300 feet. That is a pretty significant difference!”
Altimeter vs GPS altitude [archive] – VAF Forums [2]
GPS Utility FAQS [3]
How does GPS Utility deal with altitude information?
Mean Sea Level, GPS, and the Geoid [4*]
By Witold Fraczek, Esri Applications Prototype Lab
Education and Outreach
– Tutorial: The Geoid and Receiver Measurements [5*]
[→ Geoid of NGS-NOAA]
GRACE – Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment [6*]
Making Money from Gravity / MrReid [7*]
Please, make now right comparison and identify that the geoid representing objects – maps and globes – under the first link, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh one [1*, 4*, 5*, 6*, 7*] are not identical and they are different to each other for a little. It is very interesting how and when they had changed?
Fragment #3 of the text covered under the link below [8]:
“During the investigations, the team focused on an area between the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean, as the determined currents flows were the highest here. Extremely fast changes (so-called magnetic jerks) were observed in the year 2007 at the Earth’s surface. These are an indication for sudden changes of liquid flows in the upper outer core and are important for understanding the magneto-hydrodynamics in the Earth’s core. Using the satellite data, a clear signal of gravity data from Earth’s core could be received for a first time.
This results in consequences for the existing conceptual models. Until now, for example, it was assumed that the differences in the density of the molten iron in the earth’s core are not large enough to generate a measurable signal in the earth’s gravitational field. The newly determined mass flows in the upper outer core allow a new approach to Earth’s core hydrodynamics.”
Rapid Changes In The Earth’s Core
– The Magnetic Field And Gravity Seen By Satellites [8]
Gravity disturbance (microGals) – 2006029–2006038 [9]
Rapid Changes In Earth’s Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity / Alton Parrish [10]
Rapid Changes In Earth’s Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity (2) / Alton Parrish [11]
Battle of Britain Movie Part 10 / greatestmanalive812 [12]
[Compare this special video with video under link eleventh, localised higher]
[→ Night Air Raid and Bombing]
World in Conflict gameplay Carpet Bomb / sdekooter [13]
[Compare this second special video with that one under link eleventh, too]
[→ Carpet Bombing]
In my conception there exist on the surface of the Earth two kinds of terrestrial fluctuations changing altitude of lithosphere points and planes which are results of changing inequality in mass arrangement inside our planet. First fluctuations are fast. They change local altitude few times in decade for about maximally ten metres in plus or minus (± 10 m). Second fluctuations are cumulative and relatively very slow. They change local altitude for tens of metres in time of decades, hundreds or thousands of years.
These fluctuations can be partially hidden in the GRACE satellite tandem’s measurement of surface water changes. There is maybe problematic question on data filtering and apparatus calibration in this research. Is that water or ground gravitationally seen from level 500 km higher than the Earth’s crust, and how much big is quantity of it there, since the satellites can leave up (special plasmospheric explosive effect) for a while to the space?
NASA notes sea level is falling in press release
– but calls it a “Pothole on Road to Higher Seas [14]
[GRACE Shows Change in Water from March 2010 to March 2011]
Op-ed: jumpstart a clean energy economy (2012) [15]
[GRACE mass trend (2002 – 2010)]
Trends Due to Surface Mass Variations from GRACE 2003 – 2009 [16]
Satellite Gravimetry:
Mass Transport and Redistribution in the Earth System [17]
Gravity Imprint of Sumatra Earthquake [18]
Now I think that such very fast moves and such very fast changes in planetary mass soundness as in the first case – shown well in video placed under eleventh link above [11] – are possible only then when in the outer core of the Earth there is quasi-liquid dense gaseous plasma. When the outer core exists as the global core plasmatic sphere. Not even some, in geophysical manner understood, sticky-liquid or even some sticky-liquid-liquid material as it takes its place in the mantle or in the inner core (my model of our planet). Now we can watch at this time that there is no exactly solid material in the Earth’s (outer or whole) core.
It is interesting question what is character of showed mass moves. Is it maybe caused by regional thermonuclear reactions in the inner magnetic plasmosphere? Do you see in your imagination in mentioned video picture numerous relatively slow mass and thermal explosions for the Earth’s expansion? I just do in that exceptional way! It looks to me like some kind of war air raid with (carpet) bombing. Now think of it, please.
Writing about nuclear reactions inside the planet I mean temperature over 20,000 grades of Kelvin scale and soup of mineral molecules with right reacting atoms and clouds of free nuclides as neutrons and helons (α-particles) penetrating these atoms and going between their drawing to each other nuclei. Description of this radical question is made in my previous articles about three types of nuclear reactions (decay, fission, mineral thermonuclear fusion) running simultaneously inside the Earth.
Neutrons needed there to thermonuclear reactions flow from the inner core and molecules with atoms come from the mantle. They do it properly slow with such level of stream velocity what is too low for continuation of any explosion what would start that moment when bursting of entirety of the planet would take place. Although, now I reconsider if nowadays in XX century inner planetary explosions will dangerously get bigger and stronger than it was before. All that at the time of noticeable stretching and advancing fracturing of the lithosphere!
When in the plasmatic sphere it comes to such explosion mater of the Earth’s mantle is suddenly in geophysical time scale pressed by intensive stroke from underneath and locally gets dense more. It is reverse process to thermal and gaseous raring of the mantle in general expansion of the Earth. On other side of plasmospheric nuclear explosion the inner core is pressed from its upside and its mater comes to be for this geophysical while a little more distant from the surface than usual. So for it the downer and central mantle is nearer and the upper core is much farther in gravitational relation to the surface of the Earth. In this event heavy atomic products of such slow explosive reaction cannot have enough time to settle down into surface of the inner core and cannot change regular mean planetary mass soundness.
At the time of internal explosions satellites orbiting around the globe on enough low trajectories go down to lower level place existing over surface point situated in epicentre of such internal explosion. It is because they feel stronger gravity for a geophysical while over there. Also ocean waters comes in their method to such special place what has been just knocked massively from inside (sea level is almost not significantly changed on account of lithosphere regional lifting processed there at the same time).
Gravimetry / Wikipedia [19]
Global Positioning System / Wikipedia [20]
TOPEX/Poseidon / Wikipedia [21]
Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment / Wikipedia [22]
Read and analyse my previous supplements and next article titled:
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
Zbigniew Charnas
EUROGIA-UK (UK DECC, EUROGIA+) and “Fuel Greenfusion”
03.07.2013 13:26
EUROGIA-UK (UK DECC, EUROGIA+) and “Fuel Greenfusion”
Zbigniew Charnas
68 Years After Bomb in Hiroshima / Korean Aircraft Out of Runway in Japan
06.08.2013 20:49
Today is 68th tragic anniversary of atom bombing of Hiroshima in the 6 day of August 1945 by atomic bomber B-29 (compare it with: “A-29”, “B-29” – generally death of simply people). Around 140,000 people were left there dead by the blast (compare it with: “14”, and with: “Flight 214”).
Also another Korean aircraft (with the red-blue-white flag) came out of the runway on arrival. It happened just in Japan’s Niigata Airport on Monday, the 5th day of August 2013. In fatal Boeing 737-900 aeroplane was 106 passengers and 9 members of crew on board. No injures were reported in the case.
Japan holds Hiroshima memorial on 68th anniversary -- video
Korean airliner misses the runway – video
Plane touches down without landing gear
at New York’s LaGuardia airport – video
Zbigniew Charnas
Atomic Salt in Sunshine on Arabian Desert
14.09.2013 18:55
We live in XXI century. Ones still in pre-industrial epoch, others in industrial or already in post-industrial and information science epoch. Almost everyone lives in petrochemical epoch. But the next epoch – what is supposed to be known as epoch with atom and renewables for electricity and hydrogen as popular fuel – will not start from the 1st day of January of the year 2022. It starts just today!
Japanese have got already reputedly elaborated technology to gain uranium by industrial method for nuclear power stations from seawater – it means from sea salt. They say that when petroleum will be cost over 160 USD of the year 2010 for minimum three years they will start benefit from this modern method. They name here cost of 160 USD – but it means for Japanese geographical conditions.
I think that this cost is nowadays not lower at temperate latitudes but in lower latitudes having more hot sun on the sky it is. It means – lower for countries placed nearer to the Equator and having inside their borders extensive sunny deserts and seacoasts with offshore. I expect that cost of evaporating of huge quantities of seawater is here the key to economic solution. Right countries for such probably not expensive process are states in the strip of the Arab World.
Many of such Near-Eastern and African countries from historical times produce for themselves or export sea salt for spice or feed supplement. With modern industrial methods they can produce sea salt for much bigger scale. Without Saudi Arabia (with higher costs) these Arabian states cannot already nowadays increase levels of their production of oil, but they can now almost in every while increase levels of their salt production. They will be able to export it to many other parts of the whole world. And if it will be not politically and in military affairs dangerous they will be able to export respectively refined uranium salts for energy industry.
When scientists and engineers in Japan think about nuclear energy in Spain they think about solar renewable energy source. In such sunny countries there is rewarding energy production not only in roof panels with photoelectric elements but also and better in desert power stations with pile boiler and many mirrors. Electricity from such sunny works localised in Northern Africa and Near East can make in special chemical installations gaseous hydrogen and oxygen from clean salty seawater.
In my theoretical fuel and electricity method named Fuel Greenfusion there is only about 25 % of carbon dioxide emission for energy unit from turbine methane gas power station in the comparison to such carbon dioxide emission from conventional old hearth black coal power station. With existing in gas power plants modern combustion turbine method there are also two times more quantity of energy for the same fuel cost unit – it means that energy unit is about two times cheaper than generated classically. It potentially gives to the world great perspectives for the economy and saving of climate. Mentioned method just profits by renewable or nuclear hydrogen and mine coal. It exists in potential transitory methane epoch.
Gmach Technologii Chemicznej Politechniki Warszawskiej
Elewacja od strony Koszykowej oraz gołąbek pokoju
{Building of Chemical Technology in Warsaw University of Technology
Elevation from the Side of Koszykowa Street and the Pigeon of Peace}
Read and analyse my previous supplements and next articles titled:
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
EUROGIA-UK (UK DECC, EUROGIA+) and “Fuel Greenfusion”
Zbigniew Charnas
Ground Atomic Salt from Slates as Energy Source
21.09.2013 14:45
[Please, read at first and analyse my previous supplement published just above*]
When oil price peaked over 120 USD for one barrel there next nearly started with some natural economic inertia in the year 2008 nowadays world economic crisis. When oil peaked for the second time over 100 USD for one barrel there started the second kick of crisis. When in the USA had been accomplished technology revolution of gas from slates (mainly methane) the USA started to come out from the crisis. But only USA, not the rest of the world including EU.
In technology process for benefit of slate natural gas about 20 % of sweet water pumped to slate-deposit comes back to the ground surface. But then these quantities of wares are already strongly salted. This water is salty so very much that it has nuclear ray trace (non-dangerous in ecological norms). That is because this water includes salts of uranium – primary here radioactive element.
Engineers of petrochemical industry do not know what to do with this very salty water from relatively fast rock crevice process – ecologically dangerous for life in rivers. They accumulate it in huge open basins and next relatively very slowly pour out to neighbourhood rivers.
In the meantime salty water from slates after chemical neutralisation of its primeval additions can be quite good to production of uranium for nuclear power stations with mentioned previously by me “Japanese-Moroccan” modern technology method [*]. That would be able an example for illustration of technological synergy in fuel and energy solutions. Such hybrid combine is my idea of Fuel Greenfusion. Next can be synergy of cheap or expensive fuel power stations (coal, oil, gas, etc. in given territory) with geothermal low-energetic stations. With doubled invest cost there can be heat and electric energy produced with half-cost of resource fossil fuel in exploitation.
Now after slate revolution there comes to the history horizon line next Japanese energy method – technology for undersea hydrates of methane. They promised that after five years they would be able to get giant quantities from these rich energy hydrates. Hydrates of methane exist under ground and sea in higher land latitudes and cool abysses on the Earth in gargantuan amount (several times more energy than conventional gas-oil-coal resources has accumulated).
Existence of these hydrates together with fast increasing global warming is now very much dangerous apocalyptic process. This process has already started a few years ago. Methane is about 25 times stronger hothouse gas than carbon dioxide and its total mass in the atmosphere can increase in tremendous accelerating feedback process what can deadly profit especial added value of gigantic global carbon fire made nowadays by anthropocentric civilisation of humankind on the Blue Planet. If accelerated expansion of the Earth is properly big and quick this gaseous feedback process can follow to realisation of cosmological explosive Martian scenario in case of our only one for this moment Home Globe.
Read and analyse my previous supplements and next articles titled:
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
EUROGIA-UK (UK DECC, EUROGIA+) and “Fuel Greenfusion”
Zbigniew Charnas
Hydrogen-Coal Hybrid as “Moorish Sun Project”
26.09.2013 19:51
My new technology idea is for the start special suggestion for poorer countries of Southern Europe, Northern Africa and Mediterranean Near East – Mauretania, West Sahara, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus. For southern part of Turkey, Greece, Italy and Spain – having sunny deserts or other unused areas. And also for countries of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe – Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Russia (middle part) – having economic or even non-economic considerable coal resources and eventually existing depressed shipyard industry.
My new fuel-power synergy idea is special suggestion also especially for France, Great Britain, Germany and Poland – having great chemical industry and in cases of Germany and Poland new or old still poorer provinces in the eastern or northern parts of the states. Further this will be proposal for European countries as for instance France, Germany and Poland – having probably essential resources of methane slate gas.
Mentioned new idea is synergetic technology method of production of synthetic methane from hydrogen and coal. Hydrogen should be gained from filtered salty seawater in hot or electric decomposition technology process realised in inexpensive solar-mirror power stations placed on Arabian deserts or similar areas (Spanish solar method).
Next this gas should be transported as liquid hydrogen by the sea in special ships to harbours at Northern Sea and Baltic Sea – analogously like liquid natural gas is now transported (LHG like LNG). There can be localised somewhere gas works for methane synthesis named by me Fuel Greenfusion. To this gas works should be transported mined coal from mentioned countries. Synthetic methane could be pumped from this works by pipes to its receivers in many countries of European Union (CSG like CNG).
In the quite near future modern ships build in extraordinary quantity in European shipyards could transport dry slate salt and dry sea salt and liquid hydrogen in the northern direction to region of Northern and Baltic Seas and slate salty water in the southern direction to region of Mediterranean Sea.
Read and analyse my previous supplements and next articles titled:
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
EUROGIA-UK (UK DECC, EUROGIA+) and “Fuel Greenfusion”
Zbigniew Charnas
Recognise AHEET expansion with atmospheric methane CH4!
22.10.2013 07:48
Concentration of methane (CH4) in the Earth’s atmosphere in last 1,800 years fluctuated from about 625 to 735 parts per billion (ppb). Quite suddenly for climate history, from about the year 1800 to the year 1975 it increased from 735 to nearly 1450 ppb. But in the last 38 years this growth was at first decreasing to zero and next from the year 2006 – 2007 this concentration as it where started to accelerate once more time (see figures below). Scientists do not know why it slowed then and why it speeded now. But I have in this moment my new bold hypothesis for it.
In my climatological theory named initially “Cumberland Syndrome” and next “Climatic Buffer Effect” huge tropical rain forest areas in South America, Africa and Asia cool a bit under seasonal atmospheric lows on surface of the Earth from about 1950 – 1975 still to the years 2000 – 2010 (also on Cumberland Peninsula). This process is transitory, but nobody knows when it exactly ends. Because of this tropical cooling there is proportionally less methane in the atmosphere. But only to about 2007 year!
Now the big crust gap in the globe is open and it expands. It means big lava rift in African Rift Valley and probably also in other tectonic rifts under water in the ocean of the Earth. From about 2005 – 2007 year from these places there runs extra large emission of volcanic gases to the atmosphere. Increasing lava cracks in the Earth have now about 10 meters of breadth and hundreds and thousands kilometres of length. It is more than in the sum of all of volcano craters on the globe. Let us remember that methane is on of volcanic gases that are emitted from inside of the Earth. I think, we have now hot expansion (AHEET) of our raging planet on view!
In the quite near future there will be probably cracking big underground caverns of natural gas in Siberia and in other regions of the globe. It will be for bigger and bigger acceleration of hot expansion of the Earth in feedback process. So, we need benefit this kind of gas as the first one of fossil fuels until we have still a little time for it. There is also the time for outcome from coal for income to synergy technology of synthetic methane from solar/atomic hydrogen and coal for energy and fuel production for the economy (Fuel Greenfusion).
Some attention notes for the end here. The most important for hothouse effect in the Earth’s atmosphere is vapour of water, of course. But other greenhouse gases works with water vapour and with air temperature in feedback processes. So, every little part of such gas has there its essential meaning. In increase of temperature with every 12 °C up there is doubling of water vapour concentration in the air.
The Earth’s globe is not perfectly black medium (body) in ray physics. Its albedo is about 35 % and it is alternating. There has its special meaning cloudiness on the planet. Atmosphere of the Earth is “imperfectly grey medium” – existing changeably between perfectly black and perfectly white medium. In this system relatively not big mass changes in gases generate huge changes in planetary out-coming radiation.
Hypothetical the Earth’s opening in accelerated hot expansion
started in Afar Depression from 2005 year:
Violent Seismic Activity Tearing Africa in Two
[Reports: Loraine Field, Tim Wright and Erica Jacques]
Fast increase of atmospheric CH4-concentration after its stopping in 2005:
Arctic methane outgassing on the E Siberian shelf part-1 the background
Regional and natural attribution of emissions
Open Mind, Methane Update
Zbigniew Charnas
Does “Iranian Earthquake Gas Cavern Marker” do really exist?!
26.10.2013 19:49
If one will put and join to the figure titled above by me “Open Mind, Methane Update” [*] printed horizontally in format A4 some kitchen lid or bowl having its diameter of 35 cm then one will be able to see main figure line as big arc along rim of it. It will be arc of line of the atmosphere methane concentration changes existing there from 1985 with about 1645 ppb until the year 2007 with about 1775 ppb. Farther the line as nearly straight line evidently flies up from this 1775 ppb to nearly 1805 ppb of methane concentration in the year 2011.
I have just thought that strong earthquake is able to shake lithosphere in that manner that there will be methane emitting discretely from its underground caverns throughout rock ground using many creeping and drifting micro cavities and crevices opened in that especial time. After that I checked mentioned above figure to see if there is some mark of it. In that doing I suspect big earthquake in Iran in the year 2003 and 2005. In the time region of putting pressure and tensioning for these earthquakes and a bit further I found some several-unit marked little hills on methane line of the figure.
The higher of this graph-line hills corresponds with stronger earthquake in region of the city of Bam in Iran in the year 2003 and the lower one corresponds with weaker earthquake in region of the city of Zarand in Iran in the year 2005. Since little hills are visible on the methane change world scheme so they should be much better marked on the local methane change scheme. And this problem can be still monitored from now in that discretely cracking part of the Earth.
Russia and Iran are countries with the richest resources of natural gas (methane gas in underground caverns) in the world. Russian caverns of this gas are localised in rather non-seismic region, but Iranian gas caverns are localised in even potentially super-seismic one. The biggest deposits of earth gas are placed in west-central part of this mountain state and accurately in this place global crust shakes the most often. The Iranian Upland is squeezed from south to north in tectonic processes, but simultaneously it is stretched from west to east in hot expansion process. When it is shaking processes intense.
I wonder that there can be created now for the world “Iranian Cavern Marker” (in similar manner like “Dutch Dam Marker”). For this new method there is no sensitive country but just Iran. Maybe it is possible that scientists can measure methane concentration increase directly before (earthquake anticipation!) and after big earthquakes in central part of this specific country. For this state today and for the world living in peace in the future. Maybe this method is for example right also for Californian earthquake anticipation in the United States.
Natural direction of Russian natural gas export is Central Europe (pumped by pipes) and for Iranian natural gas export (LNG by ships) is Southern Asia and Far East. Natural gas production in Iran should be nearly in the future probably much greater for “Planet Earth Conservation Programme” than its oil one. New watchwords for Iran with no disgrace tell: “More gas, less oil” and “More gas, less limits”. Iranian gas export should not be restricted by embargo practically already for yesterday. What is worth the most terrible evil politics of ayatollahs in ultimate comparison with hard geophysics and cosmology? We need here fast right solution!
Another attention notes for the end here: The earth is not cold stone under our feet. Inside of the Earth’s globe there is physical matter warmed up many times over boil-point temperature of its materials existing at normal pressure. If in the future in the crest and the mantle there will create one crack ranging to such defined regional level then the planet will erupt and explode in catastrophe of cosmic scale!
Normally with slowly going process lithosphere creeps and expands as rock balloon without its devastation. But nowadays tempo of mentioned here global expansion is unknown in geophysical and geological history of our planet and this trend is more and more increasing. Now in planetary evolution ending leg in deep globe abyss under the Earth’s crust we have probably volcanic gases nearly half-gaseous volume structure what can unexpectedly in generally short time destroy this crust. Humankind civilisation needs quickly space and ground geophysical, geological, geodetic and material solid research on it!
Open Mind, Methane Update [*]
List of earthquakes in Iran
Lists of earthquakes
Zbigniew Charnas
“Libyan-Hungarian-Polish Fuelnergy Project” (for Fuels & Energy)
16.12.2013 07:32
“Libyan-Hungarian-Polish Fuelnergy Project” is new especial variant of my previously suggested idea of Hydrogen-Coal Hybrid as “Moorish Sun Project”. Please, read supplement titled that way under present article “Japanese Sasago Syndrome & Dutch Dam Marker as Evidences of Hot Expanding Earth”.
Generally the third countries are localised on optimal axis for the start of this green-black electricity, heat and fuels enterprise. I mean drifting to democracy nowadays Libya in Northern Africa, Hungary and Poland in European Union. Every of these countries is the key country for this, but I think that Hungary of Viktor Orbán should be here the motor head country. [A few years ago I had that happiness that I personally met this ambitious politician in Warsaw and talked with him a little getting book written by he. Perhaps, the devil is not so black as he is painted]
Hungarian import petroleum and natural gas from Russia but wants to get more independent of energy resource delivery from this direction. However this direction is the natural one now and for the future in Europe. It is one of many natural directions for deliveries of fuels to European Union and main natural direction for they taken from wide-understood region of Ural Mountains. But setting new country power Russians do not need – in their state and economy mental perception yet – to be ecological. It means saving climate and promoting efficiency of giant resource using. At that there are still reasonable quantity of black coal in Poland, Czech Republic and Ukraine and of brown coal in Romania and Hungary, nearly around in all region of Central Europe.
So in this case Hungary can make “Fuel Greenfusion” synthesis of methane as fuel for the economy. Taking black coal from Poland for instance and green solar hydrogen from Libya. Polish black coal is potentially economical in this application. Less native black coal in Poland can be more natural gas from Yamalian caverns in Poland and less this gas in Hungary. After all we have civilised invention of money to make such round transformation and to realise such collaborative resource transport. We will have better existing climate, better rock ground for infrastructure and more inexpensive fuel in Europe.
Hydrogen produced from seawater with mirror-solar power stations in Libya can be transported to Hungary as medium ecologically liquefied by middle of the Mediterranean Sea and next by the Adriatic Sea. On the seacoast of Croatia at eastern side of Istrian Peninsula hydrogen can be pumped from hydrogen-ships to many cisterns as hydrogen-wagons for railway transport by mountains. But only by mountains having less than 1000 meters of altitude on distance of about 50 – 100 kilometres. Alternative pump point and track exists on the seacoast of Italy and Slovenia at northern side of this peninsula, by east-southern side of the Alps. Mentioned ships can have green propulsion what can use air burning of their transported hydrogen. For the fire safety there should be not some long rocky tunnels on the railway track for hydrogen transportation.
There exist theoretically two or even three variants of methane synthesis from hydrogen and coal. The first is with liquid or gaseous hydrogen and powder of black or brown coal before their hot reaction area. The second is with gaseous hydrogen and gaseous carbon monoxide and special nickel catalyst in this area at about 300 degrees of centigrade. In the second case in the primeval stage coal can be burned for its monoxide for high-temperature heat to synthesis process and for electricity production in summer or heat production in winter for cities for example. Next there can exist exchange reaction with hydrogen for methane and some quantity of hot water. It is parallel to combusting two third parts of hydrogen for methane and to combusting one of three parts of hydrogen for mentioned heat to green energetic operations and applicability. Please, watch and analyse writing of following chemical reactions:
I: C (p-s) + 2H2 (g) → exothermic temperature → CH4 (g)
II-a: 2C (p-s) + O2 (g) → exothermic temperature → 2CO (g)
II-b: CO (g) + 3H2 (g) → catalyst, temperature → CH4 (g) + H2O (g)
Marking note: p-s = powdered solid, g = gaseous
Notice: If it is about “Empathy Project”
my announcement is continuously still hotly topical.
Zbigniew Charnas
Carbon Capture and Synthesis (not Storage) with Hydrogen for Methane CCS-HM
17.12.2013 07:32
I discover another theoretical variant of green-black synergy (fuelnergetic) realised as synthesis of ground coal and water-solar hydrogen for methane. This time my conception is not only for deposit coal but also for carbon dioxide taken from the atmosphere in manner of CCS system – Carbon Capture and Storage. The CCS system could save climate of the Earth in that case if there was not rocky stretching and cracking of the lithosphere in the globe hot expansion process. There is now such difference that potentially very dangerous geological storage of carbon dioxide is unneeded. In exchange of it we are able to have synthetic methane for fuel use in the economy.
Nowadays there are still more than thousand of strong working conventional power stations combusting coal on the world. If they have yet some eventually free area around themselves this idea is for them. In many countries of European Union we have many such carbon-polluting power stations. We can have got non-emitting conventional power stations and synthesised methane from joined with ones gasworks loaded by African water-solar hydrogen.
My exciting idea of Carbon Capture and Synthesis with Hydrogen for Methane (CCSHM, CCSM) is based on chemical reactions of carbon dioxide with carbon and of carbon with oxygen. The first reaction (A) transform carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide to farther synthesis and the second one (B) deliver heat to the first one being endothermic and give carbon monoxide to exchange synthesis of methane explained earlier (reaction II-b). The first and the second reaction chemist can mix on special hearth (A+B = II-a) for setting right level of burning temperature. Please, watch and analyse my revealing chemical reactions:
A: C + CO2 → delivered heat (endothermic reaction) → 2 CO
B: 2 C + O2 → generated heat (exothermic reaction) → 2 CO
A+B (endo-exo-thermic mixed reaction) = II-a:
3 (C + CO2) + 4 (2C + O2) = 11 C + 3 CO2 + 4 O2 → temperature → 14 CO
II-b: CO + 3 H2 → nickel catalyst, 300 °C of temperature → CH4 + H2O
In such type of power and fuel combine station we will need some additional quantity of coal for segment of synthetic methane gasworks but having there deliveries of ecological hydrogen we will not necessarily need coal energy transformed into electricity in segment of carbon dioxide liquefy. It is here one of general differences to classical conception of CCS installations in the field of energetic efficiency and resource saving nowadays problems.
= Zero-Emitting Power Plants and Ecological Methane Fuel for the EconomY =
The Beginning, Not the End
Zbigniew Charnas
Laser & Satellite Equatorial Expansionistic Project LASEX
17.12.2013 07:51
In the main text of the article published above I have written my words: “There exist two systems for measurement of continental tectonic drift. The first is based on radio-sounds directed on far pulsar and the second is based on the global GPS system. Results of their searching although are similar yet they have discrepancy each to other, even including here their error limits. For a long time I never cease to look for right methods to measure nowadays expansion of our globe on land and in cosmic space. Until today I only estimated it watching and analysing nature of sea level changes and cracks on some old walls in my city.”
Now I think that the best method for satellite measurement from the space of nowadays pulsation and accelerated hot expansion of the Earth is the one as follows. In my new conception there is the Earth, geosynchronous satellite with special sensor for light impulses on its very high trajectory over respectively chosen distant equatorial point on the globe and extremely far shining laser joined and analytical computers. Giant stationary laser could send light signal as micro-time impulses from some rocky land (distance about 36,000 kilometres) and stationary sensor flying on the satellite around the planet could read it and send back its reading on radio waves down to the Earth for data analyses with especially programmed computers.
This idea is based on scientific conviction that far satellite trajectories are less gravitationally sensitive to any changes of planetary surface altitude level than trajectories of satellites flying near from the globe. We have existing giant lasers in our science world working nowadays in similar manner system. Ones what shoot their slim and long sheaf of light to the Moon (distance of over 380,000 kilometres). Maybe physicists and mathematicians will be able to compute or albeit estimate some alteration compensating influence of little gravity changes on geo-stationary satellite orbits.
Preliminarily I propose for location of such scientific experiment especially predestined for it equatorial countries as Kenya in Africa and Ecuador in South America. In that way the experiment can be doubled in the space in the same time for interesting comparison of phenomenon running in a like manner in different places on the planet. There would be special care and supervision on African laser laboratory in Kenya set in this geoexpansionistic programme by European Space Agency of the European Union and analogously special care and supervision on South-American laser laboratory in Ecuador by National Aeronautic and Space Agency of the United States of America.
Geosynchronous satellite / Wikipedia
Geostationary orbit / Wikipedia
Lidar / Wikipedia
[Light Detection and Ranging]
Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
Why Methane Epoch Starts Now and Full Hydrogen One Will Start Just in the Future
22.12.2013 06:32
Production of electricity in power stations of developed countries emit only about one of more or less equal five parts of all quantity of carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere (~ 20 %). Other parts of their emission come from heat production, industry production, agriculture production and various types of transportation. Humankind before all must eat, so there is more of area for food production and less of wild forest area and free air for flying birds when there are more of us on the globe and we use taking much area solar panels and wind rotors for energy gaining progress.
So, I think that the biggest reserves for decreasing of carbon dioxide emission respecting simultaneously global wildlife and many of fair human rights are covered just in conventional hydrocarbon fuel and energy system. If one has set great selfish green energy production in its famous wonderful country then one should be also self-sufficient in all food production, not burning far rainforests with wild nature by some strange poor hands for tasty bananas.
Our common civilised global “Titanic” sails just on dangerous sea-track course after seeing the icy top of huge glacial block in seawaters of the Atlantic just before its tragic collision. We must apply now especial procedures to save our souls (~ SOS). And do it in Europe, in Africa and in the Arctic – in point of fact in the region already made to be geologically non-virgin and non-durable.
If stretched lithosphere of the Earth with houses and infrastructure of our cities and with factories of our industrial area will crack tomorrow in many places on all the planet then there will fast arise really new historical epoch. In these times there will be called up by some new Hitler and formed quickly even huge armed super-commandos to use genocide military methods against its new enemies to make them finally not emitting carbon dioxide for devastating global warming. But if we have still any little geological time to this moment we can go step by step to change our world to be not worse (the worst) or to be better (the best).
Step by step means generally to be economically real and possible to realisation in many investment processes on the globe. In this matter what is cheaper is nearer and bigger. Many elements of methane fuel system are present in our technical world and in our economy already now in our times and they are rather inexpensive. Complete common hydrogen fuel system just for today would be much more expensive. New segment as anti-emitter (having special hydrogen deliveries) conjoined to still working conventional coal power plant can be probably now cheaper than all analogous new hydrogen power station (with its hydrogen delivery system).
This hydrogen cost comes mainly from the fact that gaseous and liquid hydrogen under high pressures is able to penetrate to the core or to outside pure metals and many of alloys. It is very dangerous explosive property. In application of hydrogen fuel technology we will need expensive today special bronze alloys. Gaseous hydrogen has also wider its limits of explosive concentration in the air (methane: 5 % – 15 %, hydrogen: 4 % – 76 %). Methane we can easily transform from gas to liquid. Hydrogen is here harder medium in energetic work of this process in liquefy installation. Methane change itself in liquid in minus 164 °C and hydrogen in minus 253 °C.
But let us look at a tree. Thick branches hoist there in it thin sprays. We are able to have just already at the present time inexpensively these thick branches of common hydrogen system. For thin economic sprays of full common hydrogen system there will come yet the right time. Things what are circulated and evolve that gradually and successfully got cheaper. For instance it turns out that natural gas from big-bubble slates (shortly speaking: slate gas) in the United States of America is now even until five times cheaper than conventional natural gas in the European Union. So, let us do it! [It means here not slate gas, of course. Please, read my next material]
Coal has got still valuable resource of energy for the world and methane content in natural gas is one of the best convenient energy carriers. For many arrogant but influential people of politics and industrial establishment ones are not for throwing they away at once today by window. Having that very hard situation we must operate dashingly and before all effectively in the final analysis in happy end. No efficient way is here bad. There should be found various niches and should exist together various forms of use of conventional and renewable sources of energy in state energetic mix. We must only depart now from gigantic simple combusting with free hothouse emission of quite pure carbon in our modern big-scale economy.
I have here three ideas for exploitation of oxygen what will be generated in electrolytic or thermal installations what will be eventually used shortly in time to get hydrogen from seawater in Northern Africa for Europe. The first is to deliver such oxygen as liquid for chemical industry (of course).
The second is to burn selected communal wastes in very high temperature in gaseous oxygen what do not gives dangerous emission of hard dioxins and other pollution constituents. It gives generally only carbon dioxide and water if not to rank here some chemical compounds what we can take with benefit here from burned waste’s exhaust. Mentioned selected combustible waste parts could be transported after general recycling process of them from all Europe to friendly countries of Northern Africa. I think that in back course of hydrogen ships. Such less or no charge gift – as I suggest – would be not treat as terrible plague there. It is plain that people in this region need fuels and electricity, too. It should be especially worth much when heaving produced hydrogen and oxygen and just not heaving deposits of coal.
The third idea is to pump from hydrogen-driven ships or with other special technical method to carry very big amounts of oxygen eventually into seawater of all seas and oceans of the world. And this because that there exist based on palaeological scientific research hypothesis that methane coming out just now already from sea methane hydrides can slowly react and take oxygen from seawater then killing there valuable wild nature with fishes for food, our health and the economy. There would be some panacea for it today by this unusual and a bit futuristic way.
Please, do not say that humankind is competent and efficient only
in tortures, exploitation and annihilation
of whole wildlife species, big parts of nations or their inconvenient elites.
I will do not to believe!
{Wasn’t it by President Roosevelt?}
After all in actual fact we just already have air-conditioning in cool Europe
as relief for very big global warming.
Everywhere. Even there, where is not needed. In slow trains and city buses.
Stuffy (without contact to the air existing outside)
and morbidly technically windy.
It goes in middle of every summer and also in yet frosty winters.
Greenhouse gas removal / Wikipedia
Carbon capture and storage / Wikipedia
Schwarze Pumpe power station / Wikipedia
Green Methanol Synthesis / Wikipedia
Fisher-Tropsch process / Wikipedia
Please, excuse my little error in previous material about methane. Right the “A+B endo-exo-thermic mixed reaction (II-a)” writing should looks as follows:
3 (C + CO2) + 2 (2C + O2) = 7 C + 3 CO2 + 2 O2 → temperature → 10 CO
3 (– 160.8 kJ) + 2 (245.3 kJ) = ~ → 0 kJ {– 482.4 + 490.6 = + 8.2}
[Reaction and heat information is taken from the handbook for chemistry
written by Zdzisław Sołtys /in Polish Language/
“Chemia nieorganiczna dla techników chemicznych”, WSIP 1977, page. 307]
Zbigniew Charnas
Does Fracking Pierce Tight Geological Layers?!
22.12.2013 06:35
From the 11th to 22nd day of November of the year 2013 in Warsaw in Poland there took place United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 19. Early morning about five o’clock on Friday the 8th day of November 2013 on the Philippines impacted the first in written history super-typhoon named “Haiyan” (Chinese name for: ‘petrel’ /seabird/; local name: ‘Yolanda’; wind speed to about 380 km/h). Own live lost more than 10,000 of human. In the last official day of Warsaw climate negotiation in China cracked and exploded harbour pipeline with oil. First media said there had got dead 35 of persons, next said 44.
During this important climatic conference we had in Poland big explosion and fire of pipeline, too. Two workers of “Gas-System” company lost their live and 13 town residents of Janków Przygodzki in Wielkopolska region got charred very much or only a little. This was fire of 0.5-meter pipeline with natural gas under pressure of 5.4 MPa. The near 40-kilometre fatal fragment of pipeline was assembled in the year 1977. Experts did not find proofs that the pipeline was hit by spoon of excavator. They think that there was wrongly welded junction in it as weakest element when feral pipe was just needlessly pressed by pile of earth taken from the place of neighbouring ground works. There were some other gaseous leaks (without explosion) more in this special time or at autumn in Poland. Often on big long and old pipelines like for example nearly 40-year old. I suppose that these events were caused with non-monitored accelerated hot expansion of the Earth in the ground.
In that case it is possible indeed that also there get sometimes to piercing of watertight layers in ground spaces during conducting of technical process of hydraulic fracking in slate gas deposits. These deposits and laying on they watertight forms are stretched with giant expansion geophysical powers. This extension is locally so grand that these powers rip apart slate rocks in their highest sector under mentioned watertight layers when they get broken with very high hydraulic pressure of technical fracking. In that manner there turns up piercing of necessary ground isolating forms in this moment.
In such scenario we will have quickly in the future very much more slate chemical and near-radioactive pollution in the environment of intensively exploiting slate gas countries. Next we will have also even some rests of slate deposit methane in the atmosphere what will be able to increase hothouse effect and dangerous global warming process. So that, new facts generated by globe expansion tell us about such possibility that slate gas technology is based on incomplete scientific geological knowledge.
In whole our civilised world there exists the law to keep state social order far from riots, and today also especially to keep clean rural wildlife. After several years many of harmed people with endorsement of their civil organisation and even state authorities will put petition in courts against troublemaker gas concerns for huge damages. However effects of mentioned contamination will stay in environment yet for a long time. For right comprehended interest of the economy is to research exactly new expansionistic phenomena of the Earth.
No Fracking ! [Wallpaper]
Zbigniew Charnas
“Leveeleaks” Inform in That Secret Form!
22.12.2013 06:39
I have found in Internet such material about leakage of dams in the world as follows below. There exist the question why we have this written here situation. Is it only result of wrong building workmanship? And does the amount of dams that leaks in present times relatively essentially increase? Let us read a bit:
“Seepage loos from dams can be substantial (10 – 30 % of volume collected) and can undermine the farm’s water risk management. Repair is possible but dams are best made watertight at the time of construction. It is usually less expensive in the long run to build a new/better dam than to repair a leaking one. [...]” / Dairy Australia
If theory of nuclear-volcanic expansion of the Earth accelerated by technical human activity is right there will be in the future collapses of dams only caused by this geophysical phenomenon. But still for today in the start impact of it can be often only one of many different conjoined reasons of leakage and final catastrophes of dams. However there can occur now in any while fact of carriage of physical tensions and strengths in the ground and facts of local variability and scale increasing of discreet expansionistic phenomena (abrupt shuffling).
Attention! I suggest that mounted on many dams piezoelectric monitoring instruments are not so trustworthy as modern laser ones due to that the first’s property of technical very slowly crawl of normally non-stretch materials.
Stop Leakage from Dams / Dairy Australia
Delta Works / Wikipedia
Fontenelle Dam / Wikipedia
Dam Leakage at Rivanna Dam.wmv / Bob Fenwick
Levee breach / Wikipedia
Dam failure / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
What Is Visible As the Part of Circle on Methane Concentration Chart
22.12.2013 06:47
= “Opening of the Planet Earth” Seen on Methane Concentration Increase from 2005
I have been interested in ecological problems since the year 1987. On Sunday the 14th day of June of the year 1992 I took my geographical atlas with the map of world isobars in January and in July and my copy of popular-science monthly “Świat Nauki” № 1 (July 1991). It included translated articles reprinted from “Scientific American” with some very special interesting me article. It was the article by P.D. Jones and T.M.L. Wigley (Scientific American, August 1990) with diagrams of temperature increase on the Earth’s hemispheres and with the map of places where surface of the Earth gets warmer and gets cooler (!) during process of global warming. Then I found that places of regional warming are more or less the same ones what places of huge seasonal centres of high atmospheric pressure and places of regional cooling (!) are more or less the same ones what places of huge seasonal centres of low atmospheric pressure.
As far as I could I created my theory named originally “Cumberland Syndrome” and next and finally “Climatic Buffer Effect”. It is theory about that mentioned pressure-and-temperature matter of global warming process. This theory tells that cloudiness of the Earth’s atmosphere perform very important function in this process, especially in nowadays times. Heat in atmosphere is taken among others methods also from process of sprinkling of water vapour. Driven by this kind of heat atmospheric pressure with its winds concentrate clouds at atmospheric fronts inside of low-pressure centres. These cloudy spaces build statistically huge seasonal atmospheric lows full up with cloudiness. In comparison with clear-air atmospheric parts there are less sunrays under this cloudy stratums. And there is less and less of they in progress of global warming process in transitory manner for obtained temperature there.
World tropical rainforests are just localised in places of creation of huge seasonal low-pressure centres in the atmosphere. When there is cooler inside of they on the land surface or also under the sea surface then there is less of massive decay processes or they run more slowly and there is less of methane emitted to the atmosphere. That mentioned in subtitle “35-cm part of circle” existing on the methane atmosphere contents increase graph responds to the first fragment of atmospheric lows temperature changes line on the scheme of Climatic Buffer Effect named as “The Climatic Elephant of Charnas” (running up bent sinusoidal higher continuous Tn-line). Watching it is possible on pictures available under some links placed here below.
Please, watch and analyse my new picture added here and titled:
= “Opening of the Planet Earth”
Seen on Methane Atmospheric Concentration Increase After 2005 =
[To belong also to my earlier supplements titled:
“Recognise AHEET expansion with atmospheric methane CH4!”
and “Does ‘Iranian Earthquake Gas Cavern Marker’ do really exist?!”]
Watch also original version of the graph, published under the link below:
Open Mind, Methane Update
Atmospheric methane concentration ran on figure line at circle to about 2005
because there was transitional cooling in the tropical rainforest area:
Please, watch and analyse the scheme of: Climatic Buffer Effect
“The Climatic Elephant of Charnas”
[Average global warming and its temperature extremes in atmosphere pressures]
Read and analyse my previous supplements and next articles titled:
Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge
EUROGIA-UK (UK DECC, EUROGIA+) and “Fuel Greenfusion”
Zbigniew Charnas
Planet Earth Still Under Its Slow and Precise Construction Today
27.12.2013 11:16
As I already hint here a little earlier some of well-educated scientists – which are creationistic expansionists – believe that earlier in geological history the Earth was about 27 smaller in volume than this special object is today. I do not know and do not understand why the matter could create inside the planet, but not on the planetary surface, for example here in my neighbour’s living two streets farther big coffer with gold bars or in my still not overloaded socks. Since deeply inside of our planet there are high pressure, temperature and radioactive elements I believe there run nuclear reactions enlarging our rocky planetary balloon. This with temperature increasing at least in the globe deepest centre and with huge amount of after-processing chemical compounds drifting to its surface as volcanic gases. I estimated in realistic way of thinking that the Earth could expanse until today with action of all of internal nuclear and geophysical processes for almost 4.6 billion of years only to be about 5 times bigger in its volume (ΔV = 27X-Run, ΔV = 5X-End). And then I came to very important statement that it is for nearly every planet dangerously quite enough!
I fast consider that all prehistoric continents of the young Earth were contacted each to other by their ridges. During giant global tectonic processes about 10 % of their area was swallow up by erosion and subduction phenomena on surface and under mountain ranges – when rocks came into rivers and into the Earth’s mantle. Probably about one billion years ago primeval planet Mars named by me Inta-Mars exploded in my science vision in cosmic catastrophe, giving to the Solar System its various colour moons.
After that time all terrestrial globe was covered by tight blanket of glacial ice and snow as Snowy Earth. Gigantic dust and smoke masses what hovered then in the cosmic space around the globe gave us red ferric colour founded today in: red bricks, rose stones and red soil in Australia, Africa or even Europe. In that geophysical and cosmological moment there was perhaps created act of acceleration of the Earth’s expansion. In today time Planet Earth is still under its slow and precise construction and civilised human science and politics can occur and be found in the XXI century as still quite genius and genial for us or badly debilitated and damned.
Everyday billions of people in the world travel on four air vehicle tyres. Tyres are springy and pulse. Our planet also pulse but a bit more slowly in standards of the Universe. And it can explode on carrier ring together with other parts of wheel as once upon a time there did it overheated tyre on fourth wheel of the city bus with its base office number A 133 in Warsaw. It happened on Sunday the 22nd day of April of the year 2012 – during traditional The Earth Day. At the place situated between Theatre in Wola, Institute of Physical Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences (where I worked on hydrides) and historic area of Warsaw Gasworks (where I worked on natural gas) with nowadays base of concern Polish Petroleum Mining and Gas Industry (PGNiG).
Lithosphere of our globe is such as tyre, but without net made of thick threads and rings made of metal wire, all plunged in firm rubber. On the Earth strengths holding terrestrial matter as the whole comes from its strong gravitation giving to the planet internal footing and coherency. It is terrible very hard to lift such gigantic mass by humankind hands when suddenly needed but it is probably not impossible with feedback avalanche physical methods when not needed at all!
Zbigniew Charnas
In Warsaw We Have Buses with Air Conditioning and Passengers Traveling Angry...
02.01.2014 22:19
In our modern Warsaw we have already many city buses, trams and trains having windy, cool and stuffy air conditioning. Every new type vehicle has here stronger and stronger bad possibilities. At this in comparison with analogous city common car without such rotor machinery they have about 20 % bigger accumulator and appetite for hydrocarbon fuel. Technicians in the name of board and municipal authorities pitch devices authoritatively from central distribution besides effect of temperature felt on wind. Aware or not passengers travel discontented, angry and often easy to dissension. Children complain of it or cry on. Young and rash people snatch in hot summer days locking catches from blocked (as every closed) windows. I foolish understood at last that our old long-handed Big Brother wants to cast us from city common transport out!
Zbigniew Charnas
Expansionistic Hothouse Emission Impact on ENSO – Super La Niña Standard (SANIS)
27.01.2014 11:42
This report may be potentially very important right information for everyone who is interested in global warming and the Earth’s expansion theme. I have my new hypothesis about composite causes of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and its nearest perspectives. Scientists until today have not sure idea of that why winds, rains and typhoons on warm waters of the Pacific Ocean oscillate spontaneously in semi-regular phases in the scope of many thousands of kilometres, but I just have created an intriguing conception for it. I perhaps notify that El Niño phase will finally decrease and La Niña phase will increase and will be finally built Super La Niña Standard (SANIS) further during 2014 and in the next years – starting to this state already from the year 2005.
Such worrying picture we can watch in the last few years on the graphs showing ENSO fluctuations and annual mean global temperature anomalies. I think that it is intriguing and characteristic that after the year 2005 there are high and dense ENSO indexes for La Niña phase and low and rare ENSO indexes for El Niño phase (watch the diagram existing under the link marked as 1# in brackets, placed below). And it is similarly intriguing and characteristic that in the same time there started period of stopped global warming increasing trend just when hothouse global concentration of methane started again to its increase (watch the diagrams existing under the links marked as 4# and 5#). Can we explain such paradoxical natural science situation? In year 2013 there buffeted also extremely strong super-typhoon monster on the Philippines, let me also mention about it in this moment, please.
Yes, we can. We will be able to explain it if we will stand on the basis of the theory of accelerated nuclear-volcanic expansion of the Earth. I understand wondering facts mentioned above in their details only by this way. This is the way to set general explanation of mysterious causes of ENSO phenomenon, too. [Read with watching the graph also higher supplement titled: “What Is Visible As the Part of Circle on Methane Concentration Chart”]
If published in the year 2012 revealing German research about huge fast mass moves in the Earth’s core is right that the earth’s crust pulsate gravitationally up and down for about ten meters for instance in plus and in minus in periods of several months. In all the time gaseous methane drifts slowly in natural process from lithosphere bedrock into undersea deposits of methane hydrates and also at a little lower seawater pressure in low water tide time it drifts from these deep deposits into the ocean streams. In this natural process there enter also hot volcanic gases spouted from “boiling” lava coming up in seabed tectonic rifts gaped during mentioned pulsation.
I expect that such methane flows even thousands kilometres in seawater until the moment when it gets out into the atmosphere. Exactly it means into the atmospheric local and medium-scale circulation. Internal mass streams inside the planet are chaotic and one never knows in what place at the Equator methane as hothouse gas will be injected into atmospheric low pressure centres with their many concentrating winds. I consider now that just this gaseous supply process with its jumbled ways drives ENSO oscillation.
Now after the year 2005 to power this atmospheric and oceanic varying system of ENSO there flows methane emitted from undersea tectonic rifts just opened in accelerated by human activity Earth’s expansionistic process. There are many such widened in opening tendency tectonic rifts under all oceans of the globe – as I surely assume – and one of such tectonic rift observed by several scientists on the continent of Africa. In that amount many of “boiling lava cracks” are placed in so-called “The Ring of Fire” under the Pacific Ocean. Especially many hot rifts exist in deep undersea basins in the opulent tectonic region localised on the side of East and Southern-East of the Philippines.
I suppose that many of equatorial and tropical atmospheric low-pressure cyclones and rainy fronts of La Niña phase – all in all “Western Flood” phase – are turbo-injected on that way with extraordinary quantity of volcanic hothouse methane. This gas reinforces this phase of ENSO. As we know, La Niña is cooler phase in Southern Oscillation (El Niño is warmer) – with more mass of cool seawater on the surface of the Pacific. In the years of La Niña annual mean global temperature is predominantly lower than in the years of El Niño (watch the diagram and the map existing under the links marked as 2# and 3#). Going here farther, I think that rift methane contributed now also to creation of the only one weak and cool El Niño phase existed in the year 2010.
Hurricanes and typhoons are just tropical cyclones. According to my theory of Climatic Buffer Effect weak hurricanes cannot be created in transitory period because there is water on the sea surface cooler than it was already before – with temperature less than about 27 °C – in progress of global warming process cause of denser cloudiness. Science verified that in the second part of the XX century there was more only of the most intense hurricanes on the Atlantic Ocean, striking the United States for example (created over seawater warmer than that about 27 °C). Coming into hurricane zone with its low-pressure centre winds expansionistic hothouse methane can change mentioned frail hurricanes and typhoons into their powerful forms by high warming of ocean air and water during their first creation phase, before start of their final overcooling phase.
I expect after that there can exist some statistic effect in atmospheric research if measuring ships do not sail into dangerous hurricane area when there are more and more superlative hurricane events on the oceans. Because of all that facts the years after 2005 were relatively cooler than they should be in quickly running global warming process, but simultaneously they were further on stronger in many climatic extremes. Let me mention still that in the year 2013 there were more than usually huge typhoons on the Pacific and simultaneously less than usually huge hurricanes on the Atlantic Ocean. To discover what is going on I propose to measure local concentration of atmospheric methane alongside the Equator and the Tropics using special gas laboratory aeroplanes (suggesting the popular name for the first lab-aircraft: “Niñola Gaia”).
I try to point here that regular deliveries of expansionistic greenhouse methane from cracking rifts of the Ring of Fire to the west pacific region will strengthen La Niña index and phase and weaken El Niño index and phase of ENSO and will build SANIS stagnant stable phase. It is possible by means of atmospheric existence of statistically constructed Huge Seasonal Baric Centres (HSBC) – composite with real cyclones or anticyclones and their atmospheric fronts (for visualisation of the HSBC watch in school geographical atlas map of pressures /or isobars/ and wind of January and July).
The greatest of HSBC on the globe as atmospheric low-pressure centre is the object known as the South-Asian Low (with its middle placed over Pakistan in July) and the Australian Low (with its middle at an earlier time placed in Northern Australia over Cape of York in January). Exactly this is the same atmospheric object oscillating across the Equator in seasonal periods. Mentioned shuttle low is so giant and strong that it can steal winds and their air coming down into the troposphere over the middle of the Northern Atlantic. In that way Ring of Fire cracking now unusually in started expansionistic times can intensively impact on weather standards on the Western Hemisphere in the region of Northern America. Can impact on creation of many American hurricanes, tornadoes and very frosty and snowy winters.
I see here another aspect of expansionistic gas emission impact on climatic conditions existing around the Northern Atlantic. I suppose that there runs expansionistic methane emission from micro-crevices opened in continental bedrock in area of Hudson Bay. This area lifts up now more and more fast and generally faster than meanly entire surface of the globe. The second of these phenomena is caused by the last glacial epoch ended before about 12,000 years ago and the first one is because of accelerated hot expansion of the Earth.
If this last hypothesis is right then expansionistic bay methane will impact on Atlantic Oscillation (AO) and Northern Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). It will make stronger Icelandic Low (one of HSBC at an earlier time localised between Iceland and the southern end of Greenland) and make stronger its west-northern position placed near over Hudson Bay in windy wintertime Arctic Whirlpool. In effect of such ascertainment one can understand why the last winters were so cold and snowy in the USA and why the same last winters were so warm and came as so late to the Western and Central Europe (in Warsaw just 15-01-2014). And why this tendency is still deepened in power more and more.
Fast matter fluctuations inside the globe nuclear reactor in the Earth’s core:
Rapid Changes In The Earth’s Core
– The Magnetic Field And Gravity Seen By Satellites
Rapid Changes In Earth’s Core, Magnetic Field And Gravity (2) / Alton Parrish
One of semi-various maps of air pressures, isobars and winds of January and July:
World Map - Air Pressure and Wind in January
World Map - Air Pressure and Wind in July
El Niño – La Niña, Southern Oscillation, ENSO:
El Niño / Wikipedia
Southern Oscillation Index [1#]
Annual Global Temperature Anomalies 1950 – 2012 [2#]
[Global temperature changes on the surface of the Earth with ENSO marking]
Sea Surface Temperature – November 2007 [3#]
Global temperature changes on the surface of the Earth:
Jan-Dec Global Mean Temperature over Land & Ocean [4#]
[1880 – 2011, Anomaly /°C/ relative to 1901 – 2000]
Changes in atmospheric concentration of methane 1985 – 2011:
Open Mind, Methane Update [5#]
[Watch also my graph in higher supplement titled:
“What Is Visible As the Part of Circle on Methane Concentration Chart”]
Zbigniew Charnas
Yellowstone Eruption Question Read from Uranium Planet Systems
05.03.2014 08:49
Maybe many of Yellowstone-type super volcanoes (YTSV = YeSVerTs) erupted on the Earth-type planets like that one last existing at an earlier martio-logical time on the Inta-Mars (Earth-like primeval Planet Mars before about one billion years ago). Because of this fact there are probably maybe only few or just one and only of such little earthy planets in the immense space of the Universe. We can prove nuclear-volcanic expansion and explosion of primeval Mars – as scenario also for the Earth – analysing many and many far planetary systems observed by astronomical telescopes. We can also discover super-dense lava-uranium giant planets.
Presented here below new theory is compatible theory, what means that it is compatible to reality existing around us and it does not contradict to wide known physical phenomena. Old walls on historical construction in our cities crack creating long vertical crevices. They are plastered once more time and live goes on for us as usual. The theory does contradict eventually only to some old harmful stereotypes wide cultivated by science and education systems and many mass media in our scholarly quasi-wise super technology world.
More, whole this theory joins each to other and interprets some new phenomena coming upon the Earth what great human science does not understand and in consequence does far ignore them. It is for instance that the Earth’s planetary magnetic field decreases extraordinarily its power in nowadays time after the year 1845 and that the our terrestrial globe started to accelerate its rotation in dimension of leap seconds in our times after the year 1972. It treats about that why oceans on our planet in its abysses are warmed in present century nearly as fast as the atmosphere at the globe surface. So do more and more continental glacial caps with heat coming from their cold ground bases and they flow on melting water over their rock platforms. Official science still does not know where big amount of this melted water is now hidden somewhere out of the oceanic and atmospheric system.
No joke, I am not a wisecrack and chatterbox! With realisation of this controversial theory the future will look in otherwise way than anybody guess. Alternative for treatment of this text as rightly serious is global mass ecological genocide for billions (!) of people quickly in our restless XXI century with its start maybe just already in running decade.
In my cosmological conception when there was created Solar System and maybe every of other planetary systems – exoplanetary systems – there was set central star object as sun or pair of suns and some planets existing only as planetary gas giants. Such planets were inlets and next slivers of matter of these central stars coming into being. Moons of these planetary systems were created just after the moment of explosion one of some first planets of their system. Planetary gas giants do not explode because they have deep liquid gas oceans saving cracking surface of their outer rock cores but some properly big planets with hard rock surface can explode after their slow expansion when they are extremely full of volcanic gases in magma existed under their lithospheres. [...]
Mere in article: "Yellowstone Eruption Question Read from Uranium Planet Systems"
[COP19 Climate Summit 2013 | Climatology | Cosmology | Astrophysics | Geophysics |
| Ecology | Energy Crisis | Fracking | New Technologies | World]
Zbigniew Charnas
Not Inert Pulsars & Such GPS Satellites Lie to Us about Raging Earth Condition
10.03.2014 06:17
Modern science uses in its radio astronomy many radio telescopes to measure with high precision very little changes of tectonic distances, for example in drift of continents. Material bases for such research there are pulsars going away from us and spinning what are neutron stars in the space. Such measurement is conducted maybe even for already 40 years but just lately nearly now scientists having Nobel Prize on physics in 2011 discovered that the Universe expands faster and faster, and not slower and slower. So do pulsars on the distance separating they from the Earth. Well, how does it work? Perhaps just after next 40 years we will get to know that also the Earth fast expands under our feet and it does it more and more quickly.
Science affirms the truth then when and as long as it contends right assumptions. When science assumes wrongly then it lies. They say that pulsars pulse with their electromagnetic streams like lighthouse with extreme regularity. But we know that “Panta Rhei!” what means that everything flows and nothing is constant in the world. And problem with pulsars does not run in the other manner. Pulsars very gently slow or accelerate their rotation. There is short popular text written about it even if in “Collins World Encyclopedia” (HarperCollinsPublishers, fourth edition 2003, revised and updated 2005).
Successively, for GPS satellites there are reference stations placed on the Earth what introduce into GPS devices outcome some position amendments. But I ask “On the basis of what, with what wrong scientific assumption?”. We have five GPS reference stations in Poland. Please, imagine that lately I even heard from some planetary surveyor that there was carried out GPS experiment in what there it turned out that the Earth got littler. Well, let us now try to go this track to find where there exists here wrong research or analysis.
Since the Earth has very heavy inner core with iron and uranium and relatively light its mantle containing magma with huge volume of volcanic gases so when there increase temperature and pressure in planetary plasmatic outer core then this inner core is additionally squashed and the mantle additionally heaves. There exists some special geometric effect here and complete effect of both these phenomena appears in that manner that surface gravitation of the Earth decreases a bit and as we know from the year 1972 our planet accelerate in dimension of leap seconds (principle of momentum preservation). This situation is written in my article titled: “Czy kula ziemska przestaje się obracać?” (“Does the Earth Sphere Stop Its Revolving?”).
Next surface of the Earth gets nearer to low-level satellites but for high-level satellites of GPS system there is generated now littler gravity. In consequence heaving some excess of their move energy they draw away to higher trajectory. By this way GPS orbits can be no more inertial configuration. But when observer treats these old virtual orbits still in this manner then there rise pretence effect of planetary contraction.
From several decades scientists beam laser stream to the surface of the Moon where is installed special mirror in Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment. It would tell us something about distance localised between our home globe and its natural satellite and about nowadays accelerated Earth’s hot expansion but it cannot because of that fine results are still hidden in measurement accuracy.
Accuracy of mentioned above astrophysical and geophysical type of radiometric measurements already increased to some moment in research history but from that time about dozen years ago it decrease because of unknown for scientists reason. Research results taken from radio telescopes and from GPS system run in approach but they do not coincide with each other with their standard error limits. Science here lets down giving to us not real but only virtual picture of things going on. Worse, we believe in such wrong outcome treating lies as truth. We sleep and work calmly when the Earth already gasps with its mantle gases!
If scientists will get done to liberate themselves from curse of political volition and commercial political correctness then they will still have a chance to verify their outdated views and to evade their disgrace and loss of their credibility, still remaining great pioneers of humankind civilisation on the Earth.
P.S. I: To higher supplement titled “Expansionistic Hothouse Emission Impact on ENSO – Super La Niña Standard (SANIS)”, it means to North Atlantic Oscillation (NOA) and Arctic Oscillation (AO) modified by expansionistic mantle-volcanic gases (methane).
In the year 2013 in last days of February when there were still frosts in the USA and in Central Europe in the same time for the first time in nowadays scientific history there ware observed winter thaws (!) on the coast of Southern Greenland caused by rage of Arctic Oscillation.
Polish Government’s Minister of the Economy Janusz Piechociński on Friday the 7th day of the year 2014: In springy winter day like this today we consume in Poland about 45 millions of cubic meters of natural gas. In extremely frosty day like one day several years ago we consume about 72 millions of cubic meters of our and of imported natural gas (methane gas).
P.S. II: To higher supplements titled “Recognise AHEET expansion with atmospheric methane CH4!” and “‘Libyan-Hungarian-Polish Fuelnergy Project’ (for Fuels & Energy)”, it means to warning of hypothetical natural gas deposits expansionistic loss and to conception of synthetic methane production from European coal and African solar hydrogen with method of Fuel Greenfusion.
Our “Global Titanic” is already on its collision course. Natural direction for freed from contingents and taxed for Islamic region common development Iranian gas – being at stake of expansionistic atmospheric loss – is Southern, East-Southern and Eastern Asia (LNG). Natural direction for also such unsafe in the second sequence Russian Siberian natural gas is Northern and Western Europe (pipelines and LNG). But consequently Central and Southern Europe is natural territory for synthetic methane gas production from green hydrogen (solar mirrors and seawater) and coal. It is rather evident that for diversification of energy sources and for expansionistic security it is important to have several LNG terminals and many LNG ships, not long thoroughfare gas pipelines.
Bonus: Tonight on high clear black nightly sky will be observable Jupiter-Moon Exclamation Mark (Jupiter and Moon in near picture conjunction of them).
Radio astronomy / Wikipedia
Global Positioning System / Wikipedia
Lunar Laser Ranging experiment / Wikipedia
Panta Rhei / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
Cipherplay – Does Our Lord Send from Heaven Signs to Us?
11.03.2014 12:05
Albert Einstein asked: “Does God play dices with us?”. There are a few ciphers – “1”, “4”, “6” and “9” – in my cabalistic system what serve to create some special “geophysical” symbols on a such basis like that functioning in creation of language ideograms when this system gives me valuable promptings inspiring me almost everyday lately in my life. Cipher “4” served already for mankind in ancient times to state “earth” in unlike “heaven” where one used cipher “3”. Cipher “4” is also for “terrestrial globe”, “house”, “home” and “homeland”, not only for “for”. Number “41” and “46” is in mine for “the Earth goes up” and “expanding Earth” (“4” with “↑” or “6”, “6” unlike “9”) and number “49” is for “the Earth goes down”. And for important sequence: “Christ Redeemer from Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte asks us ‘Let the Earth be low, please’” (motive based on incident with vandals and their writing “Ronadinho 49”, 12-06-2012).
Past night we had on the very high nightly sky Jupiter-Moon Exclamation Mark (near conjunction with about five angle degrees on the sky spherical picture from Jupiter to Moon) – my especial cabalistic symbol. Today there runs third anniversary of big Japanese earthquake in the day 11th March of the year 2011 and of famous nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima. Yesterday there was quite biggish subductional earthquake with magnitude 6.8 M in the region localised in California at city of Eureka, in total rather near to Yellowstone Super Volcano.
There are seven cities or towns with word “eureka” in their city name in the USA on my map with the scale 1:4000000. Call “Eureka!” shouted reputedly Archimedes with euphoria at its bathtub when he discovered his principle for water displacing and sailing by boat. This Californian middle-city of Eureka is placed at point in terrain with its geographical co-ordinates as 41° N and 124° W (compare it with numeral ideogram “41” and number of the year 2014).
Analogous point at the middle of the Yellowstone National Park (compare with my higher supplement) has its geographical co-ordinates 44.6° N and 110.6° W. On northern direction from that point there is placed another special one. This is the point localised at mountain massive of Crazy Peak in Rocky Mountains with its geographical co-ordinates as 46° N and 111° W. Please, compare it with “46” and “41” and with notion of “Our Earth Crazy Development” (OECD)!
In the Bible we can read in the verse 6,14 of Genesis Book (Gen. 6,14) how God dictate to Noah to build the Ark before bible deadly flood. I think my cabalistic signs (backwards: 41,6) are also for warning that there is now the higher time for us to save our homeland planet or great civilisation from terrible destruction!
M6.8 - 77km WNW of Ferndale, California (BETA)
[2014-03-10 05:18:13 UTC]
Zbigniew Charnas
How High Is Mt. McKinley?! PHGMetry on Aircraft vs. InSAR & GPS on Satellites
16.03.2014 06:17
Special motto:
Hic haeret aqua! (Latin) = Here lies the rub! (en) =
C’est là que gît le lièvre! (fr) = Da liegt der Hund begraben! (de) =
¡ Aqui hay gato encerrado! (es) = Вот где собака зарыта! (ru)
Polish media gave news that in Californian earthquake at Ferndale and Eureka the magnitude in epicentre had even value 6.9 and that in primeval agency correspondence about this Californian earthquake one gave information that it was M6.1. Now we know that it was 6.8 of magnitude in the scale of Richter. These numbers are looks a little for me like number: “6,168+”. What does such number mean for us? It is numeral value expressed in meters of altitude elevation of Mount McKinley in Rocky Mountains discovered in the year 2012 and “+” is here for 6,194 meters of this elevation established in the year 1952 (compare: my ciphers “6-1-9-4” in supplement above).
From the day 12th of March of the year 2014 I have maybe right hypothetical conception on theme of expansion of the Earth due to unusual earthquake at Ferndale and Eureka in California. Co-ordinates of the epicentre are here: 40.829° N and 125.134° W (81 km from Eureka). As I remember, red bus in London in one of the first scenes of catastrophic movie “The Core” (the Core of the Earth, science-fiction thriller in film co-production of Canada, Germany and USA, 2003) has in its registration number 429 TFH. Its numeral segment “429” gets in this cinema torn for “4” and “29” (compare: 40.829° N). Now I think that the rub from my higher motto lies just in turbulence process of this core and in crust pulsation processes on the Earth (gravity field kicks from planetary inside).
Mentioned mysterious Californian earthquake took place also at middle-city of McKinleyville (87 km). This regular fact is now maybe especial prompting for us. I think in this moment about well-known Mount McKinley (co-ordinates: 63°04’10” N and 151°00’27” W) – the highest rocky top of the North American continent. What does it mean?
In famous “Wikipedia” Internet portal there is published following fragment of the text given there for Mount McKinley: “On September 11, 2013, Alaska’s lieutenant governor Mead Treadwell announced Mount McKinley is 20,237 feet (6,168 m) tall and not 20, 320 feet (6,194 m.) as measured in 1952 using photogrammetry. The Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, said the more accurate height is 83 feet (25 m) lower using measurements from a 2012 survey that used Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar. The new height was accepted by the U.S. Geological Survey and it is now part of its National Elevation Dataset.”.
I am interested if photogrammetry is today just equally precise in the year 2014 like in the year 1952. Will we today measure wrongly height of the Empire State Building or other similar-type objects? I think that it can be quite exact method. We have here characteristic vertical distance 25 meters what differentiates historic from modern value of elevation of Mount McKinley. Such distance is for me the distance what lithosphere of the Earth expanded up in the last period of about 20 years. I consider in this manner because – as I approximated earlier for some preliminary orientation – in about 100 years in the XX and XXI century the Earth expanded in vertical direction of about 160 meters. In my assessment expansion in horizontal direction on the Equator having about 40,000 kilometres of length is here about one kilometre.
In that way for one thousand of kilometres in terrain it is also about 25 meters more. Thousand of kilometres is the distance comparable to the distance existing between two radio astronomy stations what have known from many years their geographical co-ordinates and alleged length of terrain range existing between them. In mountainous territory there is possible just such change of distance from one radio astronomical station to another in recognised here process of our globe expansion in nowadays time. But this information I give in this moment only as digression.
For also even about 25 meters of greatness of vertical error there is suspected popular GPS satellite positioning system in its altitude measurement. I feel that in the case of Mount McKinley’s height over sea level in exact research photogrammetry method is quite right and satellite methods are methodically wrong. How is it possible? It is due to satellite drifting away from surface of the globe and due to wrong amendment of satellite reference stations created in this complicated situation. Generally it is because of still imperfect scientific Satellite Orbital Move Theory including only simple constituent theories like the old theory of Isaac Newton. Because real satellite runs on planetary orbits are non-Newtonian. Just like principles for real high-pressured gases are not simply ones, too. The biggest example for us is here the great slow escape off the Earth of our natural satellite Moon (compare higher: LLR-Experiment) and manner of run fluctuations in gravity change space mission of GRACE (“Tom” & “Jerry”).
Our planet is not exactly spherical but it is ellipsoid, called geoid, due to its rotation around its pole axis (such ball a little pressed as some pumpkin). Measurements of geoid were measured already many years ago by radio astronomy. When GPS-satellite circles the Earth on its theoretically circular orbit once upon a time it is nearer to and once upon a time it is farther from mentioned geoid having some its inertia. Then GPS-station for reference on the globe – analysing its space position having rough data – generate special corrections to the outcome system.
There exists (wrong) assumption that the geoid and level of the satellite orbit is rather constant albeit there are also rock tides caused by the Moon on the Earth. The globe also accelerates in nowadays time its rotation and huge speed of satellite (several times higher than the fastest jet-aircraft) is not at all constant (due to the rubs of my motto). Then, mentioned corrections must be generated automatically in real time.
There lies the second rub of my motto. As it was already said here GPS-system adds or subtracts meters automatically to point position quasi-properly with assumption of generally constant orbit. And when this orbit turns in real and proportionally higher system subtracts bigger correction – lowering result of position outcome. On the other hand we obtain with full power of scholarship false virtual picture of nature or technical reality. It is rather obvious that inflated measurement system sees everything in other manner. Sometimes now and in the future it will be very dangerous for us!
M6.8 - 77km WNW of Ferndale, California (BETA)
[2014-03-10, 05:18:13 UTC, 40.829° N and 125.134°, depth: 16.6 km]
Mount McKinley / Wikipedia
Photogrammetry / Wikipedia
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
GPS Satellites Drift Beyond Nominal Orbits with Micro Extragravite Assist
28.03.2014 10:09
Read and analyse my latest important article titled “GPS Satellites Deceive [...]”
having essential fragments as follows:
Measures are very important instrument in modern world of technology and trade. Engineers are going to build in new houses long bridge ceilings made of concrete with cords. But these objects probably are not going to be cordial on now expanding Earth when we wrongly know how exactly long is GPS meter. Discovery of Uranium Planet Systems transfer us to new epoch, where satellites drift away from the globe and in 2014 precise measurement does not yet exist. Measured rightly in 1952 Mt. McKinley was 25 m higher than GPS gave it wrongly in 2013. We need quickly special corrections for satellite systems to keep count unknown yet planetary and cosmic effects, to lend credence for science and technology again and to create in new times the world free and secure for progressive developing mankind and nature. [...]
These all, bigger or littler, mass accumulations relatively near under the surface of the Earth are named by me as “extragravites” (singular is here: “extragravite”, something like words in phrase: “extra graphite”, in acronym it may be: EXGT). They are essential variable structures inside of our rotating planet. Extragravites are also complexes what are structures composed with deep planetary magma high tides and turbulent magma gravity piles and with rock’n’magma tides caused by the Moon. They draw their gravitational power to satellites flying on slowly changing trajectories over them. Together mentioned structures are just very strong with their specially functioning strengths, hidden unexpectedly inside of the terrestrial globe!
As I think, over our ellipsoidal globe there exists for near satellite not circular orbit but orbit being as composition of two fragments of two ellipsoidal orbits with their two active focuses inside the massive space of the planet if only exemplary satellite does not circulate just over the Equator. The Earth is here as special cosmic vertical rotational dipole, not simply cosmic ball. More correctly, with its extragravites our Blue Planet is not for its gravity field as exact sphere or only pure geoid, but especial undulating geoid with gravitational screws in its three dimensions outside – such gyrating shallow planetary hedgehog. [...]
I postulate that when satellite on its at first circle orbit runs into action region of some “sticking out” extragravite then its orbit change for a while in nearer ellipsoidal, parabolic or even hyperbolic and next getting faster speed it change in drifting away spiral orbit. Then satellite escapes a little in micro scale from its nominal tract over our planet. Such extragravite assist events in its technical live it has myriad amount, then GPS satellite fly away on our ignorance quite much.
It is high time to end with scientific myths telling that form and volume of geoid and size of satellite orbits are mainly constant. That the Earth is still internally cooling down dead rock clod and energetic functioning of its atmosphere is for its geophysics generally of no account. Our from this moment Earth the Second – still this the same our home globe, but already no longer such one like before – is physically living unsafe young-Martian-type planet going non-stop day by day to explode as giant pyramidal bomb running in the space in its dramatic history!
GPS Satellites Deceive
– Drifting away of Orbits with Micro Extragravite Assist
Read and analyse also my potentially mind-breakthrough article:
Yellowstone Eruption Question Read from Uranium Planet Systems
Zbigniew Charnas
GPS Free of Changing Geodetic Errors as Adequate Global Positioning System
12.04.2014 08:44
This is my supplement giving provisional solution for GPS precision problems written in my earlier published articles and their supplements and especially in my newest important article titled: “GPS Satellites Deceive – Drifting away of Orbits with Micro Extragravite Assist”.
If adopt that micro extragravite assist drives out near or even far satellites from their nominal orbits then we can find that special geostationary position of geosynchronous satellites saves these “motionless” satellites from impact of most of extragravites. In result it does it most among all of satellite trajectories. It is generally effect of their “immovable” installation in relation to incessantly revolving Earth, not of their gravitational far placement. Although this last mentioned state has here some significance. More important is for example existence of rare atmosphere on low satellite trajectories being nearly from the planetary surface. Rare gases cause that satellites drift slowly down to the Earth and not drift away to the space.
Three new geosynchronous satellites joined on radio waves with GPS satellites and GPS land stations can be now great chance for humankind in construction of precise GPS system – adequate to nowadays situation of our globe experienced by process of planetary expansion and of satellite drifting. Many extragravites should be near completely not dangerous for stability of measurement with these satellites and tides caused by Moon would be relatively slow. These high GPS geosynchronous satellites should give us answer how far there are simple positioning GPS satellites on their spiral orbits from geostationary reference orbit (satellite drifting) and how far from this special new GPS orbit is the terrestrial ellipsoid (planetary expansion). This important answer would be able to serve for computer creation necessary right corrections for Adequate GPS.
For exact control of whole positioning satellite system and for observation of planetary expansionistic phenomenon there should be also known direct space distance between two satellites in every pair of three postulated here GPS geosynchronous satellites. They should be placed in points being on the base of huge three-armed star created in the plane of the Equator. In account of localisation of GPS controlling land stations – Kwajalein (Marshall Islands), Hawaii, Colorado Springs, Ecuador, Cape Canaveral, Washington, Argentina, Ascension Island, London, Bahrain, Diego Garcia (Chagos Archipelago), Australia – I seriously propose for this satellite star: 140° W, 20° W and 100° E (more or less every 120° on circle). It would be cosmically high over three regions of: Christmas Island (Kiritimati, Pacific Ocean), Ascension Island (Atlantic Ocean) and Christmas Island (Australian, Indian Ocean).
* * *
And now here yet short supplement to some of my previous articles and to also new and actual article published as titled: “Yellowstone Eruption Question Read from Uranium Planet Systems”.
There exists still open question how can be constructed in their details by nature grand lava-uranium planets observed lately in exoplanetary systems by scientists with far-watching telescopes. I think that these planets exist still under process of their continuous creation. The mantle of such planet can content heavy uranium salts. In planetary reactor region of its outer core there can be dispersed products of decay and fission of pure uranium – substances heavy on an average nearly like iron or more. When it does not create special nuclear explosion complication then in the inner core of such planet there can exist uranium alloys with iron and other approached heavy metals.
Gigantic planetary pressures present inside of such planet hold stabile relatively little numerous nuclear explosions of uranium element amassed there in critical amount. I presume that these explosions generate clouds of gas composite with neutrons what drive next reactions of thermonuclear synthesis in minerals. By this way to inner core there flows new masses of neutral iron diluting internal nuclear-explosive uranium. Then such hot planet still exists as regular globe.
* * *
Bonus: In the year 1973 Pentagon started new project “GPS-NAVSTAR” (Global Positioning System – NAVigation Signal Timing And Ranging) for all kinds of armed force. Finally in the day 22nd of February of 1978 there was launched and placed on its orbit the first satellite of future GPS system (historic information just published among interesting others in Polish popular-science monthly magazine “Wiedza i Życie” /Knowledge & Life/ in April 2014). It was 36 years ago – exactly 13,149 days before 22nd of February of the year 2014 and yet 49 next days until today, the 12th day of April 2014. Let us find that number “149” or “49” is my cabalistic symbol for motive with phrase: “Christ Redeemer from Belo Horizonte asks: =Let the Earth be low, please=” (Belo, 12-06-2012).
Geosynchronous satellite / Wikipedia
Geostationary orbit / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
The Main Bridge in Warsaw Now Will Collapse (?) Due to Hot Earth Expansion!
05.05.2014 12:52
There is very interesting for the Earth’s expansion research city bridge built exactly 100 years ago in 1914 year over the Vistula River in the central part of Warsaw (Poland). I have visited and explored its construction with questions about expansion process for the first time (happen to) on Friday the 2nd day of May 2014 and after this I am now highly terrified. This bridge can collapse maybe already tomorrow or in the nearest decade. The bridge functions just now over parameters of its engineering design. I mean here old 700-metre flyover – ground part of this bridge localised along the avenue named Aleja 3 Maja – placed under the bridge and under the street Aleje Jerozolimskie (the top regular road of the bridge).
Under the middle regions of the platforms of this Most Poniatowskiego bridge (“Pony Bridge” – my suggestion for English pseudonym) there create leeway and next gaps over its steel rollers and its plinth column rollers come to overweighed. These ending platform rollers are squashed and they stop to trundle. Instead of this they start to rub on their bases what arches dangerously mentioned overweighed plinth column during seasonal thermal exercises (longer warm platform – shorter cold platform) of steel bridge construction. There are already characteristic cavities of concrete on both sides of unsound main plinth column. Every bridge plinth column is systematically in left to right and right to left manner forced. Modern top platforms of “Pony Bridge” are relatively new as reconditioned from 1985 to 1990 year but its downer steel-concrete historic construction is only on outside renovated and as we see technically old. This is “Colossus Standing on Feet of Clay”!
All of presented phenomena look like slowly made with multiyear accelerated nuclear-volcanic expansion of the Earth in the Mazovia Region in Poland. Now I think that such especially expanding dangerous old bridges in the world there can be already represented in big amount. It is terrible but their existence with their wrong action during lithosphere ground stretching is luckily great occasion for science to research the most important expansionistic problems.
I postulate to fasten on tops of main bridge plinths pair all of special devices for measurement of relatively big seasonal changes of distance between them. In the year 1987 and 1988 I worked in building technology laboratory where in scientific method I crushed concrete samples. I consider that such specifically constructed and devastated with foundation expansion overweighed and wrongly seasonally working grand bridges can suddenly and unexpectedly spectacularly collapse in the near future like towers of the World Trade Center in New York in the 9th September of 2001. Today we do not know yet new next excesses of planetary geophysical expansion under our feet. There can be some surprise more. You everyday travel and you never know! Where is here inquiring pioneer science and reliable state services there? About more quantity of city expansionistic troubles I wrote in Polish language in my article titled “Warsaw Cracks Just of Expanding Earth”.
Poniatowski Bridge / Wikipedia
The Poniatowski Bridge in Warsaw :: HDR | Flickr – Photo Sharing!
The World’s Best Photos of poniatowskiego – Flickr Hive Mind
Silver Bridge / Wikipedia
9/11 WTC North Tower collapse by Etienne Sauret.
Visible shaking 12 seconds before collapse / Dimitri Khalezov
[For instance: 1:41 minute / 3:11 minutes]
9/11: South Tower Collapse video compilation / Nathan Flach
Próba ściskania betonu, Politechnika Warszawska / pocztowka2
{Trial of concrete squeezing, Warsaw University of Technology}
[Watch to moment in 0:37/0:50. Attention! There’s loud sound of ‘explosion’!]
Próby dynamiczne obiektów na szlaku Grodzisk Mazowiecki – Korytów
/ Krzysztof Waszkiewicz
{Dynamic trials of objects on track Grodzisk Mazowiecki – Korytów}
[Start from moment: 3:26 / 7:22 min. – trial at the crack of dawn 200 km/h]
Zbigniew Charnas
Anticipation Statements of Charnas on Dynamic Structure of Now Expanding Earth
17.09.2014 18:43
No ride in the clouds, over watching (cosmic) stars
1. Exoplanets of Kepler Astronomic Experiment – going to find planets of far from us planetary systems in Swan and Lute Constellation of Milky Way galaxy – are often lava-uranium-plasmatic super-heavy-density (LUP)-SHD planets or next in this experimental observations extra-light-density ELD planets dispersed by ancient expansionistic planetary explosions of mentioned SHD planets. It is for average planetary density 70 – 35 g/cm^3 or next for 4 – 1 g/cm^3 in the same planetary system. Planets of the first type shine often into the cosmic space with their own infrared light emitted from their hot lava surfaces. For the last time 220,000 years ago planet with lava on its surface was well-known for us solar planet Venus.
2. On phase limit schemes for high temperatures and pressures one can find that in these conditions there are no liquid and solid state of matter separately, but there is state of matter common for they. It is sticky state. Also from scientific experiments we know that liquids under high pressures get sticky and solids in high temperatures creep. So, in deep inside of the Earth there are only this sticky matter and dense gaseous matter. In that idea there is also matter in electric plasma form. There are no liquids and no solids there.
3. If internal sticky matter of our dynamic in its evolution planet has form of various crystals, these crystals are fast changeable. They have many network errors in their crystal structures what change quickly in high temperature. In high temperature matter is constantly in slow or fast move.
4. Ions are smaller than atoms and plasmatic matter is denser than typical gaseous matter. Ionised gaseous matter in electric plasma form is this matter that do not transmit transverse tectonic (acoustic) waves through the outer core of the Earth. Gases do not transmit such kind of acoustic waves. Liquids and solids do this natural work. Dense plasma in the outer core is base element of planetary electromagnetic dynamo generating magnetic field of the Earth.
5. In the inner core of the Earth there is not only iron and nickel. There is also uranium. Iron and uranium are included in lithosphere and hydrosphere of our Blue Planet although they are heavy elements. I consider that surface iron and uranium in lands and oceans of our planet come from expansionistic explosion in the Solar System of primeval Mars (named by me as Inta-Mars). There was huge quantity of iron and uranium in the core of this planet. Proportion of iron to uranium in lands and oceans of the Earth is approximate proportion of iron to uranium in primeval Martian core (of Inta-Mars). There was much uranium.
6. Ions and electrons of atoms colliding in plasma and neutrons emitted from uranium in fission process and next sporadically pushed in plasmatic streams are especial molecular bullets of internal thermonuclear accelerating natural tokamak in Earth’s plasmatic electromagnetic dynamo. These bullets are sporadically pushed in probabilistic manner. Its fascinating mechanism exists to create phenomenon of nuclear planetary expansion of the Earth (phenomenon of expanding Earth). A little smaller planet in our neighbourhood, what is Venus, has not such relatively strong magnetic field like the Earth and probably it just stopped its planetary expansion and in our times it cools while the Sun increase now its radiant power.
As I think, it gives to the surface of the planet about 20 % of heat emitted from it into the cosmic space (about 80 % comes here from the Sun). As we know, there are about 40,000,000 of physical atmospheres of pressure in very centre of our terrestrial globe. As I feel, there are over 20,000 grades in scale of Kelvin in very centre of the Earth. Possibility of thermonuclear reaction is ruled by Lawson’s criterion (such natural principle). This one is mathematical product of pressure, temperature and time. The Earth has not internal temperatures like the Sun but has huge internal pressures (some 10,000,000 physical atmospheres over its plasmatic spherical region) and it has time. In that way efficiency of total terrestrial thermonuclear process is little very much (tiny) in comparison with total solar one, of course.
[Attention: Atoms colliding (!) in plasma; Fission (!) process; Sporadically (!) pushed (!) in plasmatic streams (!); Special molecular bullets of thermonuclear (!) accelerating (!) natural tokamak (!); Sporadically pushed in probabilistic (!) manner; Electromagnetic dynamo (!)]
7. Internal sticky matter has rich inclusions of volcanic gases, what comes as products of thermonuclear reactions in minerals (mainly in silicates). Creation of these media gives to the Blue Planet from 4.6 billion of years its very slow and sometimes fast planetary expansion. On our planet as primeval one there was all continents joined together. Such primeval Panglobe (compare: Pangea) had not intercontinental ocean abysses. As I approximately state, now the Earth has its radius 1.7 times longer, its surface area 3 times and its volume 5 times bigger. Its continental area has been “eaten” in 10 % by tectonic process of subduction and by hydro-atmospheric process of erosion.
8. All much diversified moons of the Solar System are made of planetary matter distantly dispersed after expansionistic planetary explosion of primeval Mars about one billion years ago (when after that the Earth came Snowy-ball Planet). Inta-Mars was Earth-like planet, a little bigger in its mass than our planet and because of this it was faster in its expansion than meanly the Earth. Every planet of the Solar System has on its surface rich inclusion of dusty matter dispersed during explosion of primeval Mars. Colour of every solar planet – excepted living Earth and far clear Neptune – is more or less rusty and beige. There is more and more of such rust pollution when near and near to Mars (brick colour, orange-red colour, Venus with addition of sulphur yellow colour).
9. Natural planetary expansion of the Earth is strongly accelerated in nowadays times of anthropocene period by industrial activity of mankind civilisation with its heavy gaseous impact into sensitive in gas-light balance Earth’s atmosphere. The first place is here for water vapour more and more pumped into the air with feedback process driven by tiny-trace inclusions of industrial greenhouse gases. Next places are here for carbon dioxide, methane, chlorine hydrocarbons, fluorine hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, ozone, etc., as you know.
10. Grand calderas of more than ten super-volcanoes on the Earth slowly lift up pushed by gases from planetary interior. It goes spectacularly in volcanic depression in Yellowstone Park in the USA. Such phenomenon can be watched also in Hudson Bay and Gulf of Bothnia where were placed two maximal tops of glacier massives in last glacier epoch. Mentioned supervolcano is now terminal one and can explode in every moment. If it will do that it can kill with very cold post-volcanic continuous winter 6,000,000,000 people on the Earth as it is now scientifically approximated.
Tokamak / Wikipedia
Particle accelerator / Wikipedia
Dynamo theory / Wikipedia
Solar System / Wikipedia
[Watch near-rusty colours of the solar planets near to Mars]
The Universe - Season 1 Episode 04 - Jupiter: The Giant Planet / mcroger
[Find in supplements: Fission Drive Fusion in the Georeactor]
Zbigniew Charnas
Charnas as the Name for 117th Element of the Chemical System Table
17.10.2014 19:42
I have my proposition to name the 117th element (synthetic, only of laboratory) in the periodic system of elements (periodic table of elements, periodic table) with my name “Charnas” giving to this element symbol “Ch”. Let us watch and analyse now the effect of such extreme doing as fine creation of metaphysical, paranormal and cabalistic phenomenon.
In nowadays on standard “Elements Table” in direct neighbourhood of the 117th element – having still only its provisional name “ununseptium” – there are five chemical elements: polonium, astatine, radon, livermorium, and ununoctium. Polonium has its symbol “Po”, atomic number “84” and standard atomic weight “209”. Astatine has its symbol “At”, atomic number “85” and standard atomic weight “210”. Radon has its symbol “Rn”, atomic number “86” and standard atomic weight “222”. Livermorium has its symbol “Lv”, atomic number “116” and standard atomic weight “293”. Ununseptium has its symbol “Uus”, atomic number “117” and standard atomic weight “294”. Ununoctium has its symbol “Uuo”, atomic number “118” and standard atomic weight also “294”.
When about thirty years ago for several semesters I was student of Warsaw Technical University (as finally my highest school) it was just the year 1984, 1985 and 1986 (only). To this polytechnic follows among others the gate at number “222” on the wall and other gate localised between two buildings with numbers “20” and “22” (Al. Niepodległości 222, ul. Nowowiejska 20, 22 – Niepodległości Avenue № 222, Nowowiejska Street № 20 and № 22 /in direct translation Independence Avenue № 222 and New-countryside Street № 20 and № 22/). In the hospital placed near this engineering school I was born in the year 1963 (ul. Koszykowa 78 – Koszykowa Street № 78 /in direct translation Basket Street № 78/). And next I lived nearly there in neighbourhood as little crying child in small flat under number 109 on the door (I have only some document for that). The flat as internal living part of the building does exist no more for today (ul. Chałubińskiego 3A – Chałubińskiego Street № 3A). Sometimes in my cabalistic manner: 109 = 10 +9).
In one district of Warsaw there is bronze sculpture named “Lecące Łabędzie” (“Flying Swans”) showing flying pair of swans in their natural size, what for me is “Monument of the Swan Pair”. This work of art is localised in housing estate under addresses with numbers “107” and “109” (ul. Grójecka 107, ul. Grójecka 109, Grójecka Street № 107 and № 109). Exactly at the other side of the street there exists address with number “122” (Grójecka Street № 122; „1” and „22”). In near neighbourhood of this magic place there exists also addresses of other streets with numbers “16”, “17”, “18”, “116” and “118”. Number “16” (the first) functions as next to the street number “17” and the next to number “18” there is street number “14”, without the street number “16” existing there (as another “16”). Swans in nature are generally known as very faithful in their first pair white or black beautiful water birds (black ones only in Australia).
Wall to wall with mentioned hospital and on other side of the street of mentioned suite there was then and there is now Ministry of Transportation and Ministry for Infrastructure and Development. On the other side of the wall of building where in 1985 I studied listening lectures about philosophy there is official graffiti with only big white pigeon of peace created probably in 1955 (they say that sketched by Pablo Picasso being in Poland in the year 1948; placed at ul. Koszykowa 75 – Koszykowa Street № 75). Mentioned – pictured with peace symbol – building is the Building of Chemical Technology of my old university. And as graduate of chemical vocational secondary school (middle school) I am formally for all the time an analytical chemical technician.
When I (o→) studied I fell in love from one impression to another in succession with my classmate young student woman (o+). There was also another student worshipper (←o) of her studding with us in the same student group (individuals as “11-1” or so-called “swans” as “2-22” – shortly “222”). It was always not love triangle but quite strong rivalry configuration. I started to fall in this my big love in student room among others with number 222 on her dorm door. In that times I knew less very much than today and it digital adventure in love affair was made by pure chance. It begun to be known for me that I was deep in love with her just in February of 1986.
About a quarter past eleven hour in the night of 25 day of June of the year 2007 unexpectedly I met my pen-bird darling on the four floor of central railway station in Warsaw. But now I think that many years ago some bad man liar told her many false things about me. As it was usual in my country lies could come then from agents and young informers of internal secret service (under acronym SB in Poland) of existing in XX century in Poland totalitarian communist state. He or she poured tears of poison into our common mutual relations then turning us traumatically apart. And now I save many living children not of mine from hypothetical danger for common happy future on the raging charred Earth.
In my country I have traditional celebration of my first name in 17 day of March (17-3) and she has it in 16 day of June (16-6). The word fragment “Char” of “Charnas” is to grill and its “nas” can mean also “nascent”. I was born also under “17” in calendar. It can be written as “117” – “Born at seventeen”. And she is still for today my most loved woman. Today she is not with me. So, “116” is always for “First for sixteen”.
Radon being here in cabalistic way for number “222” has its boiling temperature “– 61.7” and its melting temperature “– 71” in the European scale of Celsius, what looks like “16” and “17”. Polonium has here analogous temperatures as “962” and “254”. When to add this numbers there is their sum as “1216”. In analogous situation for astatine there are temperatures as “337” and “302” and their sum as “639”. It is well-known symbolic number “69” (₪) of “6” and “9” – here as conjoined pair of dolphins or yin-and-yang symbol – with some the third “3” intruder between them inside.
Number “1216” is similar to numeral form “12/16”. Such form exists in address of the hall building of Warsaw Technical University – officially named in Polish as Dom Studencki “Babilon” (Student House “Babylon” at ul. Kopińska 12/16, Kopińska Street № 12/16; near to building with address ul. Grójecka 46/48, Grójecka Street № 46/48) – where under door number “222” my love to my sweetheart started to be born. From this numbering “12/16” about the year 1990 there also began its existence my special ideogramo-numeral cabalistic system.
Polonium is element discovered by exploring matter in France scientist woman from my country which has her name Maria Skłodowska-Curie (Polish) and by her scientific and life partner Pierre Curie (French). Astatine means “unstable”, “non-static”. I think that like the expanding Earth. Radon is radioactive element and its name can mean “Next element what radiates for birth of radium”. Also our planet is radioactive deep inside. In cabalistic manner radon can mean also “Changing its radius”. Livermore in my opinion is here for especial memento for us from the heavens. It tells to mankind: “Your planet the Earth lives inside and outside more than you expect”, “Every special planet is unusual great liver”. And next it tells more “You must clean it more than you do it now”.
French name “Curie” (from discovery of polonium and radium) experimentally transformed to wrong near form “Cuire” means in French language the same what in English phrase “to char” means. And word “curieux” means “curious” or even “prying”. Letters of my second name “C-h-a-r-n-a-s” are also for writing of four chemical symbols “Ca”, “Cr”, “Cn” and “Cs” of CAlcium, ChRomium, CoperNicus and CaeSium. Still there does not exist element signed officially by symbol “Ch” of CHarnas. Maybe it should be just now in 2014 (“2”, “↑” & “4”).
On specification boxes of mentioned chemical elements in periodic table there are also other physical or chemical parameters existing also as next symbols of my cabalistic system. For example: polonium has its “boiling point = 1764 °F”, astatine has its “melting point = 576 °F”, radon has its “melting point = 202 K” and “Van der Vaals radius = 220 pm” (with “standard atomic weight = 222”). Next here: livermorium has its “boiling point = 762 – 862 °C” (“7”, “6”, “8” = “16”, “17” and “18” substituted in places of ciphers “2” in swan triangle of “222”) and ununseptium has its “boiling point = 550 °C = 1022 °F” (pair of antipodal black swans instead of intruder with white swan pair).
Mass number “294” of 117th chemical element looks like number “429” of London toll red bus with its registration number “429 TFH” (TFH = “Time for headroom” or for other things with letter „h”) existing in catastrophic motion picture titled “The Core” (of the Earth). In this movie this number is breached for one part with number “4” and another part with number “29”. We can watch it on one of videos in Internet portal called Youtube at 0:46 minute of 2:26 minutes. Number “46” is one of my special cabalistic symbols created as symbol of planetary expansion (“4” = “globe”, “6” = “up”). In this film there is realised rescue travel into deep terrestrial interior (“29” = “Swan explores globe down”).
Please, listen more about my specific story. When I was about 2.5-years old little child I fed swans in the Ujazdowski Park at the embassies localised then and now around this place. It is always cult place for me. These are today embassies of France, Germany (nowadays), Canada, Great Britain (in old times), Hungary, Norway, Finland, Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Greece, Tunisia, Switzerland, United States of America, and et cetera. This much beautiful green park is localised in diplomatic region of the Polish capital city at traditionally called area the Royal Tract (from address of Al. Ujazdowskie 6A to Al. Ujazdowskie 6, from Ujazdowskie Avenue № 6A to Ujazdowskie Avenue № 6).
At the main entrance into this “Swanny Park” of mine there is placed on the pavement very nice colour ceramic mosaic showing one white swan. Just on the other side of the street there stand here big historic house with “ominous” in my cabalistic way number “17” in its address (Al. Ujazdowskie 17, Ujazdowskie Avenue № 17). It is near to the Botanical Garden and Astronomic Observatory of the University of Warsaw (Al. Ujazdowskie 4, Ujazdowskie Avenue № 4) and historic royal residence with the Palace on the Water (white swans in old times, too) in the Łazienki Park (Al. Ujazdowskie 2, Ujazdowskie Avenue № 2).
Once upon a time in the church of St. Jacob at the Square of President Gabriel Narutowicz (Narutovich; ul. Grójecka 38 – Grójecka Street № 38) I shouted in the most important moment of Mass for a half of this temple: “I don’t to God [Exactly called “Godie” = childish God], I want to the swans! [I think, it was rather “Swans!”]”. When he was controversial new Polish president, Narutowicz was suddenly murdered by the gun-armed hand of its radical nationalistic political opponent in the famous art gallery in Warsaw in the year 1922.
In my family of my father side there was as young man my uncle, who was born in the 3rd day of December (3-12) of the year 1922 (“22”). His name was Franciszek Charnas. The first name of him was the same one as Pope Francesco has now after “socialist and ecologist” St. Francisco from Assisi. He was killed as insubordinate Pole by nazi murders of people in the concentration camp for mass human extermination in Auschwitz, when Poland was under occupation of Hitler’s Germany. It was in the 8th or 9th day of April (08-04, 09-04) of the year 1941 (“4↑”), as old nazi camp two documents relate it. He got early yet camp number there: 1473. This is the number of the year when there fortunately was born in Toruń (today in Polish territory) the greatest astronomer in history, who was Nicolas Copernicus. It is now the base Copernican year and symbolic Copernican number for any time.
The Building of Chemical Technology of Warsaw Technical University has on the other side of the wall where there exists the Warsaw Dove of Peace its little university hall with technical rooms having numbers: 312 and 314. Number “312” is of birthday of my murdered uncle. Number “314” is for “number pee” (№ π = 3,14159...; № π = “)→ O↑ 59” /Lithosphere up, The Earth up/ + “=The Fifth Element= /♥/ wave”). There does not exist number “313”. Why? I suppose that this number can mean for us “menorah” (traditional Jewish candlestick). It does mean “Peace without ethnic groups and with dead victims”, doesn’t it? And it does be to have some special connection with geometry, doesn’t it?!
Some days ago (2014-10-02) I saw on the street young man with its skateboard when he just broke it in some dopey manner for two parts. On the next street existing as ul. Banderii (Banderii Street) there were standing in that moment for something by chance vehicles of fire brigade and policemen. It was in quarter of Młynów (in English: Mill Area) in Warsaw, between buildings in configuration of rectangle with addresses: ul. Obozowa 14, ul. Obozowa 16, ul. Zawiszy 6 and ul. Gostecka 41 (Obozowa Street № 14 and № 16, Zawiszy Street № 6, and Gostecka Street № 41).
The names of these several streets one can translate directly into two phrases: Camp Street and Jealouser or Depender Street. Next with special transformation “by similarity” into form: Ghostly Street, or even more exactly in context as: Unearthly Street. Number “4” from ancient times symbolises earth (unlike to heaven) or even the terrestrial globe and “14” – or rather more often “41” – is in my own cabalistic system symbol for expansion of the Earth (“4” and “↑”, also as “46”, where “6” = “↑”, next “49” = “4↓”).
Word “banderia” (German “banderie” and Latin “banderium”) means in Polish language “Horse entourage for important person” (Depender Street). There near to this street are just also localised two essential for here other streets: ul. Zawiszy and ul. Radziwie. World „Zawisza” is for first name in Poland. Its celebrity day is 17 September. It comes from name „Zawist”. For this second name celebrity day is the same day or more 22 December. I know about it from my pocket dictionary for names by Bogdan Kupis “Nasze imiona” (English “Our Names”, publisher: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warsaw 1991, page 294). Polish word “Radziwie” has two parts “ radzi” and “wie”. In Polish language “radzi” means “he advises” and “wie” means “he knows”. Together it means “Zawisza advises because he knows” (compare with motion picture “Knowing” with Nicolas Cage and Rose Byrn playing, USA 2009).
As it was in neighbourhood of “Swan Pair Monument” there not exists now number “18” as next to “16” of the Obozowa Street. Under number “16” there is just under advanced construction work new white big house for residential people living. Beginning of this work took place in the 22nd day of April of 2013 – what is well-known traditional standard date of the Earth’s Day. Number of building permission for this investment is “22/Wol/13”. When it was very late times of my loved lady studies she formally lived in one of Polish middle towns at street with address ul. Zawiszy Czarnego (Zawiszy Czarnego Street).
In Polish language higher phrase can mean „Street of Black Zawisza”. The name “Zawisza” associates with Polish word meaning “jealousy”, and “Zawisza” would mean jealous man, but in that manner it is quite pejorative name. This name comes rather from old Slavish world “zawisiet” meaning “to depend” (compare Russian words “зависть” and “завистливый” with “зависеть”, my pocket dictionary “Słownik kieszonkowy polsko-rosyjski i rosyjsko-polski”, Mitronowa, Synicyna, Lipkies, =Sowietskaja Encykłopiedija= Moskwa 1972, pages 259, 266, 267, 355 and 356). So, “Zawisza” is “The man of whom many important things depend”, or in other verbal version “Many values depend of him (of Zawisza)”.
In near street neighbourhood of presented here above especial magic place there exists at ul. Młynarska 43/45 (Młynarska Street № 43/45, Mill Street № 43/45) big building of Security Centre of Capital City of Warsaw with bureau part of Municipal Guard of Warsaw (with its telephones: 112 and 986). Among others officers of these offices work hard – as I always hope – to make not only children and elders save being there running or walking under old dilapidated infrastructure constructions in Warsaw. I mean phenomena described in texts: “The Main Bridge in Warsaw Now Will Collapse Due to Earth Expansion!” and “Warsaw Cracks Just of Expanding Earth”.
Next day (2014-10-03) at the front of main building of the Warsaw Technical University I met many young men with such skateboards. Even one of them called to other “Board!”. And next inside this polytechnic building I heard by chance at somebody in fragment of its conversation word “seismic”. So, I think that skateboard was to symbolise impacted continental plate of the lithosphere. Just this day early morning it seemed to me that there were some unusual very weak earthquakes under my bed. It means unexpectedly in from many years non-seismic region of Poland and Europe.
When finally it was the 4th day of October of 2014 there it turned out that just little earthquakes were generated in the neighbourhood area of the city of Livermore in California. I established it by means to Internet archive of United States Geological Survey (USGS). Livermore is this especial place in the world from what mentioned in this breaking text chemical element number 116th took its fascinating name “livermorium”. This is the city where there works the oldest light bulb in the world. Maybe it is especial sign for us to live on the glob more.
On specification card of two little earthquakes in area of Livermore in this day (2014-10-04) we can read as follows. The first took its place at about second (2) hour of USGS System Time and the second at about twenty second (22) hour of USGS System Time – what means that of time being then in Poland, from where I was asking of data details nearly before midnight. Exactly they are earthquake hours: 00:14:43 UTC = 17:14:43 at epicentre = 02:14:43 system time of the little M2.9 – 3km E of Livermore, California (BETA), 2014-10-04, earthquake and 13:13:57 UTC = 17:13:57 at epicentre = 22:13:57 system time of the M1.9 – 2km ENE of Livermore, California (BETA), 2014-10-04, earthquake.
The first of these earthquakes has its specification card – named in USGS system as eventpage – with the Internet link with code “nc72320181”. The second of them has its eventpage with link with code “nc72320616”. Its is similar to my “222” or “232” cabalistic writing, number “118” and mentioned special name date “June 16” (06-16). Number “7” may be here as “happy”. However number “13” in hours is here rather not for “unhappy”, but it is for phrase “Expanding lithosphere” as “Arc and vector” (compare: “bow and arrow” = “)→” = “31”) since there is also “14”, what can be here for “Expanding Earth” as “Globe and vector” (compare: “house and arrow” = “O→” = “41”). As it is in my cabalistic system.
One can see here number “17” not only in the earthquake hours under subtitle “Event Time”, but also in item “Nearby Cities”. It is exactly 17km E of Dublin, next to data 12km (7ml) ENE of Pleasanton and next back to data 22km ESE of San Ramon, all in California, on the “Card 616”. When it is on “Card 181” it is in the same place 18km E of Dublin, next to data 13km ENE of Pleasanton and next back to data 24km ESE of San Ramon, California. It is characteristic that when it is 2km – “Swan kilometre” – of Livermore then it is “Card 616” and when it is 3km – “Intruder kilometre” (intruder = that wrong third to swan pair) – of Livermore then it is “Card 181”.
Please, look for more at item “Location”. There is number “687” as names of three swans – “26-28-27” or “16-18-17” – and part of Copernican number “73” in geographical coordinates of the earthquake epicentre on the “Card 181”. There is number “693” as “Yin-yang swans and third intruder” – I think truly that in right arrangement as “16-17-18” – and number “742” – “Happy-globe swan” or even “Happy life” (42 = alive, 24 = dead, the world exists before or after person) in geographical coordinates of the earthquake epicentre on the “Card 616”. Let us watch it exactly: 37.687°N, 121.730°W (-0181) and 37.693°N, 121.742°W (-0616).
It is unusually wondering for me that day 17 of March is 76th day of every normal year and of the year 2014 when day 16 of June is 167th such day. There is created also interesting effect for us when to try fathom meaning of writings “181” and “616” on calendar. This is in simply watch 18th day of January (18-1) or 81st day of that month (1-81). What is 81st day of January? It is in other way just 22nd day of March (22-3). This is 81st day of every normal year. And “616” is 16th day of June (6-16) or as 61st day of June in showed here other way it is 31st day of July (61-6 = 31-7) and automatically 212th day of every normal year.
Let us fathom now also main numeral elements “37” and “121” in geographical coordinates of Livermore, California. Number “121” is just similar in presented here cabalistic system to number “212”, as it were alternative “Swan between other persons”. The number “37” gives me connotation to American thriller movie titled “The Mothman Prophecies” and its especial call for unsafe person: “Wake up, number 37. Wake up!”.
In the cinema “The Mothman Prophesies” (USA, 2002) in area of authentic catastrophe (1967) of the Silver Bridge on the River Ohio some policewoman (Laura Linney) exists generally in the screenplay as number “37” – “Wake up, number 37. Wake up!”. In this movie there we can watch for a moment also number “22” as number of room in the local motel named “Motor Inn”, where journalist John Klein from Washington Post (Richard Gere) stays for a few days.
In the year 1995 and 1996 I lied and slept in untypical coma of neurological Kleine-Levin Syndrome unusual form for about 21 months under number “37” of the doors following to inside of my flat. The medical syndrome was very rare tough neuro-hormonal illness generated for me in unwelcome way as caused by some medical therapy error. Mentioned living place I have got from the year 1994. Already from the year 1987 I use to live also in another district of Warsaw under number “16” on the flat door. I had no essential choice for my decision.
When she was student of Warsaw Technical University my darling has her family address in one of Polish towns at ul. Podgórna 21 m. 1 (Sub-mountain Street /Under-mountain, Go-mountain/ № 21 the flat № 1; compare: 121.742°W of Livermore). It was in that times when I lived at ul. Archiwalna 7 m. 13 (Archive Street № 7 the flat № 13) in Warsaw. Number “121” tells us also as it were “It starts in the XXI century” (1 and 21). Number “7” is in popular culture standard alternative one for number “13” (happy and unhappy numbers).
The writing “Start in this century” is present in the coordinates of the epicentre of earthquake at Livermore. But I see something more. In the time of the first presented earthquake – in numbers “14” and “43” – there exist numbers of such old-times address of my school colleague who was also nearly the best friend of mine for a very long time (the address here as special prompting). So, in the time of the second presented earthquake – in numbers “13” and “57” – there may exist numbers of mentioned my old address as “13” and “7” – but only separated with number “5”, of special “Fifth element” (natural, not chemical). Ciphers in line system “1-7-3-5” are also the numbers of my parameters for expansion of the Earth (radius, area and volume: 1.7, 3 and 5 – times more from the beginning util nowadays times in nuclear-volcanic expansion process).
It also turned out as wondering event that in the 6th day of October of 2014 there was another essential earthquake on the world. It was generated in central region of Iceland. I also established it by means to Internet archive of United States Geological Survey (USGS). Mentioned place in Iceland is area at localised over land rift Bardarbunga volcano what started its spectacular long crack eruption in in August of the year 2014.
On specification card of this earthquake we can read as follows. It took its place at about thirteenth (13) hour of USGS System Time. Exactly it was earthquake hour: 11:04:07 UTC = 11:04:07 at epicentre = 13:04:07 system time of the M4.6 – 117km WNW of Hofn, Iceland (BETA), 2014-10-06, earthquake. This earthquake has its event page with the Internet link with code “usb000sj57”. Please, compare it after next reading moment with number “57” in my special Post Scriptum Bonus written below.
On the specification card one can see numbers “117”, “118”, “222”, “223” and “226” in item “Nearby Cities”. It are exactly: 117km (73ml) WNW of Hofn, 118km (73ml) SSE of Akureyri, 222km (138ml) ENE of Reykjavik, 223km (139ml) ENE of Kopavogur and 226km (140ml) ENE of Hafnarfjordur, all in Iceland. Location of this earthquake was exactly: 64.658°N, 17.452°W (compare here “17” and “64” with presented higher “1764 °F”). So, once more time our special number “17” was present with number “222” and the others. Coordinate fragment “64°N” is here similar to hour “11:04:07” thanks to “6-4” and “4-7” – maybe as “Home” (4) for “6” and “7” of “One-and-one swans”. After that all, just I suspect that Iceland started now to crack on its rift in comparable manner as Africa started for such globe expansion process in the African Rift Valley in the geophysical critical year 2005.
In the 27th day of September of the year 2014 there suddenly erupt high volcano placed in central region of Japan. It killed then with its fast piroclastic clouds several tens of tourists, walking on it in lovely day even with little children. Name of this sleeping till now and dangerous in real volcano is Ontake. Name “Ontake” I read as verbal phrase “To take on (something)” and “To be on take (for something)”. Phrase existing here in my important contexts, of course. Altitude of this high volcano is 3,067 metres. Also in October of the year 2014 there goes already thirty anniversary of that moment in my quite stormy life when in my old university in 1984 I met my sweetheart (3..., 13..., 23..., 30...).
I think that presented here perpetual cabalistic ventures with mysterious live coincidences are among others great paranormal scientific experiment to be near to discover some day how there can exist human choice freedom together with human spiritual destiny. To tell us how need it work to give us our own and our common happiness. This cabalistic system prompts solutions for my research questions now. Maybe it is possible that this unusual especial experiment can help developing humankind civilisation and beautiful nature to survive.
Post Scriptum Bonus – My Breaking News
In the 14th day of October of the year 2014 there was played off in Warsaw football game between Poland and Scotland of knockout games for tournament Euro 2016. This was huge event in Poland. The result of that sport meeting was 2:2 (to the half 1:1) – what looks as known for us “Two swans”. No more goals for any teams, although needed. The first goal on the stadium K. Mączyński player – with his number “16” on the shirt – shot in the 11th minute of the game. The second one S. Maloney – with “6” – shot in the 18th minute. The third one S. Naismith – with “10” shot in the 57th minute. And the fourth goal there was shot finally with A. Milik – heaving his number “7” – in the 76th minute of that vehement scramble. Please, compare numbers of players “16”, “6”, “10” and “7” with numbers “616” (16-06) and “107” higher in this text.
Next it turned out that in a half of the Internet by popular search-engine Google there is not 11th minute for the first goal, but even 12th minute. I find that these numeral sequences – “16 – 11 – 18 – 57 – 76” or next “16 – 12 – 18 – 57 – 76” – would be mystic in presented higher context (“One and one still is one”, “One and swan is wrong”, “Fifth element with 7-swan”, “Let 7-&-6-swans be together and forever”). The name “Milik” can function in Polish familiarly as “Kind” or “Nice” guy or in other word manner as “Man of the mile step”.
Why football? More than two years ago – in the 12 day of June of 2012 – some vandals being fans of football team painted name Ronaldinho of player with its number “49” on the back of the Cristo Redentor Statue (Christ The Redeemer). This statue stands in the town quarter of Milionários in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte (Beautiful Horizon) in region Minas Gerais. As you already know in my cabalistic system cipher “4” is for “house” (Δ) and next for “home country” and even “the terrestrial globe”. Cipher “9” often is for “wave”, “balloon” or “down direction”. This number can mean “dolphin” or “snake”, too. I think that as the number “46” means “Expanding Earth” as “49” one means here surely “Christ asks: Please, set expanding Earth down” or in other version “Christ asks: Please, set expanding Earth back”. These symbols have already quite a bit acts of their live cabalistic existence in surrounding us reality in Warsaw.
On Monday the 6th day of October of the year 2014 there was the 279th day of that year and to the end of this year there was then more 86 days. Yesterday – on Thursday, the 16th day of October – there was the 289th day of the year 2014 and to the end of this year there was more to live only 76 days. From several days on the pavement at the nearest crossroad from my home where I wrote this supplement there flames candles for young man who had here lately his mortal accident (after his emergency visit in hospital he is now dead). For a few days there was standing on the lawn at the road his fast scooter with logotype “F16”. Its registration number was WH 8102. It was fatal coincidence of lot.
M2.9 – 3km E of Livermore, California (BETA), 2014-10-04, 00:14:43 UTC
[37.687°N, 121.730°W, depth = 3.3km (2.0ml)]
M1.9 – 2km ENE of Livermore, California (BETA), 2014-10-04, 20:13:57 UTC
[37.693°N, 121.742°W, depth = 1.2km (0.7ml)]
M4.6 – 117km WNW of Hofn, Iceland (BETA), 2014-10-06, 11:04:07 UTC
[64.658°N, 17.452°W, depth = 10.0km (6.2ml)]
[222km (138ml) ENE of Reykjavik, 226km (140ml) ENE of Hafnarfjordur]
Yfirfarnar staðs., 16.-18. ágúst 2014 ; Bárðarbunga 16-18 August 2014
8/23/2014 – Bardarbunga Volcano in Iceland Begins to Erupt
– Live Stream Here
Japan’s Mt Ontake volcano erupts, kills one and over 32 seriously injured
/ World News&EveryThing AbouT Life
[27-09-2014; Ontake = “To be on take” or “To take on”; 3,067 metre mountain]
Periodic table / Wikipedia
Polonium / Wikipedia
Astatine / Wikipedia
Radon / Wikipedia
Livermorium / Wikipedia
Ununseptium / Wikipedia
The (truly) Periodic Table / Science Office
The BEST periodic table app on the market
– The Elements: A Visual Exploration – app demo / Smart Apps for Kids
Livermore, California / Wikipedia
[Established 1869 /18-69/ and incorporated 1876 /18-76/]
[Coordinates: 37°40’55”N, 121°46’05”W – “40” ~ “46”, “55-05”]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory / Wikipedia
[Coordinates: 37.69° N, 121.71° W]
Longest-lasting light bulbs / Wikipedia
[Living more and more light bulb in Livermore, California]
[This page was last modified on 26 August at 22:49]
Charnas / Wikipedia
[The name of a little town at Lyon in the east-southern France at Rhone]
Birdy – People Help The People [Official Music Video] / Birdy
The Core (1/9) Movie CLIP – The Birds (2003) HD / MOVIECLIPS
[Please, take notice in stopped pictures of audio-visual moments in and about
0:46 minute of 2:26 – Catastrophe of London bus with its bumper number 4/29]
Chris Rea – The road to hell (long version CD) HD / Musica Disegno
[Notice audio-visual moments: 2:22 minute, 3:06/3:07 and 6:17 of 6:52 minutes]
The Fifth Element / Wikipedia
The BEST “Fifth Element Trailer” ever! / Joel Nelson
The Fifth Element – Elysium Style Trailer / ShootEvrythg
Milla Yavovich The Fifth Element / harryAngel2
Dantes Peak Trailer / Smitz.T
[Movie about scientists and volcanic eruption. The pair and the other person]
Twister Trailer 2014 / Smitz.T
[Movie about scientists and tornado impacts. The pair and the other person]
Ace of Base – I Saw The Sign With Lyrics / AFwifey44875
[Find context numeral signs (“signs”) in next twenty videos followed below]
Fancy – Flames of Love / 316sebek
Jon Secada – Just Another Day (Best Version & HQ Audio) / glozambo
Eve – Who’s That Girl? / EveVEVO
Madonna – Who’s That Girl (Dubtronic Reconstruction Remix 2011)
/ MrAndrew9821
80’s Madonna Remixes – Who’s That Girl (Techno Remix)
/ seven.heaven sweet
Who’s That Girl (Extended Remix) – Eurythmics / TheAnderroo
Eurythmics – Who’s That Girl? (Nico Pusch Bootleg Remix)
/ István Gábor Fodor
Eurythmics – Who’s that girl (iffe Remix – Club Radio Edit) / iffe NMK
Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2007 (Who’s That Girl) [AUDIO]
/ Living Mannequin
Madonna – La Isla Bonita (Confessions World Tour) / Madonna Ciccone
Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World) / RihannaVEVO
[1080p] Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World)
(Today Show 27.05.2011) / HDVideos
Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World) (Extended Club Mix) / 22RudeBoy22
Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World) Cover by Hot Play / Trupa Hotplay
Rihanna – Only Girl In The World (TEEMID & Makeda Purple Cover)
/ Electro Posé
Daft Punk – Get Lucky (Pretty Pink Edit) / Electro Posé
Nelly Furtado – Saturdays (Nico Pusch Bootleg Remix) / DubyJunk
Madonna – True Blue / madonna
Phil Colins – True Colours – Lyrics / Abhinaba Sen
C.C. Catch – Heartbreak Hotel / JeanPaul6073
Alphaville – Forever Young ~ Official Video / cappew22
Ania Dąbrowska – W spodniach czy w sukience – / ola tarantowicz
Anybody Seen My Baby? – The Rolling Stones / Jose C K
Zbigniew Charnas
Anticipation Statements of Charnas on Dynamic Structure of Now Expanding Earth
20.10.2014 08:37
No ride in the clouds, over watching (cosmic) stars
1. Exoplanets of Kepler Astronomic Experiment – going to find planets of far from us planetary systems in Swan and Lute Constellation of Milky Way galaxy – are often lava-uranium-plasmatic super-heavy-density (LUP)-SHD planets or next in this experimental observations extra-light-density ELD planets dispersed by ancient expansionistic planetary explosions of mentioned SHD planets. It is for average planetary density 70 – 35 g/cm^3 or next for 4 – 1 g/cm^3 in the same planetary system. Planets of the first type shine often into the cosmic space with their own infrared light emitted from their hot lava surfaces. For the last time 220,000 years ago planet with lava on its surface was well-known for us solar planet Venus.
2. On phase limit schemes for high temperatures and pressures one can find that in these conditions there are no liquid and solid state of matter separately, but there is state of matter common for they. It is sticky state. Also from scientific experiments we know that liquids under high pressures get sticky and solids in high temperatures creep. So, in deep inside of the Earth there are only this sticky matter and dense gaseous matter. In that idea there is also matter in electric plasma form. There are no liquids and no solids there.
3. If internal sticky matter of our dynamic in its evolution planet has form of various crystals, these crystals are fast changeable. They have many network errors in their crystal structures what change quickly in high temperature. In high temperature matter is constantly in slow or fast move.
4. Ions are smaller than atoms and plasmatic matter is denser than typical gaseous matter. Ionised gaseous matter in electric plasma form is this matter that do not transmit transverse tectonic (acoustic) waves through the outer core of the Earth. Gases do not transmit such kind of acoustic waves. Liquids and solids do this natural work. Dense plasma in the outer core is base element of planetary electromagnetic dynamo generating magnetic field of the Earth.
5. In the inner core of the Earth there is not only iron and nickel. There is also uranium. Iron and uranium are included in lithosphere and hydrosphere of our Blue Planet although they are heavy elements. I consider that surface iron and uranium in lands and oceans of our planet come from expansionistic explosion in the Solar System of primeval Mars (named by me as Inta-Mars). There was huge quantity of iron and uranium in the core of this planet. Proportion of iron to uranium in lands and oceans of the Earth is approximate proportion of iron to uranium in primeval Martian core (of Inta-Mars). There was much uranium.
6. Ions and electrons of atoms colliding in plasma and neutrons emitted from uranium in fission process and next sporadically pushed in plasmatic streams are especial molecular bullets of internal thermonuclear accelerating natural tokamak in Earth’s plasmatic electromagnetic dynamo. These bullets are sporadically pushed in probabilistic manner. Its fascinating mechanism exists to create phenomenon of nuclear planetary expansion of the Earth (phenomenon of expanding Earth). A little smaller planet in our neighbourhood, what is Venus, has not such relatively strong magnetic field like the Earth and probably it just stopped its planetary expansion and in our times it cools while the Sun increase now its radiant power.
As I think, it gives to the surface of the planet about 20 % of heat emitted from it into the cosmic space (about 80 % comes here from the Sun). As we know, there are about 40,000,000 of physical atmospheres of pressure in very centre of our terrestrial globe. As I feel, there are over 20,000 grades in scale of Kelvin in very centre of the Earth. Possibility of thermonuclear reaction is ruled by Lawson’s criterion (such natural principle). This one is mathematical product of pressure, temperature and time. The Earth has not internal temperatures like the Sun but has huge internal pressures (some 10,000,000 physical atmospheres over its plasmatic spherical region) and it has time. In that way efficiency of total terrestrial thermonuclear process is little very much (tiny) in comparison with total solar one, of course.
[Attention: Atoms colliding (!) in plasma; Fission (!) process; Sporadically (!) pushed (!) in plasmatic streams (!); Special molecular bullets of thermonuclear (!) accelerating (!) natural tokamak (!); Sporadically pushed in probabilistic (!) manner; Electromagnetic dynamo (!)]
7. Internal sticky matter has rich inclusions of volcanic gases, what comes as products of thermonuclear reactions in minerals (mainly in silicates). Creation of these media gives to the Blue Planet from 4.6 billion of years its very slow and sometimes fast planetary expansion. On our planet as primeval one there was all continents joined together. Such primeval Panglobe (compare: Pangea) had not intercontinental ocean abysses. As I approximately state, now the Earth has its radius 1.7 times longer, its surface area 3 times and its volume 5 times bigger. Its continental area has been “eaten” in 10 % by tectonic process of subduction and by hydro-atmospheric process of erosion.
8. All much diversified moons of the Solar System are made of planetary matter distantly dispersed after expansionistic planetary explosion of primeval Mars about one billion years ago (when after that the Earth came Snowy-ball Planet). Inta-Mars was Earth-like planet, a little bigger in its mass than our planet and because of this it was faster in its expansion than meanly the Earth. Every planet of the Solar System has on its surface rich inclusion of dusty matter dispersed during explosion of primeval Mars. Colour of every solar planet – excepted living Earth and far clear Neptune – is more or less rusty and beige. There is more and more of such rust pollution when near and near to Mars (brick colour, orange-red colour, Venus with addition of sulphur yellow colour).
9. Natural planetary expansion of the Earth is strongly accelerated in nowadays times of anthropocene period by industrial activity of mankind civilisation with its heavy gaseous impact into sensitive in gas-light balance Earth’s atmosphere. The first place is here for water vapour more and more pumped into the air with feedback process driven by tiny-trace inclusions of industrial greenhouse gases. Next places are here for carbon dioxide, methane, chlorine hydrocarbons, fluorine hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, ozone, etc., as you know.
10. Grand calderas of more than ten super-volcanoes on the Earth slowly lift up pushed by gases from planetary interior. It goes spectacularly in volcanic depression in Yellowstone Park in the USA. Such phenomenon can be watched also in Hudson Bay and Gulf of Bothnia where were placed two maximal tops of glacier massives in last glacier epoch. Mentioned supervolcano is now terminal one and can explode in every moment. If it will do that it can kill with very cold post-volcanic continuous winter 6,000,000,000 people on the Earth as it is now scientifically approximated.
Tokamak / Wikipedia
Particle accelerator / Wikipedia
Dynamo theory / Wikipedia
Solar System / Wikipedia
[Watch near-rusty colours of the solar planets near to Mars]
The Universe - Season 1 Episode 04 - Jupiter: The Giant Planet / mcroger
[Find in supplements: Fission Drive Fusion in the Georeactor]
Zbigniew Charnas
Warsaw, Poland, 2014-09-17
Charnas as the Name for 117th Element
of the
Chemical System Table
I have my proposition to name the 117th element (synthetic, only of laboratory) in the periodic system of elements (periodic table of elements, periodic table) with my name “Charnas” giving to this element symbol “Ch”. Let us watch and analyse now the effect of such extreme doing as fine creation of metaphysical, paranormal and cabalistic phenomenon.
In nowadays on standard “Elements Table” in direct neighbourhood of the 117th element – having still only its provisional name “ununseptium” – there are five chemical elements: polonium, astatine, radon, livermorium, and ununoctium. Polonium has its symbol “Po”, atomic number “84” and standard atomic weight “209”. Astatine has its symbol “At”, atomic number “85” and standard atomic weight “210”. Radon has its symbol “Rn”, atomic number “86” and standard atomic weight “222”. Livermorium has its symbol “Lv”, atomic number “116” and standard atomic weight “293”. Ununseptium has its symbol “Uus”, atomic number “117” and standard atomic weight “294”. Ununoctium has its symbol “Uuo”, atomic number “118” and standard atomic weight also “294”.
When about thirty years ago for several semesters I was student of Warsaw Technical University (as finally my highest school) it was just the year 1984, 1985 and 1986 (only). To this polytechnic follows among others the gate at number “222” on the wall and other gate localised between two buildings with numbers “20” and “22” (Al. Niepodległości 222, ul. Nowowiejska 20, 22 – Niepodległości Avenue № 222, Nowowiejska Street № 20 and № 22 /in direct translation Independence Avenue № 222 and New-countryside Street № 20 and № 22/). In the hospital placed near this engineering school I was born in the year 1963 (ul. Koszykowa 78 – Koszykowa Street № 78 /in direct translation Basket Street № 78/). And next I lived nearly there in neighbourhood as little crying child in small flat under number 109 on the door (I have only some document for that). The flat as internal living part of the building does exist no more for today (ul. Chałubińskiego 3A – Chałubińskiego Street № 3A). Sometimes in my cabalistic manner: 109 = 10 +9).
In one district of Warsaw there is bronze sculpture named “Lecące Łabędzie” (“Flying Swans”) showing flying pair of swans in their natural size, what for me is “Monument of the Swan Pair”. This work of art is localised in housing estate under addresses with numbers “107” and “109” (ul. Grójecka 107, ul. Grójecka 109, Grójecka Street № 107 and № 109). Exactly at the other side of the street there exists address with number “122” (Grójecka Street № 122; „1” and „22”). In near neighbourhood of this magic place there exists also addresses of other streets with numbers “16”, “17”, “18”, “116” and “118”. Number “16” (the first) functions as next to the street number “17” and the next to number “18” there is street number “14”, without the street number “16” existing there (as another “16”). Swans in nature are generally known as very faithful in their first pair white or black beautiful water birds (black ones only in Australia).
Wall to wall with mentioned hospital and on other side of the street of mentioned suite there was then and there is now Ministry of Transportation and Ministry for Infrastructure and Development. On the other side of the wall of building where in 1985 I studied listening lectures about philosophy there is official graffiti with only big white pigeon of peace created probably in 1955 (they say that sketched by Pablo Picasso being in Poland in the year 1948; placed at ul. Koszykowa 75 – Koszykowa Street № 75). Mentioned – pictured with peace symbol – building is the Building of Chemical Technology of my old university. And as graduate of chemical vocational secondary school (middle school) I am formally for all the time an analytical chemical technician.
When I (o→) studied I fell in love from one impression to another in succession with my classmate young student woman (o+). There was also another student worshipper (←o) of her studding with us in the same student group (individuals as “11-1” or so-called “swans” as “2-22” – shortly “222”). It was always not love triangle but quite strong rivalry configuration. I started to fall in this my big love in student room among others with number 222 on her dorm door. In that times I knew less very much than today and it digital adventure in love affair was made by pure chance. It begun to be known for me that I was deep in love with her just in February of 1986.
About a quarter past eleven hour in the night of 25 day of June of the year 2007 unexpectedly I met my pen-bird darling on the four floor of central railway station in Warsaw. But now I think that many years ago some bad man liar told her many false things about me. As it was usual in my country lies could come then from agents and young informers of internal secret service (under acronym SB in Poland) of existing in XX century in Poland totalitarian communist state. He or she poured tears of poison into our common mutual relations then turning us traumatically apart. And now I save many living children not of mine from hypothetical danger for common happy future on the raging charred Earth.
In my country I have traditional celebration of my first name in 17 day of March (17-3) and she has it in 16 day of June (16-6). The word fragment “Char” of “Charnas” is to grill and its “nas” can mean also “nascent”. I was born also under “17” in calendar. It can be written as “117” – “Born at seventeen”. And she is still for today my most loved woman. Today she is not with me. So, “116” is always for “First for sixteen”.
Radon being here in cabalistic way for number “222” has its boiling temperature “– 61.7” and its melting temperature “– 71” in the European scale of Celsius, what looks like “16” and “17”. Polonium has here analogous temperatures as “962” and “254”. When to add this numbers there is their sum as “1216”. In analogous situation for astatine there are temperatures as “337” and “302” and their sum as “639”. It is well-known symbolic number “69” (₪) of “6” and “9” – here as conjoined pair of dolphins or yin-and-yang symbol – with some the third “3” intruder between them inside.
Number “1216” is similar to numeral form “12/16”. Such form exists in address of the hall building of Warsaw Technical University – officially named in Polish as Dom Studencki “Babilon” (Student House “Babylon” at ul. Kopińska 12/16, Kopińska Street № 12/16; near to building with address ul. Grójecka 46/48, Grójecka Street № 46/48) – where under door number “222” my love to my sweetheart started to be born. From this numbering “12/16” about the year 1990 there also began its existence my special ideogramo-numeral cabalistic system.
Polonium is element discovered by exploring matter in France scientist woman from my country which has her name Maria Skłodowska-Curie (Polish) and by her scientific and life partner Pierre Curie (French). Astatine means “unstable”, “non-static”. I think that like the expanding Earth. Radon is radioactive element and its name can mean “Next element what radiates for birth of radium”. Also our planet is radioactive deep inside. In cabalistic manner radon can mean also “Changing its radius”. Livermore in my opinion is here for especial memento for us from the heavens. It tells to mankind: “Your planet the Earth lives inside and outside more than you expect”, “Every special planet is unusual great liver”. And next it tells more “You must clean it more than you do it now”.
French name “Curie” (from discovery of polonium and radium) experimentally transformed to wrong near form “Cuire” means in French language the same what in English phrase “to char” means. And word “curieux” means “curious” or even “prying”. Letters of my second name “C-h-a-r-n-a-s” are also for writing of four chemical symbols “Ca”, “Cr”, “Cn” and “Cs” of CAlcium, ChRomium, CoperNicus and CaeSium. Still there does not exist element signed officially by symbol “Ch” of CHarnas. Maybe it should be just now in 2014 (“2”, “↑” & “4”).
On specification boxes of mentioned chemical elements in periodic table there are also other physical or chemical parameters existing also as next symbols of my cabalistic system. For example: polonium has its “boiling point = 1764 °F”, astatine has its “melting point = 576 °F”, radon has its “melting point = 202 K” and “Van der Vaals radius = 220 pm” (with “standard atomic weight = 222”). Next here: livermorium has its “boiling point = 762 – 862 °C” (“7”, “6”, “8” = “16”, “17” and “18” substituted in places of ciphers “2” in swan triangle of “222”) and ununseptium has its “boiling point = 550 °C = 1022 °F” (pair of antipodal black swans instead of intruder with white swan pair).
Mass number “294” of 117th chemical element looks like number “429” of London toll red bus with its registration number “429 TFH” (TFH = “Time for headroom” or for other things with letter „h”) existing in catastrophic motion picture titled “The Core” (of the Earth). In this movie this number is breached for one part with number “4” and another part with number “29”. We can watch it on one of videos in Internet portal called Youtube at 0:46 minute of 2:26 minutes. Number “46” is one of my special cabalistic symbols created as symbol of planetary expansion (“4” = “globe”, “6” = “up”). In this film there is realised rescue travel into deep terrestrial interior (“29” = “Swan explores globe down”).
Please, listen more about my specific story. When I was about 2.5-years old little child I fed swans in the Ujazdowski Park at the embassies localised then and now around this place. It is always cult place for me. These are today embassies of France, Germany (nowadays), Canada, Great Britain (in old times), Hungary, Norway, Finland, Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Greece, Tunisia, Switzerland, United States of America, and et cetera. This much beautiful green park is localised in diplomatic region of the Polish capital city at traditionally called area the Royal Tract (from address of Al. Ujazdowskie 6A to Al. Ujazdowskie 6, from Ujazdowskie Avenue № 6A to Ujazdowskie Avenue № 6).
At the main entrance into this “Swanny Park” of mine there is placed on the pavement very nice colour ceramic mosaic showing one white swan. Just on the other side of the street there stand here big historic house with “ominous” in my cabalistic way number “17” in its address (Al. Ujazdowskie 17, Ujazdowskie Avenue № 17). It is near to the Botanical Garden and Astronomic Observatory of the University of Warsaw (Al. Ujazdowskie 4, Ujazdowskie Avenue № 4) and historic royal residence with the Palace on the Water (white swans in old times, too) in the Łazienki Park (Al. Ujazdowskie 2, Ujazdowskie Avenue № 2).
Once upon a time in the church of St. Jacob at the Square of President Gabriel Narutowicz (Narutovich; ul. Grójecka 38 – Grójecka Street № 38) I shouted in the most important moment of Mass for a half of this temple: “I don’t to God [Exactly called “Godie” = childish God], I want to the swans! [I think, it was rather “Swans!”]”. When he was controversial new Polish president, Narutowicz was suddenly murdered by the gun-armed hand of its radical nationalistic political opponent in the famous art gallery in Warsaw in the year 1922.
In my family of my father side there was as young man my uncle, who was born in the 3rd day of December (3-12) of the year 1922 (“22”). His name was Franciszek Charnas. The first name of him was the same one as Pope Francesco has now after “socialist and ecologist” St. Francisco from Assisi. He was killed as insubordinate Pole by nazi murders of people in the concentration camp for mass human extermination in Auschwitz, when Poland was under occupation of Hitler’s Germany. It was in the 8th or 9th day of April (08-04, 09-04) of the year 1941 (“4↑”), as old nazi camp two documents relate it. He got early yet camp number there: 1473. This is the number of the year when there fortunately was born in Toruń (today in Polish territory) the greatest astronomer in history, who was Nicolas Copernicus. It is now the base Copernican year and symbolic Copernican number for any time.
The Building of Chemical Technology of Warsaw Technical University has on the other side of the wall where there exists the Warsaw Dove of Peace its little university hall with technical rooms having numbers: 312 and 314. Number “312” is of birthday of my murdered uncle. Number “314” is for “number pee” (№ π = 3,14159...; № π = “)→ O↑ 59” /Lithosphere up, The Earth up/ + “=The Fifth Element= /♥/ wave”). There does not exist number “313”. Why? I suppose that this number can mean for us “menorah” (traditional Jewish candlestick). It does mean “Peace without ethnic groups and with dead victims”, doesn’t it? And it does be to have some special connection with geometry, doesn’t it?!
Some days ago (2014-10-02) I saw on the street young man with its skateboard when he just broke it in some dopey manner for two parts. On the next street existing as ul. Banderii (Banderii Street) there were standing in that moment for something by chance vehicles of fire brigade and policemen. It was in quarter of Młynów (in English: Mill Area) in Warsaw, between buildings in configuration of rectangle with addresses: ul. Obozowa 14, ul. Obozowa 16, ul. Zawiszy 6 and ul. Gostecka 41 (Obozowa Street № 14 and № 16, Zawiszy Street № 6, and Gostecka Street № 41).
The names of these several streets one can translate directly into two phrases: Camp Street and Jealouser or Depender Street. Next with special transformation “by similarity” into form: Ghostly Street, or even more exactly in context as: Unearthly Street. Number “4” from ancient times symbolises earth (unlike to heaven) or even the terrestrial globe and “14” – or rather more often “41” – is in my own cabalistic system symbol for expansion of the Earth (“4” and “↑”, also as “46”, where “6” = “↑”, next “49” = “4↓”).
Word “banderia” (German “banderie” and Latin “banderium”) means in Polish language “Horse entourage for important person” (Depender Street). There near to this street are just also localised two essential for here other streets: ul. Zawiszy and ul. Radziwie. World „Zawisza” is for first name in Poland. Its celebrity day is 17 September. It comes from name „Zawist”. For this second name celebrity day is the same day or more 22 December. I know about it from my pocket dictionary for names by Bogdan Kupis “Nasze imiona” (English “Our Names”, publisher: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warsaw 1991, page 294). Polish word “Radziwie” has two parts “ radzi” and “wie”. In Polish language “radzi” means “he advises” and “wie” means “he knows”. Together it means “Zawisza advises because he knows” (compare with motion picture “Knowing” with Nicolas Cage and Rose Byrn playing, USA 2009).
As it was in neighbourhood of “Swan Pair Monument” there not exists now number “18” as next to “16” of the Obozowa Street. Under number “16” there is just under advanced construction work new white big house for residential people living. Beginning of this work took place in the 22nd day of April of 2013 – what is well-known traditional standard date of the Earth’s Day. Number of building permission for this investment is “22/Wol/13”. When it was very late times of my loved lady studies she formally lived in one of Polish middle towns at street with address ul. Zawiszy Czarnego (Zawiszy Czarnego Street).
In Polish language higher phrase can mean „Street of Black Zawisza”. The name “Zawisza” associates with Polish word meaning “jealousy”, and “Zawisza” would mean jealous man, but in that manner it is quite pejorative name. This name comes rather from old Slavish world “zawisiet” meaning “to depend” (compare Russian words “зависть” and “завистливый” with “зависеть”, my pocket dictionary “Słownik kieszonkowy polsko-rosyjski i rosyjsko-polski”, Mitronowa, Synicyna, Lipkies, =Sowietskaja Encykłopiedija= Moskwa 1972, pages 259, 266, 267, 355 and 356). So, “Zawisza” is “The man of whom many important things depend”, or in other verbal version “Many values depend of him (of Zawisza)”.
In near street neighbourhood of presented here above especial magic place there exists at ul. Młynarska 43/45 (Młynarska Street № 43/45, Mill Street № 43/45) big building of Security Centre of Capital City of Warsaw with bureau part of Municipal Guard of Warsaw (with its telephones: 112 and 986). Among others officers of these offices work hard – as I always hope – to make not only children and elders save being there running or walking under old dilapidated infrastructure constructions in Warsaw. I mean phenomena described in texts: “The Main Bridge in Warsaw Now Will Collapse Due to Earth Expansion!” and “Warsaw Cracks Just of Expanding Earth”.
Next day (2014-10-03) at the front of main building of the Warsaw Technical University I met many young men with such skateboards. Even one of them called to other “Board!”. And next inside this polytechnic building I heard by chance at somebody in fragment of its conversation word “seismic”. So, I think that skateboard was to symbolise impacted continental plate of the lithosphere. Just this day early morning it seemed to me that there were some unusual very weak earthquakes under my bed. It means unexpectedly in from many years non-seismic region of Poland and Europe.
When finally it was the 4th day of October of 2014 there it turned out that just little earthquakes were generated in the neighbourhood area of the city of Livermore in California. I established it by means to Internet archive of United States Geological Survey (USGS). Livermore is this especial place in the world from what mentioned in this breaking text chemical element number 116th took its fascinating name “livermorium”. This is the city where there works the oldest light bulb in the world. Maybe it is especial sign for us to live on the glob more.
On specification card of two little earthquakes in area of Livermore in this day (2014-10-04) we can read as follows. The first took its place at about second (2) hour of USGS System Time and the second at about twenty second (22) hour of USGS System Time – what means that of time being then in Poland, from where I was asking of data details nearly before midnight. Exactly they are earthquake hours: 00:14:43 UTC = 17:14:43 at epicentre = 02:14:43 system time of the little M2.9 – 3km E of Livermore, California (BETA), 2014-10-04, earthquake and 13:13:57 UTC = 17:13:57 at epicentre = 22:13:57 system time of the M1.9 – 2km ENE of Livermore, California (BETA), 2014-10-04, earthquake.
The first of these earthquakes has its specification card – named in USGS system as eventpage – with the Internet link with code “nc72320181”. The second of them has its eventpage with link with code “nc72320616”. Its is similar to my “222” or “232” cabalistic writing, number “118” and mentioned special name date “June 16” (06-16). Number “7” may be here as “happy”. However number “13” in hours is here rather not for “unhappy”, but it is for phrase “Expanding lithosphere” as “Arc and vector” (compare: “bow and arrow” = “)→” = “31”) since there is also “14”, what can be here for “Expanding Earth” as “Globe and vector” (compare: “house and arrow” = “O→” = “41”). As it is in my cabalistic system.
One can see here number “17” not only in the earthquake hours under subtitle “Event Time”, but also in item “Nearby Cities”. It is exactly 17km E of Dublin, next to data 12km (7ml) ENE of Pleasanton and next back to data 22km ESE of San Ramon, all in California, on the “Card 616”. When it is on “Card 181” it is in the same place 18km E of Dublin, next to data 13km ENE of Pleasanton and next back to data 24km ESE of San Ramon, California. It is characteristic that when it is 2km – “Swan kilometre” – of Livermore then it is “Card 616” and when it is 3km – “Intruder kilometre” (intruder = that wrong third to swan pair) – of Livermore then it is “Card 181”.
Please, look for more at item “Location”. There is number “687” as names of three swans – “26-28-27” or “16-18-17” – and part of Copernican number “73” in geographical coordinates of the earthquake epicentre on the “Card 181”. There is number “693” as “Yin-yang swans and third intruder” – I think truly that in right arrangement as “16-17-18” – and number “742” – “Happy-globe swan” or even “Happy life” (42 = alive, 24 = dead, the world exists before or after person) in geographical coordinates of the earthquake epicentre on the “Card 616”. Let us watch it exactly: 37.687°N, 121.730°W (-0181) and 37.693°N, 121.742°W (-0616).
It is unusually wondering for me that day 17 of March is 76th day of every normal year and of the year 2014 when day 16 of June is 167th such day. There is created also interesting effect for us when to try fathom meaning of writings “181” and “616” on calendar. This is in simply watch 18th day of January (18-1) or 81st day of that month (1-81). What is 81st day of January? It is in other way just 22nd day of March (22-3). This is 81st day of every normal year. And “616” is 16th day of June (6-16) or as 61st day of June in showed here other way it is 31st day of July (61-6 = 31-7) and automatically 212th day of every normal year.
Let us fathom now also main numeral elements “37” and “121” in geographical coordinates of Livermore, California. Number “121” is just similar in presented here cabalistic system to number “212”, as it were alternative “Swan between other persons”. The number “37” gives me connotation to American thriller movie titled “The Mothman Prophecies” and its especial call for unsafe person: “Wake up, number 37. Wake up!”.
In the cinema “The Mothman Prophesies” (USA, 2002) in area of authentic catastrophe (1967) of the Silver Bridge on the River Ohio some policewoman (Laura Linney) exists generally in the screenplay as number “37” – “Wake up, number 37. Wake up!”. In this movie there we can watch for a moment also number “22” as number of room in the local motel named “Motor Inn”, where journalist John Klein from Washington Post (Richard Gere) stays for a few days.
In the year 1995 and 1996 I lied and slept in untypical coma of neurological Kleine-Levin Syndrome unusual form for about 21 months under number “37” of the doors following to inside of my flat. The medical syndrome was very rare tough neuro-hormonal illness generated for me in unwelcome way as caused by some medical therapy error. Mentioned living place I have got from the year 1994. Already from the year 1987 I use to live also in another district of Warsaw under number “16” on the flat door. I had no essential choice for my decision.
When she was student of Warsaw Technical University my darling has her family address in one of Polish towns at ul. Podgórna 21 m. 1 (Sub-mountain Street /Under-mountain, Go-mountain/ № 21 the flat № 1; compare: 121.742°W of Livermore). It was in that times when I lived at ul. Archiwalna 7 m. 13 (Archive Street № 7 the flat № 13) in Warsaw. Number “121” tells us also as it were “It starts in the XXI century” (1 and 21). Number “7” is in popular culture standard alternative one for number “13” (happy and unhappy numbers).
The writing “Start in this century” is present in the coordinates of the epicentre of earthquake at Livermore. But I see something more. In the time of the first presented earthquake – in numbers “14” and “43” – there exist numbers of such old-times address of my school colleague who was also nearly the best friend of mine for a very long time (the address here as special prompting). So, in the time of the second presented earthquake – in numbers “13” and “57” – there may exist numbers of mentioned my old address as “13” and “7” – but only separated with number “5”, of special “Fifth element” (natural, not chemical). Ciphers in line system “1-7-3-5” are also the numbers of my parameters for expansion of the Earth (radius, area and volume: 1.7, 3 and 5 – times more from the beginning util nowadays times in nuclear-volcanic expansion process).
It also turned out as wondering event that in the 6th day of October of 2014 there was another essential earthquake on the world. It was generated in central region of Iceland. I also established it by means to Internet archive of United States Geological Survey (USGS). Mentioned place in Iceland is area at localised over land rift Bardarbunga volcano what started its spectacular long crack eruption in in August of the year 2014.
On specification card of this earthquake we can read as follows. It took its place at about thirteenth (13) hour of USGS System Time. Exactly it was earthquake hour: 11:04:07 UTC = 11:04:07 at epicentre = 13:04:07 system time of the M4.6 – 117km WNW of Hofn, Iceland (BETA), 2014-10-06, earthquake. This earthquake has its event page with the Internet link with code “usb000sj57”. Please, compare it after next reading moment with number “57” in my special Post Scriptum Bonus written below.
On the specification card one can see numbers “117”, “118”, “222”, “223” and “226” in item “Nearby Cities”. It are exactly: 117km (73ml) WNW of Hofn, 118km (73ml) SSE of Akureyri, 222km (138ml) ENE of Reykjavik, 223km (139ml) ENE of Kopavogur and 226km (140ml) ENE of Hafnarfjordur, all in Iceland. Location of this earthquake was exactly: 64.658°N, 17.452°W (compare here “17” and “64” with presented higher “1764 °F”). So, once more time our special number “17” was present with number “222” and the others. Coordinate fragment “64°N” is here similar to hour “11:04:07” thanks to “6-4” and “4-7” – maybe as “Home” (4) for “6” and “7” of “One-and-one swans”. After that all, just I suspect that Iceland started now to crack on its rift in comparable manner as Africa started for such globe expansion process in the African Rift Valley in the geophysical critical year 2005.
In the 27th day of September of the year 2014 there suddenly erupt high volcano placed in central region of Japan. It killed then with its fast piroclastic clouds several tens of tourists, walking on it in lovely day even with little children. Name of this sleeping till now and dangerous in real volcano is Ontake. Name “Ontake” I read as verbal phrase “To take on (something)” and “To be on take (for something)”. Phrase existing here in my important contexts, of course. Altitude of this high volcano is 3,067 metres. Also in October of the year 2014 there goes already thirty anniversary of that moment in my quite stormy life when in my old university in 1984 I met my sweetheart (3..., 13..., 23..., 30...).
I think that presented here perpetual cabalistic ventures with mysterious live coincidences are among others great paranormal scientific experiment to be near to discover some day how there can exist human choice freedom together with human spiritual destiny. To tell us how need it work to give us our own and our common happiness. This cabalistic system prompts solutions for my research questions now. Maybe it is possible that this unusual especial experiment can help developing humankind civilisation and beautiful nature to survive.
Post Scriptum Bonus – My Breaking News
In the 14th day of October of the year 2014 there was played off in Warsaw football game between Poland and Scotland of knockout games for tournament Euro 2016. This was huge event in Poland. The result of that sport meeting was 2:2 (to the half 1:1) – what looks as known for us “Two swans”. No more goals for any teams, although needed. The first goal on the stadium K. Mączyński player – with his number “16” on the shirt – shot in the 11th minute of the game. The second one S. Maloney – with “6” – shot in the 18th minute. The third one S. Naismith – with “10” shot in the 57th minute. And the fourth goal there was shot finally with A. Milik – heaving his number “7” – in the 76th minute of that vehement scramble. Please, compare numbers of players “16”, “6”, “10” and “7” with numbers “616” (16-06) and “107” higher in this text.
Next it turned out that in a half of the Internet by popular search-engine Google there is not 11th minute for the first goal, but even 12th minute. I find that these numeral sequences – “16 – 11 – 18 – 57 – 76” or next “16 – 12 – 18 – 57 – 76” – would be mystic in presented higher context (“One and one still is one”, “One and swan is wrong”, “Fifth element with 7-swan”, “Let 7-&-6-swans be together and forever”). The name “Milik” can function in Polish familiarly as “Kind” or “Nice” guy or in other word manner as “Man of the mile step”.
Why football? More than two years ago – in the 12 day of June of 2012 – some vandals being fans of football team painted name Ronaldinho of player with its number “49” on the back of the Cristo Redentor Statue (Christ The Redeemer). This statue stands in the town quarter of Milionários in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte (Beautiful Horizon) in region Minas Gerais. As you already know in my cabalistic system cipher “4” is for “house” (Δ) and next for “home country” and even “the terrestrial globe”. Cipher “9” often is for “wave”, “balloon” or “down direction”. This number can mean “dolphin” or “snake”, too. I think that as the number “46” means “Expanding Earth” as “49” one means here surely “Christ asks: Please, set expanding Earth down” or in other version “Christ asks: Please, set expanding Earth back”. These symbols have already quite a bit acts of their live cabalistic existence in surrounding us reality in Warsaw.
On Monday the 6th day of October of the year 2014 there was the 279th day of that year and to the end of this year there was then more 86 days. Yesterday – on Thursday, the 16th day of October – there was the 289th day of the year 2014 and to the end of this year there was more to live only 76 days. From several days on the pavement at the nearest crossroad from my home where I wrote this supplement there flames candles for young man who had here lately his mortal accident (after his emergency visit in hospital he is now dead). For a few days there was standing on the lawn at the road his fast scooter with logotype “F16”. Its registration number was WH 8102. It was fatal coincidence of lot.
M2.9 – 3km E of Livermore, California (BETA), 2014-10-04, 00:14:43 UTC
[37.687°N, 121.730°W, depth = 3.3km (2.0ml)]
M1.9 – 2km ENE of Livermore, California (BETA), 2014-10-04, 20:13:57 UTC
[37.693°N, 121.742°W, depth = 1.2km (0.7ml)]
M4.6 – 117km WNW of Hofn, Iceland (BETA), 2014-10-06, 11:04:07 UTC
[64.658°N, 17.452°W, depth = 10.0km (6.2ml)]
[222km (138ml) ENE of Reykjavik, 226km (140ml) ENE of Hafnarfjordur]
Yfirfarnar staðs., 16.-18. ágúst 2014 ; Bárðarbunga 16-18 August 2014
8/23/2014 – Bardarbunga Volcano in Iceland Begins to Erupt
– Live Stream Here
Japan’s Mt Ontake volcano erupts, kills one and over 32 seriously injured
/ World News&EveryThing AbouT Life
[27-09-2014; Ontake = “To be on take” or “To take on”; 3,067 metre mountain]
Periodic table / Wikipedia
Polonium / Wikipedia
Astatine / Wikipedia
Radon / Wikipedia
Livermorium / Wikipedia
Ununseptium / Wikipedia
The (truly) Periodic Table / Science Office
The BEST periodic table app on the market
– The Elements: A Visual Exploration – app demo / Smart Apps for Kids
Livermore, California / Wikipedia
[Established 1869 /18-69/ and incorporated 1876 /18-76/]
[Coordinates: 37°40’55”N, 121°46’05”W – “40” ~ “46”, “55-05”]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory / Wikipedia
[Coordinates: 37.69° N, 121.71° W]
Longest-lasting light bulbs / Wikipedia
[Living more and more light bulb in Livermore, California]
[This page was last modified on 26 August at 22:49]
Charnas / Wikipedia
[The name of a little town at Lyon in the east-southern France at Rhone]
Birdy – People Help The People [Official Music Video] / Birdy
The Core (1/9) Movie CLIP – The Birds (2003) HD / MOVIECLIPS
[Please, take notice in stopped pictures of audio-visual moments in and about
0:46 minute of 2:26 – Catastrophe of London bus with its bumper number 4/29]
Chris Rea – The road to hell (long version CD) HD / Musica Disegno
[Notice audio-visual moments: 2:22 minute, 3:06/3:07 and 6:17 of 6:52 minutes]
The Fifth Element / Wikipedia
The BEST “Fifth Element Trailer” ever! / Joel Nelson
The Fifth Element – Elysium Style Trailer / ShootEvrythg
Milla Yavovich The Fifth Element / harryAngel2
Dantes Peak Trailer / Smitz.T
[Movie about scientists and volcanic eruption. The pair and the other person]
Twister Trailer 2014 / Smitz.T
[Movie about scientists and tornado impacts. The pair and the other person]
Ace of Base – I Saw The Sign With Lyrics / AFwifey44875
[Find context numeral signs (“signs”) in next twenty videos followed below]
Fancy – Flames of Love / 316sebek
Jon Secada – Just Another Day (Best Version & HQ Audio) / glozambo
Eve – Who’s That Girl? / EveVEVO
Madonna – Who’s That Girl (Dubtronic Reconstruction Remix 2011)
/ MrAndrew9821
80’s Madonna Remixes – Who’s That Girl (Techno Remix)
/ seven.heaven sweet
Who’s That Girl (Extended Remix) – Eurythmics / TheAnderroo
Eurythmics – Who’s That Girl? (Nico Pusch Bootleg Remix)
/ István Gábor Fodor
Eurythmics – Who’s that girl (iffe Remix – Club Radio Edit) / iffe NMK
Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2007 (Who’s That Girl) [AUDIO]
/ Living Mannequin
Madonna – La Isla Bonita (Confessions World Tour) / Madonna Ciccone
Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World) / RihannaVEVO
[1080p] Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World)
(Today Show 27.05.2011) / HDVideos
Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World) (Extended Club Mix) / 22RudeBoy22
Rihanna – Only Girl (In The World) Cover by Hot Play / Trupa Hotplay
Rihanna – Only Girl In The World (TEEMID & Makeda Purple Cover)
/ Electro Posé
Daft Punk – Get Lucky (Pretty Pink Edit) / Electro Posé
Nelly Furtado – Saturdays (Nico Pusch Bootleg Remix) / DubyJunk
Madonna – True Blue / madonna
Phil Colins – True Colours – Lyrics / Abhinaba Sen
C.C. Catch – Heartbreak Hotel / JeanPaul6073
Alphaville – Forever Young ~ Official Video / cappew22
Ania Dąbrowska – W spodniach czy w sukience – / ola tarantowicz
Anybody Seen My Baby? – The Rolling Stones / Jose C K
Enrique Iglesias – Bailando (Españiol) ft. Descemer Bueno, Gente De Zona
/ EnriqueIglesiasVEVO
How Gas-Rocky Magma
Floats on Uranium-Iron Plasma of the Earth’s Core
Rather let them teach us, which will come from the future (not born yet),
And not they, who went into the past (being already solidly dead).
Because humankind knowledge more or less progress and develop.
And nature does not stand at this time in its primeval place, too.
/ZbigChar/ [Mankind knowledge is not only scientific one]
There is my next supplement in several points as consequent continuation and sub-supplement added to some points of that supplement what exists here above as titled: “Anticipation Statements of Charnas on Dynamic Structure of Now Expanding Earth”.
1. [Add to texts of 1st, 5th, 6th and 8th point in higher supplement № 30] Venus is the planet with very thick and “bitter” atmosphere in comparison with light atmosphere of the Earth. There is much sulphuric acid and carbon dioxide in this physical medium and about 900 physical atmospheres of its pressure on Venusian surface. This atmosphere is very hot with even about 480 grades of centigrade of it. On the surface of this hot planet there are much volcanoes, but they are lower than on the Earth and now maybe all extinct. Most of them are shield volcanoes (disc ones). Regardless of their presence one have not observed any eruption of volcano on this cooling down planet. I have laid here number 220,000 of years, but one does not exactly know when Venus lost its lava state of surface coat and achieved rocky state in this place. Scientists talk of about 300,000,000 – 600,000,000 of years and it can be still otherwise less or more.
Inta-Mars was the planet bigger than the Earth and today there are the greatest volcanoes of the Solar System on its small and cold rusty surface. All of them are extinct from a long time. The present planet is “Mars-burger” as hamburger. It has joined two hemispheres. Southern one is older and higher in altitudes than its northern one. It is higher of height of Mount Everest existing on the Earth. Every of Martian cold volcanoes are placed on this higher hemisphere. Southern one has also more asteroid craters than northern one. I consider that higher Martian hemisphere is old fragment of Inta-Mars and its lower hemisphere is joined there with it as new one (the name “Inta-Mars” has “Inta” from the words “intact” and “intangible”). It comes from matter dispersed and next concentrated with gravity after lithospherical eruption and planetary explosion of Inta-Mars (as in first and second meaning of English word “intake”).
I have my special view on beginning and evolution of the Solar System. In my opinion in start there was only matter for creation of central white star as our Sun and its seven planets as blue gaseous giants. When the Sun started to shine solar wind stripped off gas-liquid coat from the first tree planets next to this star – Venus, Earth and Inta-Mars. In this view the cores of Uranus and Neptune are similar in magnitude to these tree named rocky planets. Only planets of Jupiter and Saturn have their cores bigger than planets in type of the Earth.
As it lately turns there are about 80 % of all stars in our Milky Way galaxy as in type M – like such is our Sun. It turns that 467 of exoplanetary systems have more than one planet and two of them have even seven planets. About 17 % of exoplanets are planets exo-Earth – in size of the Earth. About 25 % are super-Earths, 3 % and 17 % are small and big Neptunes and about 5 % are Jupiters. There are also planets without their stars in our galaxy. These planets has their quantity of about 300 billions. It is about 1.5 times more than there are stars in the Milky Way.
Now I think that Mercury can be the planet what was earlier bomber-voyager planet drifting as little gaseous giant planet through the cosmic space of Milky Way galaxy. About one billion years ago it collided in our Solar System with Earth-type planet of Inta-Mars and next it came down on its much ellipsoidal orbit near the Sun as only the core of primeval gaseous giant.
Planetary collision between Gas-Mercury and Inta-Mars gave to the space of the Solar System primeval hydrogen from the coat of Gas-Mercury and primeval post-nuclear oxygen from the mantle of Inta-Mars. Chemical reaction between hydrogen and hot oxygen gave much amount of cosmic water as its product existing today among others as material of many big moons in the Solar System and also on the Earth.
When we create film bubbles in the air made of water with liquid soap they seek to be a ball quite exactly. So I think that it is possible that very much ellipsoidal orbits of Mercury and Mars from one billion years ago also seek to be circular, as it is for Venus and Earth and for gaseous giant planets in the Solar System. As I wrote I consider that every moon and planetoid of this planetary system – including to these objects far quasi-planet Pluto circulating on its unusual orbit – is today old post-explosive planetary diversified material object of dispersoid (the name for these group as new) made in cosmic dispersion process.
If one does search and analyse orbits of mentioned moons one can find that they exist in three groups. Relatively little moons have their trajectories already in plane of planetary equators. Relatively big moons still seek to have their orbits in such equatorial planes after really spatial explosion of Inta-Mars. Relatively the biggest moon – what is the Moon of the Earth – has still and still its especial inimitable trajectory running around our planet. We may include to that scheme just orbital situation of quasi-planet Pluto (the fact is it is icy clod) circulating around the Sun like a typical planet in far outskirts of the Solar System.
Many of moons in the Solar System have their surfaces coloured with chemical compounds containing iron as one of several ferric oxides or with compounds containing iron, oxygen and sulphur. Next, it can be here iron, sulphur and another chemical element. Let us watch for such example big “pizza” moon named Io of Jupiter. If there was water on planet or moon surface there is rusty colour – for instance of nowadays Mars. If there was not water on planet or moon surface there is dark grey colour – for instance of our Moon. If seen without solar very bright shining as of cosmic mirror, of course.
Jupiter and Saturn have their big cores still hot and their atmospheres active. And the cores of Uranus and Neptune are already nearly cold. I think that proportion of mass of gaseous and liquid coat to mass of their rocky and metallic core decides about it. Relatively poor in nuclear-reagent matter planetary cores having over extraordinary high pressure of gases and liquids already has reacted and they are deadly extinct.
Satellites on GPS trajectories do not show us nowadays expansion of the Earth because in real they do not circulate in Newtonian manner on constant orbits but they fly away from the centre of the planet with effect of Micro Extragravite Assist (MEGA – as megalopolis). This is my finding based among others on famous scientific experiment of GRACE (please, read next my supplement titled “GPS Satellites Drift Beyond Nominal Orbits with Micro Extragravite Assist” or even all my potentially mind-breakthrough article titled „GPS Satellites Deceive – Drifting away of Orbits with Micro Extragravite Assist”).
There are three main hypotheses about genesis of our Moon created by official science – interception theory (Moon came from the space), co-formation theory (Moon and Earth created together) and impact theory (strange object collision with Earth and concentration of dust for Moon). Scientists prefer now impact version because they discover that rocks taken from the Moon are very similar in their composition to rocks on the Earth and also that Moon rocks are rich in minerals what can be created only in extremely high temperatures. I still think that the best is my theory of cosmic collision of Gas-Mercury with Inta-Mars and next of dust concentration of Martian matter into form of Moon.
2. [Add to point 1. and 5.] In fossil coal deposits coming from Cambrian period in Sweden burned in many power plants in XX century there was 10 kg of uranium in every tonne of black coal (1 %). In black coal exploited in Poland half century ago there was 2.5 kg of uranium in every tonne of this energetic raw material (0.25 %). Now it is about 100 gram per tonne (0.01 %), as they say. In ground water coming from slate gas exploitation technology there is such quantity of salt that one cannot pour out it into rivers and so much uranium salts that it will be economic now to produce from it uranium for nuclear power plants. I ask, why there is such much super heavy uranium in lithosphere when in the Earth’s core there must be only less heavy iron and nickel? It is not logic.
I heard that several years after atomic catastrophe in Chernobyl (1986) monitoring aircraft was flying over North Atlantic and scientists discover then that in the air there is considerable pollution of uranium. They shouted out: “What, who have made catastrophic eruption from nuclear power plant again?!”. It was in the year 1991 and then it turned out shortly that it was not new atomic catastrophe of our civilisation but natural stratospheric eruption of the Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines. This volcano throws up its rocky ashes even over the level of altitude of 30 kilometres. To do this phenomenon the volcano scooped magma from its huge chamber placed in deep lithosphere interior of the Earth. Related here natural scientific experiment tells to us that there must be uranium in its essential accounts covered inside.
3. [Add to point 10.] Previously I wrote that grand calderas of super-volcanoes on the Earth slowly lift up pushed by gases from planetary interior and that it goes spectacularly in such volcanic valley in Yellowstone Park in the USA. Similar phenomenon can be watched also in Hudson Bay in Canada and Gulf of Bothnia between Sweden and Finland where were placed two maximal tops of glacier massives in last glacier epoch. I want add to this information that this global process goes with manner of its gradual acceleration in majority of such volcanic and gulf geophysical causes.
4. Someone can ask a question: “How does rocky magma floats on gaseous plasma inside the Earth?”. There are not many of person in popular world who knows than our intuition of “Surface-men” can nastily falsify existing facts for us. Silicates with gaseous intrusions of the Earth’s mantle do really can rightly float on iron and uranium in their plasmatic state. It is not hard doing to explain.
Let us do some theoretical experiment. If one will take physical principles of perfect or real gases – for example Clapeyron equation and Van der Waals one – he can quite easily calculate following property. If it is the case with ideal gas being oxygen for instance then in normal conditions we have about 1.5 gram of this gas in one litre. Next if there will exist conditions of the centre of the Earth – 40 millions of physical atmospheres of pressure and for example 12 thousands of degrees of temperature – we will have about 1.5 tonne of high pressed oxygen in one litre. In the same time we will have about 7 kilograms of iron in its litre on the surface of the Earth and some about 17 kilograms of iron in litre inside the globe centre. So, kilograms of iron will need float there over tonnes of oxygen, litre to litre.
To better draw difference between longitudinal and transverse waves going throughout (longitudinal = P waves) or stopped (transverse = S waves) inside the Earth’s outer core I present here two examples. The first one is of little pendulum of Newton and the second is of chain of cow. Both serve for making waves. The first one serves for longitudinal waves making and the second one serves for transverse waves making. Plasmatic gases inside the Earth have not such special chains between their particles – their transverse waves fast fades.
5. When in the 11th day of March of the year 2011 there happened renowned earthquake in Japan (with nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima) mass media informed that this country had been moved about 2.4 metres to eastern direction. From this time there was thousands medium or little earthquakes in Japan and we do not hear in radio or television that this land has moved until today for next 25 meters, for example. Why?
I understand that Japanese Islands placed along subduction ditch were pressed with giant geophysical strengths and suddenly they extended for final of move process stretching out during its earthquake in 11 day of March 2011, but it seems that this process still works now again with its back-and-on new waves. There started lately in the year 2014 to such or similar physical expression also earthquakes in subductional and faulty California and in rifty Iceland. Now the great rifts in African Rift Valley still halves from the year 2005 the biggest central globe continent for two parts in non-noticed tempo in geological history. I ask, are there subductional processes on the Earth and drift processes of its continents accelerated now? If speed of transport of lithosphere masses in continental drift phenomenon from point of central Africa to point of central Pacific Ocean and middle of the Earth Fire Ring is now faster than ever then we should have maybe also just quicker tempo of planetary expansion!
Volcanic scientists are now impatiently waiting for already terminal chimney eruption of Hekla volcano on Iceland, but it is still late and misses it. Instead of this they have unexpected Bardarbunga volcano crack eruption. Throughout many long cracks in its region volcanic gases break free lithosphere hold and rush or leak into the atmosphere. In that situation Hekla’s eruption will be more and more late and Bardarbunga’s one will be now continuous, I think. It comes in its geophysical base just from expansionistic cracking processes in the Earth.
6. This all vision about beginning and evolution of the solar System and about dynamic structure and evolution of the Earth and of other similar planets in type of our maternal planet should be examined on some provisional forum like provisional markets do it (see: Provisional Market of Iowa University, HSX). Such doing would be the act of appeal to common intuition of people when science knows too little and too late and scientists with arrogant manner do not want to go out from their narrow and far scientific specialisation and to go into interdisciplinary interactions with anybody. This advisable and valuable work exists sometimes – I am saying it here to be fair – but still as very too few such weighty exceptions in my expectation.
!!! Alarming Post Scriptum !!!
I wanted this supplement to be next in pair after the one titled “Anticipation Statements of Charnas on Dynamic Structure of Now Expanding Earth”. But I also wanted to write my supplement titled “Charnas as the Name for 117th Element of the Chemical System Table” for the 17 day of October of the year 2014. Together it was impossible because there appeared another factor of my reality. I am now disadvantaged by intervention of police with initiative to do social order and cleaning in my home. Till today I got only police instruction for it. Similarly like it was also just before the great climatic conference UNCC COP19 in Warsaw. But now it is already ultimatum. The policeman said that they might take me to closed division in psychiatric hospital for “observation”!
Poland is the country of European Union but it is facade republic – just falsely democratic state. Ecological movement is here now almost pacified by official police or often secret police operations of new special secret security service. In debates organised around mentioned big UNCC COP19 conference organised in the days 11th – 22nd (23rd) of November of the year 2013 independent activists complained drastically about it. There was no demonstration in Poland during climatic conference in New York City month ago, when such climatic protests happened in probably over 160 countries all over the world.
I know what does it mean psychiatric observations in Poland in communistic times and probably in European nowadays. It is method for easy production of human plants instead of political or ecological dissident. In the year 1995 I fell unhappily under such “observation” having my health neurological problems. On the start I got hard pharmacological chemistry into my organism and just next studiously observed by “doctors” in also special totalitarian state service. And then not only me in those times.
As I wrote in direct higher text in effect of this special “cure” in the year 1995 and 1996 I lied in hospital bed and in my home one and slept in untypical coma of neurological Kleine-Levin Syndrome unusual form for about 21 months (for nothing). Till today I am not convinced of it that this rare medical syndrome was generated for me in unwelcome way as caused just only (!) by some accidental medical therapy error. I do not rave here about it, but as everybody on our tempestuous continent I need to be save and to enjoy as human living in truly functioning democracy.
Mars Map [Mars-burger]
Mars / Wikipedia
Wahadełko Newtona – Fizyka w gdyńskim Katoliku
[Little pendulum of Newton]
Tapeta Krowa, Łańcuch, Łąka
[Cow and long chain]
Seismic Wave Propagation (1 of 3) / Marcin Polkowski
Seismic Wave Propagation (2 of 3) / Marcin Polkowski
Ideal gas law / Wikipedia
[Clapeyron equation]
Van der Waals equation / Wikipedia
GPS Satellites Deceive
– Drifting away of Orbits with Micro Extragravite Assist
Yellowstone Eruption Question Read from Uranium Planet Systems
[= Storm over America =]
Michael Jackson History (Lyrics) / TheSwiftwings
Zbigniew Charnas
Hydrogen Drive Petrol Tankers Can Create New Epoch / Anticipation S.., all → 32.
23.10.2014 05:19
If mankind will be co-operative
There will exist green alternative.
[Hard times but positive]
When hate and war human still keeps
Then there will come apocalypse.
Chinese wise proverb says that every big travel one there must begin from the first little step. In my country we tell: “The first step is the most difficult” or “The first step is the only difficulty”. Humankind knows also that the best war weapon of ever was aircraft carriers with aeroplanes and attack of tanks with planes before it was aircraft or rocket with nuclear bomb.
For the first step creating new technical civilisation epoch as coal-hydrogen epoch before pure-hydrogen epoch I propose to make solar-mirror-hydrogen system and wind-rotor-hydrogen system conjoined with use of petrol sea tankers having only or second propulsion with hydrogen engine or hydrogen turbine. Maybe also for ending electric motor. Today’s railway commodity locomotives have sometimes petrol-electric propulsion. Hydrogen should be used as liquefied medium transported for safety in special cistern astern.
About solar-mirror-hydrogen technology system, just like as it is understood about wind-rotor-hydrogen technology system and nuclear-power-hydrogen one, I wrote earlier in my supplements and in my leading articles. Now my idea of hydrogen drive petrol tanks is needed for creation and to start improvement of hydrogen and next coal-hydrogen technologies for future of black-and-green electric-and-fuel synergy as ecological energetic technology with low hothouse emission needed for us in the XXI century. System in the first step should be economic thanks to its primeval concentrated scale form before final existence of its dispersed form as widespread. It is also for civilisation and culture chance giving to countries in the North African and Near Eastern world sector – to live there in common peace between nations on the way of sustainable development.
In such countries like Scotland, Denmark, Spain, Libya, Iraq there would be localised wind-and-rotor or sun-and-mirror green power plants producing energy for making big amounts of hydrogen from seawater. Tankers carrying oil from petrol countries would get hydrogen fuel as green fuel for their propulsion in these states or from that areas this fuel would be transported to the places of that refuel. In the world there are many shipyards where HDPT and other types of tankers can be produced – smaller ones for example in Poland.
The next step in green epoch creation would be arising of synthesis of methane as fuel produced in special gasworks from hydrogen and coal. I consider that here exist the biggest reserves for massive reduction of hothouse carbon dioxide emission. This idea by me is presented earlier as idea of Fuel Greenfusion. Ships for LSM transport (Liquid Synthesised Methane like LNG, where CSM = CNG) with hydrogen propulsion would be shortly needed. Even special convert-shuttle ships transporting LSM (to the north) and coal (to the south) on one board if it would be economic then would be also needed. The third step would be already creation of many widespread little elements of perfect pure hydrogen system in the further future of the green human civilisation.
Canada Gets EU Oil Sands Reprieve
Brussels Plans to Label Fuel No Dirtier Than Conventional Crude Oil
Toxic exports allowed:
EU drops labeling of Canadian tar sands as highly polluting
[EU document of the 7th day of October 2014 – Vladimir Putin’s birthday]
[Now no more comments of mine]
Special Post Scriptum Bonus
On latest Sunday the 19th day of the year 2014 in catholic churches there was heard reading from the Gospel of Evangelist Mathew with internal part number “22” and verses “15-|16-17-18|-19-20-21” (Mt. 22, 15-21) – “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God”. Yesterday was the 22nd day of October 2014. Sun rose at 7:13 hour and it set at 17:27 hour in central part of Poland. Moon rose at 5:25 hour and it set at 16:51 hour (“22”, “17”, “27”, “16” and “525” = ~ “222”; compare with supplement titled “Charnas as the Name for 117th Element of the Chemical System Table”). In the 21st day of October it was 4:20 and 16:28 for Moon. In the 20th day of October it was 3:16 and 16:05 for it (Christian Calendar 2014 – chrzescijanin.strefa.pl).
Czytania na każdy dzień: 19 października 2014
[Readings for Every Day: October 19, 2014]
Poland is localised on the globe between geographic coordinate lines: 14° E – 24° E and 55° N – 49° N. So, we have here my symbolic numbers: “14”, “24”, “55” and “49” (“Globe expansion is mortal”, “Black swans”, “Christ ask: Earth back, please”). One of Polish mountains has its altitude 1114 (“14”) meters and some other 1346 (“46”) meters. These mountains are Jaworzyna and Tarnica. My father is from area of Jaworzno and my mother is from area of Tarnów what are places in the southern and east-southern parts of Poland. The highest mountain of Poland named Rysy has its altitude 2490 meters (“2-49” = “Swan in globe-backing process mission”). Mountain Gierlach – what is the highest one of Tatra Mountains – has its altitude 2655 meters (“2-65-5”; data of my pocket geographic ‘Atlas of the World’ by Pascal). After all following from specific geological localisation of Poland I think that there is here the place from raging expansionistic effects will take their onset.
Nearest to me next Zbigniew Charnas living in Warsaw is Zbigniew Jan (John) Charnas – a person of my family. That name “Jan” can be especial sign meaning “Start” because “Jan” can be for “January” (in Latin “Januarius”) – “Month of Janus”. Janus was ancient Rome god of every beginning and of every gate.
In the 14 day of November of the year 2013 there was in Poland huge fire eruption of natural gas from cracked pipe having 400 millimetres of diameter and its big explosion in Janków Przygodzki (Janków = John’s Town, and Przygodzki = ~ of Adventure). In radius of about hundred maters there were everything fast burned with a few people dead victims.
Now in the 6th day of October 2014 there was huge eruption and explosion of methane in the mine for black coal KWK Mysłowice-Wesoła. There are already five burned casualty among Polish miners. The first fire fatality of they was find after that event on level of 665 meters under ground. His name is Bogdan Jankowski (Jankowski = of John).
In summer of this year 2014 we had in Warsaw unusual quantity of water pipe breakdowns although season for such events is generally in frosty winter. Last of such type incidents was in last weekend, where in effect there was closed for many hours main route from the Polish capital city to the biggest Polish industry region at Katowice. This big failure of main water pipe took place at little locality of Janki (Janki = Johns, ~ “Many of Johns” = ~ “Many of Janus Gates”) in neighbourhood of Warsaw.
Let me remind here besides of my cabalistic doing of it that characteristic clue and events on buildings and infrastructure of stretching ground are yet not such dangerous as giant tensions proper inside outer part of our planet lithosphere. Cause of that the future of big scale gas transport opens its real gates rather for sea transport on ships and not for such land transport by pipelines.
Zbigniew Charnas
Anxious (EXPAN-?) Gas Explosion Just Destroyed Old House in Katowice
26.10.2014 15:23
About fifty minutes past four o’clock early morning on Thursday the 23rd day of October of the year 2014 there exploded natural gas with air mixture gathered inside of historic house from 1914 in the old centre of Katowice in Poland at crossroads of Fryderyk Chopin and Sokolska Streets. This city is the capital city of Polish main industrial region named Silesia placed on black coal resources. The old house was recently renovated and in the day before explosion gas service workers closed gas tap in one of its flats. At 3:49 hour – as it was told after tragic event in television TVN – there was also little earthquake of some two degrees in Richter scale (about 2M magnitude) with epicentre over the nearest old black coal mine KWK Murcki-Staszic localised about 4 km from the house destroyed by gas explosion.
Renovation in now destroyed house was partial and there existed more old gas installation. Such works could invade status quo of building-ground system staying there earlier in unstable peace over some expansionistic ground notch stripe (epithet of mine theory). Experts said that such weak earthquake could not tear gas pipeline lying so far on this distance. But I consider that expansionistic strengths could exist and work there in the ground from a long time and concurrent with catastrophe near little earthquake is here only witness to this geophysical and geological process (EXPAN = Now Expanding Earth Process).
In explosion was killed three person of one family – mother, father and their little two years old son. One man fights now for his live in hospital heaving over 60 % of his skin burned. People of mentioned family was the matrimony pair of known in Poland television journalists. These are young woman Brygida Frosztęga-Kmiecik from television TVP and her husband Dariusz Kmiecik from television TVN. Their beautiful little boy has his name in familiar form as Remik – what means name Remigiusz (in primeval version it was Jeremiah).
Bad and Wrong Situation of Polish Mining and Energetic Industry
Poland Lose on Economic and Geologic Way Its Black Coal Resources
Stopping Still Ecological Green Energy Sector
In nowadays Poland scarcely everybody think that our home country is placed on rich resources of black coal. Share of black coal in energy production and in the economy is huge, almighty, even overwhelming. Active climatic movement in Poland almost does not exist. Other ecologists sit quiet now and they are not present in mainstream mass media. In the meantime Polish people is wrong in its own knowledge. Poland has not much black coal, Poland its coal just now lose. It is caused by several reasons.
One of these reasons is past exploitation of deposits. As it tells Polish specialists from State Geological Institute all historic and nowadays resources of black coal in Poland in typical tempo of mine was and is for 240 years (not for 300 years, as some people believe). Now three of four parts of this wealth is already out of stock. Miners work now already often on very deep levels near 1000 meters under surface of the ground. Next part of coal can be exploited only with special automatic methods without people in mine excavations, it means with hot gas stuffing methods. These methods are now still in working out process and they just do not exist yet as methods ready for use. But one already knows that they are more expensive than today’s methods in mining and often robbery ones for coal deposits. This automatic rob of coal will make our resources littler.
Next of mentioned worrying reasons is probably expansionistic devastation of underground resources. There are more and more dangerous methane eruptions and water leaks in Polish mines of black coal. Miners more and more often stop their work for safety or they are killed in tragic explosions in mines. Everyone believes that Poland has many methane mines and that methane comes from their deep coal exploitation. I think that the truth exists on another way. Polish part of higher lithosphere is probably especially pliable for expansionistic effects and this type of phenomena more and more often take its places in our mines.
Lets take in this moment for theoretical experiment in our minds two pieces of jelly representing black coal deposits. If in one of them we will do little tunnel running throughout mass of jelly representing now mining tunnel then this portion of jelly will be more feeble and weak. In stretching it cracks as the first one. In such manner deposit layers with mine ware sewers cracks now in planes placed in transverse orientation to sewer axis lines. When in ventilated from methane mine tunnel there will burst deep plane of coal deposit then suddenly there are generated huge quantities of wall methane what exists internally in such resources. Then also some masses of ground water can flow out in earlier or later time into cracked mine tunnels.
Considerable part of electric energy produced from black coal comes back to mines for black coal exploitation. About 30 years ago it was 20 %, but now it is probably 30 – 40 %, as I think. From many late years Polish black coal is not economic for export and in artificial manner created by control office relatively not expensive for internal market. Polish mines and power plants – nearly all energetic sector – is deeply technically unprofitable and poor for its invests. From two years black coal import of Poland is already bigger than its black coal export. Miners lose their job and picket or even strike. Situation can be only worse. Nobody is interested in discover what happens in such terrible mining with production organisation and raging geophysics. Poland losing not only its black blood is dying! There comes step by step terrible Ukrainian syndrome!
Breaking News Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
The accident described above took its place in the same night hours when I was just writing on computer my previous 33rd supplement titled “Hydrogen Drive Petrol Tankers Can Create New Epoch”. Placed under my 32nd supplement titled “Anticipation Statements of Charnas on Dynamic Structure of Now Expanding Earth” (existing there together with the text of mine titled “How Gas-Rocky Magma Floats on Uranium-Iron Plasma of the Earth’s Core”). Maybe by this way it is especial cabalistic and metaphysical sign for us. Moreover, there are next such signs at the place of this tragic event.
On the house localised nearly that destroyed one at Fryderyk Chopin Street there hangs wide advertising ribbon with writing “Wszystko po 49,00” what means in English “Everything for 49,00” (of price). In my cabalistic system it can mean “Every such event for being down of the Earth”. And on the little square placed nearly that destroyed house at Sokolska Street (Falcon Street) there stands white human-size statue of Jesus Christ what thanks to its extended arms is similar to the statue of Christ the Redeemer from Belo Horizonte in Brazil (in earlier text).
These cabalistic elements one can watch on television monitors in news programmes in Poland in the day of gas catastrophe in Katowice. There was also visible black registration number on one of police cars with element “041” and other white numbers on big firemen automobiles often with element “41”, “401”, “46” or “49” (Earth up, Earth down). If I now right remember I saw there firemen “giraffe” vehicle – some tall lift-maker – with number “441ٱ49”.
Over the main door on central house corner following into inside of presented just destroyed house one can read arc headline “ Siłownia KS Gloria” what means “Strength Fitness Room of the Sport Club =Glory=”. Now I wonder if “Gloria” is to mean in cabalistic way “global” and “radial” to “strengths” – together “Global radial strengths” – because three days before this catastrophic explosion in Nicolas Copernicus Astronomical Centre PAS in Warsaw there was lecture about seismic pulsations on far cosmic stars – radial or non-radial – titled “Astroseismology”. I think it is another message for us telling from there in silence: “There are dangerous working strengths in the crust of the Earth!”.
As I wrote in higher supplement one of my intimate person has his second name before family name Jan (John). His full name is Zbigniew Jan Charnas. I have my complete name Zbigniew Charnas and from my christening ceremony I have extra also my name Józef (Joseph). There exists to this fact wondering case that in east-southern direction from the area of tragic gas event in Katowice there is placed quarter of this city named Janków (Of Johns). And also in almost reverse to that west-northern direction from this place there is localised this city district named Józefowiec (Josephish Area).
I presented that the first names of dead victims in gas explosion in Katowice were Brygida (Frosztęga-Kmiecik), Dariusz (Kmiecik) and familiarly Remik (Kmiecik). Remik is for name Remigiusz (in primeval version in television this little boy exists once as Jeremiah). I find in my pocket book for names that “Brygida” means “Tall”, “Elevated”, “Grand”, “Dariusz” means “Supporting goodness”. As author wrote in mentioned pocket dictionary “Jeremiah” means “Jahve rises” and “Remigiusz” means “Oar” or even “Wings”, for example of Mercury or Daedalus and Icarus in flight to the Sun (Bogdan Kupis “Nasze imiona” /Our Names/, Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa 1991, pages: 61, 75, 136, 237).
Dariusz Kmiecik represented television TVN in football game with television TVP in August 2014 and he shot there one goal for TVN (TVP : TVN = 2 : 1). His player number was 80. Number “80” means for me “Everything or nothing” (∞ or 0). Such number exists in pressed in concrete little area in front of the gate of historic building of Warsaw Gasworks placed in Warsaw in district Wola. He shot his goal in 36th minute of this sport meeting. Numeral phrase “36/37” is symbol of my “Gear of Chance” where “36” is number of death and “37” of life (its cabalistic idea is based on screenplay to movie “The Mothman Prophecies”, USA 2002). Number “36” is also number of fairs in every generation of Israel.
Kmiecik family lived on the fourth floor just under the roof of their house. At about 18th hour after big gas explosion they one after one was found dead on the first floor of this destroyed building. This fact is not personal but only symbolic. They were reputedly very good persons for each other and for other people around, regardless God lowered their lot so terribly tragically. As I believe for the sign for us. Jesus Christ also at Sokolska Street in Katowice asks mankind: “Set the Earth down in climatic and geophysical processes, please”!
In 15th day of February of the year 1979 there was huge gas explosion in the PKO division called “Rotunda” in Warsaw. There were killed in this explosion 49 persons (51 if with pregnant children) and 135 were injured. It was then the biggest such kind tragedy in modern Poland after the II world war. In that catastrophe frost tore new cast-iron tap mounted in old installation. The 15th day of every month is in my cabalistic system potentially “The Day of Mothman” – when he appeared as they say. Number “49” we already know. Number “49/51” is the number of the street of principal Jewish Cemetery in Wola in Warsaw (Okopowa Street № 49/51 = Trench Street № 49/51). Number “135” or “235” is symbolic number of mine for “Parameters of the Expanding Earth” (radius, area, volume, 1.7-3-5 times more in geophysical history).
In television relation from Katowice after presented gas accident there was visible some man standing before advertising poster with “-20-35” of telephone number and with writing “OKNA – Poland” (WINDOWS). I think that Poland will be now more and more often as window for watching of expansionistic phenomena, processes and events in type of presented here. My cabalistic adventure works to worry people and raise the alarm in anticipation when everything is still not plane or evident and it is not too late for right panacea.
M2.2 – 0km of Katowice, Poland (BETA), 2014-10-23, 01:49:14 UTC?
[Poland does not participate in the USGS programme of world earthquakes?]
KWK Murcki-Staszic in Katowice
{Black Coal Mine „Murcki-Staszic” in Katowice}
[Look at main road numbers on maps: “A4”, “86” – “Globe & History” of mine]
Six injured in Katowice gas explosion
Journalists’ family of 3 dead in Katowice gas explosion
Gas explosion in Katowice photo preview 51630764
Gas explosion in Katowice photo preview 51630790
[Firemen vehicle with number 441ٱ49]
Tragedia w Katowicach nie była jedyna
Wybuch gazu w Warszawskiej Rotundzie
{Tragedy in Katowice was not only one. Gas Explosion in Warsaw Rotunda}
Tragedia w Katowicach nie była jedyna
Wybuch gazu w wieżowcu w Gdańsku
{Tragedy in Katowice no only one. Gas Explosion in tower building in Gdansk}
[Also in Gdansk such gas explosion – 01-Feb-1976: 17 † dead & 11 ° injured]
Zbigniew Charnas
Earth Expansion Tore New Gas Tap – But “Apparently” Set Worker Stamped Killer
06.11.2014 14:22
It was 37 minutes past frosty noon in the 15th day of February of the year 1979 when terrible gas explosion in the very centre of the capital city strongly shocked people in Poland. It was huge gas explosion inside of banking division round glass building of the PKO called “Rotunda”. In the very moment of this catastrophe in building there were about 170 persons of staff and about 300 of clients. There were killed in this moment 49 persons (51 if to add here to dead pregnant children) and 135 persons were next injured. This was then the biggest such kind tragedy in Poland after the II world war.
The calamity took its place in Warsaw during the very frosty day of so-called “Century Winter”. In that accident frost tore new cast-iron tap mounted in old installation. Workman who earlier had mounted this new tap had taken out of the installation old rusty tap. This rusty tap had old baked adhering washers and the new one had they fresh. In cause of that the installer had to screw strongly the tap to the pipelines for airtight catching. But as I think, there was basically something more. Two pipes as the ends of gas installation were in this moment in longer distance moved away from each other than it was before as stretched with expansionistic strengths. There was no other ways to get tight in gas installation besides strong screwing of it or general transformation of whole its long ground fragment.
When frost made the gas pipeline with tap shorter then the tap got cracked in its middle. Accident technical searching commission after its investigation ruled that the gas workman overdid his tap screwing. I do not know only if there were some marks in material of it or this verdict was said on a world “apparently” basis. The man of gasworks service could be here quite not guilty, but he was stamped forever in this moment towards people as the failure lot killer. This event and its worrying ambiguous situation one can generalise for next such and similar causes coming now and in the future.
Much Telling Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
The “Rotunda” PKO was reconstructed in the same place in Warsaw as quite identical glass round building. It is localised at central roundabout of the city at ul. Marszałkowska 100/102 (Marszałkowska Street № 100/102). In the street sequence of numbers of the second street of mentioned roundabout it would be if real number “46” what means “Expanding Earth”. This street has its name Aleje Jerozolimskie (Jerusalem Avenues – here theoretically № 46).
At the third side of the “Rotunda” PKO building there is localised ul. Widok (Scene, View, Sight or Prospect Street). It would be probably if in real existence ul. Widok 23 (Prospect Street № 23). On the other side of the street there stands last building of this street with its number “26”. In the real numeral sequence of existing there ul. Marszałkowska there are as the next numbers “104/122” marking Warsaw’s well-known shopping centre with its parts traditionally called “Junior” (young boy), “Wars” (man) and “Sawa” (woman) (compare it with our known swan number “122” and with the city name “Warszawa” – that is in Polish “Warsaw” – what is created in tradition by ”Wars” and “Sawa”).
In the window of “Rotunda” PKO on the side placed at ul. Widok there exists continuous exposition about the gas catastrophe. There is memory board in the wall with annotation “Pamięci 49 osób zmarłych tragicznie w wypadku spowodowanym wybuchem gazu 15 lutego 1979. Społeczeństwo Warszawy” – “For memory of 49 persons tragically died in accident caused by gas explosion in the 15th day of February 1979. Society of Warsaw” – and writings with the date “15-02-1979” and the numbers “49”, “135” and also with some mysterious numbers of photos “21609” and “21275” (Sw16-X-9 = Sw-In-Sw75 /?/).
In the 7 day of October of the year 2012 for the first time I made reconnaissance to this especial mystique place. Then just at once at 16:30 hour there stopped at traffic lights city bus of bus line number 127 with its big vehicle base number “A 546” (numeral end “-46”). It was when I was 49 years old. Today I am already 51 years old and it is 35 years after presented here catastrophic event in Warsaw. I have my own favorite saying “Różni inni wróżą z fusów, a ja wróżę z autobusów” – what means “Diverse others tell fortunes from dregs and I tell these from city buses” (it means exactly from changeable ends of their numbers) [Do not try without watching traffic!].
As I already wrote higher the 15th day of every month is in my cabalistic system after movie “The Mothman Prophecies” potentially “The Day of Mothman” – when he appeared as they say. In the 15th day of December of the year 1967 there took place the authentic catastrophe of Silver Bridge on Ohio River, USA. Number “49” we already know as Jesus Christ’s from Belo Horizonte request for us to set the Earth back and down, that is lower one. As I always remember number “49/51” is the number of the street of principal Jewish Cemetery in Warsaw (Okopowa Street № 49/51 = Trench Street № 49/51). Number “135” or “235” is symbolic number of mine for “Parameters of the Expanding Earth” (radius, area, volume, 1.7-3-5 times more in geophysical history).
The hour 12:37 o’clock of gas explosion in “Rotunda” PKO – the number “37” – imposes connotation with this number presented in my cult motion picture mentioned here and titled “The Mothman Prophecies”. It is next number of my symbolic “Gear of Fortune 36/37 – Dead or Alive”. In the story of this big gas explosion there exists some mysterious motive comparable with this from mentioned cinema. One woman was rescued there in the last moment before the catastrophe with warning told by unidentified strange man. She always said so in police investigation like under oath in spite of strong totalitarian political pressures to deny that. Her “Mothman” said in “Rotunda” door: “Here right now everything will fly up into the air!”.
One can watch very interesting symbolic cabalistic effect in Internet using Google search-engine Map function with its Street View function by writing in this search-engine Box the notice: “Rotunda PKO Warszawa”. In the Street View one can watch around the picture existing there, turning around special Compass implement placed on the map page and making close-up on the photos.
From some moment when Google’s views was installed until last days there is visible huge window billboard surrounding the “Rotunda” PKO building having some person holding in its hands models of the Solar System planets: Jupiter, Earth and Mars. There is also printed on it following text: “Świat nie kręci się wokół Szymona. Sprawdź wokół czego kręci się świat. Odwiedź planetarium Niebo Kopernika, którego patronem jest PKO Bank Polski”. What means in English: “The world does not turn around Simon. Check around what there turns the world. Visit the planetarium Copernicus Sky, what has the PKO Polish Bank as its patron.”.
About two minutes of walking from “Rotunda” PKO there is localised in the passageway running along back wall of “Wars” house very interesting Warsaw Avenue of Movie Stars. There are placed in street concrete ten bronze stars of following famous actors and actresses (red from northern to southern direction): Roman Polański, Javier Bardem, Nicolas Cage, Nicole Kidman, Woody Allen, Penelope Cruz, Burt Reynolds, Kirk Douglas, Alfred Hitchcock, Marilyn Monroe. Every metal star has over its star name short citation of star saying. Another cult movie of mine is one titled “Knowing” with Nicolas Cage as the main character, where the Earth explodes at the end of scenes. This actor played also in “predictionistic” film “Next”. His citation tells: “Nie trać najlepszych rzeczy w życiu, tylko dlatego, że nie jesteś ich pewny” – “Do not waste the best things in your life only because of that you are not sure of they”. Star of Alfred Hitchcock has here his famous saying with earthquake for the start.
Rotunda PKO w Warszawie / Wikipedia
{Rotunda PKO in Warsaw}
Wybuch gazu w Rotundzie PKO w Warszawie / Wikipedia
{Gas explosion in Rotunda PKO in Warsaw}
Google Search-Engine PL [– For Street View]
[“Rotunda PKO Warszawa”]
Otwarcie Aleji Gwiazd
{Opening of the Star Avenue}
[On published photo the metal star for Nicolas Cage with his quotation]
Zbigniew Charnas
Warsaw University Library at Vistula River In the Making Next to EXPAN Tragedy
06.11.2014 14:25
Will some object be destroyed next after tragic event in Katowice? What object? If anyone? If old or even young one? You never know! Being lately listener to scientific lecture in university I heard from one man other listener that relatively new building of Warsaw University Library (BUW – Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego) cracks on its every floor. Next day quickly I travel and went there to check this information in the incriminated place personally. In fact walls of this object do not cracks but its not less than five huge concrete modules drift away from each other along the four directions of the world in wondering ground settlement process.
It is new library building what is localised today nearly the Vistula River at Dobra Street № 56/66, nearly under the main terrain of the university campus. This not light concrete construction was build there already quite long 15 years ago in the year 1999 and it is strangely enough that it continuously more settles. The tempo of mentioned module drifting is quite fast as for such building. There are already chink distances between concrete modules having from some 0.5 to even 2.5 centimetres. Sometimes chink distances are bigger on higher storey and smaller on lower one and sometimes in contrast. I think that this settlement with drifting away from one central point is caused with EXPAN – expansionistic phenomena and processes of the Earth in the XXI century.
As about several years old child I attend my primary school in Warsaw at Grójecka Street № 93 (Primary School № 39, existing no more in this place for today). Grand building of this school looked then as very stable. Now its heavy corpus and walls of its two satellite houses are disturbingly cracked, as I found the most in Warsaw. This huge school building with its two smaller additional houses is there placed on extensive terrain as the lonely one triple complex.
I suppose that in both causes of the library and the school there works process of nowadays expansionistic settlement, what means flow-off settlement into expansionistically rarefied ground, that is settlement in vertical direction with move in horizontal direction of construction fragments after cracking of them. Due to quasi-liquid properties of ground this process is bigger just in extensive terrain. Such extensive area is places at the library on side of the river and on side of its green walk garden.
Earlier I wrote that: “Polish part of higher lithosphere is probably especially pliable for expansionistic effects and this type of phenomena more and more often take its places in our mines”. It is true if right is hypothesis of phenomenon what I named as Turret Effect. There exists geological analogy to form of army crenellated defence wall in mediaeval fortifications. Rocky hills in geological layers are like rigid crenelles in wall and tender sediment spheres are like empty gaps between this crenels. If such “crenellated wall” is stretched then “crenelles” as rigid are not so far stretched as there stretched are empty “gaps”. So, in sediment coal deposits or over other sediment geological layers the lithosphere expansion runs faster even several times more than in or over its environment.
Sometimes in territory existing under impact of expansionistic stretching strengths there create so-called by me stripes. That stripe is broadening of ground bigger than in its environment on its two sides. Such form is created with ground process over deeper crack made in sediment or rock layers by actual geological expansionistic phenomena. In that way for example there is cracked in one transverse line long building of Physical Faculty of Warsaw University with its Institute of Geophysics at Pasteur Street № 7 (at Banach Street). This characteristic crack consequently continuously widens slowly in the time going without any scientific research. Cracked in many places along its front wall is old office building of World Wildlife Found (WWF) at Wiśniowa Street № 38.
I also guess that there dominates over everything another ground geological process, existing here as especial “tribute” for EXPAN knowledge. I believe that inside ground levels under the library module building there is placed some hard sediment or even hard rock object working as some big vertical stone egg cone, increasing there expansionistic settlement phenomenon effect.
If gas, water and electric installations inside the library building run from one to other between its drifting modules then they are in danger of extreme tearing. It is because the expansionistic settlement process did not stop on whipped down earth after several years but proceed on and on and even gather its size. Media installations are in danger also if they are placed near outside of this building.
Something Extra in Cabalistic Way about Catastrophe in Katowice
I had there my schoolchild history lectures in mentioned above Primary School № 39 in Warsaw in the room with number “222” (three swans) and my pupil physics lectures in the room with number “122”. This place is near about several minutes of walk from the place of presented here earlier “Swan Pair Monument” localised at Grójecka Street № 107 – № 109, on the other side of building of Grójecka Street № 122.
As I established the building what was destroyed in its fragment by terrible gas explosion in Katowice stands now in its survivor fragment at Fryderyka Chopina Street № 18. Nearly in view of its place there stands white statue of Jesus Christ in human size. This Christ statue stands at the street corner on territory of Christian Perish of the Lord’s Change (under administration of Dominicans), what is localised at Sokolska Street № 12. The Christ’s statue has its figure similar to Christ the Redeemer from Brazilian Belo Horizonte.
At front of the exploded house there is set here in the street signpost with number “3,5” and another with one with white sagitta “↑” as information of “One Way”. Together they create symbol “135” what is numeral phrase for “Parameters of Expanding Earth” (radius, area and volume – compare earlier) and tell us “Vector of lithosphere growing process increases planetary area up to 3 times bigger and planetary volume to 5 times bigger”.
At this statue of Christ from Katowice there are two very interesting street neons having symbolic meaning for us. It is “BOŚ – Bank Ochrony Środowiska” – “BEC – Bank of Environmental Conservation” and in its vertical house placement “Energomontaż Południe S.A.” – “Energetic Assembly South S.C.” (S.C. = Share Company).
We can watch this everything with Google search-engine Map function with its Street View sub-function. To this exciting doing we must find geographical object at Sokolska Street in Katowice (the transverse street) writing in Google search-engine Box the notice: “Sokolska 11 Katowice”, and next also: “Sokolska 13 Katowice”. Next in the Street View we have to watch around the picture existing there, turning around special Compass implement placed on the map page and making close-up on the photos.
In the Google’s Street View of Sokolska Street in this point there is something very interesting extra as cabalistic food for us. It is the municipal transport yellow bus of line number “657” with its well visible big black vehicle base number “249”. Number “657” is something about “16” with “17” swans and the “5” element between them (6-5-7). And “249” number tells something about person (swan) with our known number “49” of Christ from Belo Horizonte.
As we see number “18” of the house destroyed by gas explosion in Katowice was not happy for its residents. To watch mentioned traffic signpost with the white-in-blue arrow and number “3.5” at front of this old house on photo made between the explosion one need click on white wide windows in the corner brick house visible over the bus with number “249” (Street View transformation with close-up process).
On relatively older photos of Chopin Street – not of Sokolska Street – visible with Street View function of Google search-engine there exists yet street corner café “Kawiarnia Elvita” (Elvita Café) what was localised in the place of next functioning there “Siłownia KS Gloria”. The world “Elvita” is some new female name made – as I guess – from two primeval names: “Elvis” and “Evita”.
Mentioned death victims of presented above gas catastrophe in Katowice – Brygida Frosztęga-Kmiecik, Dariusz Kmiecik and their little son Remigiusz – are now buried in the cemetery placed at Murckowska Street in Katowice. The name “Murckowska” without its letter “c” looks like name “Murkowska” what in Polish language comes from the world “mur” or “murek”, what means “wall” of house or “low wall” of fence. Walls are these objects what as the nearest to us ones are easy observable as characteristically changed with EXPAN processes.
Next Much Telling Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
New building of the Warsaw University Library in light green colour of aired cooper is localised at Dobra Street № 56/66. This name means in Polish language Good Street. But we can see here number “5” and number “666” tightly close to each other. Number “5” means also “Snake” in my cabalistic system. This can be the hell snake from the Bible Eden – having aside diabolic number “666”. It can mean something questionable as good or even some trap.
Analogous manoeuvre with Google’s Street View I propose make in case of some special place localised at street front of the Warsaw University Library (BUW). For this doing we need to write into Google search-engine Box: “Dobra 56/66 Warszawa”. One can watch there another bus of municipal transport in Warsaw’s yellow and red colours with its line number “118” (compare it widely higher with my “117th Element”) and with its vehicle base number “A 135” (compare just above – “vector” and “parameters”).
Let me mention in that moment that inside the underground floor of the library there functions also big fan skittle room as City Entertainment Centre named shortly “Hulakula”, what means in English “There Revels Ball”, and what in free cabalistic translation can mean “There Revels Our Raging Globe”. Colour of the “Hulakula” heading is orange like rusty colour of Mars (The Red Planet) and symbolises my “Martian Scenario for the Earth”. Distraction has in Polish language its word “rozrywka” meaning exactly just entertainment, but this word can be in my language associated with the word “rozerwanie” meaning “ripping” – by gas explosion for example.
If one went into very inside of the library then one can observe that numbers of office rooms in this especial object have known already for us its symbolic cabalistic meanings. These numbers are as follows – of Main Office – “246”, and – of Organisation, Cooperation and Promotion Office – “236” and “237” (“36/37” = “Gear of Fortune”).
Information about it exists also in popular little library reference book. I have got one copy of it published for the year 2012. Inside is written also that in the Warsaw University Library in the end of the year 2011 between 3,052,773 volumes of holdings there was 395,549 items in special collections (compare: meaning of numbers “73” and “49” and especially the bus with its base number “A 546” at “Rotunda” PKO building). The library was founded in the year 1816 and as it is written in mentioned reference book quantity of its staff was 267 persons (compare in mine: “267” as “16” /6/ and “17” /7/ in places of “222”).
I mentioned higher that cracked in many places along its front wall is old office building of World Wildlife Found (WWF) at Wiśniowa Street № 38. If one will use Street View function of Google to observe its door from the street one can watch some long personal car “Focus” with its registration number “43411”. This number can means in my cabalistic manner: “Between earth and heaven (with atmosphere) the terrestrial globe started to expand” (43-41-1) or maybe “Between earth and heaven our globe expands more and more” (43-411).
Parafia Przemienienia Pańskiego w Katowicach
[Parish of the Lord’s Change in Katowice with the Christ statue on its terrain]
Atletico Mineiro Fans Deface “Christ The Redeemer” Statue
With Ronaldinho’s Name, Make Unfortunate Spelling Cock-Up
Atletico Mineiro Fans Deface “Christ The Redeemer” Statue ... [Photo № 1]
Com erro , nome de R49 é pichado em Cristo
[Close-up of the figure visible on photo in the article]
Cristo Redentor do Milionários / Lucas Conrado
[Christ The Redeemer statue in district Milionários, city of Belo Horizonte]
Christ the Redeemer (statue) / Wikipedia
[The most famous Christ the Redeemer statue standing in Rio de Janeiro]
Wybuch gazu w Katowicach. UTRUDNIENIA W RUCHU, OBJAZDY
{Gas explosion in Katowice. Difficulties in traffic, diversions}
[Compare number “431349” in the link with “49” and car number “43411”]
[Katowice] Remont kamienicy, Sokolska 18
[The address above with error. It should be: Chopina 18]
Google Search-Engine PL [– For Street View]
[“Sokolska 11 Katowice”, “Sokolska 13 Katowice”]
Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie / Wikipedia
{University Library in Warsaw}
[Special collections – 397,341 /”41”/ items in the day 31-12-2012]
[Last modification at 19:25 in 15-Aug-2014 – one of the “Mothman days”]
Warsaw University Library
University of Warsaw Library
“Hulakula” Rozrywkowe Centrum Miasta
Google Search-Engine PL [– For Street View]
[“Dobra 56/66 Warszawa”]
Gazebo – I Like Chopin – Gazebo / R4949
GAZEBO ““ i like Chopin ”” extended version / djcooky17
I Like Chopin (Techno Remix) / kranstick
Beat Magic – W cieniu wierzb [I like Chopin] (Official Video)
/ Wydawnictwo Muzyczne Folk
Zbigniew Charnas
Evolving Situation of Hawaii Volcanoes Affirm Nowadays Hot Expansion of th Earth
16.11.2014 22:16
The Earth Gets Nowadays More Hot and More Gaseous Inside
And Throughout Hawaii Volcanoes
From Year to Year Increases Much Its Lava Eruptions
Without Continuous Sporadic Reactions of Thermonuclear Fusion
There Would Be Volcanic Gases Inside the Earth
No More
Once upon a time in Central Europe inquiring astronomer Nicolas Copernicus answer the question if the Earth runs around the Sun. Almost everyone in his mediaeval times and earlier from mankind beginning believed that just the Sun circle around the Earth. Today we do in that manner about volcanic gases in the Earth: “They are because they always existed inside the planet from the Earth’s creation and exist there today”. But that is not true. Such thinking is wrong. Analyses of planetary formation processes and planet construction and even simple physical experiments with gas, water and stones give evidence of for it.
Volcanic gases are not so heavy to be mixed with dense rocks with rich intrusion after concentration of planet in its creation process. There should be metals, heavier rocks, lighter rocks, some water and then heavier gases, lighter gases and vacuum on the way from the middle to the outside of standard planet. Where in cosmos space we have such second situation where two such different in dense materials are so mixed like in the case of volcanic gases and volcanic magma? Here it is because of that volcanic gases are generated inside the Earth, in thermonuclear fusion reactions, not exists there of anytime from the planetary beginning. I think that science can try to estimate how much gas came in geophysical history from the Earth’s inside into the atmosphere and to the free space and included inside the expanding planet. In other variant – I think, just in wrong one – how much gas is included in theoretical cooling Earth.
Theoretically if the Earth from 4.6 billions of years cools down in its inside and on surface and emit volcanic gases to the atmosphere and into the cosmic space (earlier more than today) it should decrease its volume and area – having less hot gaseous matter inside. It is plane physical truth. If amount of these gases was properly huge it should be visible in geological confirmations. Where are scientific evidences of such planetary process and school and university education for us of it? There should exist already from long time ago some opposed scientific theory functioning in contrast to theory of expanding Earth.
Let us calculate a bit. Our globe has today some about 0.6 x 10^22 tons of its mass and 1 x 10^12 km^3 of its volume. Nowadays volcanic emission of carbon dioxide only is some about 10 % of human civilisation carbon dioxide emission. It means about 2 billions tons of it every year. If there was no less emission of volcanic gases during last 4.6 billions of years it was total emission for all the time of no less as some 9 x 10^18 tons of volcanic gases. It is some 0.2 % of whole mass of the Earth in our modern centuries. If to find that gases are more or less 4,000 times lighter than rocks then there should be in the planetary beginning the Earth some 3 times bigger in its radius and 9 times bigger in its volume than it is today.
With assumption that in this case there was domination of temperature over pressure, of course. What means that chemical compounds of volcanic gases were inside the planet in its typical gaseous state, not in liquid or even sticky state (compare here also in one of the earlier supplements: sticky state of deep globe matter in the place of liquid and solid). Higher shocking “balloon” statement is created in some exaggeration to show how much gas would must to exist inside our planet in primeval period of its geophysical history.
Volcanic gases emission was in first geophysical historic periods of the Earth much bigger than today. There were erupting many super-volcanoes emitting much more gases and lava dust into the atmosphere in the past. Such huge change of globe volume would give visible effects on the Earth’s surface also in mankind historic times. For instance in the solids of: Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, or the Great Wall of China. These objects would be squeezed around from outside to their central ground point and as condensed in that way then pressured up along vector placed in surface vertical direction. In the meantime one can observe on the Earth contrast to this geological and engineer phenomena with discretely stretched constructions.
As I argue in my pioneer conception the Earth is not cooling down iron and rock clod but it is warming up planetary nuclear and chemical substance reactor where generally silicate rocks are nuclear substrates and iron and oxygen gases are nuclear and chemical products of discrete relatively infrequent reactions. In conditions of internal geophysical environment there are possible thermonuclear reactions having nuclide elements from uranium, relatively high temperature, relatively high pressure and – what is here no less decisively very important – much enough long time to their disposition (compare higher: natural principle known as Lawson criterion).
The Earth increases its temperature in its central point and its average temperature and expands. In natural situation temperature of the planetary surface is slowly decreased. Now all of these processes are quickly accelerated by effectively giant human industrial activity having in the planetary atmosphere strongly impacting here feedback effect. We can watch it and respect as today’s huge natural experiment.
If under the Earth’s lithosphere there would be only sticky liquid lava then should be not exist effect like that observed now in calderas of super-volcanoes – maybe in all more than ten ones – and in regions of Canadian Hudson Bay and Scandinavian Gulf of Bothnia (written by me higher). Particularly both of these mentioned gulfs – what were earlier under the tops of glacial caps – can fast lift up when they has under their lithosphere beds rich amount of gaseous medium. Presented planetary “rock windows” are lifted up nowadays with acceleration caused by internal warming of the Earth (deep global warming). Maybe modern science will be able to make models of such unusual process. Maybe this way give opportunity to verify which scientific model of internal planet construction and functioning is just real in nature.
Mentioned gaseous medium exists under the planetary crust – in my conception – in form of gas-rock pumice foam of just warming magma. Then the Earth’s core is much heavier than in official model of the terrestrial globe just including also essential amount of uranium in its decay and even its fission state. In official scientific model under lithosphere there is quite only liquid magma with volcanic gases generally in their liquid state (liquid Earth’s mantle), slowly losing its very old warmth.
Please, take now in your mind for experimental visualisation: tube of toothpaste, bottle of champagne (vine with gas), elastic gum balloon with air and next one as plastic bell with helium. These should inspire our imagination when we will be analysing process taking its place earlier in history and just now on the Earth on Hawaiian Islands around Hawaiian volcanoes.
Reputedly some of big Hawaiian volcanoes are good indicators of geophysical processes running inside the Earth. Probably it is so that when internal planetary hypodermic pressure increase systematically in magma then activity of these lava volcanoes also in effect increase. From 191 years – from the year 1823 – we can observe such bad situation on the main island of Hawaii. From this year there were noted 61 eruptions of Kīlauea volcano. In this quantity 34 eruptions were after the year 1952 (about 55 % of eruptions after 129 years – what means 67 % of the time – in period of 62 years – 33 % of the time). From the year 1983 this lava-flow volcano spouts non-stop lava streamlets, gases and smoke. As it is apparent eruptive processes evidently accelerate. In autumn of the year 2014 for the first time lava brooks of Kīlauea volcano just flows not only into the ocean but also on the island interior. It makes forest fires and swamps Hawaiian roads.
The grandest active one on the Earth, next of big Hawaiian volcanoes, famous volcano Mauna Loa earlier was a little sluggish but now – also in the current year – wakes again to its eruptive live. This volcano is the neighbour volcano of the previous volcano on the greatest island of Hawaii (Hawai’i). This is one of the 17 world volcanoes known as Decade Volcanoes. It is possible that these both volcanoes are good indicators of geophysical situation of expanding Earth. The indicators of the fact that internal pressure inside our planet increases in nowadays times in accelerating manner. Their interesting case should be added to my several essentials published here as “Anticipation Statements of Charnas on Dynamic Structure of Now Expanding Earth”.
Much Telling Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
From some long time I wonder why into physical and historic lots of the Earth there are entangled my personal lots represented on cabalistic way with symbol of swanny number “222” and its derivative ones like “16” and “17” or in swan pair version as “67”. I find for instance that in Warsaw the address of the Earth Museum of Polish Academy of Sciences is Na Skarpie Street № 20/26 and № 27 (On Bank Street № 20/26 + № 27).
The main campus of mentioned earlier the University of Warsaw has its address as Krakowskie Przedmieście Street № 26/28 (Cracow Suburb Street № 26/28) and its building for Faculty of Political Sciences has its address as Nowy Świat Street № 67 (New World Street № 67). I wonder if one can read here sentence: “There are cracks of suburbia in nowadays world”. Between the building of Political Sciences Faculty and the main gate of University of Warsaw there is situated the Monument of Nicolas Copernicus.
In the day of famous landing on the cosmic comet marked as “67P” of the sound appliance of endeavour probe “Rosetta” (Rosette) – in the 12th day of November of 2014 – during my city walk I visited near neighbourhood and just the place of Warsaw sculpture “Flying Swans” (“Swan Pair Monument”). Knowing nothing about “Rosetta” and before television informed us about this great historical scientific event in the space I discovered that at address Grójecka Street № 122 (situation presented by me in the supplement for 117th element) there is placed in building street electric station with its number “6700”. I wonder, if in “67P” letter “P” is there for “Pair” and “00” in “6700” is there for “Two parts of one whole”? This electric wardrobe is localised there beyond building gate nearer street plate with № 122 than one with earlier № 120.
In mentioned exciting street walk I bought then there in little shop in building next to the sculpture with two bronze swans two fresh rolls to walking eat as my fast food. Without premeditation and any my consumer knowledge in choice, just spontaneously at hoc – at 11:34 hour in payoff on my shop ticket – I paid for they 2.20 PLN (0.90 PLN + 1.30 PLN). Number of transaction noted on mentioned ticket on the date line was by some mystics: “049142” (49-14-2).
The “Rosetta” cosmic probe was launched in the 2nd day of March of the year 2004 at the hour 07:17:51 of UTC time. It landed with its debatable scientific success on the comet 67P after over 10 years of cosmic flight in the 12th day of the November of the Year 2014 at the hour 17:03 of UTC time (cabalistic “Happy 17” and “17-03”). Primeval target for the “Rosetta” mission was comet marked as 46P (my cabalistic number “46”). Technical problems changed it.
In my evening long street walk in the 10th day of November of 2014 I visited just established in this day in Warsaw in the course of John Paul the Second Avenue the flagpole with 100-metres white-red Polish national flag named “Maszt Wolności”, what means “Flagpole of Freedom”. The flagpole has about 60 metres of its height and about 40 tonnes of its weight.
During my further march I discover that in bookstore named “Knowledge” there are put in its window geographical globes with their price tags of 22 PLN for litter one and of 34 PLN for bigger one. The litter was with diameter 160 cm as in the scale 1:80,000,000 and the bigger with diameter 220 cm as in the scale 1:60,000,000. The first had its type number “2441” – “Mortal globe expansion” in my cabalistics – and the second one had “2540” – what can mean here “David and Goliath in their 40-years mortal battle journey”. The first one was physical globe and the second was political. It because politics stands on physics. Both this globes were product of the same firm what was established in the year 1978.
The “Bookstore Knowledge” is localised at John Paul the Second Avenue № 66. Next to it beyond corner is just Anielewicza Street following to the Museum of History of Polish Jews – called now also with Jewish traditional word “POLIN” – existing at Anielewicza Street № 6. As it was told on Sunday the 9th day of November of the year 2014 in Christian churches in Gospel, destroyed finally the Jerusalem Temple was build in ancient times for 46 years (John 2,13-22).
When in the 28th day of October of the year 2014 this museum was officially opened the Moon on night clear sky before its moonset looks in successive way: “If the black Moon face would be the Mediterranean Sea then its brining shine silver crescent was the Holly Land (Israel)”. As I believe, it was in this historic moment completely by chance, it means from God’s will. In this night moonset took its place at 21:47 hour of Polish time (in my home calendar). Number “7” and number “4” are here for “Happy Land” (compare: Jewish traditional word “polin”) but hour “9:47” (here as p.m.) is in my cabalistic system for phrase “Hour of Apocalypse” (maybe of holocaust made by nazi in the XX century).
Near presented place on John Paul the Second Avenue at Dzielna Street there is situated big as oil barrel monumental white stone with note with the name of our famous Pope John Paul the Second and the hour of his death “21:37”. I associate this hour with the hour of gas explosion in “Rotunda” PKO at the hour 12:37 in the 15th day of February of the year 1979 (12:37 → 21:37, 12 → 21). It was just 122 days after election of cardinal Karol Wojtyła to be the pope as John Paul the Second in the 16th day of October of the year 1978 (31+ 30 + 31 + 31 – 1 = 122; compare: “Flying Swans” at Grójecka Street № 122). Name of mentioned here Dzielna Street means in Polish language Gallant Street or Divide Street. There is also another truth than when in Warsaw is 21:37 hour of CET then 12:37 hour of Pacific Time is between others in San Francisco and Livermore (9 h in distance).
If it is about John Paul the Second I can say that the date of his birthday in the 18th day of May of the year 1920 is Polish historic anniversary date of creation of confederation for national treason. It was for partition of Polish State in the year 1792. Mentioned confederation was established in town Targowica (called from that tame “targowica” with this world used from that time as synonym of deadly disgrace treachery). John Paul the Second ended his live in the 2nd day of April of the year 2005. The day 1st of April is in Poland for making soft jokes. In such symbolic metaphysic transfer the day after is for serious saying “Jokes has finished, now there has begun stairs up”. Let me remind that from the year 2005 there started evidently geophysical problems with now expanding Earth – from big dangerous rift opening event in September in African Rift Valley (process to be still continued).
Poland is in NATO, but NATO in essential method is not in Poland. John Paul II is known in Poland before all sentences from this one told in the year 1979 in the central place in Warsaw: “Niech zstąpi Duch Twój i odnowi oblicze ziemi. TEJ ziemi!”. His words mean: “Let Your Ghost come down and renovate the face of earth. Of THIS earth!”. Saying “THIS earth” he has in that moment in his mind his home country of Poland. Many of people believe that Pope JP II in consequences of these words destroyed totalitarian communistic system.
Meanwhile I believe that the face of this earth and not only this one will be able to renovate just in that moment when there will be no more tendencies to deadly disgrace treachery what could be observed until recent time in Ukraine. Such disgrace commercial state treason tendencies in widespread corruption manner can be still noted today in Poland. Also in Germany and even in France – major countries of the European Union and NATO in Europe. There stand always known ancient words of Jesus Christ: “With fruits you will recognise them”.
In the 11th day of November of the year 2014 – in the day of 96th anniversary of the end of the grand world war – there was celebrated in Warsaw the National Independence Day, or in other words the Holiday of Independence. It is the most important public holiday in Poland (compare: my evening walk in November 10, 2014). Already in evening of previous day and in this especial day there blew in Warsaw wind of east-east-southern primeval direction (EES), what means that it blew just from Ukraine. Lately the leader party what wined in general election in this fighting country in the year 2014 got in final 22.14 % of people votes.
One could watch through a while on television how the Sun rose over clouds in this day morning, but next slim layer of light grey clouds appeared everywhere. Only at some ten minutes to holiday noon I saw yet the Sun on some fragment of the blue sky for a while. In short moment on television one can see cloudiness form what having imagination one can associate with shocking scenes showed in movie “Independence Day” (science-fiction thriller about dangerous brutal attack into the Earth of aggressive Martians /green humanoids/, USA 1996).
In the parade organised with the president march – named “Together for the Independent” – there was driven historical tank of type Rénault FT-17. It was lately under its late conservation but it comes from the times of I world war. It had red number “1716” (17-16) under its turret and black on white playing card heart (♥) on its armour port and white number “67609” (67-609, 67-6|9) at its caterpillars. Next to the mentioned black heart was big wondering note “MARS” on its tail. Please, let me remind that during battles of I world war there was killed 888,246 of British soldiers. In current 2014 year there were sacrificed for them 888,246 red plastic poppy flowers.
As I lately discover Italian word “sasso” means “stone”. I think that if “sasso goes” then “sassa go” (in the plural anticipated). From that there can be maybe in some cabalistic manner “Sasago” – as meaning “Stones go” – from the title of my general article. Italians have their scientific laboratory researching matter among others in OPERA neutrino experiment what is localised in mountain place of Gran Sasso (Grand Stone). I think that our “Sasago” can mean also “Gran Sasso go!” with international scientific search in context. One can say that: “Today every roads (should) follow to Gran Sasso”. They follow to the Grand Stone what is in the space our Earth. It goes and goes around bright Sun, contrary to every immemorial inquisition of the world. The tallest top point of Italian Gran Sasso – the highest massive of Apennine – is top of Corno Grande what has 2912 meters of its altitude and 2476 meters of its prominence (compare it with “swans”).
Italian word “sassata” is in English as phrase “throw with stone” and “sassaiola” is for “hail of stones”. Some hail of paving stones there was threw in late dark afternoon of the National Independence Day at the National Stadium in Warsaw on big police forces standing on the lawful way of legal Independence March of lately created (so-called) Army of Patriots. This civilian army was the people of Warsaw, what did not throw stones. Stones were threw on police by aggressive groups of stadium hooligans and vandals, what were earlier from wondering causes maliciously inspired to this doing by some provocational premeditation. Sometimes in history anger of God is for the start anger of people.
At the turn of November 2014 the World Health Organisation (WHO) declare that in cause of ebola illness there already got dead 4922 persons. In previous declaration there were 4546 persons as dead (numbers “46”, “49”, “22”). In the half of this month it was already 5177 (“17” mixed with “57”) dead persons and next 14413 persons were ill from ebola disease in the world (compare: earlier car number “43411” with the same ciphers at WWF house).
There exists some “Mischievous Theory” what tells that the best panacea for hothouse emission into the atmosphere of our geophysically cracking globe is fast death of people on this planet (with genocide, extermination or holocaust). If our God wants to save the lonely planet Earth he can use there the most terrible infection what can be created with ebola virus. Maximal transmission tempo of this dangerous infection is so quick – doubling of infected man after about 13 days – that without natural and artificial tight borders and without medical panaceas this illness can kill one half of humankind just in one year.
Kīlauea / Wikipedia
Mauna Loa / Wikipedia
Decade Volcanoes / Wikipedia
Muzeum Ziemi PAN w Warszawie
{Museum of the Earth of PAS in Warsaw}
Rosetta (spacecraft) / Wikipedia
Rosetta Stone / Wikipedia
Maszt Wolności / Wikipedia
National Independence Day / Wikipedia
Тень над Багдадом
Independence Day (1996 film) / Wikipedia
[Critical moments in minute 2:17 and 2:30 “3017” of 4:06 minutes]
DJ Klubbingman – Love Message / Let the music touch your soul
Klubbingman – Love Message (rmx)/ szafcia85
Klubbingman – Love Message (South Blast! 2013 Re-Work) / WeLoveMix
Love Message – Love Message _ Dj Batista Remix / Diego Maciel
Love Message – Love Message (Radio Edit) / menchitty11
[►] VA – Love Message (United Maxi Mix) [Eurodance/1996]
/ Tanze Houze Pump Muzik
Love Message – Love Message [gypnorion remix] / gypnorion
[Reversed “b2s” emblem in minute: 2:11, 2:12 and 2:22, 2:23 / 3:28 minutes]
Dj klubbingman love message remix / lewis powell
SWAN ON RUNWAY! Delays 20+ aircraft at Heathrow Airport!
/ Dantorp Aviation
[From minute 2:41 “41” to 2:49 “49” / 3:57 minutes Air France craft takes off]
Swan Stopping Planes Taking off From London Heathrow ! FUNNY !
Staff in a flap after a SWAN lands on runway holding up
20 flights out of Heathrow / Rosewood Films
Zbigniew Charnas
Watch Your Underground Tube, Before You Travel!
15.12.2014 10:57
Motto I:
Scientific knowledge is mankind progressive dynamic creation
Not only due to its continuous fast empirical supplementation
But also because of its speculative analytical changeability
On the way for making of its epoch canon construction
[Hunt the rabbit to catch it, not only to be hunting]
Motto II:
If science does not research some discrete occurrence
It does not mean that such phenomenon does not exist in nature
Motto III, by Albert Einstein:
“Everyone commonly knows that some thing does not exist.
But then yet there comes such one person who does not know about it.
And just he or she this something – reputedly not existing, but in fact existing –
Motto IV:
If the general election with a quarter of fault votes cannot be repeated
Then this and every next election can be falsified
Then this and every other monstrous totalitarian crime is much rewarding
[For now “Infernal Poland” and every pandemonium by political fakers]
Evolving Situation of Some Indicative Planetary Volcanoes
Can Affirm Fast Accelerating Hot Expansion of the Earth
Recapping account written above, I think that one can look for, distinguish and point such volcanoes on the Earth what are often active and can be indicative for accelerated hot expansion of our planet in nowadays times. There can exist several groups on the more and more precise way for this. I think that as indicative volcanoes there may be treat any of the Decade Volcanoes. Essential indicative volcanoes probably erupt often and often in time and more and more massively in matter due to increasing internal pressure of the terrestrial globe.
Huge City Gas Explosion in “Rotunda” PKO in 1979 in Warsaw
Could Be There the First Manifestation of EXPAN Phenomena
As I described it a little in earlier supplements in the 15th day of February of the year 1979 huge gas explosion in the PKO division called “Rotunda” shake the society and the state in Poland. There were killed in this explosion 49 persons and 135 were injured (supplement titled “Earth Expansion Tore New Gas Tap – But ‘‘Apparently’’ Set Worker Stamped Killer”). Today I seriously believe that just already in the year 1979 this infrastructure municipal catastrophe was caused by expansionistic processes.
Critical gas tap was situated not immediately at the “Rotunda” PKO object but several hundreds of meters farther in direction to the River Vistula, exactly at the building known util recent time as Department Store “Smyk”, made for children shopping (earlier as Public Department Store “PDT”). By next several hundreds of meters from this tap place there begins light inclined ground platform following to steep riverbank. On this platform was build heavy blocks of National Museum in Warsaw and of Polish Army Museum. Beyond they there is also created steep bank along route slipway of Książęca Street. It is even exactly visible in some places (at the second bank museum) that from many years mentioned steep banks slowly settle down.
From underground at “Rotunda” PKO to bridges over Vistula River there follow four-track railway tunnel and two-track tramline. There is probably a lot of earth traffic vibrations. If gas pipeline runs alongside these iron roads it can be given in to slow expansionistic process of ground moving away on domino basis leaving “Rotunda” PKO in direction perpendicular or diagonal to the river.
Substantial Nuclear-Volcanic Expansion of the Earth
Can on Someday Spectacularly Destroy
Underground Railway in Warsaw with Water Eruption or Gas Explosion
We have in Warsaw the biggest our Railway Station “Warszawa Centralna” what was build here about 39 years ago. This architectonic object would be creating our citizen proud if it would be watertight one. From very beginning of its exploitation there are water leaks from its concrete street-level ceiling on its underground railway passenger platforms after every bigger rain in Warsaw. This water-leak phenomenon existed in old communistic times in broadened form and still exists today in some troubling slight volume in spite of recent repairs of the station building and its wide environment.
I believe that the reason of such state of this bit complex construction is some little late transfer of primeval expansionistic strengths created systematically in the ground before making of this building investment. Retarded exercise in invaded ground can appear on a domino effect basis and it can impact finally into just build construction. We had such accident during creation of the second metro line in Warsaw in the year 2012 when there was on spontaneously way torn water pipe and one of near house foundations was swamped. Residents of this house needed to be evacuated because the house dangerously stooped.
When one will tour to Warsaw Chopin Airport and will go down to underground railway station situated there then one will be able watch sometimes after big rain water puddle under its right steel-concrete track. This airport little railway station is new. It was build exactly for Euro 2012 football games.
We have also in our capital city First Warsaw Metro Line (M1) and Second Warsaw Metro Line (M2). The first one was build over 19 years ago. Its establishment day is the 7th day of April of the year 1995. On Tuesday the 18th day of November of the year 2014 during my city walk I saw such water puddles under steel-concrete tracks of Warsaw metro station named Pole Mokotowskie (Mokotovian Field). It was not some laughing stock because I also found there a few long transverse crevices in the concrete foundations of metro tracks and several such crevices on the metro tube in this much attendance place. Autumn of the year 2014 in Warsaw is dry but lately there was a little raining. Similar situation I observed also in the next metro station named Politechnika (Technical University). There were not water puddles under its steel-concrete tracks but only some black sludge mud in their place. But on the wall of metro tube I find vertical rusty smudge of former water stream under its transverse round wall crevice.
After two days I made my observational investigation also inside two next metro station of this the first metro line in Warsaw – placed in reverse direction from the Pole Mokotowskie Station – named Racławicka and Wierzbno. I discover that crevices in steel-concrete tracks are there in every metro station created often on line in the same manner. Next that crevices are also like earlier between quite every metro tube modules.
Probably the largest changes are in the Station Racławicka. Crevice runs there also – in form of little drift concrete intervals – on the passenger platform. The word “often” is here for the fact that there are much more crevices than metro tube modules. Every crevice in steel-concrete track has predominantly some from 0.5 to 1.0 millimetre. All of Warsaw’s metro stations are constructed to serve trains with six standard carriages in segment standard of central Europe. One train fills nearly whole length stretch of metro platform. Every carriage is long of about 20 meters. As now I estimate, total distance changed on the way of ground extension – visible in many crevices – is for mentioned metro station in Warsaw of about one centimetre for distance of one standard station platform (about 1 cm / 120 m of typical 6* train). It means that it is about ten times more than it is approximated by me as average for all the world (about 1 inch / km / century). Let us think in this moment about any old gas pipe situated alongside the metro tube!
It was planned that on Sunday the 14th day of December of the year 2014 there would be opened for the first time in Warsaw its the second metro line (M2). This date was cancelled due to fire what turned up inside Roundabout Daszyński ending station in the 2nd day of December. This metro line is placed in the tube running from one to another side of the city under current of its River Vistula placed along central municipal agglomeration axis. I am afraid that earlier or later river underground metro tube will get cracked and erupted by Vistula water. Also earlier or later in cracks of underground metro tubes in Warsaw there will turn up methane from tearing gas pipe – choking metro travellers or/and making huge underground gas explosion. Two crossing each other metro lines in Warsaw are build shallowly in sandy geological layers.
They Tell Some Experts Discovered
That Just New Build the Second Metro Line in Warsaw inside the Station
“Science Centre Copernicus”
Has Already Now Water Leaks from Flowing Near and Over River Vistula
During the election debate of candidates for president of Warsaw between previous city president and repeat candidate Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz (PO) and new city president candidate Jacek Sasin (PiS) this last informed society that experts discovered that just new build in Warsaw the Second Metro Line (M2) has already water leaks. Debate took its place on Saturday the 22nd day of November of the year 2014. Problem concerns placed at River Vistula new metro station named Science Centre Copernicus and was lately described by press media. Mister Sasin told after known to him specialists about construction errors but I think that it can be some first fast EXPAN effect.
From several months of the year 2014 we can often hear in information media of Warsaw next disturbing news that somewhere in the city there was torn water pipe from what there erupted tap water. Such waterworks breakdowns are true plague harassing lately our capital city. There still exists huge amount of old municipal water pipelines in Warsaw. They are older than old city gas pipelines. I feel that these water accidents are the prelude to gas eruptions, explosions and fires not only in Warsaw and Poland. It is now still fair play doing in some anticipation warning for all of us in the world.
It Is Not “Perpetuum Mobile” Machine but Presented Idea
Can Much Decrease Emission of Hothouse Gases
Generated in Our Road Transportation
I watched in Warsaw fine electric car for city driving from home to work and then I discover method for considerable decrease of greenhouse gases emission in transport sector. If only we will have in the future enough materials for production of electric accumulators we can construct gas-electric road vehicles as city move cars for family, for the start. Such automobile should have little fast rotating gas turbine for natural gas or synthesised methane from black-and-green energy and fuel production system. This little fast car turbine engine would be not in use for propulsion of its wheels but only for production of electricity for strictly electric propulsion (not hybrid one). Its accumulator should be charged also in family house garage and job building garage during its parking time.
One motored family would be supposed to have one or two such base little cars. Two cars can be used for bigger shopping. In case of long way holidays or such vacations every such family would be supposed in ecological way of life to rent big gas-electric car from widespread car-renting system (with its big luggage) or to travel by low emission train of modern country transportation system (with its small luggage).
In combustion of methane compound one half of energy amount comes from carbon and another half from hydrogen. In little gas turbine efficiency of high rotation combusting can probably range to 60 per cent. It is analogous problem to that how there is produced electric energy in power plants. Natural gas power plant turbines give doubled efficiency in comparison with conventional black coal power plant hearths. It means that mentioned 60 % instead of only 30 %, and instead of 45 % of coal hearth in modern version. In case of engine for gasoline it is also only about 33 % of thermal net efficiency. Electric engine gives on this field even 98 % of net efficiency. If calculated with mechanical wastes on the way to wheels then gasoline one gives only 16 % and electric one gives 65 % of gross efficiency. Rotational engine of Wankel gives from 40 % to maximally 75 % of net efficiency.
Fuel medium in variety of natural gas or synthesised methane has this ecological advantage that about half of energy produced in its combustion process comes from hydrogen existing in its chemical compound particles (CH4). In my higher supplement texts I wrote about problems with today slate natural gas technology and cavern natural gas deposits in conditions of fast expanding Earth. One can also find in my articles the description of my idea named Fuel Greenfusion as green-black synergy production of synthesised methane (CSM and LSM like CNG and LNG) from hydrogen and coal, produced on their primeval ways to final gasworks process with ecological (H) and conventional (C) methods.
By the way let me make a suggestion to name all fuels including chemical carbon – methane, ethane, propane, butane, petrol (gasoline), motor oil, petroleum, brown coal, black coal – with their new name “carbogen” (compare: water and hydrogen). In this chemical string methane is the lightest carbogenic fuel – the lightest carbogen.
Today little only electric car can be driven on distance of about 155 km on one its battery charge made during one parking session of about eight hours. Fast charging for about 50 % of accumulator capacity can be realised in time of only 0.5 hour in one of many shopping centre garages for example. The cost of one electric charge tour is about 2.2 USD. Such only electric car has four places for passengers in its cockpit and four car doors with cockpit area near of this with two passenger armchairs and two doors. Back seats in this car can be folded to extend its back boot placed over its electric accumulator. Normally its car boot exists in size of big far-travel suitcase. The payment for such car with classic only electric propulsion is now of about 45,000 USD (150,000 PLN in Poland). Gas-electric system car would have the same driving property achievements using much littler and lighter electric batteries in all-total effect. There is just covered its effective physical stratagem.
It Is Not “Holly Graal” Cup but Presented Conception
Can Research Ground and Save Our Houses and Technical Infrastructure
Stretched by Strong Strengths of Planetary EXPAN Phenomena
Humankind discovered and constructed such invention devices of genius as they are lasers and light guides. Mankind can also exploit them to save its civilisation and our planet. I have some idea to use light guides for indication of concrete foundations and walls about their stretching by expansionistic strengths. Light guides would be installed in cooling down concrete in their straight or wavy form. Installed also along gas pipelines in special rails joined with their surface.
Sometimes foundations and walls crack just after their building or after some long time due to EXPAN ground processes. In such case light guide will be interrupted in the place of even little crack. Presented conception assumes use of phenomenon – known for photonics engineers – of light leak from light guide. Such situation will be discovered by photonic sensor. Slow light guide stretching process can be also registered with photo-voltaic methods of modern photonics technology. Very high sensitive photonic devices for this sharp indication just already exist.
Its worth to say that when glass-jelly rectangular parallelepiped unit cube of light guide is geometrically stretched without its density change in theoretic exercise then there are more light ray folds and light ray dispersions than in the start. I mean that for instance there are eight times more such rectangular folds after its change into eight littler cuboids with volume being eighth part of primeval one’s volume (1/8) – placed along one straight line. Length of such sequence set of eight little cubes is four times longer than of one primeval big cube. Because of that in theoretical long doubling of the same light guide length there is created four times more of light beam folds with standard occasion to light beam dispersion.
Dangerous EXPAN processes on the level of municipal infrastructure can be measured by this way in reliable and responsible mission by modern science.
Standard Named “Separate and Govern” in Our Times
Feudalism and Democracy inside Many States of Nowadays World
We live in separated world. It takes its beginning already in education system of modern state. It is not convenient status for the society in some situations to exist in many parts but it is convenient for the power. The establishment and the elite get profits from this situation. But nature is not separated. It works in union as intact whole. Science should research nature in interdisciplinary co-operation. The power to retain its own control under the society is not interested in this right mission. Power prefers to separate than to join on every field. Power wants sometimes even dictate to nature how it musts behave to give to power it profits. Nature must serve for its elite gain.
We even much talk about nowadays problems in the world but we do little or even nothing to resolve them. It is perversion of civilisation. I am more and more often under impression that in democratic states of the Wast in the sphere under the corporation level satisfactory democracy exists in the world of people of small and middle enterprises, paying taxes for the state. In the higher sphere of corporations there exist just only nowadays mafial feudalism (mafionism) what can be called due to high corruption as nearly strong criminal state-mafia organisation on the level of state authorities. It works especially in our times of globalisation and cripples true democracy.
In countries drifting on their big start on the way to developed democracies theses bad trends work stronger than we predominantly expect and totalitarian quasi-democratic feudal system ranges farther down into society. This new-old system employs willingly secret service forces to various assignments and often is generated from new-old secret service head staff, standing de facto over the state and far relaxing its real sovereign power. Wrong tendency is observable as many cumulative displays of permanent one-sided undemocratic domination of some up-sided group of economically and legally better in experience over-men against some economically and legally worse down-sided group of under-men. Over-men are united in their action with loyalty what is known from totalitarian regimes or known as constructed on mafial standards.
In time of globalisation one can observe specific phenomenon of international establishment commonwealth in business. International elite co-operates against wide society and true democracy, exploiting plane people and bringing about permanent economic crisis. It successfully worked till suddenly there broke out the war in Ukraine. In conditions like that what functioned in the beginning of the XX century there would be already grand war between nations with millions of victims. I feel that it is yet before us after some not many years. Now it is mostly still only economic exploitation. To bar from worst political things we need to be pragmatically and principally realistic, experienced by giant history (particularly of XX century), vigilant as young pioneers and next especially scientifically inquiring.
After grand bolshevik revolution in Russia and such nazi revolution in Germany economic exploitation was reduced and poverty alleviated in the world but after collapse of wide totalitarian system generated from the USSR now it increases more and more. Elite did not resign from their far economic and political domination but they increase control and invigilation smothering, penetrating and overpowering society, carrying these on higher technical and organisational level. On the end of this wrong way there stands mafial fascism (leftist, rightist or centrist), existing as universal political system in nowadays decaying world. From that eventual social mutiny can be not littler finally than earlier, and it relatively should be.
In many actions of international establishment one can observe its big particular solidarity in its own less or more narrow circle and no existence of solidarity with lover placed society and no existence of natural environment care. In this time the society has less solidarity for itself inside. It is little civilised culture of modern mankind. In the meantime if mankind will be wide and fair co-operating then there will be created hard times. And if humankind will be not doing this then there will be quickly created apocalyptic times of existence even just of the Alive Planet Earth.
Metro w Warszawie / Wikipedia
[Carriage = 19210 mm, train = 118 m, platform = 120 m]
Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz vs Jacek Sasin – Debata Prezydencka – Całość
/ Rumcajs
[Presidential debate, 22-11-2014: Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz vs. Jacek Sasin]
[“0:41” = 54:08 – “0:09” = 54:39 / 57:43 min., “przecieka” = “it leaks” – “31”]
[“Mam zupełnie inne informacje” = “I have quite other information” – “1:41”]
Wybory 2014. Debata Gronkiewicz-Waltz kontra Sasin:
spokojna, podobne wizje miasta
[22.11.2014 19:46, “Metro przecieka? Gronkiewicz-Waltz uspokaja”]
{“Does the metro leak? Gronkiewicz-Waltz calms down” – “46”]
Debata wyborcza Hanny Gronkiewicz-Waltz i Jacka Sasina.
Zaczęła się od... zaproszenia
[Under subtitle: “Na koniec debaty – atak”] {“At the end of debate – attack”}
Renault FT / Wikipedia
[As supplement to earlier published information]
[Designed: 1916; service: 1917 – 1949 = “16”, “17”, “49”; nor was there: “18”]
The Tank Museum / Wikipedia
Historic tank of type Renault FT-17
Renault FT-17 pojedzie w listopadowej defiladzie o własnych siłach
[Numbers: “1716” /17-16/ and “67609” /67-609, 6-760-9/]
Przed Pałacem Prezydenckim stanie... czołg
Przed Pałacem Prezydenckim stanie... czołg
[This tank was restored in Polish factory Bumar-Łabędy /Łabędzie = Swans/]
[Watch video placed inside the text]
Char Canon FT 17 czołg lekki, Kod: 72200
Char Canon FT 17 RPM 72200 1/72
Odrestaurowany czołg Renault FT-17 w Warszawie (11.11.2013) [cz 1/3 HD]
/ KP8600
[One of the 49 exemplars of historic tank Renault FT-17 in the world]
Prezentacja zabytkowego czołgu Renault FT 17 / Prezydent.pl
[The tank Renault FT-17, the Polish President, and little children]
Epic London Underground Ping Pong Battle / Thomas Ryan
[On electronic clock: 23:47 – 0:33, 23:48 – 0:44 / 1:02, between: 23:46 – 23:49]
[Did we passed some limit in this moment of time?]
Biały Miś – Bialy Mis – Granica – DISCO POLO Polska Muzyka Piosenka
Polish Music / battle77777
[Limit between two songs “Biały Miś” & “Granica”: 2:47 | 2:48 / 5:45 minutes]
[Word “granica” in Polish language means “border” of “limit”]
Top One – Biały Miś / Radosław Cecztery
TOP ONE – Biały Miś / Pureek
DubVision – Turn It Around (Official Music Video) [OUT NOW]
/ Spinnin’ Records
[0:06 and 2:22 / 3:24 min. – on bridge, 1:03 min. – “B 1217 BFZ”, 3:02 – “87”]
[In moment of 0:55 / 3:24 minutes – monument of some pair]
Zbigniew Charnas
Alleged Mechanism of Atmospheric Cold & Heat of SANIS in America, Europe & Asia
15.12.2014 11:00
Motto I:
I know that I start to recognise and to understand
[Previously: I know that I do not know anything]
Motto IIA:
White winter should be here from many days,
But there is only heard some windy race
Motto IIB:
Już dawno powinna być zima,
A tu zimy ni ma i ni ma
There are on the terrestrial globe on its Northern Hemisphere two huge seasonal low air pressure centres and two huge seasonal high air pressure centres created on it in winter. They are statistically observed as composite from natural passing air lows and highs created by soaring up or falling down masses of air. They are as follows: Icelandic Low (exactly rather South-Greenland Low), Aleutian Low (North-Pacific Low), West-Canadian High, and Siberian High (known also as West-Asian High, where rather should be Centre-Asian High). All-year Azorian and Hawaiian Highs are in winter strongly reduced in their depth, power and extensiveness. Both this highs are placed on “volcanic” oceans. One can watch all they in geographical atlas on maps of isobars and winds of January and July.
When in the atmosphere there are more some especial unknown exactly yet physical factors then air falling down inside passing highs goes faster into lows to soar there up. In reverse situation air goes slower. From year to year limits and forms of seasonal pressure centres fluctuate. There are created differences in speed and in mass of air running through particular passing and statistical baric centres. Such opposing changes create oscillations known commonly among scientists as Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North-Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or Arctic Oscillation (AO).
Now – increasingly after the year 2005 – into the atmosphere there is emitted – as I assume – extra substantial amount of methane and other volcanic gases from many undersea tectonic rifts in process of their expansionistic opening. These gases are special factors added into presented atmospheric system. They come generally from oceans and they power the air in relatively constant places. Such volcanic and at the same time hothouse gases are for the atmosphere in oceanic lows, like Icelandic Low and North-Pacific Low, as extra fuel to combustion in their physical water jet engine (latent heat of water vapour). Because of that this lows are warmer than earlier and pump more warmed air than earlier on lands in their spiral strokes and into the stratosphere. So, eastern sides of seasonal lows are warmer than earlier and their western sides are cooler. Europe is warmer and Northern America is cooler. Hawaii is warmer and Japan and China are cooler.
When warmed air comes into stratosphere it cools down and falls down in highs. Now it travels faster than earlier but in the stratosphere there is atmosphere cooler than earlier it was before creation of Super La Niña Standard (SANIS). They quickly cool. So when air comes on the surface of the globe in highs it is still extremely cold. Big frosts persist in regions of presence of West-Canadian and Siberian Highs, impacting still strongly into civilisation infrastructure of the Northern American and Central Asian countries. Canada, United States and Russian Federation for example have even bigger their typical frosty troubles.
It is very characteristic for presented here theory that in autumn of the year 2014 there appear extremely so many serious floods in Europe – on the eastern side of the north part of the Atlantic Ocean. They were present in its Atlantic countries, Alpine ones, Balkan ones and in Carpathian countries.
They were chronologically in time as follow. Last days of June (still in summer) – Bosnia and Bulgaria. First days of July – flash floods in United Kingdom and flood in Milan in Italy. Last days of July – Switzerland, Germany, Bulgaria and Romania, (Istanbul, west Georgia). First days of August – floods in Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania and flash floods in south-west part of Norway. Middle days of August – Switzerland. Last days of August – Sweden and Belgium. First days of September (about 7th day start of climatological autumn) – Italy and Bulgaria. First days of October – flood in Genoa region in Italy. Middle days of October – as earlier Italy, region of Galicia in Spain and north part of Jutland in Denmark. Last days of October – deadly flash flood in Tenerife, floods after impact of hurricane Gonzalo into United Kingdom and into Germany. End days of October – Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, western part of Norway. First days and next middle ones of November – east-southern part of France, northern part of Italy, Switzerland and Albania. Last days of November and first days of December – still flood in France.
Flood in Norway in end days of October of the year 2014 was even the biggest one in the last 200 years. In last days of November there was even serious flood in Morocco in Northern Africa. Previous such flood was there in the year 2013. In first days of December there turned up also unexpected profuse flood-making rainfalls (in mountains also snowfalls) after bumper droughts and dry-wind fires in California in Northern America (connected with wet seasonal Aleutian Low).
In the same time in Poland we had continuously dry weather in summer and in autumn. The Vistula River in Warsaw had in summer and even more in autumn of the year 2014 and still has its low level of water. Poland is now covered for rainfalls in some rainfall shadow. On the way from ocean into Poland there are several mountain ranges. There are as follows: the Pyrenees, Central Massive, Alps, Ardens, Apennines, Balkans and the Carpathians. When big rain is falling somewhere in mountains then air – existing with it in the atmosphere – gets dry like far pressed bathroom sponge and after such rainfall event or after many such events it has its water no more if mentioned rainfall events were successfully often earlier realised. There exists reasonable probability for central Poland to be extremely dry and for Scotland (for example) to be extremely wet – now more and more in these both causes.
Very essential element in whole this situation of SANIS is the fact that most of our hothouse gas emission into the atmosphere comes from continents. It also concerns typical natural methane and other volcanic gas emission. But now after the critical year 2005 methane and volcanic gas emission is extraordinary and in its substantial part it comes into physical system of the atmosphere from oceans. Oceanic thermal, humidity and energetic effects are with this unusual method increasingly reinforced.
Let me say the same once more time. Extra charged by new gas expansionistic phenomena turbo-cyclones (simply: extracyclones or turbocyclones) pump – in late autumn and in early or all winter – warm very wet air from Atlantic Ocean to France and cool frosty neutral or wet air from this ocean to Pennsylvania. Such monster passing extra-turbo-cyclones pump also cold extremely frosty dry air from stratosphere with indirection of connected with them passing normal highs to central part of Siberia in Russia and cold extremely frosty dry air from stratosphere analogously to Saskatchewan in Canada and to Minnesota in the United States.
In previous week information media signalled that to Europe there came running with strong winds on Northern Atlantic atmospheric cyclone as windstorm or weak hurricane named “Alexandra” (similar one in analogous period of the previous year was named “Xavier”). Alexandra Cyclone was to be filled in Poland on Friday the 12th day of December of the year 2014. This cyclone created its depth unusually and unexpectedly fast and often changed all its parameters. Alexandra Cyclone was like stealthily nourished with its some special fuel, like flame of lighter with some several impulses. As I believe they were volcanic hothouse gases.
It is characteristic that in case of Alexandra Weak Hurricane there were used words: “Explosive [!] cyclogenesis over North Atlantic brought severe winds, flooding and thunderstorms to the north-western parts of the UK. More than 30,000 households were left without power.”. Just like in the first such case [?] of Super Typhoon Hagupit (the Philippines, December 1 – 14, 2014) there were used words: “Hagupit [...] started as a tropical storm on December 1 and then became a typhoon the next day. It explosively intensified [!] into a Category 5 super typhoon on December 4.” Alexandra was the windstorm with maximal quickness of its wind of about 150 km/h and Hagupit was the typhoon with its maximal wind velocity peaks of 215 km/h and 285 km/h (details in description).
Alexandra Windstorm was the problem for professional weather anticipation in Poland (please, read my short relation in cabalistic text part below). I thing that it is very possible now that heaving extra volcanic-gas oceans weather forecast effectiveness in checking account will decrease. Due to fast increase of weather dramatics weather prediction in running actualisation will be more interesting.
Quite soft optimal climate on the earth is ending by human industrial activity and what more the planet opens by it its hot and gaseous reacting interior. It is new challenge and huge chance for saying all the truth to modern global world and for creating new green-black technologies producing energy and fuels. It is new chance for harmony and peace or for genocide wars destroying this planet.
Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus in Its Fascinating Continuation
It was on Tuesday (~ Tubesday) the 18th day of November of the year 2014. When for the first time in mentioned day I investigate Pole Mokotowskie Metro Station in Warsaw at the end time of my work there at the hour 19:36 there came for me metro train with carriage for my steps having its number “1046”. As it is already known number “46” is my ideogram symbol for “Expanding Earth” and “Stretched ground”.
Higher I wrote that in the 2nd day of December of the year 2014 in the Second Warsaw Metro Line inside Daszyński Roundabout Station there turned up fire and the day of its great inauguration due to this event was cancelled. It this case it can be some mystic symbolic coincidence because exactly two years ago in the 2nd day of December of the year 2012 there took its place critical catastrophe in the Sasago tunnel in Japan – the base real event for my pioneer geophysical analytic near-scientific research. Name Daszyński means in Polish language “Man of Roofs”. Roof constitutes protective cover for human. “To have a roof over head” means in Poland “To have ones own house or some other shelter“.
In the 12th day of November of the year 2014 being on my city walk I found big one meter tall plushy mascot of black-white panda. I found it at some flat block in Wierzbno sub-district of Mokotów district in Warsaw. It was about 1.5 km of distance in straight line from the bureau of World Wildlife Found (WWF) organisation having such panda in its logotype.
Exactly it was between two buildings with addresses Odyńca Street № 71A and Bachmacka Street № 5. Also it was at bus stop named Wołoska 05. In my language these street names can be associated with names of three creatures as follows: boar, horse and ox. Some late evening just before night lately summer some boar attacked me in peripheral area of Warsaw. But still I do not know how from boar, horse and ox there was panda [ ;-) ].
I have some idea why it was panda. This was region of Warsaw where there is nearly situated the Racławicka Metro Station. Now this panda is my “Expanda” as named by me (“Ex.panda” or “Expand.a”). I have here next associations of world “panda” with other words, for example: “Pandora” similar to “Hedorah” (compare: Japanese catastrophic motion picture titled “Godzilla & Hedorah”), “Pandaloosia” with “Expandaloosia” created like regional name of Andalusia and “Pandoraloosia” and “Expandoraloosia’ created like name of Andorra and Andalusia. There exist two “terrible” and “dangerous” words more in association with my meter-tall plush panda: pandemic and pandemonium.
It was possible when I had my old friendly person among city authorities of Warsaw. Then – in the year 1997 – in special meeting of head crisis staff created in time of giant flood in Polish territory I presented my fresh revelations on climate change. This survey meeting was commanded by fireman general and was organised personal for me. It took its place just in huge firemen command building at Independence Avenue № 100 localised over mentioned the most stretched Metro Station Racławicka (maybe here in word play: ~ “Racja Wicka” = “Wickman’s Reason”). Today in this building there is placed Major Command of Borderline Guard (maybe it should be of Limit Guard). It was the second one and next already last such great occasion to transfer important information of this type directly to authorities or journalists till today in my life in Poland.
On Wednesday the 26th day of November of the year 2014 local traffic media in Warsaw informed that at crossroad of Odyńca Street and Wołoska Street (look higher) there was just blocked traffic move due to street infrastructure works, mainly to waterworks pipeline ones. Extremely near at this crossroad there is situated Pływacka Street, what name means in Polish language Swimmer Street. It is good cabalistic symbol – as I think – because the terrain placed around this crossroad forms orographic syncline with its centre just under the crossroads.
In the 5th day December of the 2014 year mentioned traffic television media said there turned up next waterworks pipeline breakdown of such no less than several similar ones created in that week. Two days later this media told that there were exactly 19 such waterworks events just simultaneously in Warsaw. As one could hear this time among others it was biggish water breakdown in region of address Jerusalem Avenues № 117. We can compare and combine this street number with number “117” existing in my earlier suggestion described in supplement titled: “Charnas as the Name for 117th Element of the Chemical System Table”.
It is remarkable for me that in this Wierzbno region of Warsaw – where I found metre plush panda – there are localised many routes of tram and city bus lines with its numbers symptomatic in my cabalistic system. They are tramline numbers as follows: 16, 17, 33, 44 and 18. And bus line numbers as follows: 222, 210, 107, 117, 172, 174, 118, 182, 218, 168, 301, 401, 141, 165, 136 and 138. The best is there this physical reality and metaphysical signs what should be published also as sub-supplement to just mentioned above supplement about the 117th element. Namely that some of these tram and bus lines follows traditionally from many years to special historic places of my cabalistics.
Trams with number “16” and “17” are to travel to the place where my darling and me met by chance on blanket in bikini at lake in park of Pole Mokotowskie in summer of the year 1986. Bus with number “222” is to travel to polytechnical Polygraphy Institute where we studied from the year 1984 and earlier to travel to Ujazdowski Park where in about the year 1965 as little 2.5-years old boy I fed white swans. At that last place there drives also bus with number “116”. This bus line and bus line with number “117” meet under artificial tropical palm on Charles de Gaulle Roundabout. Such exhibited tall palm in northern city is for me symbol of hothouse future vision (known also for me from some colour picture from the year 1994, titled “Paris 2044” – opening my first climatological near-scientific elaborate work, done in my flat in the year 1997). Through this roundabout there drives also city bus with its line number “222” and other city bus with its line number “180” (18-0, ~ like 17-2).
This bus line “117” follows from Wierzbno to region of Technical University of Warsaw where my darling and me studied and to my former chemical secondary school. Next mentioned bus line with number “116” follows at Monument of Nicolas Copernicus in Warsaw and also at Polygraphy Institute. In the end it follows to the place where I have now my flat. Taking bus with number “172” (17-2) one can travel to region of sculpture named “Flying Swans” (named by me precisely: “Swan Pair Monument”). Taking from Wierzbno city bus with number “136” (“36/37(38)” = “Gear of Fortune”) one can travel to the place where I often stay and to the Warsaw Security Centre of municipal services situated in Młynów at written by me earlier region of Gostecka Street № 41 (“Expanding Earth”).
Lately I came across in Internet shocking information, what was for me like medial breaking news, that madam Anna Dębska the artist author of presented here by me sculpture titled “Flying Swans” get dead in the 16th day of May of the year 2014. Primeval work “Flying Swans” made in concrete came from the year 1971 and its secondary bronze copy version from the year 2013. The sculpture was revealed to functioning (inaugurated) in the 2nd day of July of that year (02-07-2013). Let me remind that this “Swan Pair Monument” stands in Warsaw at Grójecka Street № 107 and № 109 – on the other side of the street watching from building with address Grójecka Street № 122.
It is made by chance that Provençal word from what one there comes the name of little French town named Charnas (placed in the east-southern France at River Rhone relatively near Lyon) – just like it is my family name – means in English “oak” (tree, information from French version of Wikipedia). In official French language it is “chêne” and in Polish it is “dąb”. So, name “Dębska” means in English: “Of Oak”. Mentioned information about death of the sculptor was published in the 17th day of May. These days were the 136th and 137th days of the year 2014, what has some coincidence with my concept of “Gear of Fortune” – symbolised by numeral pair set “36/37(38)” (shortly “GF”, imaginary origins comes from cult here motion picture “The Mothman Prophecies”, USA 2002).
If it is still about sculptor Anna Dębska one can tell that the day for her name holiday in Poland comes off in the 26th July (26-07) of every year. It is just the 207th day (“Swan” and seven of “17”) of the year 2014. She was born in the 4th day of August of the year 1929. I have in connection with this fact my connotation with registration number of the red city bus of London from the movie “The Core” (of the Earth) – “429” – torn finally for “4” and “29”. Anna Dębska has her granddaughter also artist today, which was born in the year 1976 (“Name Pair 7 & 6”). She studied in Sculpture Faculty of School of Fine Arts in the years 1949 – 1953 (compare: numbers “49” and “135”).
As it was earlier practised and recommended by me every of my readers can watch interesting cabalistic effect using Google search-engine Map function with its Street View function. In case of the “Swan Pair Monument” one can do it by writing in the search-engine Box the notice: “Grójecka 109 Warszawa”. If we will do it then in the street view we will watch there yellow-red two-carriage tram with its port flank numbers “1432 – 1431”. Number “1432” is there in the photo moment for symbol “32”, meaning as I think more: “Now There Are Still the Intruder (That the Third) with the Swan in Their Wrong Pair”. As I believe, one day something can change this still unfair space-time state.
If one will want to find there the third swan it can exist as I saw it in the building of my former Primary School № 39 at Grójecka Street № 93. Nowadays there is localised inside quite the whole building the secondary school (earlier in right half part). Still several years ago in special workshop classroom for biology in top of the building one could watch one exemplar of dead and next prepared natural beautiful white swan of such swans existing in Poland (the biggest Polish population probably in region of the coast of Baltic Sea). Mentioned building is one of the most cracked ones in expansionistic settlement process in Warsaw.
There exists special sequence of cult places of my personal and cabalistic story situated alongside Grójecka Street in city of Warsaw. These real and symbolic adventures and places I earlier described here. I mean places in neighbourhood of addresses Grójecka Street № 38 (“Swan Church”), № 46/48 (Student House “Babilon” /Babylon/), Grójecka Street № 93 (my former Primary School № 39) and № 109 & 122 (“Swan Pair Monument” sculpture).
Name of this street comes from name of Polish town of Grójec. This is localised about 45 km from Warsaw in Mazovian region. Alternative acronym for SANIS (Super La Niña Standard) can be such one in form of APPLES (identical writing has the word for bible fruits “apples”) what covers words Atmospheric Pressure Passing Lows Expansionistic Strengthen or in other version in form of APPLER meaning name Atmospheric Pressure Passing Lows Expansionistic Reinforce. Strictly treated region of Grójec is the region of famous in Poland agriculture orchard apple production. In emblem and flag of Grójec District there is placed down green apple tree with eleven red apples.
In emblem just of town of Grójec there is placed down knight with sword picked up in his hand running out inside big main gate of mediaeval town having three high towers. From this town in direction to Warsaw until town of Piaseczno (Sandy Town) here follows automobile route number “722”. From this last town until Warsaw there follows route number “723” (compare: number “222”, “122” and “322”). Driving car on these routes from Grójec to Warsaw one travels on distance of 49 kilometres (data from maps of route atlas of Poland, compare it with number “49” of Christ statue’s request about the Earth).
Municipal rights for the town of Grójec there were given in its beginnings in the year 1419. This number of year has cipher elements with what one can make numbers “14”, “19”, “41”, finally “49” and also “411” or even “911” (9-11 in 2001 of WTC in New York?). As we already know numbers with “4” and “1” symbolise “Expansion of the Earth” (with phenomenon of “Lifting of Houses Cracking on Sphere”) and with “4” and “9” symbolise request of Christ from Belo Horizonte to set the Earth back. Number “19” is “Roof on tower and sea wave” what symbolise “Warning of Lighthouse” (now in 19th day of August of every year there is often celebrated International Day of Lighthouses).
Travelling by city bus number “136” from Wołoska Street to Grójecka Street one can go out from vehicle in bus stop existing at Geological Faculty of University of Warsaw and watch there in front of its building big memorial stone. On this old glacial stone there is brass with note for memory of beginning of this faculty in the year 1952. Metal memorial tablet was mounted in this place in the 50th anniversary of mentioned establishment in the year 2002. Next to appropriate text there are written these dates “1952 – 2002”. As it is here visible some important twos – what means that “Swans” – are also present there at geologist’s domains. They are exactly “Three Swans”.
With numbers “722” and “723” (7-22 & 7-23) of routes following from Warsaw to Grójec and with unguessed and unfathomed to the end motive of “Three Swans” – symbolised by the bronze sculpture at Grójecka Street № 122 – there is connected my late municipal discovery in Stokłosy sub-district in Warsaw. At Dembowskiego Street № 9 there is situated Primary School № 322 (“3-22” instead of “222”, the first “Swan” is “This the Third One”). This school exists under the name of Jan Brzechwa, who was famous in Poland writer for children. The school stands back to back with Kindergarten № 401 (another form of number “41”, with street “9” on tablet). In fronton of the school on long billboard is placed school information note and picture of terrestrial globe in model with bump (the problem) on it like on childish head.
This double educational outpost started its beneficial activity in the year 1986 and in the 17th day of November of the year 2011 its staff with children celebrate the 25th anniversary of this fact. In the year 2014 it is the 28th year after that establishment year. One can watch fragments of the school event in Internet. In this relation there are visible more little girls and less little boys (compare it with described by me lower in this text Effect of Pink Girls).
As I just higher wrote mentioned school and kindergarten are together localised at Dembowskiego Street in Warsaw. Name “Dembowski” comes also from Polish word “dąb” (name “Charnas”). It should be used in other version “Dębowskiego”. Mister Dembowski was born in the year 1822 and get dead in the year 1846. He was activist of the Polish independence left. He made his debut in the year 1841 (compare: my cabalistic symbolic numbers “222” = “322” = “3-22” = “18-22” and numbers “46”, “41”, “401”).
When in early night of the 25th day of November of the year 2014 in Silesian city of Bytom in district of Miechowice there exploded gas in residence block one was able to notice on TV relations from there in the 26th day of November the fire brigade vehicle with its base number “411[S]21” and another one with number “411[S]22” (“411” and “21” or “22”). The name of city of Bytom I can translate as “Existence Yard” and the name of Miechowice as „Bellows Area”, what can mean much wind in this especial place, maybe of dry atmospheric air.
Gas explosion in Bytom took its place at Energetyki Street № 4B. The name “Energetyki Street” means “Street of Energetics”. Number “4B” one can transfer in cabalistic manner as “For Born”, “Earth II” or “Earth different in its new properties” (by Energy Industry). It is interesting here that in the second such case what occurred lately in Silesia region (previously in Katowice) before explosion in distance of about one hour or half of hour in time and two or less kilometres in space there was observed mild earthquake in nearest coal mine. Though gas explosion was created directly by people wanting to make suicide.
As next to mentioned primary school is localised at Dembowskiego Street № 1 object of Board Education Grammar School № LXX (Roman numeral writing: 50 + 10 + 10 = 70) under name of Aleksander Kamiński. The name Kamiński or Kamieński comes in Polish language from word “kamień” – meaning in English “stone” (compare earlier and next in this text about: town of Gran Sasso in Italy and little town of Hartenstein in Germany). Some Macedonian Aleksander in the antiquity was Aleksander the Great, so this some stone can be grand very much like for instance the Earth – some big stone in size XXL (XXXXXXL).
In the 25th day of November there was the Day of Plush Little Bear (childish) and in the 26th day of November there is the day of name Conrad in Poland. There is such lot that from winter of the year 1994 officially I reside in my flat at Conrad Street in Warsaw. Under the lithosphere of the Earth there is the first discontinuity of the mantle named Conrad Discontinuity.
It is made by chance that after main door to the building where I live there is on the first flat door on the first floor number “49” – symbolic in my cabalistics for the symbolic request of Christ from Belo Horizonte: “Set the Earth down, please”. Opposite number “46” exists in this block on its very top. On my floor there exist only three apartments with numbers “36”, “37” and “38”. The flat “36” is separated from heaving their contact flats “37” and “38” by block corridor and stairs. It is just like in my mentioned “Gear of Fortune” (36/37 and 38 as the plural). Extremely important here number “37” is of mine (please, watch someday the movie about Mothman).
In front of the building presented here there stands just now renovated in autumn of the year 2014 nearly two-metre white statue of Jesus Christ on terrain of near catholic church parish. Christ with his left hand points his heart and with his right hand heavens in top. This time is not exactly similar to the widely famous huge white statues of Christ in Brazil but this statue conjoined with number “49” can be used as next cabalistic one. It should be rather understandable.
President election in Warsaw wined Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz. Sounding result in election night was for PO party about 58.5 % and for PiS party about 41.5 %. Election frequency in Warsaw was then 41.6 % and in the morning next day was 44.2 %. Ultimate counted result for Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz was 58.64 % and for Jacek Sasin 41.36 %. Please, compare it with my cabalistic numbers “46”, “41”, “58” and “36”. Number “58” is for “climatic” date of the 5th day of August of every year when is celebrated probably in Italy and sometimes in Poland especial Day of Mother of God the Snowy. In some such day in the past in mountain region of Rome it was snowing during Mediterranean summer. Number “36” is here as warning death number of my “Gear of Fortune”.
Madam Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz took her important presidential oath in front of Council of Warsaw in the 4th day of December of the year 2014. This day is high traditional day in Poland called Barbórka – in the name day of Barbara – as official Day of Miner (coal, petrol, natural gas, metals and salts). Among others miners from region of Silesia in Poland build both metro lines in Warsaw.
Madam President of Warsaw family name and family name of Jacek Sasin has its cabalistic meaning for the near future of Warsaw and of the World. Set of “Gronkiewicz-Waltz” with Polish words can mean “Cluster Waltz” and “Sasin” can mean “Of Saxons” (German Saxons). In Polish language “Sasago” in its especial version “Sasa – Go” cam mean “Of Saxon – His”. One can feel here – as I think – some relationship between city of Warsaw and phenomena in type of Japanese Sasago Syndrome (Sasago Phenomena). From recent time in Poland we have also governing on her high office madam Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz. Her surname means in Polish just exactly “Digger” (digging worker).
“Rusty Mountains” (Erzgebirge) in German Saxony is till today in my all life the only place where I was longer than for one day out of Polish borders. I was there in little mountain town of Hartenstein. This name means “Hardened Stone” – stone warmed and next cooled. The highest tops of these mountains have 1214 meters of altitude (“Globe”, “Vectors” and “Swan”) – in case of Fichtelberg in Federal Republic of Germany – and even 1244 meters of altitude – in case of Klinovec in Czech Republic. This top numeral set one can compare even though with above presented here numbers: “322 – 401” (primary school and kindergarten) and “411-22” (firemen vehicle at residence block in Bytom after gas explosion).
Lately there appeared in mass media information that on the Pacific Ocean there created late typhoon named “Hagupit” – known also as named “Ruby” – what came and impacted on coast of the Philippines. This land impact the typhoon realised starting from Saturday the 6th day of December of current year and continuing it with wind maximal power in the next day. Wind velocity in its whirl ranges up to 175 km/h on the land and to 285 km/h earlier on the wide ocean. On the land it was on an average about 140 kilometres per hour. Then it was middle typhoon – one of third category. With its extreme devastating speed Hagupit Typhoon hit on the islands just on Sunday in the 7th day of December. It was the 22nd named storm and the 11th typhoon of the annual typhoon season.
About one million of people was evacuated from the region of typhoon attack before it appeared. As the UN said it was one of the biggest such operations in time of peace in history. It is plain that having in memory the strongest in history super typhoon named “Haiyan”, hitting in autumn of the year 2013 with maximal wind speed measured as 320 km/h and as 380 km/h estimated around the typhoon eye. Haiyan Super Typhoon attacked the land at early morning about five o’clock on Friday the 8th day of November of the year 2013. It was the 312th (3-21) day of that year and to the end of the year there were still 53 days (find “53” with its contexts).
In spite of the Hagupit Typhoon air strike 21 persons lost their life as it was told in the third day of typhoon passing. In the fourth day (09-12-2014) journalists said of 27 death victims, in this amount of 12 ones in the East Samar Province, where Hagupit Typhoon hit first. There existed real danger that destructive natural element would hit into Manila – the capital city of the Philippines.
Philippines are placed between 117° E and 127° E and between 5° N and 21° N of geographic coordinates. As it is visible there is present known already for us number “117” (“Charnas as the Name for 117th Element of...”, breakdown in Jerusalem Avenues № 117, bus line in Warsaw), number “127” similar to “217” (2-17), and number “21” of the typhoon mortal victims found in Monday. Also number “170” of typhoon wind speed has internally number “17” (data taken from Polish information media, where were published in 08-12-2014). If to search farther one can find that the Philippines are wide for 10° and long 16° (name “16” of “Swan”) of geographical network. Sum of its 5° and 21° gives 26° (“Swan” with its name “6” = “16”), and sum of its 117° and 127° gives 244° in number. There is also number “27” of found dead people. Number “21” or “12” is here for me as “Knight Running with Sword” (“2” = “Swan” = “Person”, compare: emblem of Grójec). Why there is placed such wondering writing?
When for the first time I was watching interesting name for typhoon in form “Hagupit” then I red it as set “Hag-U-Pit”. I think that one can understand it as the phrase: “Mad Union (The Establishment Corrupted Mafia Band) to the Hague Prison for Modern Criminals Against Mankind!”. In other meaning it is more: “Before Us Is Furious U-turning of World Mining”. And finally it can mean: “The Raging Earth Do U-turn Down!”. The second name “Ruby” of this typhoon can be associated on cabalistic way with idea of “Glowing Diamond” created inside and taken from the interior of the Earth, what one can conjoin with strong red symbolic colour in flag of the Philippines (described by me just a little below).
On Sunday the 7th day of December of the year 1941 army forces of imperial Japan attacked from air and water army forces of the United States stationing in Pearl Harbor on Hawaii. This day was the 341st day of the year 1941 and of the year 2014. Geographical coordinates of this place are 21° 22’ N and 157° 57’ W (compare: “222”, “21”, “22” and “57”). On the war flag of imperial Japan in those times there was placed red sun with its red rays. Unexpected military attack was carried out at sunrise.
Exactly main direct tactic order for this surprising attack was told at the hour 7:48 – and in other sources at the hour 7:49 – of Honolulu time. It means call “To! To! To!”. Famous “Tora! Tora! Tora!” was told at 7:53 (compare: “1-3-5” parameters of the expanding Earth). It was just 73 years ago. We can associate this here with Copernican date “1473” (find in one of my earlier texts the nazi camp number of my uncle). This time ciphers “4” and “1” stay in the date of current 2014 year in their reverse order as “14”, not “41”, but mean the same (compare: meaning of number “41” alias “14”). And there was also created attack from the Pacific. This time it was realised not by human army but by forces of nature.
Why this time nature attacked islands of the Philippines? For me shocking answer is following. Japan has got already realised events in Hiroshima and Fukushima. Philippines has its especial flag and its names of the state and the capital city. Central raying sun and three stars in corners of triangle on national flag of Philippines can symbolise for me three type of nuclear reactions working inside the Earth – decay, fission and fusion (described in texts of mine). Higher blue colour of this flag symbolises temperate or cool conditions staying outside on the surface of the terrestrial globe and lower red colour of it – hot conditions covered inside of the planet.
Name “Phillip” comes from horses and I think that in this context word “Philippines” can come from mechanical horses of internal planetary work. Name “Manila” of the capital city on the islands has its presence in English in form “manila” meaning “paper for wrapping”. In other way it means “wrapper” just like lithosphere is rock wrapper for the rest of the Earth. This wrapper loses now its relatively very feeble geophysical linx. It slowly and discretely dangerously cracks and opens its rifts in expansionistic processes.
As I wrote higher that in previous week information media signalled that to Europe there came running on Northern Atlantic atmospheric cyclone as weak hurricane named like female “Alexandra”. Strong wind of this storm cyclone was to hit on Great Britain and the neighbourhood ocean islands on Thursday the 11th day of December of the year 2014. Alexandra Cyclone was to be filled in Poland on Friday the next day. In the 12th day of December of every year in Poland there is celebrated just name day of Alexander and Alexandra.
This day is the 346 day of the year 2014 (“46” = “Earth’s Expansion”). In one of my calendars is written that sunrise at this day take his place in Poland at the hour 7:41 in the morning (“41” = like it is higher) and in the second calendar that at 7:36 (mortal number of my “GF”). In case of sunset it is analogously the hour 15:18 and 15:23 in the afternoon. From this day to the end of the year there stay 19 days (“Warning Lighthouse”). Moonrise in the 12th day of December of the current year is to be realised at the hour 21:47. This hour is my cabalistic system “Hour of the End of the World” (9:47 or 21:47). It is taken from some lecture of Apocalypse in Bible with the wall clock staying in such moment of time (also number “947” of graffiti often painted in last years in Warsaw).
Linguistic sources tell that having Hellenic genealogy male name “Alexander” comes from word “alekso” and from other one “aner” or “andros”, what means “I defend myself”, “I plead my case” and “male”, “man”. Female name “Alexandra” comes from this the first. Please, compare it with geographical coordinates of the Philippines, with the coat of arms of the town of Grójec with knight running in town gate and with number “21” or “12” (watch: 12-12-2014), meaning lately in my cabalistic system “Knight Running with Sword”.
In real dates of “Alexandra” impact into European countries was accelerated of about one day. At early morning the 10th day of December about 17,000 of households in the west part of Scotland had not electricity due to hit of so-called “Weather Bomb”. Velocity of speed ranged there up to 130 – 150 kilometres per hour. In the city of Warsaw atmospheric warm front with its lifted temperatures (anticipated level of 4 – 5 °C) and strong winds was expected by meteorologists after correction of their primeval prognosis at some about the hour 16:00 on Thursday. In another corrected prognosis they said that wind would start to blow strongly over the west part of Polish coast about the hour 16:00 on Friday, just exactly in the name day of Alexandra.
Finally this storm cyclone began its attack in the 12th day of December, breaking energetic line of middle voltage at town of Goleniów with striking down trees. And next breaking with this method electric track line over railway route following from city of Szczecin to city of Koszalin in the western coast region. Temperature in Warsaw increased in the early morning of next day up to 7 °C and in the early afternoon it softly decreased down to 6 °C, what was also not prognosticated before in previous day in evening television weather forecast (anticipated only 5 °C as maximal temperature). It was said just in early morning real weather presentation in that next day.
As I wrote higher in November of the year 2013 on the Philippines calamitously impacted the first in written and scientific history huge super typhoon named “Haiyan” (Chinese name for seabird known as petrel) – having its local name “Yolanda”. Exactly word “hăi-yàn” means in Chinese language “sea swallow”. But other Chinese worlds looking as “haiyan” – “hăi-yàn”, “hăi-yăn”, “hài-yán”, “hài-yàn” and mare “hài-yăn” – means adequately in literal translation into English language “sea flame”, “sea crack” or “a lot of cracks”, “disaster edge”, “catastrophic fire” and in the end “fatal impact”. Seabird name “petrel” can be also associated with English energetic word “petrol”.
The day 15th of December of the year 1967 was the day of tragic catastrophe of Silver Bridge collapse on Ohio River in the United States. This accident was shown in cult motion picture the thriller “The Mothman Prophecies”, present in world cinematography from the year 2002 (mentioned by me earlier). In this movie 36 persons lost live, but the 37th was saved in the last moment. The day 15th of December is the 349th day of the year 2014 and it was such day of the year 1967 (compare: my very important cabalistic number “49”). In 1967 it was just Friday and now it is Monday. The 15th day of every month – and especially ranking on Friday – is symbolic “Mothman Day”. Number “15” is of children.
Presented here phenomena defined by acronyms EXPAN, SANIS, APPLES are represented in my lively cabalistic system with so-called Effect of Pink Girls. Such rose childish or teenager girls if/when appear and/or stand out more than boys at me then they affirm all my hypothesis and theories as right ones, and especially hypothesis of Super La Niña Standard (SANIS) – Super Peruvian Little Girl Standard – with expansionistic extra-turbo-cyclones. In this effect met by me girls with some rouge accent in their clothes or even other colour little girls are as it follows: only ones, first, oftener, nearer, faster, higher, taller and in bigger quantity than colour little boys (El Niño = little boy). Pink girls save the world from war and extermination. Please, try to find such colour girls around your person. It is possible with your belief.
My presented here in episodes cabalistic system is not literal system but it is some statistical-mostly system. It means that its sign does not point truth just existing somewhere but just majority of existed signs point existing truth – working as system of ideogram symbolic prompts to real verification. I will not find some treasure today because I want, but there is bigger probability to find this treasure (“treasure”, “fruits”) sometime in the future using this especial cabalistic system, as I strongly believe.
Such system is probability in service for science. It is observable real material probabilistics enlivened by mystic metaphysical inspiration, existing with possibility of public control against eventual deceit, and not psychiatric illness of scientific investigator. It is near-scientific answer for known philosophic question of Albert Einstein formulated in sentence: “Does God play dices with us?”. It would be dishonest for humankind to answer this immemorial existential question even in nowadays greatly modern not quite enlightened times: “God by all means does not exist and this Charnas is surely some foolish madman!”. Please, do you do have no doubt?!
Europe Floods and Flooding – FloodList
Europe Floods and Flooding – Page 2 of 11 – FloodList
200-year flood hits west Norway towns
Flooding in Europe;
Two Dead in Romania as Heavy Rain Lashes Several Countries
Morocco hit by floods killing 32 people and leaving hundreds stranded
California Rain, Mountain Snow: Drought Relief and Flood Treat (FORECAST)
Giant Panda / Wikipedia
[Last modification: 18-Nov-2014 15:01, compare: on Tubesday]
Pandora / Wikipedia
[Last modification: 12-Nov-2014 18:40, compare: in Panda day]
Godzilla vs. Hedorah (German trailer)
[Hedorah is monster created in ocean from human’s industrial pollution]
Anna Dębska / Wikipedia
Warszawa Lecące Łabędzie / Wikipedia
{Warsaw, Flying Swans}
Na placu pod Skrzydłami znów wzlatują łabędzie (2 lipca 2013)
{On the square Under Wings there fly up swans again}
Na placu pod Skrzydłami znów wzlatują łabędzie [Photo]
Jest nowy placyk na Ochocie. Bardzo miłe miejsce!
{There is new little square in Ochota. The very nice place!}
Ochota: Plac pod Skrzydłami w nowej odsłonie po remoncie [ZDJĘCIA]
{Ochota: The Square under Wings in new revealing after repairs [PHOTOS]}
Szlak zapomnianych rzeźb
{Track of the Forgotten Sculptures}
{Sculptor Anna Dębska has died}
Grójec / Wikipedia
Powiat Grójecki Flag / Wikipedia
{Flag of Grójec District}
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 322 im. Jana Brzechwy w Warszawie
{Primary School № 322 under the name of Jana Brzechwa in Warsaw}
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 322 im. Jana Brzechwy w Warszawie
Jubileusz 25-lecia Szkoły Podstawowej Nr 322 i Przedszkola Nr 401
{Jubilee of the 25th anniversary of
the Primary School № 322 and the Kindergarten № 401}
Jubileusz 25-lecia SP nr 322 i Przedszkola 401 w Warszawie – część oficjalna
[0:49 / 5:54 min. – “szkoły” = “school” and 1:49 – “historia” = “history”]
Piosenka “Przyjaźń” – Jubileusz 25-lecia SP nr 322 i Przedszkola 401
{Song “Friendship” – Jubilee of the 25th anniversary of...}
Grupa przedszkola “BIEDRONKI” – piosenka i wierszyki
{Kindergarten group “Ladybirds” – song and little poems}
[Lady bird can be my pen-swan, can’t she? More girls than boys as children]
Występ zespołu muzyczno-instrumentalnego “TANGRAM”
{Appearance of the music-instrumental company “Tangram”}
[More little girls than little boys]
Tangram / Wikipedia
[My connotation with tangram is system of the tectonic plates of the Earth]
[Last modification: on 26 November 2014 at 08:49]
Tangram / Wikipedia
[Find number “40939222” on this page /4-39-93-222/]
Edward Dembowski / Wikipedia
[1822, 1841, 1846]
Wybuch gazu w Bytomiu Miechowicach:
Sprawca przyznał, że chciał popełnić samobójstwo – prokurator
{Gas explosion in Bytom Miechowice:
perpetrator conceded he wanted to make suicide – prosecutor}
Bytom: Wybuch gazu w bloku w Miechowicach. Sześć osób już opuściło szpital
{Gas explosion in block in Miechowice. Six persons already left the hospital}
Bytom: Wybuch gazu w bloku w Miechowicach. Sześć osób już opuściło szpital
[Photograph of the fire brigade vehicle number 411[S]21 at the destroyed block]
411[S]22 – GBA 2,5 / 24 Renault Midlum 280.14 Dxi / ISS Wawrzaszek
– JRG Bytom
411[S]22 – GBA 2,5 / 24 Renault Midlum 280.14 Dxi / ISS Wawrzaszek
– JRG Bytom
Philippines / Wikipedia
Typhoon Hagupit (2014) / Wikipedia
Filipiny – Tajfun Hagupit uderzył we wschodnie wybrzeże,
ewakuowano ponad pół miliona ludzi
[Centre of the Hagupit typhoon over the first island – Sat Dec 06 / Sun Dec 07]
Attack on Pearl Harbor / Wikipedia
Atak na Pearl Harbor / Wikipedia
[John Toland determined the time of this photograph to be 7:49 a.m.]
Attack on Pearl Harbor. In the early hours of December 7, 1941...
List of European windstorms / Wikipedia
ANDRE – Ale Ale Aleksandra (Radio Edit) 2013 / Wojtek jakis
Official Video (2013) / Andre Disco Polo
[Wow, wow, Alexandra! Such, such, such humble. Such, such, sexy bomb!]
ANDRE feat Peter Sky – Ale Ale Aleksandra 2014 / Andre Disco Polo
Rząd zmęczonych marionetek
[Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz as digger with shovel in her hands]
Zbigniew Charnas
Uranium & Iron Give Siderophiles (Ir, Pt) & Gold. By Chance?! [Pu.Ti.N = U.Fe.O]
02.01.2015 06:30
Motto I:
Take to pieces daylight,
Then you will see
It is build with colours
Motto II:
In every little planet there exists
Some particle of big star
Motto III:
The Sun has its clock (efficient mechanism)
But the Earth has its time (long age for trying)
Iron and stone-iron meteorites and asteroids are prospective source of precious metals as ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum. These very rare elements are high siderophilic ones (HSE) – what means that besides cobalt and nickel they also have tendency to associate with iron. This unusually interesting question was presented on European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC), what took its place from the 21st to the 26th day of September of the year 2014 in Munster in Germany. Author of this metal-planetoid presentation was Dr Gerhard Schmidt from the University of Mainz.
“Gold, platinum, iridium, palladium and rhodium are examples of Highly Siderophile Elements (HSEs), metals that tend to bond with solid or molten metallic iron. When the Earth was still forming, it heated up, and the HSEs and other heavy elements were stripped from the surface of young planet into its iron- and nickel-rich core.
This raises the question of where the HSEs found in the crust came from. One theory is that meteorite impacts delivered these elements to the Earth’s surface after the core had formed.” [Text fragment source: CORDIS]
Concentration and contents of light and heavy platinids (Ru, Rh, Pd / Os, Ir, Pt) and gold (Au) is high in metallic meteorites. Geological accumulation of these rare elements is relatively high in craters and neighbourhood places of asteroid impacts on the Earth. In the globe crust concentration of gold and such platinum group metals is low or very low. Scientists believe now that meteorites and asteroids circling in the Solar System comes in their construction from the first phase of this planetary system creation near about 4.6 billions years ago and many of they characterise primeval cosmic matter.
I assume that meteorites and asteroids in our Solar System come from giant expansionistic and/or collisional cracking, eruption and explosion of Inta-Mars (intact intangible planet) – the primeval planet known as Mars – some about only one billion years ago, in times of Earth the Snowy Ball. Saying more precisely, they come from cosmic decompression explosion of the planetary hot metallic core. By this thesis one should tell that indirect scientific dating is probably disrupted here and in many other causes by old impact events. Moon of our old globe has not 3.5 billions of years of its age but only about 1.0 billion and maybe big ocean of the Blue Planet has analogous age. The Silvery Moon is derivatively concentrated, melted and cooled down part of primeval Mars – the planet probably little bigger in times of its explosion than nowadays the Earth.
In my conception (described in several articles and their supplements mainly in Polish and also in English language) the Earth and many other planets contains in their insides special internal plasmatic reaction zone placed in region of their outer cores. This physical and chemical reaction zone profits from substances coming from planetary mineral inner mantle and planetary outer and inner metallic core and high temperature with high pressure existing in it. Having such active reaction zone planet has also its internally generated outer magnetic field and it do not cool down inside but it warm up there.
In special reaction zone of such active planet like the Earth (earlier Inta-Mars) there slowly and discreetly runs in “mineral soup” hybrid synergy of processes known singly as radioactive decay, atomic fission and thermonuclear synthesis (hot thermonuclear fusion). Such situation is new reality for nuclear physics.
Such planet produce in this zone many volcanic gases based mainly on oxygen, carbon and also on hydrogen. Among others it is carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour. Such active planet expands in its volume and surface distances. If this planet has its water ocean and several continents on its surface there appears common drift of them between downer placed tectonic plates. If slim crust of such planet will be broken or punctured by giant cosmic collision or huge eruption of super volcano this decompressed internally hot planet in contact with space vacuum will be able to deeply erupt and finally extremely explode.
Besides thermonuclear reactions running inside the Earth and internal dynamic structure of our globe I earlier described hypothetical great cosmic collision in the Solar System between planets of Inta-Mars and of Gas-Mercury when the second one of these planets came here from the far galaxy space. Gas-Mercury was primeval Mercury what existed as travelling lonely dwarf gaseous giant. In last years and months astral scientists find that such lonely external planets are omnipresent in our galaxy and in neighbourhood ones (as black matter?).
Lately scientists establish that in upper layers of the mantle of the Earth there is covered water. Water could exist also in downer liquefied parts of fat gaseous ocean of Gas-Mercury before its collision with Inta-Mars. In nowadays times Mercury is only metal and stone core of old gaseous giant planet, of course. It lost its gaseous and liquid oceans during mentioned cosmic collision and after this event when it arrived finally on elliptical orbit in the nearest area of the Sun.
Probably due to planetary explosion of Inta-Mars we have in the Solar System all very diversified moons and far circling quasi-planet Pluto, and in this amount such water-stone moon like Jupiter’s Europa. Watching further, we have also such interesting object like Planetoid Belt existing between Mars and Jupiter (on primeval collision orbit of old Inta-Mars?), next similar Kuiper Belt placed beyond the planetary system and sphere Cloud of Oort of asteroids localised in very far outskirts of this system. I feel that complex of ways of the phased gaseous and dusty explosion with secondary orbital moves of spherically dispersed Inta-Martian matter should be adequate in cosmological research to varied structure of all moon systems in the Solar System.
The base conclusion is here that cold metal matter of meteorites and asteroids was earlier matter of extremely hot deep interior of stars or planets – I think of Inta-Mars – created in thermonuclear synthesis in synergy with nuclear fission in planetary plasmatic reaction zone placed between inner mantle and outer core. It probably can give evidence to existing in internally hot big planets capability for such quiet (sporadic) synergy of nuclear fission and thermonuclear fusion.
In this topic I have my important question. Are mentioned platinoid siderophiles represented in meteors and asteroids relatively in bigger hoard than it is in cases of other heavy metal elements what can create alloys with iron and in cases of other varied elements of this type of cosmic matter? In alloys of iron prepared as excellent steel one can find many other metals, near or far in their properties (varied special steels), what also “tend to bond” with iron.
Relatively huge amount of hydrogen present in big objects of the Solar System gives evidence that matter of this planetary system is still quite young. But if ptatinoids are represented in extraordinary quantity in relation to other metals and non-metallic elements it can be trace and clue for us that primeval amount of uranium was here much bigger and uranium still splitting apart and react in some cosmic objects not being stars. Such discover would be as especial key matching to scientific lock – the Platinum Key.
There is also another very characteristic fact existing in planetary reaction zone system. Heavy platinoids (Os, Ir, Pt) come from fusion of heavy elements of uranium fission (J, Xe, Cs, Ba, La) with iron and other steeloids (metals from its neighbourhood creating steel: Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni). In the same time light platinoids (Ru, Rh, Pd) come from fusion of light uranofisses (Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y) with carbon and silicatoids (C, O, Mg, Al, Si). Iron group metals come from the core and silicatogenic oxygen from the mantle of every active planet. It is plain that reaction zone must exists in catchment area placed between these spheres.
In my text in the subject of thermonuclear reactions inside the Earth I wrote these reaction for instance, as follows:
27/13(14)Al + 28/14(14)Si + 1/0(1)n 1K(1)→ 56/26(30)Fe
[Additionally one neutron and one co-called capture K of lowest atom electron]
26/12/Mg + 28/14/Si → 54/26/Fe
[With less ubiquitous isotope Mg-26 to less ubiquitous isotope of iron Fe-54]
28/14/Si + 28/14/Si 2K→ 56/26/Fe
[With K-catch of two lowest atom electrons to universal isotope of iron Fe-56]
24/12/Mg + 28/14/Si 2K→ 52/24/Cr
[Only the most popular isotopes of magnesium and silicon to such chromium]
28/14/Si + 32/16/S 2K→ 60/28/Ni
[With stabile isotopes of silicon and sulphur to one of stabile isotopes of nickel]
16/8/O + 32/16/S 2K→ 48/22/Ti
[Popular oxygen and sulphur with 2K-catch to stabile isotope of titanium]
27/13/Al + 32/16/S + 1/0/n 1K→ 60/28/Ni
[Popular aluminium and sulphur with one neutron and 1K-catch to nickel]
Neutrons entering to some thermonuclear fusion reactions come from nuclear fission of uranium caused by natural spontaneous or forced initiation. I think that active neutrons like these create sporadically dense clouds in probabilistic way between pressed and warmed atoms to thermonuclear synthesis. With this still unknown method they break the physical barriers to this work, what earlier were quoted theoretically. Capturation K is especial falling down on surface of atom core of downer orbital atom electrons (from the first orbital level K or next level L) and their transformation into atom core neutrons.
235/92/U → 92/36/Kr + 141/56/Ba + 2[1/0/n]
[Natural spontaneous fission, n = neutron]
1/0/n + 235/92/U → 141/56/Ba + 92/36/Kr + 3[1/0/n]
[Natural forced start fission to natural nuclear chain reaction]
1/0/n + 235/92/U → 139/54/Xe* + 90/38/Sr* + 7[1/0/n]
[Other example in my especial extreme – not averaged – version with 7n!]
Elements like many lighter metals, silicon, oxygen and sulphur comes into the outer core reaction zone from the mineral mantle of the Earth. Especially for going back in direction to surface oxygen and volcanic gases there is much volume of silicates – chemical compounds consisted mainly from silicon and oxygen and generally building all mantle structure. Durable very heavy metal products of such thermonuclear reactions drop from reaction zone down into planetary inner core reservoir. Radioactive isotopes being products of nuclear fission of uranium are diversified for many mass configurations (isotope varianting, isotoping). It enables creation of many corresponding to them forms of reactions. I present below some of them as examples, chosen to this doing in special variants.
139/54/Xe* + 56/26/Fe → 195/80/Hg 2K→ 195/78/Pt
[Radioactive xenon, popular iron, non-stabile mercury, next stabile platinum]
90/38/Sr* + 16/8/O → 106/46/Pd
[Radioactive strontium with popular oxygen gives stabile palladium]
[Oxygen comes from chemical decomposition of silicate, e.g.: K2Al2Si6O16]
137/55/Cs + 56/26/Fe + 2[1/0/n] → 195/81/Tl 2K1L→ 195/78/Pt
[Radioactive caesium, popular iron, radioactive thallium, 3K-catch, platinum]
137/55/Cs + 58/26/Fe + 2[1/0/n] → 197/81/Tl 2K→ 197/79/Au
[Radioactive caesium with other stabile isotope of iron gives finally stabile gold]
137/55/Cs + 55/25/Mn + 3[1/0/n] → 195/80/Hg 2K→ 195/78/Pt
[Radioactive caesium, popular manganese, radioactive mercury, platinum]
131/53/J + 62/27/Co + 2[1/0/n] → 195/80/Hg 2K→ 195/78/Pt
[Radioactive iodine, such cobalt and mercury, finally popular platinum]
28/14/Si + 78/35/Br → 106/49/In 2K1L→ 106/46/Pd
[Popular silicon, radioactive bromine, such indium, 3K-catch, stable palladium]
12/6/C + 89/39/Y → 101/45/Rh 1K→ 101/44/Ru
[Popular carbon, stabile yttrium, radioactive rhodium, finally stabile ruthenium]
24/12/Mg + 82/36/Kr → 106/48/Cd 2K→ 106/46/Pd
[Popular magnesium, radioactive krypton and such cadmium, stabile palladium]
16/8/O + 92/36/Kr → 101/44/Ru + 7[1/0/n] (?)
[Popular oxygen with radioactive krypton gives ruthenium and seven neutrons]
For the end I propose watching of little wordplay. The name written as “Putin” – it means the name of famous on our globe President of Russian Federation – can be present in form including symbols of three chemical elements as “Pu-Ti-N” (plutonium, titanium and nitrogen). Such writing can be changed into form having symbols of neighbourhood elements in Chemical System Table and written as “U-Fe-O” (uranium, iron and oxygen). This writing – what suddenly turned up in last days in my reality – was for me as prompting to the presented above my discovering. One can observe in it now also parallel to well-known literal acronym “U.F.O.”, and next to dangerous historic event taking its place in the year 2014 in Ukraine with appearance of so-called “green humanoid”.
Meteorites could be source of world’s precious metals, study finds
Meteoryty potencjalnym źródłem drogocennych metali
Asteroid belt / Wikipedia
Kuiper belt / Wikipedia
Oort cloud / Wikipedia
Palladium / Wikipedia
Iridium / Wikipedia
Platinum / Wikipedia
Platinum group metals / Wikipedia
Nuclear chain reaction / Wikipedia
Thermonuclear fusion / Wikipedia
Nuclear fusion / Wikipedia
Lawson criterion / Wikipedia
Electron capture / Wikipedia
[Electron capture = Capturation K = Capture K = K-catch]
Nuklidkarte / Wikipedia
[Table of nuclides – more convenient version than English one]
Table of nuclides / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
“Golden Street Tunnel” at “Palladium” & “Hybrydy” in W. Cracks Fast over Fissure
07.01.2015 10:13
They who know more (to lose or win)
Are quite sure for what they are in
Only Ten Typical Isotope Elements of Uranium Fission
Matches in “Scientific Platinum Key” to Their Planetoid Lock
The most essential for laymen in my previous supplement titled “Uranium & Iron Give Siderophiles (Ir, Pt) & Gold. By Chance?! [Pu.Ti.N = U.Fe.O]” – in Scientific Platinum Key – is it that fission divides uranium only for five pairs of isotope elements like: bromine-lanthanum, krypton-barium, rubidium-caesium, strontium-xenon and yttrium-iodine. These especial physicochemical elements are named by me as light uranofisses (Br, Kr, Rb, Sr, Y) and heavy uranofisses (J, Xe, Cs, Ba, La). Uranium in fission process does not give for example scandium and lutetium or copper and europium (Sc, Lu, Cu, Eu). Only key uranium fission elements match to their planetoid lock.
Great Little Road Bridge Cracks Quickly with Wonderment Manner
in the Very Centre of European Capital City
In one of last days of the year 2014 I noticed that street bridge placed over tunnel running under Marszałkowska Street at front of Palace of Culture and Science in the very centre of Warsaw started to fast cracking and it already has several wide expansionistic cracks. Earlier this phenomenon had not taken its place. Only about two years ago mentioned quite old municipal tunnel was reconditioned. In similar moment of the time roadway of Marszałkowska Street – existing over the place of this tunnel – was changed for new one. Today it is terribly cracked on a few transverse lines.
Visible expansionistic effect is wider in direction of the palace and ends on line following alongside of “Centrum” Department Stores (named “Junior”, “Wars” and “Sawa” and placed under the address of Marszałkowska Street № 122/116, № 114/106 and № 104). Similar geological effect – as the result of slow ground expansionistic settlement process named by me as Turret Effect – was described previously in one of my earlier texts. The upper platform of presented tunnel (its bridge) looks like it would be able to get ruptured and to make spectacular breakdown. I am afraid that the tunnel under Marszałkowska Street located in axis line of Złota Street {Golden Street} in Warsaw one fine day will collapse.
What is about mentioned Turret Effect one should tell that little ground grains behave here towards stretching strengths by contrast manner like in typical case with fast settling down ground sandy masses, what the most often behave like near hydrodynamic media. In case of sandy ground settling slowly it behave like grains partially conjoined with each other and creating some quasi spring jelly. It does not rolls down into lowest place of ground surface but the most drifts in its the thinnest fragment. So it can be in the case of presented tunnel placed over some ground hollow. There is about 270 metres from this place to just build finally in the year 2014 underground the Second Warsaw Metro Line.
Construction of the tunnel and its bridge is mainly stretched alongside the axis line parallel to Marszałkowska Street. It means that also parallel to exactly neighbourhood axis line of the First Warsaw Metro Line in this place at the end of “Centrum” Metro Station. Near to this localisation is glass building of “Rotunda” PKO (under the address of Marszałkowska Street № 102/100), what bloody exploded in famous in Poland gas catastrophe in the year 1979. It is now interesting thing what stretched infrastructure pipelines runs there in municipal underground of this very attended place.
Researching preliminarily this area I find that also famous in Poland socrealistic tyrant speech platform on the Parade Square localised at the front of mentioned Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw is now dangerously crumbled. This socrealistic stone platform is placed between the palace and the tunnel under its bridge on their common base axis – the main axis of the palace. Let me name this architectonic object of Warsaw with my words as “Stalin Stone Platform”.
Situation of the “Golden Street Tunnel” (unofficial name by me) ongoing and developing in the most exhibited place in Warsaw is manifest instance and evident example for us of nowadays dangerous expansionistic processes in the base sphere of our modern technical civilisation. It should inspire us to many considerations about problems what we must struggle in research, security and technical services and with our own forces already today and in the near future.
Supplemental Cabalistic Important Post Scriptum Bonus
At first – please – read necessarily my previous supplement titled “Uranium & Iron Give Siderophiles (Ir, Pt) & Gold. By Chance?! [Pu.Ti.N = U.Fe.O]”. The entrance to mentioned Golden Street Tunnel is located near exactly at front of “Palladium” Theatre and “Hybrydy” {Hybrids} Student Club in Warsaw (heaving their addresses: Złota Street № 7/9). In the year 1986 in this club there were present as watchers and listeners of author ballad music event called OPPA (in acronym) described by me earlier three persons of student compete and love triangle, functioning in my cabalistic system as “Three Swans”.
It was presumably near 35 years ago when about 460 meters in straight line from this place (from door to door) for the first time I heard music composition of Mike Oldfield titled “Platinum” – as four instrumentation forms conjoined in part one of the album also named “Platinum”. Then I fell in love with this music work just at the first excitable earshot. It was probably in winter of the year 1980 in Museum of Technology what is located till today just in one of wide wings of mentioned here Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. This music album has its play back time long for 37 minutes and 41 seconds, and the whole suite “Platinum” just 19 minutes and 17 seconds (compare: my symbolic cabalistic numbers: “37”, “41”, “19” and “17”).
The main axis line of the Golden Street Tunnel is exactly the part of described by me in some earlier texts First Charnas Global Ring, plotted by me on my home globe model. This virtual ring divides up the terrestrial globe for two equal hemispheres. My special First Charnas Global Ring starts from French little town Charnas localised in Provençe Region at Rhône River – the town named exactly like I am. It goes also throughout: La Palma on Canary Islands, Sevilla in Spain, Bern in Switzerland, Prague in Czech Republic, Warsaw in Poland, Minsk in Belarussia, Moscow in Russia, Shanghai in China and over Tierra del Fuego (Fire Land) in far part of Southern America (Chile, Argentina).
In the Asteroid Belt of the Solar System there circles the second in volume planetoid named as 2-Pallas. It was discovered in the 28 day of March of the year 1802. It travels with its average rapidity 17.65 kilometres per second. During this time there is opened in Warsaw little cake shop named “Pallada” {Pallas}. It was established in the year 1928. This sweet place is localised at Smocza Street {Dragon Street} № 27 in sub-district Muranów {Wall Place} in sub-sub-district Nowolipki {New Lime Place}.
The “Pallada” Cake Shop is localised in the very centre of especial symbolic historical cross existing in imagination in Warsaw. This cross has its centre in intersection point of the first straight line following from Museum of Pawiak to two Powązki Cemeteries and of the second straight line following from famous in the world Umschlagplatz to Jewish Cemetery in District Wola {Will District}.
As I earlier wrote my personal family name “Charnas” just like name of little town Charnas placed in east-southern part of France comes from Provencal word meaning “oak” in English. As it proves in town of Oak Ridge in Tennessee in the USA there is localised from times of the second grand world war famous for atomic scientists Oak Ridge National Laboratory what works for nuclear research and production. In this scientific outpost there is build the biggest in the world source of neutrons (SNS). I think that the Earth has it bigger. Peace for people of good will!
Palace of Culture and Science / Wikipedia
[Read general information about this architectonic object placed in the box]
[This page was last modified on 15 December 2014 – in the “Mothman Day”]
Ulica Złota {Golden Street} / Warszawikia
Ulica Złota w Warszawie / Wikipedia
{Złota Street in Warsaw}
Tunel na Złotej otwarty po liftingu / SISKOMtube
{Tunnel at Złota Street is opened after its lifting / 2009}
Remontują tunel pod Marszałkowską w ciągu ul. Złotej / SISKOMtube
{They repair tunnel under Marszałkowska in sequence of Złota Street / 2012}
Zamknęli tunel pod Marszałkowską. Kierowcy i tak jeżdżą
{They closed tunnel under Marszałkowska. Regardless drivers go on}
Ulica Złota {Golden Street} in Warsaw
[Photography made at the hour 16:49 – number “49”]
2 Pallas / Wikipedia
[Planetoid discovered in the 28th day of March of the year 1802]
[This page was last modified on 3 December 2014 at 17:28]
Platinum (Mike Oldfield album) / Wikipedia
Warsaw “Palladium” Theatre
Warsaw “Hybrydy” Student Club
Cukiernia “Pallada” [“Pallada” Cake Shop]
Cukiernia Pallada
Oak Ridge (Tennessee) / Wikipedia
Oak Ridge National Laboratory / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
Planetoid Iridium Key & Earth Element Key Quipu to Proof of EXPAN Theory
23.01.2015 06:57
Motto IA:
Loner wolf sometimes means more very much
Than big pack of wolves with hunters to catch
Motto IB:
Samotny wilk czasem więcej w rzeczy znaczy,
Niźli stado wilków wśród wilków łapaczy
Motto IIA:
In unusually quickly changing world
More important than skill in copping with makeshift problems
Is skill in adaptation to new situations and technological solutions
[Message from poster of one of universities]
Motto IIB:
W niezwykle szybko zmieniającym się świecie
Ważniejsza od umiejętności radzenia sobie z doraźnymi problemami
Jest umiejętność adaptacji do nowych sytuacji i rozwiązań technologicznych
[Przesłanie z plakatu jednego z uniwersytetów]
Motto IIIA:
There plunged from the tiptop to the tail –
Cause it was expired as good to fail –
Poland unfulfilled happy to hail!
Motto IIIB:
Spadła z czuba do ogona –
Bo została wygaszona –
Polska nasza niespełniona!
High Peak Presence of Dispersed by Historic Explosion
Post-Inta-Martian Thermonuclear-Experienced Chemical Elements
Existing on the Geological Surface of the Planet Earth as
= Earth Planetary Quipu of Chemical Element Keys =
To easy understand presented here now scientific matter – please – at first read necessarily my previous supplement titled: “Uranium & Iron Give Siderophiles (Ir, Pt) & Gold. By Chance?! [Pu.Ti.N = U.Fe.O]”, and first fragment of the next supplement – fragment titled: “Only Ten Typical Isotope Elements of Uranium Fission Matches in ‘Scientific Platinum Key’ to Their Planetoid Lock”.
Analysing situation presented in mentioned supplements I thought that after all atoms in mineral thermonuclear fusion can be joined in other way round. In the manner: lighter uranofisse with heavier (from the core) planet reactor reagent and heavier uranofisse with lighter (from the mantle) planetary reactor reagent. Not as it was before, it means heavier atom in ionic form (as ion in plasmatic zone) with heavier ion and lighter ion with lighter ion – heavier ones for heavy platinoid metal and lighter ones for light platinoid metal. This time it turns out that mineral thermonuclear synthesis can create one of diversified metals of lanthanoids (Ln = metal of lanthanum group: La – Lu). Such metal elements are radioisotopes ready next to near alteration into a little lighter lanthanoid element or barium (Ba) physical region element with emission of molecular radiation. One can watch it in example reactions as follows:
Heavy to heavy for heavy, and light to light for light
[Planetoid Iridium (Platinum, Palladium) Key]
1/0/n + 235/92/U → 139/54/Xe + 90/38/Sr + 7[1/0/n]
[One of many variants of fission for many radioisotopes of ten uranofisses]
139/54/Xe + 56/26/Fe → 195/80/Hg 2K→ 195/78/Pt
[One of uranofisses with iron from planetary core gives finally platinum]
90/38/Sr + 16/8/O → 106/46/Pd
[Next from the fission pair with oxygen from planetary mantle gives palladium]
Heavy to light for middle, and light to heavy for middle
[Earth Crust Lanthanum (Barium, Wolfram) Key]
1/0/n + 235/92/U → 144/55/Cs + 90/37/Rb + 2[1/0/n]
[One of many variants of fission for many radioisotopes of ten uranofisses]
144/55/Cs + 16/8/O → 160/63/Eu
[Stabile form of europium is: 152/63/Eu]
90/37/Rb + 56/26/Fe → 146/63/Eu
[Radioisotopes of europium as the products]
Proceeding on the truck presented in mentioned previous supplements I find that lanthanoids – although much dispersed – are represented in the Earth’s crust in extraordinary higher share quantity in comparison to contents of other chemical elements. Also some further especial elements occur in our planet lithosphere in wondering higher amount. All of they I name as highest abundance elements (HABELs). I also discover now that such elements can be easy created in stechiometric way only in several simple reactions of thermonuclear fusion.
Among other special and common elements these significant (indicator) ones are as it follows alongside their increasing atomic masses line: argon, titanium, strontium, zinc, gallium, barium, cerium and tungsten known also as wolfram (Ar, Ti, Sr, Zn, Ga, Ba, Ce, W). Contents of every chemical element in the atmosphere (argon) and in the lithosphere (next from abowe list) are presented in special chemical tables. In this especial element set argon and wolfram are extra ones like some “jokers”.
24/12/Mg + 16/8/O → 40/20/Ca 2K→ 40/18/Ar
[Calcium is also one of high abundance planetary chemical elements]
24/12/Mg + 12/6/C + 4/2/He/2+ → 40/20/Ca 2K→ 40/18/Ar
[Reaction with contribution of alpha particle – named by me as “helon”]
28/14/Si + 12/6/C → 40/20/Ca 2K→ 40/18/Ar
[Silicon and carbon are also ones of highest abundance elements – HABELs]
24/12/Mg + 24/12/Mg → 48/24/Cr 2K→ 48/22/Ti
[Magnesium and chromium are also “habels”, like products of next reactions]
48/22/Ti + 40/18/Ar → 88/40/Zr 2K→ 88/38/Sr
[Stabile titanium with stabile argon gives stabile habel strontium]
90/37/Rb + 48/22/Ti + 2[1/0/n] → 140/59/Pr K→ 140/58/Ce
[One of uranofisses with titanium and neutrons gives stabile habel cerium]
89/36/Kr + 48/22/Ti → 137/58/Ce 2K→ 137/56/Ba
[Other radioactive uranofisse with titanium gives stabile habel barium]
92/36/Kr + 88/38/Sr + 4/2/He/2+ → 184/74/W
[Other isotope of krypton with stabile strontium and helon for habel wolfram]
56/26/Fe + 12/6/C + 2[1/0/n] → 70/32/Ge K→ 70/31/Ga
[Popular iron with popular carbon and neutrons gives finally habel gallium]
52/24/Cr + 12/6/C + 1/0/n → 65/30/Zn
[Popular chromium with popular carbon and neutron gives finally habel zinc]
160/63/Eu + 28/14/Si + 4/2/He/2+ → 192/79/Au 2K→ 192/77/Ir
[Radioactive europium with popular silicon and helon gives finally iridium]
160/63/Eu + 28/14/Si + 4[1/0/n] → 192/77/Ir
[The same europium and silicon with neutrons producing non-habel iridium]
148/63/Eu + 1/0/n → 145/61/Pm + 4/2/He/2+
[One of radioisotopes of europium impacted by neutron emits alpha particle]
Some of heavier radioactive lanthanoids can take shape of stabile lighter ones emitting one or more helons (4/2/He/2+) – what means emitting alpha particles (alpha rays). If it is exceptional case of promethium then final element is still radioactive. Lighter lanthanoids are more common than heavier ones. In mineral and metal “soup” circling in reaction zone in the outer core of the Earth heavier elements fall down into the inner core willingly drawing or emitting nuclear or thermonuclear energy to settlement like in known condensation process.
Interesting is easy intelligible situation with my co-called Argon Key. Gaseous argon is present in the air in quantity about 400 bigger than all together other gases from group of helium. If one want to build this chemical element with universally available substrates (constituents) it is simple and elementary in this thermonuclear synthesis with popular magnesium and oxygen or magnesium and carbon with addition of one helon (alphalon, alpharon or alphaton). In case of neon (gas lighter, direct neighbour in helium group) from oxygen and carbon one can synthesise only stabile silicon, not neon. In case of krypton (gas heavier, direct neighbour in helium group) one can synthesise it from two particles of argon, but without addition of four neutrons it will be radioactive krypton-80, instead of stabile airborne krypton-84 as needed. For other heloid air gases there are not building little “toy blocks” (elements: C, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl).
When the primeval Earth was concentrating and forming from cosmic matter and next was preliminarily cooling temperature on its surface was considerably higher than today. In higher temperatures there can exist predominantly only simple chemical compounds, such like oxides of metals for instance. Others are decomposed in these conditions. Simple chemical compounds of heavy metals in the oftenest amount of cases are lighter than their base metal but relatively also heavy among others. Heaving modern lasers and microscopes world science can today make appropriate experiments in laboratories melting down and “brewing” heartened stones and observing their internal particles to prove and demonstrate presented here pioneer conception.
Besides pointed by me here nuclear-experienced elements there is wondering great abundance of temperate or very heavy chemical elements like iron, lead and uranium (Fe, Pb, U) on the geological surface of the Earth. It is wondering additionally with the fact that their abundance peaks exist almost together with near peaks of their similar intimate physical neighbours (earlier and next in horizontal position) from Chemical System Table. Heaving modern computers active mathematician can compute all variants of Earth Element Key Quipu.
There exists essential question. If the Earth was build with pre-solar great-matter about 4.6 billions of years, why were pointed by me standing high elements not placed in their fractions inside the hot globe due to their various densities with gravitational key? It is rather plain conception that heavier elements should be located in the terrestrial globe consequently as lower ones. Why instead of it in today’s moment are they dispersed on the globe surface in amounts created with the key of their thermonuclear story? Is it concluded now our wanted very much ultimate evidence of active planet expansionistic multinuclear transformations and final evidence of cosmic explosion of Inta-Mars, existing one billion years ago as similar neighbourhood planet of the Earth?
It is visible now very well that planetary matter of the crust surface of Earth is “overworked” in deep internal processes running on the way of nuclear fission and thermonuclear fusion. As one can expect it, very old matter of internal cores of galactic stars – dispersed when stars were finally dying and exploding in the cosmic space – should be deeper “nuclear-burned” under more giant gravity and higher temperature on such extreme way. It sounds as logical that nuclear and thermonuclear processes inside cosmic stars run faster very much and they follow star matter to creation of only stabile heavy elements nearest to iron. As it is known in science, on transformation to iron as final element from helium area in fusion or from uranium area in fission there is emitted thermonuclear (hydrogen bomb) or nuclear (atomic bomb) giant energy.
European explorers who watched for the first time Incan knot manuscripts called “quipu” think that it is kind of knot ornament or decoration of aboriginal people. They were wrong. Among strings and their knots of quipu there was covered valid document messages. Today in quite similar form of Chemical Element Key Bunch as Earth Planetary Quipu nature sends to humankind important witness (testimony) about its geophysical history and about the future of our technical civilisation and wildlife on the Blue Planet.
= Secession not for Regression =
New Superb World from Power of Imperialistic Mafia
That what for new Central Europe and for the old countries on the west from it there endanger most is corruption of consciences (new non-PR concept old as the world), when we have democracy in outer form and we have mafionism in inner content. Especially it takes place in Poland. Russia conjoined by trade in agricultural and energetic production with Poland sinks now after invasion and taking of Crimea and trails Poland down to the extremely low economical bed. Do not secede region of Silesia from Poland! Liberate all the country from such Russia! Who wishes Russia well, seriously and profoundly reforms Russia!
Do not import “on the cheap” (only to the time) crude coal from the East for direct combustion – also to have still high efficient technologies in the economy. European coal should be used as gassy for green energy. Coal can be probably efficiently synthesised with green-produced pure hydrogen for methane (CSM, LSM like CNG, LNG). Such gassy coal in substantial fragment of its emission saves climate and surface of the Earth for better life (earlier in several of my articles and supplements).
“Scientific American” Said “Jet Stream Is Getting Weird”
[Increasing Its Weirdness Especially in Seasons of the Past Four Years]
Monthly “Scientific American”: “From November 2013 through January 2014, the jet stream took on a remarkably extreme and persistent shape over North America and Europe. This global river of eastward-flowing winds high in the atmosphere dipped farther south than usual across the eastern U.S., allowing the notorious “polar vortex” of frigid air swirling over the Arctic to plunge southward, putting the eastern two thirds of the country into a deep freeze. Ice cover on the Great Lakes reached its second-greatest extent on record, and two crippling snow-and-ice storms shut down Atlanta for multiple days.
At the same time, a stubborn ridge of high pressure hunkered down over California creating the warmest winter on record there. Although the balminess may sound nice, the resulting drought became the worst since record keeping began in the late 1800s, causing billions of dollars in agricultural losses.”
As I described it earlier, similar to above phenomenon is present and grows in several last years on huge areas of Western Europe and Central Europe and of Central Asia, among others in middle part of Russian Federation (in analogy to California and Middle West of the United States). Stirling details one can get to know reading higher texts: “Super La Niña Standard” and “Alleged Mechanism of Atmospheric Cold & Heat of SANIS in America, Europe & Asia”.
In controversial question of essential meteorological impact into this situation of hothouse acceleration phenomenon in the Arctic my voice points other truth. As I described earlier such “energetic explosion” is possible only due to volcanic greenhouse gases leaks from undersea tectonic rifts under Atlantic and Pacific what were opened successively in last years by geophysical EXPAN processes.
In my childhood we could ski or sledge on hills and make snowmen in Warsaw already in December of every winter. In winter of season in the year 2013 and 2014 snow and frost for it was in Warsaw very late just between 18 January and 3 February. In warm rainy-dry and misty-windy winter of season of the year 2014 and 2015 this snow-sport criterion is still unrealised in the city by nature when it is already the 22nd day of January.
Encyclical on Climate Change of Pope Francis to Publish in 2015
Specialists of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences Observe Global Nature
Pope Francis is to publish an encyclical on climate change and plans to convene a meeting of faith leaders on the issue ahead of two crucial summits on the environment in the year 2015. [Source: Christian “The Tablet”, next in Poland official daily “Rzeczpospolita” 2015-01-16]
Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
Near after I was born I lived for next 24 years in Warsaw in neighbourhood of Stefan Banach Street in District Ochota. At this street there is situated now also buildings of Physical Faculty with its Geophysical Institute, Geological Faculty and Centre of New Technologies of University of Warsaw (in all these cases). There is also localised at this street with other address Mathematical Faculty of mentioned grand university. Next at the other side of this street there functions in big area Clinical Hospital of Warsaw Medical University and stands building of mentioned earlier my former Primary School № 39 at Grójecka Street.
Figure of Stefan Banach is relatively well known in modern Poland. He was just one of a men of genius as mathematician. He studied only for two years in Land Engineering Faculty of Technological University in Lwów (then city in Poland) but he was formally never graduate of any university. He was next self-made student of mathematics and finally he became important academic professor, working especially as specialist of functional mathematical analysis.
Warsaw is the academic city standing on dangerously high exhibited ground of expanding Earth. Still we do not know when just build the new metro line will be here open for passengers. The Second Warsaw Metro Line was to be opened already in the 14th day of December of the year 2014 and until today it is closed. There is already in state of birth in Warsaw new legend of frightening terrible cock-dragon Basilisk (locally in Warsaw traditionally called as Bazyliszek = Kingosaur or Basosaur = Dinosaur of King or Dinosaur of Base) hunting for functionaries and operators in underground mysterious abyss.
Incan quipus were spreadsheet roll-ups with department codes?
Incan quipus were spreadsheet roll-ups with department codes?
Example of quipu, the old Inca knot “writing” system, 15th century
Quipu / Wikipedia
Bunch of keys / One Key House
Abundance, atoms of element per 10^6 atoms of Si / Wikimedia
[Modern writing of Earth Element Key Quipu – peaks are like knots]
Abundance of the chemical elements / Wikipedia
Abundance of the elements (data page) / Wikipedia
Natural abundance / Wikipedia
Argon / Wikipedia
Titanium / Wikipedia
Strontium / Wikipedia
Barium / Wikipedia
Lanthanum / Wikipedia
[Lanthanum as chemical element]
Lanthanide / Wikipedia
[Lanthanoids among chemical elements]
Tungsten / Wikipedia
[Chemical element known also as wolfram]
Iridium / Wikipedia
[Extremely rare element of the Earth]
Uranium / Wikipedia
[Element generating planetary nuclear transformations]
A Wacky Jet Stream Is Making Our Weather Severe
The Jet Stream Is Getting Weird
A Radical Jet Stream Delivers Extreme Weather
There’s growing evidence that global warming is driving crazy winters
Pope Francis to publish encyclical on climate change
[13 November 2014 12:49 – “49” – Christ from Belo asks: Earth down, please!]
Pope Francis’s edict on climate change will anger deniers and US churches
Pope Francis is Writing an Encyclical to Address Pressing Environmental Issues
#metro / Wykop
[Firemen brigade at the entrance into new build metro station in Warsaw]
Basilisk / Wikipedia
Dzieci z Daskalii, lusterka i Bazyliszek
{Children from Daskalia, mirrors and Basilisk}
Mike Oldfield – Platinum (Full Album) 1979 / markoniii86
Zbigniew Charnas
Alert! Wall of the Bank of Poniatowski Bridge Got Cracked with Water Trickling!
26.01.2015 07:24
“Yellow”, “Orange”, and Code “Red” –
Set it quickly here ahead,
If you don’t wanna be dead!
Orange Alert! Mayday! SOS! This phenomenon did not exist yet in spring and summer of the year 2014, when I was watching the wall of start head bank and its quasi turret named “Baszta” {Turret} of additional viaduct of Poniatowski Bridge in Warsaw. Then I described my observations in the supplement titled “The Main Bridge in Warsaw Now Will Collapse (?) Due to Earth Expansion!”.
Looking on clear white layers of paint and plaster of component walls of that “Baszta” in the middle of the year 2014 one could believe that the concrete construction under these layers was quite consistent and relatively stabile. Now – after one or two last quarters of the year 2014 – being on my holiday city walk I found just yesterday with horror that starting the bridge bank wall “Baszta” is there terrible internally broken for many concrete pieces by huge ground power.
In the time after some wet weather fresh water with street salt trickles down throughout deep cracks in the wall from upper part of the city on stairways and balcony making there many little water jets and wet paint blisters or even such blisters heaving street water. One can even touch there such nasty blisters with one’s finger pressing sometimes water outside, just like I did it. Heaving many internal jet streams of water this dangerous old construction comes now fast to pieces and it will probably collapse in quickly days in near future stuffed in tension under strengths of urban expansionistic settlement and move processes (EXPAN) generated by now expanding Earth. As I found, main columns of the Poniatowski Viaduct are in worst state than it was before in mentioned summer.
It is probable that it is beginning of the first such type huge tragedy in Warsaw. In this case some several hundreds of people there are able to get dead or injured in hospitals. Nearly at the viaduct of this “Pony Bridge” – below the Warsaw Vistula River Bank at Al. 3 Maja {Third May Avenue} – there is located our potential “Charlie” (about the 7th day January 2015 in Paris). It is little café and restaurant house named so for memory of famous parody actor Charlie Chaplin (confrontation in “Dictator” with Adolph Hitler).
Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
When I was a young boy in the year 1978 my secondary school there became Chemical Vocational Secondary School № 3 in Warsaw, localised in sub-district Saska Kępa {Saxon Clump} at Saska Street № 78. “Saskia” (“Saska” with “i”) is the name of little pink girl figure added into key bunch under my illustrative link in the previous 42nd supplement. “Saska” has also some literal and cabalistic connections with “Gran Sasso”, “Sasin” and ”Sasago” (find in texts above). And the third day of May of the Third May Avenue is also just Mayday!
Poniatowski Bridge / Wikipedia
Force 10 from Navarone - Đurđevića Tara Bridge / Mateusz Mikołajczyk
[Cracking dam on the mountain river – Let the nature make its work!]
Zbigniew Charnas
Cave Theatre of EXPAN Running Fast (!) in Warsaw Central Railway Station
29.01.2015 11:29
Sand with Water as “Dusty Water” is Warsaw Curse
Dangerous Now Especially
Also in Vistula Bank at the Turret of Poniatowski Viaduct
Relatively old and big expansionistic settlement effects one can watch on the fence of Polish Army Museum located just at previously mentioned by me “Baszta” of the viaduct of Poniatowski Bridge in Warsaw. Turret “Baszta” is here named as “Wieżyca” {Tower}. Saltwater leaks on the walls of staircase of this construction are now the biggest what they could be ever before. Freshwater from rains is never such salted in the sky. This water is salted on the street and just yesterday I have seen such street salt-lorry parking at National Museum in Warsaw localised as next to pointed above Polish Army Museum. I think that the street drainage system inside the bank in this place has now its sewers broken by underground expansionistic strengths.
Everyone who was building as a child castles from sand on the beach knows how liquid is sand with water. It is something intermediate between solid prism made of sand and liquid soup made of sandy water. In the city of Warsaw such sandy ground mixed sometimes with underground water is very dangerous destroyer, suddenly turning up in every urban underground building works. Here I mean tunnel or metro ones for example. This natural monster is called as “kurzawka” {dusty water}. The scale of such phenomenon can be little or huge. I believe now that it is time to only waiting when one fine day it will be much raining and geological mechanism will then unexpectedly destroy city bank and viaduct platforms in this exhibited and attended by people place in Warsaw.
= New Planetary Warsaw Tectonic Fault =
Warsaw Central Railway Station Cracks Now Like Never Before
Its Road Viaduct Falls in Endangering People on Tram Stop Staircase
There Starts Just New Quality in Municipal Life of Evidently Visible
Accelerating Express Tempo of Urban Expansionistic Phenomena
Heaving already forty years Warsaw Railway Station “Warszawa Centralna” was repaired still in the year 2012 for great football championship “Euro 2012”. Earlier in this construction on far parts of its railway platforms on its western side there appeared many saltwater leaks. Just after mentioned last repairs there were only few such water leaks – never mind. But now there began veritable madness with saltwater leaks throughout all floors of the station on its western side and also just yesterday in its shopping centre under near roundabout. Two base blocks of road viaduct located over this roundabout falls in on stairways following into station corridor on other side on its northern side. People running in businesses do not find potential mortal danger birthing just over their heads. Situation maybe can here come worse and critical to viaduct collapse even quite from day to day.
Western passageway of the station was closed for trade just in January 2015 and is now prepared to urgent repairs. Ticket box office № 29 in boutique box № 41 yesterday was intensively flooded by street saltwater. Also in other station “tectonic” line at boutique box № 88 earlier with Internet café there was in the 28th day of January of the year 2015 water dropped from the ceiling like in never existing here before process.
In western arcade of Warsaw Central Railway Station one can find several “tectonic fault” lines when its construction is evidently stretched by geological (geophysical) powers and cracked. Saltwater stands now in puddles on railway platforms. From the huge blue plane ceiling of underground track hall there sags a lot of little white salt stalactites with dropping saltwater. In the middle part of the station tracks in the lowest places there also stands substantial amount of water. But in this case water do not comes from street gutters and from train water closets, too. This water has not biological stench. Lowest water comes from the ground under tracks. It stands only there where trains drive relatively mostly often – in the centre of the hall. This water is pumped with move of rolling wheel s of many locomotives and carriages.
All mentioned above “tectonic” lines in the station are transverse to its main track axis. But stretching move of the terrestrial ground one can observe also on lines parallel to this axis. It is possible in several station corridors over tracks on their fresh white walls in forms of vertical cracks or such disconnected parts. Phenomenon is visible also in tunnel following from Railway Station Warszawa Centralna into Railway Station Warszawa Śródmieście.
Several days ago we have in Warsaw unexpected grand gas detonation in old part of city district in historic house. Five hurt persons were hospitalised. One of residents pointed in front of camera in television broadcast wide cracks on the wall and told that it broadened after this event. I feel that it is possible that this crack was widened directly before the moment of explosion when separation in that wall not noticed just torn gas pipe setting gas free for explosive mixture. Today I discover that the place of mentioned gas explosion is located on the axis running as parallel to Noakowskiego Street (accident in house with № 26). This axis runs throughout western part of Warsaw Central Railway Station as the axis parallel also to Vistula River and its ground bank in zone of the “Pony Bridge”. This fact has maybe here some special important geological meaning.
Warszawa Centralna railway station / Wikipedia
Force 10 from Navarone - Đurđevića Tara Bridge / Mateusz Mikołajczyk
[Sandy water in river bank can be like high water of dam on the river]
Zbigniew Charnas
Blackout Dryness of Continent Apocacrackse Can Start Anywhere after Few Years!
09.02.2015 06:59
Motto I:
Terrorist is not this man
Who frightens about,
But this man
Who puts under and detonates bombs
Motto IIA:
Don’t you misters
Be anybody feeling so humble
You’ll be shortly
So stated by ones knowing your gamble
Motto IIB:
Nie bądźcie wy panowie
Wszyscy tacy skromni
Tak was zaraz niebawem
Ocenią potomni
Motto III:
Power on water
Will make day hotter
[Power can be represented with sword and shield and water with fish.
Just like it is in form of armed siren in coat of arms of Warsaw]
Characteristic Saline Writing
on Staircase Wall of Turret at Poniatowski Bridge in Warsaw
The “Turret” of viaduct of Poniatowski Bridge in Warsaw was renovated several years ago. It was till recent time some beautiful place. Today it is already intensively painted with varied colour graffiti. This is very characteristic fact – friendly to us – that this graffiti is placed quite always under crystal saltwater traces existing there on the walls. It means that saltwater leaks are fresher than this graffiti painting and that the problem is new.
One can watch that beyond row of little windows on lowest floor of Poniatowski Turret there always stands street water as it were in some cellar pool and glass panes of mentioned windows are always steamed with diversified water drops.
Just under the viaduct turret there is placed stone art installation with notation made with white stones: “Tu leży trup nieznanego mieszkańca Warszawy”. This writing means in English as follows: “There lies corpse of unknown resident of Warsaw here”. Did urban artists know that there was dangerous place there?!
Situation in Other Nowadays
Quickly Created Warsaw Expansionistic Research Posts
= When You Sleep Well at Night Dreaming More or Less
Your Bed Quietly Crackles in Expansion Mess =
Yesterday I looked at other building objects in Warsaw potentially staying here in expansionistic posts. I discover that analogous problems with ground move of their concrete and steel modules like Warsaw Central Railway Station have also near Warsaw Western Railway Station and localised on the other side of Vistula River on below placed terrain Warsaw Eastern Railway Station. Between pairs of their modules – located as the parts of tunnels following to track platforms – there are having from 1 to 4 millimetres widening chinks from what there often leaks sordid surface water. It looks terrible and there break off from ceilings pieces of their plaster, just onto heads of going passengers. This phenomenon exists in central passage tunnel of the first mentioned above of outside stations – especially in its southern part – and in three such tunnels of the second one – especially in two outside tunnels (western and eastern). Above there station objects were totally renovated only about three years ago.
Extremely fresh completely new build for the football championship Euro 2012 railway stop named Warszawa Stadion localised at National Stadium is now – after three years – already 2.5 mm wider in chinks of its passage tunnel (main chink in its middle). On its southern end it is longer of about 0.5 cm together in several chinks existing on its slipway valley following from the western station side to the stadium. From the wall at its eastern lift there leaks water floating from north track platform.
If one will go at viaducts of Warsaw semi-ring road in Prymasa Tysiąclecia Avenue at about its № 149 on the side of tram base one will see very interesting fact. In nine chinks between blocks of the 150-metre entrance to this probably 30-years viaduct got already longer together of about 3 cm (for 1 – 4 mm for each chink). In next road viaducts of this avenue following to mentioned Warsaw Western Railway Station pointed expansionistic effect is littler but everywhere solid concrete and steel blocks of they are additionally a little cracked (having slim crevices) and from their walls sometimes even leaks water.
Such leaks are the biggest in blocks of viaduct entrance located at laboratory division of Institute of High Pressures (UNI-PRESS) – just under bus stop named “Obozowa 02”. In office division of this institute there existed table informing that in the very centre of our rock planet there are about 40,000,000 atmospheres of pressure.
Similar substantial and quick effect like described above I observed in past week in fragment of high brick wall of Powązki Cemetery in neighbourhood area of mentioned extraordinarily stretched road viaduct. I mean 300-metre segment of this wall located along Ostroroga Street and contained between sixth gate of this cemetery and Tatarska Street. This wall segment is made of beautiful brown solid clinker bricks (ceramic). As I still remember three years ago there was only one vertical crack in this wall. Now there are just already 10 similar cracks.
Problems with expansionistic cracking there had in several past years – often after their restoration – such historic objects like: Royal Castle in Warsaw, church of St. Anna, Palace in Wilanów Museum, Royal Łazienki Museum. Both the first ones are placed on the edge of riverbank and both next in flat lowland terrain. Lately I got to know that cellars of houses in lowland sub-district Międzylesie in Warsaw got suddenly in time of about the year 2014 commonly floated with ground water – regardless relatively dry weather. Water intensively leaks now probably from near running there River Vistula.
When I was lately watching western passage tunnel of Warsaw Eastern Railway Station I saw at its southern end wall with message: “Z punktu widzenia Drogi Mlecznej wszyscy jesteśmy ze wsi”. What means in English: “From the point of view of Milky Way all we are from countryside”. Somebody additionally wrote there: “Z kosmosu” – “From cosmos”!
The Worst Place in Passages of Warsaw Central Railway Station
The widest crack in the wall of Warsaw Central Railway Station has arisen in the short passage following from its western corridor with platform stairways into shopping centre localised under near roundabout, just under street place of traffic lights in entrance onto this roundabout. This crack had yesterday 7 and 4 millimetres (meanly 0.5 cm) of its wideness. Next wall in neighbour passage – following from this pointed here underground place into start station of Warsaw Commutative Railways (WKD) – is intensively cracked and infiltrated with several wet saltwater leaks. Salt is there precipitated on the wall.
In both of these dangerous places there intensively works salted street water. Saltwater drops from the ceiling in this place after every day with rainy or snowy weather. On the roadway at mentioned above roundabout traffic lights there exist long several-centimetre cracked asphalt ruts. Beyond the wall of the WKD passage there is located some mysterious wide manhole – maybe such one what follows into fragment of the urban sewage system. This system can be also cracked under this municipal expansionistic epicentre place. Maybe from this terrible cause non-urinal water stands always there inside station track ways and comes there still from the city underground abyss.
Universal Expansionistic Aspect of Cracking Walls in Warsaw
¿Paris – London – Moscow – Delhi – Beijing – Tokyo – Washington?
= Red Code Peaking Nearly Higher & Yellow One Running Next Lower =
The First Shocking Infrastructure Apocalypse of Continental Crack
Is Possible Anywhere on the Globe in Few Years after 2015!
Other vertical cracks of walls in Warsaw Central Railway Station have now predominantly from only 1 to 2 mm of their wideness. But it is already enough to make water leaks. Other analogous typical vertical wall cracks of more than 50-years old building constructions in the whole city of Warsaw have their size similar to this breadth. In old fence walls wide cracks have even 4 mm and if house cracks are covered with relatively fresh plaster outside crevices have on its surface often only 0.5 mm of their wideness.
Someone can say that such wall cracking is still not dangerous for buildings. In case of lonely one house this human will be rather right. As I estimated, in all Warsaw we have probably on real level of quantity about 10 thousands (myriad) of mentioned wall cracks. Sometimes crack is extra wide and if it exists as a part of bridge link in house construction then catastrophe is on its way. Estimated by me earlier average expansion of the terrestrial crust is 1 inch (~ 2.5 cm) for 1 km of distance for 100 years in XX and XXI century. Warsaw is placed on having tens of meters in layer soil ground and next on having about 10 km of thickness sediment rocks. Under this sediment layer there exists at last proper lithosphere. Using written by me so-called turret effect with all its fractal compositions, ground stretch in Warsaw what is generated by geophysical EXPAN processes is even 10 times bigger than estimated as mean for the globe.
As I assume, when the lithosphere located under the city expands it is process having its probably 25-meters in amplitude vertical pulsation and analogous its longitudinal wave horizontal oscillation. Time periods of pointed here vary phenomena are probably several months. In such case cracks in given urban area can unexpectedly and relatively quickly change their size and amount. Places of extreme intensification of those phenomena can move in terrain. Without exact regular control monitoring and grave scientific research this new situation can be very dangerous for many municipal users. And it is only some little warning ingress into signalised hereby below gigantic in their planetary scales tectonic and seismic problems starting shortly in all regions of the world.
In such cities like Warsaw situation is made worse by atmospheric water and potentially by sewer water – leaking in the ground as covered water, deceptively penetrating urban moveable sandy soil. Sometimes in Warsaw: “Power on water makes your day hotter”. In last several months one enjoyed that we had in this city relatively dry weather. But now let it be raining here very much more, then we will see interesting things!
Everybody can consider below question by oneself. Every solid material is in its micro scale a little as food jelly. Such gelatinous jelly is delicate but very spring when touched. If it is touched strongly too much, in final situation it gets torn. Similar physical mechanism exists also in case of giant lithosphere of the Earth. Buildings standing on soil ground but ultimately on solid rock of the lithosphere cracks just as the first media and there is not the end of stretching and cracking processes. The next or further is finally the lithosphere.
It is like in taken upside down yellow-red city flag of Warsaw or also in national black-red-yellow flag of Germany. When up is already red code (or black code = dead) of danger stage then down still exists such yellow code. More breakable technical material is located on less frail geological material. But clay brick or concrete and steel beam is only a little less durable for stretching than solid rock stone. Now the Earth’s crust is commonly stretched by unusually strong huge planetary geophysical strengths with similar effect of spring stretching and it still do not crack, but it will crack in the near future.
There is no comparison between city walls and continental block. But continents are stretched with giant strengths directly from planetary abyss, and buildings are so stretched as there only lets or keeps for it just rigid lithosphere. How now forecasted catastrophe will come quickly in the time – it should be determined urgently by modern world geophysical and material science. Warsaw is here representing universal phenomenon and is testing ground of planetary process.
When continental base for our existence will one fine day crack there will arise new type of unusually strong destructive earthquakes. Next as the first long-time problem there will turn out problem of lack or scarcity of river and underground water and derivatively of common lack of electricity. Every power plant needs big amount of water from river, lake or even from ocean to its intensive work. Without such water there is no electricity. There is total municipal, industrial and transport blackout.
When underground geological crust at last will crack then there will be created in continents deep long expansionistic canyons with their pairs of parallel rock walls tall in several-kilometre size. Extent of those steep canyons will range to the ends of continent. It means that they will range into the ocean. Every rivers and lakes placed on such their crack lines will be losing in substantial measure powering them water – directly in favour of nearest ocean. As I forecast, shortly after such the first geophysical apocacrackse moment there will die on the globe millions or even billions of people.
Specialists of atmospheric sciences researching past and nowadays climate changes often tell now to popular science or information mass media that this modern climate change in the XX and XXI century is the fastest in all history of our planet. I think that geophysical EXPAN change is in consequence now also the quickest in history of the Earth and it accelerate with geometric development character. When continent drifts on the planetary mantle it is simultaneously stretched by geophysical strengths pressing from its underneath. Then velocity of its front is faster than of its end in such tectonic exercise and it must be finally torn for one or many parts. We do not ever watch such phenomenon and in modern version it is unknown for world science. Nobody still research it now and nobody know if such breach event will even follow to extremely hot lava eruption from very deep mantle abyss and to planetary explosion with universal holocaust (read in my previous supplements about lot of primeval Mars).
Petroleum and Coal Price Decrease in 2015 and Further
= Fuel Roulette of the World =
Consequence of described higher by me EXPAN phenomenon of extraordinarily created big emission of volcanic hothouse gases from undersea tectonic rifts is regional warming of oceanic water as one of SANIS effects. In comparison with earlier state of global warming process, oceans are now a little warmer in relation with continents. Especially offshore zones and coasts are warmer than continental centres in winters by normal work of nature and additionally more warmer by cause of mentioned expansionistic rift gas emission. There exists such truth that majority of people lives in warmer coastal regions, not in very cold centres of continents needing more heating. As I believe, this developing situation is one of important causes of petroleum, gas and coal price decrease in last months of the year 2014 and 2015.
Jeszcze jeden z polskich kiczów: Pisz pan sobie na Berdyczów!
New Polish Just Another Trash Angle: Write Mister to Bermuda Triangle!
The state where local information media, urban services, city civil servants and municipal authorities do not professionally react to overtaking or urgent alert notification of building catastrophe running because they are prejudiced by savage special secret security service is the state of capitalistic mafionism. Or in other words, it is the state of elite imperialistic socialism – in some increasing connotation to well known historic discriminative nationalistic socialism, what in case of Hitler’s Germany was named as nazi fascism. Now modern Polish fascists bring the world de facto in fast rushing time of the XXI century to total planetary extermination. God irate very much in heavens is just sharpening his panglobal destructive menacing thunders!
Astronomical Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
= Warsaw Sirius & Moon Conjunction =
When I was going back from my city walk in the 3rd day of February of the year 2015 I saw on nightly sky at the hour 19:17 astronomical horizontal near conjunction of Sirius and Moon quite in full. Both of these cosmic objects were in that night the most shining bright on the black sky. They are then placed in horizontal line about 20 angle grades over horizon line and about 8 angle grades near each to other. Both objects were located on east-east-south direction (EES) of compass set in Warsaw. I believe that this could be special mystic sign created to widen our horizon and look beyond!
Alphaville Discoteka 80 Moscow 2013 Forever Young Big In Japan
[Multiplied Destroyer Red Godzilla?]
Godzilla in Tokyo Midtown
Godzilla Through the Years
Godzilla: How his neck has got fatter over the years
Zbigniew Charnas
I Have a Dream Being One Mad Great-Berlin-er Charlie!
11.02.2015 11:32
I propose intellectual inspiring heartfelt travel to famous quotations often more and more actual and timely in many places of the world also in our nowadays incensed times:
Martin Luther King: “I Have a Dream”
Martin Luther King “I have a dream” – Napisy PL...Pt.2 / chemik87PL
[“I have a dream” – start: 2:33 / 7:29]
John F. Kennedy: “Ich bin ein Berliner”
John F. Kennedy’s speech in Berlin / mentorinabox
[“Ich bin ein Berliner” – start: 3:09 / 10:31]
Stefan Starzyński: “Chciałem, by Warszawa była wielka”
{“I Have Wanted Warsaw to Be Great”}
Stefan Starzyński: “I have wanted Warsaw to be great. I and mine collaborators have drawn plans of grand Warsaw of the future. And Warsaw is the great. It has happen faster than we have supposed. And although where parks were to be today there are barricades – densely covered by corpses – although there are flaming our libraries, though there are burning hospitals... Not after fifty years, not after hundred, but today Warsaw defending honour of Poland is at the top of its greatness and fame.” [Well known in Poland from the school text of the last radio speech of “Steadfast President of Warsaw” transmitted from fighting Warsaw in the 23rd day of September of the year 1939]
Chciałem, by Warszawa była wielka – Stefan Starzyński
/ Warszawa Przedwojenna
[“Chciałem, by Warszawa była wielka” – start: 0:35 / 38:20]
Network (film) / Wikipedia
[“I’m Mad as Hell”]
I am mad as hell (The Network 1976) PL / MyslZaSiebie
Network (1976) – Trailer in HD (Fan Remaster) / taas007
I’m Mad As Hell and I’m NOT Going To Take It Any More!
/ PlanetInfoWarsHD
I’M MAD AS HELL!!! – What To Watch Before You Die / CineFix
Get Mad (The Network Techno Remix) DJ Stoa / DJ Stoa
Zeitgeist – fragment “I want you get mad” / Jedrzej Galecki
World Crisis in 4 minutes – “I want you to get mad!” / Felz
Dj Gis – Mad As Hell (Panacea Remix) / Intcpk
The Great Dictator
[“I Don’t Want to Be imperator... The Glorious Future Belongs to All of Us”]
Najlepsza przemowa w historii – Charlie Chaplin NAPISY PL
The Great Dictator / Christopher Trickster
{The Best Speech in History – Charlie Chaplin SUBTITLES PL}
[“I don’t want to be imperator...” – start: 1:06 / 4:38]
Faith, Hope, Love
Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood
In View of
Domination, Discrimination, Humiliation
Captivation, Exploitation, Destitution
War and Extermination
ABBA: I Have a Dream (HQ) / 2Shaymcn
Zbigniew Charnas
GOD PROVIDENCE TEMPLE Get Lately Interrupted, Cracked & Now Has Leaks!!!
13.02.2015 13:50
Lord gave his Son to die for human salvation
And now He does not grudge shroud temples
To warn us about coming fast real danger of
Global destruction and human extermination
“Destroy this temple, and I will reconstruct it
In three days (In your hearts – as it means!)
Shroud Polish Temple of Divine Providence in Warsaw Wilanów
Has Recent Increasing Serious Devastating Expansionistic Troubles
Famous in Poland Świątynia Opatrzności Bożej {Temple of Divine Providence} located on Wilanów Fields in Warsaw get in last several months or even only weeks intensively interrupted in module block links and cracked with thin crevices on its iron and concrete walls. Gaps have here 1 – 3 mm of wideness and crevices has maybe about 0.15 millimetres. Predominantly vertical crevices exist often in every 2 meters on the wall of internal rotund of the temple. Pantheon of Great Poles of this holly temple has not yet destructive effects on its decorative elevations but it is sure that it is only question of some time.
On its massive ceilings there are substantial crevices often placed like star rays around its vents for ventilation. Along these crevices there are already visible little short salt drops (like stalactites). In several places I observed there on the concrete floor in the pantheon located in underground place even quite big puddles. Always opened water closet public cabins of the pantheon now are all closed. In the zone of these cabins – behind formally closed doors – there exists terrible things. In big empty rooms one can watch or only hear how water leaks and drops from ceilings into supported buckets or barrels. Now it is known not for prying sin but for world scientific knowledge and real children security.
This is probably the third the most solid huge massive building object in the city. The greatest one in Warsaw is only Palace of Culture and Science and probably a little greater there is only National Stadium. In summer of the year 2014 there were just no described shocking devastating effects in mentioned important temple. I really do not know if there exists increasing danger of catastrophic collapse in the future of the whole construction or some littler part of this famous shrine place in Poland. It should be urgently recognised by scientists and engineers on the base of EXPAN phenomena in the ground of Warsaw. But, does they and other ones know somewhat what is up here?!
Green Car Parking and Underground Railway Station of
Warsaw Chopin Airport
Have Recent Increasing Serious Devastating Expansionistic Troubles
In summer of the year 2014 I saw only few little puddles on southern track of underground railway station of Warsaw Chopin Airport. Water was slowly leaking from some places in southern wall of the station. It was two years after football championship Euro 2012, when this station was build for. When in last week I visit this place in my way to Temple of Divine Providence then I found that after-snow water stands there in many puddles in both of tracks. Leaking water comes from both walls and from ceiling of the station tunnel what is often cracked. In some place at the end of railway platform mentioned ceiling of this tunnel is cracked terribly for even 4 millimetres of wideness. Watching this EXPAN effect I thought about pool troubles with water tightness of our still closed after its building new metro line in the city.
At main terminal of the airport there is localised four level car parking and over its construction there stands on several piles quite fair hotel. Staircases and their neighbour piles and platforms have now expansionistic troubles in their parking sectors “A” and “C”. There is quite big amount of recent cracks in concrete and leaking water coming from highest platform throughout these cracks and making extensive puddles. I just feel that all of chinks and cracks with saltwater leaks discovered lately by me in Warsaw were created in last time of autumn or winter of the year 2014 and 2015. As it just lately turned out, Warsaw is now area haunted greatly by expansion of the Earth. So my next fascinating expansionistic research trip should start in our great capital city to new National Stadium and also to already quite old Palace of Culture and Science.
As You Sow, You Shall Mow
Who Sows Wind, Can Reap Storm
Just 147 thousands of trees in last 6 years was cut out in Warsaw as yesterday there we were informed on municipal transport monitors. It is equivalent of two Bielański Forests internal in Warsaw or of sixteen Łazienkowski Parks. Trees likes water and transpire it from the ground into the atmosphere. So in such terrain as Warsaw there was more water in the air after rain and less in moving deep ground. Now there is reverse situation. Potentially more dangerous in develop of EXPAN processes.
Moralistic Post Scriptum Bonus Extra
Statue of Christ Redeemer from Belo Horizonte has asked with number “49”: “Please, Set Expanding Earth Low!”. Now he washes his hands and next put up the question: “Do You Want Geophysics to Rule over Your Life. Here You Have It!”. Mistakes, evils and sins are significant not only on account of spirit heavens someday but also on account of physical reality today. So:
This Is the Very Start of the Ultimate End
Robbery Ineffective Devastative Fuel Use Policy in the World
More Than the Same Doing What Runs Especially in Poland
Warsaw Gaps and Cracks Will Change History
Temple of Divine Providence / Wikipedia
Świątynia Opatrzności Bożej w Warszawie / Wikipedia
{Temple of Divine Providence in Warsaw}
Panteon Wielkich Polaków / Wikipedia
{Pantheon of Great Poles}
National Stadium, Warsaw / Wikipedia
Palace of Culture and Science / Wikipedia
Warsaw Chopin Airport / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
Bingo! WARSAW NATIONAL STADIUM Also Has Evident EXPAN Troubles!!!
14.02.2015 10:17
Next shock! From the beginning of the year 2015 all we live in the pioneer expansionistic city – read: in the city going to be seismic one! In next years and their several decades city of Warsaw will be testing terrain where blood of many people will flow in vast river!
On Friday the 13th day of February I visited and watched build in the year 2012 our new Warsaw National Stadium, researching it especially in its two internal parking levels. These two parking levels are located under the main stadium slab floor with football playing field. The stadium is there build with several huge concrete-and-steel modules, where one module is placed in the centre and the others are located around it as rays of star. Between these ray modules there exist already 2-mm expansionistic gaps and between them and the central one gaps ranging to 0.5 cm of their wideness. Object is now about one centimetre or a little more already wider than was in the year 2012 – its establishment year.
On the main circumference parking walls I found very much vertical or diagonal crevices wide for about 0.2 mm and wider cracks ranging even to about 1.2 mm especially in zones of many stadium parking iron doors following to its offices. In many places I met rusty saltwater trace and in several points I discovered puddles of water or places where it was visible that water was there. Interesting in that motive place is for instance wall of entrance tunnel at region of car post № 213 and construction pillar at car post № 713 in higher car parking. From this pillar one can take home a piece of concrete breaking off, big as man’s hand.
My research trip to the stadium I began with train travel from Śródmieście Railway Station where unexpectedly I found with horror long terrible cracks on the walls of its north-eastern staircase and new chinks on its ceiling at eastern part of underground passage following to Warsaw Central Railway Station. In past week I discovered that floor of mezzanine of Wilanowska Metro Station is newly cracked in its middle at eastern wall of the station. Then I also saw how awfully there is cracked with 0.5-cm gap-crack big concrete-and-iron base of entrance on road viaduct at Primary School № 143 placed at United States Avenue № 27. This school is named for memory of Stefan Starzyński with his name and has at its front his bronze statue in natural size.
Earlier in my special travel I visit one place in outskirts of Warsaw where in the middle time of the year 2014 there was opened high-speed route S-8. I saw there many new slim vertical crevices on huge fresh concrete-and-iron base of eastern entrance onto the route localised at Jerozolimskie Avenue № 217. After only several month this element is now together about 1 mm longer.
National Stadium, Warsaw / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
End Pillars of “Ł” Bridge Got Farther of 4 In. -Then the “Ł” Burned in Feb. 2015
16.03.2015 13:26
Many bridges you can burn and even you may
But don’t you do it just in Saint Valentine’s Day!
When “Łazienkowski” in Warsaw Stood in Fire Then We Started to Know:
= New World Copernican =
Warsaw Bridge & House Syndrome
One of the Most Important Bridges in the City
as the
Earth Expandometer and Crown Evidence for Planetary Expansion
This phenomenon can be named as Warsaw Bridge Syndrome (WBS) for many bridges, viaducts, tunnels and pipelines and analogously also as Warsaw House Syndrome (WHS) for many historic houses and even modern buildings. This phenomenon is generally universal in the whole world as one of the EXPAN phenomena. But it is especially strongly and evidently represented on sediment rocks and soil past-glacial sands in the city of Warsaw and in the central part of Poland in about 200-km wide strip located between cities of Zamość (SE region) and Szczecin (NW region of Poland).
Mentioned in subtitle burned bridge is the Łazienkowski Bridge in Warsaw. Its light-green main steel platform is about 423 meters long. This bridge was build in the years 1971 – 1974 and on Saturday in the 14th day of February of the year 2015, after 11 hours of fire from the hour 17:35 when it was alarmed in firemen office, it suddenly burned. It happened more or less exactly in the coldest period in the first winter season of the year 2015.
The bridge had under its main steel platform and under its iron-concrete end fragments special technical wood platform for municipal media. After mentioned fire accident under the bridge there were found unfired fragments of orange plastic gas pipes (high-density polyethylene). It happened just under flamed east part of the bridge on sandy river beach. As it was lately officially told gas pipeline was placed on the bridge technical platform. There was a lot of flammable plastic and wood under the road platform of the bridge. Now the bridge stands abandoned completely destroyed to use and it is meant to dismantling and to reconstruction.
Łazienkowski Bridge has its main steel road platform supported on six pairs of wide pillars of iron and concrete. Between this platform and these pillars there are located many cut steel bridge cylinders in batteries (as special cylinder clusters) working there for seasonal thermal exercises of long steel bridge construction. Lately in estimation of my special terrain research and analysis of position of their hands (indicators visible in binoculars) it turned out that end pairs of pillars of this wreck bridge – standing on opposite banks of Vistula River in Warsaw – had got farther. In my estimation this long-time and sudden fast terrain widening has about three or even four inches (7.5 – 10.0 cm). It is now maximal result recorded by me in the Polish capital city for all the time of expansion of the Earth.
Similar expansionistic effect is visible on cylinder clusters hands of other central bridges in Warsaw – of Gdański Bridge (two bridges: road and railway, pillar), Śląskodąbrowski Bridge (road, pillar), Średnicowy Bridge (railway, pillar). Next it is visible also on its under-platform steel bridge slippers of relatively new build Świętokrzyski Bridge (road, pendant) and on breaking plane of central platforms of Poniatowski Bridge (road, pillar) and on cracking main pillars of this bridge land viaduct (road, pillar).
Sediment ground tectonic expansion exists there with only such difference that scale of such city expansion is there estimated by me for one or two inches (2.5 – 5.0 cm). In the light of this special research and right investigation it is visible – as I think – it is not pure chance of lot that there burned bridge on the most expansionistic terrain – placed in Warsaw between Saska Kępa Sub-district and Ujazdów Sub-district. The bridge having lately under its steel and iron-concrete platforms only a little spring and elastic plastic gas pipelines (active).
Warsaw is placed in lowlands east-central part of Poland between far opposite cities of Wrocław (warmer SW region) and Białystok (cooler NE region), nearer to Białystok. Maximal and minimal absolute record of temperature on this territory is about plus 40 and minus 40 grades in temperature scale of Celsius. So zero of centigrade is the balance temperature (neutral, middle or temperate temperature) for thermal exercises of steel bridges and viaducts in Warsaw and for other ones in central part of Poland. In this temperature (0 °C) indicators of bridge cylinders should take exactly their vertical position (-|-).
In plus 40 °C every of two ends of every of about 400-metre bridge in Warsaw should be set farther for about 10 centimetres from bridge central point than in condition of 0 °C of temperature. Next, it should be farther for about 20 cm than such end should be set in minus 40 °C of temperature. Presented situation means end-to-end swinging back and forth for about 40 cm in 80 grades of centigrade. Cylinder clusters of the Łazienkowski Bridge on the left side of centrally located triangle hold got their right diagonal positions (-/-) and ones on the right side of central triangle hold got their far left diagonal positions (-\-). This picture is visible when observer is watching it as one standing with his face taking aim at down direction of the river.
In case of the Łazienkowski Bridge there not existed effect as next mentioned expansionistic one – Warsaw Building Syndrome – existing here in cases of other bridge in form of settlement of their bridge end bank plinths. These frontages located on both ends of bridges on opposite banks of the river on ends of high earth embankments now settle down in newly expanded and rarefied ground, drifting often as building objects towards to river axis. High walls of these ending bridge plinths are now often cracked with 1 – 3 cm wide dilations or cracks in their iron-concrete constructions.
Normally new building should settle down in the ground in about three years after it was build. Warsaw House Syndrome is the phenomenon where buildings what was build many decades of years ago settle down now again in the ground rarefied in expansionistic way. They do it not in even (regular) manner. So they often get cracked with only thin crevices or even wide cracks. Until the year 2014 there cracked in this method only historic houses, but from that moment there crack also new buildings, viaducts, temples or stadiums. Old the first metro line had not these problems, but now new the second metro line has such problem that houses localised along its stations or tunnels intensively cracks when the metro construction settles down in the ground rarefied by EXPAN geophysical and geological processes.
As it is theoretically possible, anticipated and expected, such new expansionistic ground settlement events will come more and more often and they will be more and more strong destructively working. It is possible very much that they will appear deceptively in geometric progress of their increase and development. In that there is such difference between houses and bridges that foundations of houses often partially slides on the sandy ground in Warsaw and bases of bridge pillars are fully anchored in deeper layers of this medium – to a certain extent strongly conjoined with quickly expanding crust of the Earth.
There exists already wide expansionistic top list of objects cracking in the city. Now this top list there opens famous Palace of Culture and Science, what is standing in the very centre of Warsaw. This high giant solid looking historic object is also internally cracked. Beyond its facade, under its paint-works and plasters, there are covered many crevices in iron-concrete construction. Some students studding in this building watched it in some places of palace staircases. Palace of Culture and Science is the first base of Polish Academy of Sciences.
In my list is present Palace of Staszic – traditionally the second base of Polish Academy of Sciences with famous monument of Nicolas Copernicus standing at the front. Besides strictly expansionistic crevices named “spiders” on its walls in corridors, there exists big long crevices caused by metro settlement process. Tunnel of the second metro line follows just under the street at the east-southern part of this palace. In its southern staircase in region of rooms with numbers 228 and 313 there is wall crack widen so extremely that one can insert there some slim school exercise book.
I have also my next expansionistic chart. This is top dangerous object chart for the city of Warsaw. After the Łazienkowski Bridge there is placed there as the second viaduct and even bridge of Poniatowski Bridge (earlier “Pony Bridge”, now also my “Warsaw Titanic”). The third is newly build and open to use metro line tunnel build under Vistula River with its deeply located underground station named Centrum Nauki Kopernik {Copernicus Science Centre}. Some sudden EXPAN tectonic exercise is expected there quickly in every moment!
Amazing Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
The left bank of River Vistula is civilised as powered with big concrete slabs and the right one of this river is wild as having natural arrangement. On this the second area there is made Path for Survival Direction, what follows among river trees and bushes. There are placed path posts with black numbers printed on white-and-orange plates.
At the Śląskodąbrowski Bridge – in opposite riverside to Royal Castle – there is located number “41” and at the Świętokrzyski Bridge – in opposite riverside to Copernicus Science Centre – there is located number “46”. In my own cabalistic system these numbers symbolise expansion of the Earth (planet: 4, increasing: 1 or 6). In region axis of Jakubowska Street {Jacob Street} at the Poniatowski Bridge there is located number “44”, what can symbolise bridge hanged on pylons (one 4 turned left-side-right). At the Łazienkowski Bridge – in opposite riverside to Sapper Monument – there is located number “33”. This number can symbolise butterfly or moth (first 3 turned left-side-right and next both turned up-side-down, like also number: 313). In context of my mystic cabalism this number can symbolise mothman, like that presented earlier existing in the movie “The Mothman Prophecies” (USA 2002), showing catastrophe of Silver Bridge.
Łazienkowski Bridge / Wikipedia
Most Łazienkowski / Wikipedia
Warsaw’s main Lazienkowski bridge on fire
Mostu Łazienkowski stanął w ogniu / Jan Boruta
{Łazienkowski Bridge got staying in fire}
Mostu Łazienkowski – zamknięty do odwołania / SISKOMTube
{Łazienkowski Bridge – closed until further notice}
Mostu Łazienkowski po pożarze. Wideo z drona / Gazeta.pl
{Łazienkowski Bridge after fire. Video from dron}
Operacja usuwania rozbitej ciężarówki pod Mostem Lazienkowskim
w dniu 05.04.2013 / Miejski Reporter
{Lorry removing operation under Lazienkowski Bridge in the day 05.04.2013}
[Firemen vehicle № 31049 – compare: my cabalistic numbers “41” and “49”]
The Rolling Stones – Doom And Gloom / TheRollingStonesVEVO
Zbigniew Charnas
Warsaw Home & Bridge EXPAN Syndrome. Give fast the “Ł” & “Ś” Bridges to Science!
23.03.2015 11:55
Effects of EXPAN (for 10 cm) on Łazienkowski Bridge fired in February 2015
No smoke without some fire
No call without some wire
[And no city ruin without giant ground expansion]
Essential Evidence Existing to Fast Future Lot of All Children
Is under Barbarian Destruction in the Centre of Warsaw
Similarly Like UNESCO Value Smashed Buddha Statue in Afghanistan
After few next months when it burned the Łazienkowski Bridge in Warsaw will already not completely exist in reality. Then important scientific evidence and properties – extremely valuable for our all humankind civilisation – also will be destroyed. Polish government and authorities of Warsaw will then stand quickly in the same row like Islamic fanatics breaking historical statues. Unless they fast entrust this precious bridge earlier to even international scientists for geological expansionistic research. I mean making of archival comparison to current actual documentation for analysis of just done ground exercise by method presented here making the most of positions of its season-thermal cylinders and by other geodetic methods. This is now undisguised object of world science and culture just like famous Palace of Science and Culture in Warsaw.
Extreme Tempo and Scale of Quick and Gigantic
Nuclear-Volcanic Planetary Earth Expansion Phenomenon
Every of Us Can Find under “Picky Viaduct” Near to the Warsaw Centre
I have been curious about this giant unusual scale of ground expansion observed now under the Łazienkowski Bridge (read details of this bridge burning in latest higher supplement). I explore area placed alongside the river going to the south. I made my observations of Siekierkowski Bridge (the next one) with its long viaducts and embankments located in riverside historical flood and sediment terrain. I also observed homes on part of this riverside sub-district of the city. And now I am strongly shocked. The scale of current quick geophysical changes in this especial place is comparable with that what is known for me from near neighbourhood of the Łazienkowski Bridge.
If the first bridge is about 41 years old then the second one is only 13 years old. The first has now on its 420-meter distance about 7.5 – 10 centimetres of ground expansion. The second on its 500-metre distance has already maybe about 2 – 3 centimetres of this exercise. But on ground area under its viaduct localised as the part of Józef Beck Avenue over Polska Street {Polish Street} between the bus stops Gąsocińska and Siekierki Sanktuarium lately I discover extreme 13-years expansion of the sediment ground. In the same time I find this phenomenon also in pedestrian tunnel at the bus stop POD Czerniaków (vehicle stopping by passenger demand). The scale of change done in transverse direction to Vistula’s axis is for orientation knowledge of about one centimetre for every 100 metres (1 cm / 100 m / 13 yr.). And the scale of change done in parallel direction to this river in presented sediment area is similar as higher.
It is not complicated to watch it there even as layman. One can come closely at one of steel slippers of this nearly 300-metre viaduct. This viaduct slipper panel is located on south side of its east-northern frontage (end nearer to the river). Everyone can observe moved pairs of its vertical steel indicator bolts (each bolt about 12 mm wide) existing there at steel slipper panels. Even in 10 °C of spring temperature these bolts are moved in pair each to other of about 6 mm like in farther placement of iron-concrete foundation base, set as east-northern frontage into the sediment ground. As it is theoretically plain there is no or only some little settlement of this frontage bank in west-southern direction. Hold panels of presented viaduct are located in the middle, on pillars placed behind of bicycle path on the western side of narrow little lake under the viaduct. As I anticipate in temperature of about 16 °C indicator bolts will stand in the same vertical axis – higher bolt exactly over lower other one.
This can be true educational trip in Warsaw before you take such analogous for example in London. About 2.5 km from the bus stop Siekierki Sanktuarium in west-southern direction – when one is driving on the Józef Beck Avenue – there are placed next interesting expansionistic viaducts of this Trasa Siekierkowska {“Picky Route”}.
City exploration one can there begin from the bus stop Bartoszka at building with address Bartoszka Street № 5 – located there at 200-m iron-concrete road viaduct. This viaduct is the fragment of high three-level viaduct crossroad of two wide streets named in the parts: Józef Becka, Czerniakowska, Powsińska and Wincentego Witosa. One can come there very close (up to hand contact) to several low thermal bridge slippers (it looks like pan), ending viaduct platforms. Everyone can watch there in balance temperature about 0 °C just horrible giant scale of only 13-years ground expansion estimated in this area even for two centimetres for every 100 metre of so quickly expanding ground (2 cm / 100 m).
Presented in this supplement first important viaduct of Siekierkowski Bridge as “Picky Viaduct” in Warsaw is placed near exactly over underground geological curve for meandering Vistula River what one can draw alongside rim of plate put over map following line from town of Zakroczym to town of Góra Kalwaria. In neighbourhood of this arc there are localised also some other interesting building object impacted now suddenly by ground expansionistic phenomenon.
I mean here mainly Sanctuary of Mother of God the Teacher of Youth (Siekierki Sanktuarium) located in parish terrain at Gwintowa Street № 3. Next I mean buildings of Cosmic Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Bartycka Street № 18A and many country houses for example at Gościniec Street (e.g.: № 24, 32, 34, 47, 49). All they are now terribly cracked with crevices or cracks having even 0.5 mm or even 3 mm across. And the brick and iron-concrete temple after raining weather is leaking analogously to described by me Divine Providence Temple. This severe state was not yet observed in the cosmic centre in the year 2013.
Neighbourhood building of Nicolas Copernicus Astronomical Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences localised at Bartycka Street № 18 is now also already cracked, but only partially and with thin crevices. And only wide platform under its great solar clock located over car parking is also terribly cracked. It is some wondering fate that also significant historic house of Maria Skłodowska-Curie Museum (Po, Ra) of the Polish Chemical Society placed in the New City (nearly of the Old City) in Warsaw at Freta Street № 16 has cracked very much. This educational object is now closed for all tourists (working just in near other historic house) and waiting for quick repairs. This is the birthplace of this famous woman-scientist. All historic houses of Freta Street cracked in expansionistic manner in last restless months as many ones in all Warsaw Old Town.
Also steel and iron-concrete bridge construction of the building of Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw betrays its discrete stretching in forms of several first rejoining partition, little cracks and wall crevice spiders (there is happily no gas in the object). Underground road tunnel of this much attendance educational centre in the sequence of Wisłostrada {Vistula River Route} leaks after rainy weather over its underground bus stops localised very close at the centre.
Additional Important Technical Building Notice
For Many Sediment Territories in the World
Technical services should check, watch and analyse every water leak event in underwater tunnel of “Gruba Kaśka” {Fat Katy} waterworks well what is located in streaming currents of River Vistula – nearly on eastside of fired Łazienkowski Bridge. And also every ground moving event in Heating and Power Plant “Siekierki” what is located on water sediment terrain – nearly on eastside of presented viaduct of Siekierkowski Bridge. Exhibited here over the city three tall red-white funnels of this energy plant are placed on the base of big triangle, where they are probably easy for making some exact geodetic measurement of extreme EXPAN process in Warsaw.
Warsaw has now three complete tunnels (fresh new passenger metro and two technical ones) and one half-long tunnel (technical) under the River Vistula. Technical tunnels in last years leaks with salt stalactites often and even every year they were sealed (information present in Internet). The tunnel of “Fat Katy” is now probably internally coated with special plastic film, what is visible on many web photographs. For geophysics and geology it is good only for a while.
Results and conclusions of mentioned scientific measuring will have probably its meaning for standing old and under construction new tower houses build on piles set into sediment ground territories, composed on fractal way like just in Warsaw. Important meaning for houses, bridges, pipelines and building towers coming now to their springiness limits at the ridge of stronger next tectonic move incident – objects made in Poland, Spain, China and Canada, or in other countries of the world being potentially at stake.
The new – but reconstructed on old pillars – the Łazienkowski Bridge should be longer to mentioned about 424 metres of its river range of about 10 centimetres, as it was approximated by me. I mean if now engineers will not change type of its primeval simple construction. In the other case the bridge will be able to get severely damaged one fine day during eventually appearing in the future strong frost days, even in the times of grand common global warming (with eruptions of many dusty volcanoes).
Rekordy klimatyczne Polski / Wikipedia
{Climatic records of Poland} [– 40 °C ÷ 0 °C ÷ + 40 °C]
Pożar mostu Łazienkowskiego w Warszawie
Remont mostu będzie kosztował nawet 100 milionów złotych
Rozbierają Łazienkowski. Zobacz, jak znika spalony most
Jarosław Jóźwiak. Chudy Wojtek pomógł uratować most
Uszczelnią tunel pod Wisłą
„Gruba Kaśka” ma pięćdziesiąt lat
[City president and officers of Warsaw in the tunnel of “Fat Kathy”]
Okrągła jubilatka
[W tekście: 2002 ... kontrolowany (?!) przeciek wody w 311-metrowym tunelu]
{In the text: in 2002 ... controlled (?!) leak in 311-metre underwater tunnel}
Hills are burning, trees are burning...
[Even bridges, too]
But for me no more. I need be with you.
I lost my all life searching nature through.
Maleo Reggae Rockers – Reggaemova (na żywo w Czwórce) / Czwórka
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Can’t Hold Us feat. Ray Dalton / Ryan Lewis
Zbigniew Charnas
What Is Maximal Inside Temperature of the Earth? Only Teלla* Isn’t Surprised!
07.04.2015 08:32
Truth and oil are ever above
[Sometimes like a thunderbolt from clear blue sky]
In Some Short Moments of Time in Some Interior Points of the Earth
Its Internal Temperature Can Ranges Up to High Star One of the Sun
Somebody interested in it has asked me lately what maximal temperature – as now I have considered – exists inside the Earth. I said challenging him that 200,000 K (two hundred of thousands of degrees in the scale of Kelvin). Then he found this answer raging and stopped our scientific discussion realised in some “temple of science” in Warsaw.
Earlier in one of my articles I wrote that I consider that it is even 20,000 K of average core temperature. World science tells today by mouths of some research persons about even or only 12,000 K of central globe temperature. But it is not hard to explain on the base of my theory how it can be somewhere inside and sometimes for a while even 2,000,000 K. I mean not only thousands but even millions of temperature grades – like they exist non-stop inside the Sun. Wow!?
I should point in this important place that I have different theoretical model of construction of the Earth and other planets – of their internal dynamic structure – in comparison with hitherto standard scientific and educational model of it. This is the difference giving us unexpected unearthly real scientific possibilities. Consequences of acceptance and application of the right model are fundamental.
In official standard model the Earth is slowly cooling iron-rock clod planetary creation. In its inside under spherical rocky crust there exist rocky outer liquid and inner solid mantle and next outer liquid and inner solid iron core. Main source of heat there is nuclear decay of radioactive isotopes of chemical elements located in planetary mineral rocks.
In my revolutionary model the Earth is slowly deeply warming and slowly expanding quagmire (marsh) planetary creation build on internal nuclear reactor. Reactor emitting to its surface heat and volcanic gases (details are published earlier in my articles and their supplements). In its planetary inside under spherical rocky crust there exist rocky-gaseous sticky matter mantle (sticky matter is matter existing in state being intermediate between liquid and solid one under extreme temperature and pressure) and next plasmatic dense gaseous outer iron-mineral core and farther plastic sticky matter inner iron-uranium core.
Especial space of outer plasmatic and magnetic core is here that due fanciful nuclear geo-reactor. This reactor produces heat and volcanic gases as products of synergy of three types of nuclear reactions. I mean nuclear decay, fission and fusion (thermonuclear synthesis). Right elementary matter to processes is taken from the one side from mantle minerals and from the second side from inner core – the space having substantial amount of right isotope of uranium (please, read about it earlier in mine).
Main evidence telling for mine vision of planetary construction as right one is the fact – very known for scientists – that transverse seismic waves coming from the surface do not completely penetrate outer core of the Earth. It is gaseous property. Next such main evidence is here the fact – known very much in common knowledge – that our planet has its relatively strong magnetic field. This field must be internally generated in special movable geo-dynamo what hard works with relatively quick electric streams. But these several important plain natural facts are ignored in contemptible manner in the first presented above planetary model by modern geophysical and cosmological science. We do not know dynamic construction of planetary magnetic dynamo and we do not know about expansion of the globe where all we live.
Inner core of the Earth contains iron, nickel and in my conception also uranium, but this last element in isotopic dispersion unknown from the planetary surface. This dispersion of uranium is effect of historic explosion of our neighbour Mars as the planet younger for today’s times but already old in its expansion process. Uranium known from the surface of our planet is nearly already burned nuclear fuel. However I feel like nowadays scientists that concentration of still heavy uranium isotope due to nuclear fission in the very centre of every planet is now far too little for final creation of giant explosive atomic bomb inside (of course).
Plasmatic outer core of the Earth abounds in revelation facts as my hypotheses. There are not only dense atomic gas of mineral and metal matter but also dense plasmatic gas of such matters (in state of plasma, higher temperature) and sticky smoke of such ones (relatively lower local temperature). These types of matter circulate inside geo-reactor space in huge streams like liquid water in currents of oceans or ice water of atmospheric clouds. This is effect of thermal and electric convection exercises realised inside presented spherical core area.
When one gush with water onto outer walls of empty metal kitchen pot or cup then it clinks or rings. It is effect caused by uneven character of water stream flow. Material currents in generally gaseous outer core are probably also often not even and regular. Some areas on underneath of the mantle and on top of the inner core can probably get strong electric charge – like many water clouds gets it in the atmosphere. Then from time to time such electric charge generate electric thunder shot (“from one cloud to other one” or “from some cloud to the ground”) penetrating dense gaseous structure of internal part of the Earth.
Temperature of lightning in the atmosphere ranges to 25,000 – 30,000 K. But air pressure is very little in comparison with pressure existing inside the planet. Inside outer core it is about 25,000,000 atmospheres of pressure. Similarly is in the case of general temperature. In such extreme conditions speed of electric current and temperature made in electric stream can be bigger very much. Maybe internal electric plasmatic thunder generates not tens of thousands but hundreds of thousands degrees of while temperature (e.g.: 200,000 K).
When in such thundering electric stream in iron gaseous mixture there run some uranium atoms then they can be distilled in high temperature on some long way. Sometimes in this energetic quick process there is partially created on the ends of this way some relatively little dense smoke-fog fraction of uranium isotopes. These are uranium over-critic thickens right to nuclear fission as brief secondary shot of deep planetary explosion inside described above geo-reactor of the Earth.
For idea of internal dense smoke or fog production one should compare far different iron and uranium boiling temperatures on the surface. It is 2730 °C and 3500 °C of temperature. Let me remind in this place fact that piece of pure uranium isotope U-235 ready to explode in little atom bomb – having about one kilogram of its critic mass – is a little larger than golf-play ball. Please, compare size of such hand-size ball to even though size of Moon globe, just for it.
These uranium isotope thickens emit in such little atomic explosion big quantity of heat and neutron clouds due to mineral thermonuclear fusion following after this special event in their core environment. The planet gets then next some amount of new elements and internally freed volcanic gases (it does not need any secret uranium spin dryers). As science already know temperature of atom bomb explosion ranges up even to 100,000,000 K. In such extreme condition some little thermonuclear synthesis – realised from time to time for a while in deep global abyss of fascinating the Blue Planet in probabilistic material manner – appears to be possible. To conduct reaction of hot nuclear fusion one need for instance only low 2,000,000 K, not even high 100,000,000 K of temperature.
For special example: Our planetary atmosphere has got no chemical synthesis of nitrogen and oxygen until the moment of lightning creation during stormy rainy weather. Then in air and in rain there turns up particles of nitrogen oxides – important for plant vegetation in soil and farther also for our human life.
Near Next Expansionistic Impact in Warsaw
In Local Quarter Effects Can Be Like Six-Magnitude Earthquake
On This Non-Seismic Municipal Terrain
In a way human activity in nowadays times with giant global emission of trace hothouse gases generate not only climatic changes but also additional nuclear explosions in deep abyss of our planet. Surface effects of these explosions will be relatively fast in the future comparable in expansionistic forms to effects of big earthquakes. I anticipate that – having in it many save city enclaves – near next EXPAN impact in Warsaw will leave such effects like they are turns up after earthquake having 6.0 magnitude in the scale of Richter (6.0 M). I am mainly and especially afraid of the viaduct of Poniatowski Bridge (as already overloaded and weakened on expansionistic way and by bigger transportation) and the underwater tunnel of new M2 metro line (as having already earlier some leak troubles) in Warsaw.
Next Information from City EXPAN Front with Some
Unofficial Revelation
Officially Secret for Visitors and Residents of Warsaw
To measure how far already expanded ground under given viaduct or bridge one need to know positions of its dilatation cylinders or dilatation slippers only in two different temperatures of its environment and balance temperature for given bridge terrain. On should measure and calculate range change after temperature change and find right projected position of moved pillar in comparison to its real position. To carry out such assignment one should state what length of exercise goes to one degree of temperature. Only two visits under such object can give analyse result.
Among other the greatest such ground EXPAN changes I recognised earlier on extensive terrain of sub-district of Siekierki and sub-district of Czerniaków in Warsaw. But quite in the same time the littlest ones I observed lately in near to balance temperature (Warsaw BT = 0 °C, then was some 5 °C) on east-northern viaduct of Toruńska Street build over suburban railway line in sub-district of Żerań and sub-sub-district of Annopol.
Well informed persons from the right part of Warsaw tell that underwater tunnel of the Fat Kate (described by me previously as “Fat Katy”) is still leaking. It looks so good in blue and yellow colours only on super official photography from several months. In last weeks I observe there how onto area of near bank preparation waterworks station there was brought through three days several volumes all a day (over ten in sum) of over 16-ton juggernauts (C-16) of fine crumbled rock. A road build with this huge load would range to the other bank of River Vistula but there is no new road. All mentioned building material somewhere vanished inside. I seriously assume now that in this important old underwater tunnel of the Fat Kate there is under construction new internal tunnel made of this fat gravel and some chemical resin for some time to be watertight.
Last here information is for everyone but especially written by me for citizens of district Wola in Warsaw living and travelling on Kasprzaka Street under railway viaduct of PLK. In September of the year 2014 end in February and March in the year 2015 this viaduct was repaired (during train move) and now is ready to further use. At standing there near little church there exists fragment of railway track with the nearest to this church rail what has now inserted into its connection rail complementary insertion. Earlier this dilating connection had dangerously long interruption. But rail was able to draw in dilatation exercises.
Now already in about 5 °C of temperature this move is blocked. From this fatal place to next free dilating connection of rails there is about 300 meters on the one side and about 900 meters on the other. The first pointed rail fragment is extremely narrowly wrenched rail and the longer fragment is welded rail. Such fragment of rail is too long to dilate in summer in free manner. Right rail will probably contort in this season and will be next probably able to tear left rail just at entrance onto the viaduct on arc railway driveway. I think that all long track on this viaduct and far on should be quickly rebuild.
In the ground under this railway construction there is located high-pressure gas pipeline. This potentially dangerous pipe has 400 millimetres of diameter and it contains natural gas under pressure of about 50 atmospheres. Expansionistic process exactly on the terrain of this viaduct has now temporarily stopped. But it moved only several hundreds of meters far to relatively near old housing estate.
Nikola Tesla
[Teלla* = Te↓la = Tesla]
Lightning! / PinkDrew
Incredible Lightning / Voske6
LONDON-Lightning Strike On Plane Above Big Ben (Sony Nex-5 18-55) HD
/ betingoo
[Stop to watch lightning: 0:12 / 0:43 min., clock time of Big Ben: 17:31]
[Thunders in Warsaw – 2015-04-05, 15:55 Kasprzaka Street and 15:58 far, 4 °C]
LFTRs in 5 minutes – Thorium Reactors / Ross Clements
[Ball of nuclear energy explosion critical mass: 2:46 / 5:05 minutes]
Eternal – I Feel The Earth Move / EVK Admin
Martika – I Feel The Earth Move / MartikaVEVO
Zbigniew Charnas
How Poniatowski Bridge the “Pony” Is, Everyone Interested Can Observe!
10.04.2015 07:47
Motto – in Poland we use to say:
Koń, jaki jest, każdy widzi
{Horse, how it is, everyone sees}
The Poniatowski Bridge over Vistula River in Warsaw
Is Strongly Stretched by Expansion and It Settle Down in Current Ground
: : : : :
[Low than 15 °C] (L) ← ||П||П||V|↓|V|↓|V||V||П||П|| → (R) [WBT = 0 °C]
: : : : :
The “Tunny” M2 Tunnel and the “Pony” Bridge Are Predicted to Be
Next with Expansionistic Troubles until Tragic Flood and Collapse
There exists famous photography of Andreas Lubitz (co-pilot of the aircraft A320 of Germanwings crashed in Alps in March 2015) published by magazine Paris Match on what there is visible beyond his back red-orange Californian bridge Golden Gate. On this photo there is visible – what is the most important here for us – how platforms of this bridge are bent (the main one in upping arc – “∩”). On the similar base one can observe how there are bent now platforms of the first such bridge object existing as EXPAN indicator. There can be it just Poniatowski Bridge in Warsaw (in this detailed case I mean the bridge standing over Vistula River, not its long viaduct build over sub-district Powiśle).
From its left to right high frontage this “Pony Bridge” has eight conjoined with dilatations platforms fixed on steel arcs and next on iron-concrete pillars. When the bridge was build before the second world war then in standard situation its platforms got bent up like arc (“∩”, “Ω”) in summer and bent down like arc (“U”) in winter and were flat like a table (“П”) in balance temperature (0 °C). After mentioned war four central platforms on steel arcs of the Pony were reconstructed in a little changed form, as I suppose (their simpler construction I call “grand old hospital beds”). Already previously when temperature was not balance one then they were not bent like arcs but bent brittle like roof (“^”) in summer and like V-letter (“V”) in winter.
When I lately observed Poniatowski Bridge standing at the river on the left bridge frontage and on some added there walk platform when I find that its central platforms are bent like letter V even in temperature of about 15 °C – quite a bit far of balance temperature. This is just fear witness of expansionistic stretching working in the ground (stretching with breaking: “^” → “П” → “V”).
Walking or driving on the bridge and standing in observation point on the left riverside interested person can also discover that central the second and the third standing in water current (in no flood time) pillar of the Pony Bridge settled down a little in the river bed sandy ground. One must only be attentively watching on ridge of its platforms or on its long top railing. The main top line of the bridge is deformed like fragment of some wrung out polygon. The bridge makes “crown” (|V|V|V|). However still in very mild form, of course. Then one will understand how it works to give such effect and that this effect is the result of substantial EXPAN stretching.
The Highest in the World Radio Mast Tall 646 Metres
Probably Collapsed in the Year 1991 Due to Slow Earth Expansion
From the year 1974 to 1991 in Poland there stood the highest building object of the world. It was steel radio mast tall 646 meters when it was measured from the very ground level. The mast was built in central part of Poland in village of Konstantynów near to town of Gąbin. In the year 1991 this mast collapsed during its repairs. Its construction was not under right conservation or maybe even under any tried conservation. The mast top used to be sometimes turned aside even of about several metres.
Such heavy steel mast is like huge long spring put in vertical position and its little deflection in the bottom part transfers into substantial deflection in the top part. Especially when this effect is created with strong strengths working in very long time. When the ground in region of such mast is expanding its steel hold ropes are stretched and they press on whole mast construction bending it. When technical workers slacked the first mast hold rope the mast reacted like some huge steel springy bow snatching this rope and next it quick finally collapsed.
Easter Time Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
In present Easter time there just have gone 41 years from the Easter time (in April of the year 1974) when my mother gave me interesting book “to go in for reading books” titled in my provisional transcription: “The Unusual Adventures of Discovers and Inventions” (compare: “41” = “Earth Expands Up”).
The name of village of Konstantynów can be translated into English language phrase “Of Constantine” what associates with the word “constancy”, meaning nearly also “stability”. But the name of town of “Gąbin” can associate in Polish language with word “gąbka”, what means in English “sponge”. And this is more right word for description of pointed here situation of the radio mast standing at an earlier time on expanding ground placed in the globe abyss on “sponge” mantle of the Earth. The cabalistic number of this object is “646” – very evident as very symbolic (compare my number “46” = “Earth Expands Up”, too).
When I was writing part by part my previous supplement with the word “Teלla” it was among others just the first day of Easter, the 5th day of April of the year 2015. In lazy afternoon, after my nap, there suddenly turned up short hailstorm. At the hour 3:55 p.m. and next 3:58 I heard in Warsaw two hits of thunderbolt. The first was near one and the second was far one. It took its place at only 4 °C of temperature, so it was infrequent phenomenon. For me it was the sign telling that I was right because earlier I was thinking about it and I was waiting for something like this.
In the day when I published (earlier) my previous supplement with “Teלla” there turned up (later) electric blackout in the most important government institutions of the USA in Washington – the top place of the world. This contrast electric hit was caused by situation created in general electric system when “a 230-kilovolt transmission conductor broke free from its support structure” in neighbourhood Maryland. Support structure has some connection with existence of the ground, hasn’t it?
Yesterday (2015-04-09) I watch on nightly sky in Warsaw at the hour 20:30 some space object what for little moment of the time was shining brightest than brightest now in standard on the firmament star of Sirius and planet of Jupiter (not including Moon, of course). As I assume, it was International Space Station – visible over Warsaw from time to time on its typical cosmic way.
About one month earlier – in the 2nd and 3rd day of March of the year 2015 – on the nightly sky in Warsaw I observed near conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter. In the first of these cases between the 6th and 7th hour of early evening Moon and Jupiter created on firmament with their special positions just horizontal line long for about 8.5 degrees made about 33 degrees over horizon. It was on quite east geographical direction. In the second of these cases about the 7th hour of early evening Jupiter was over Moon in vertical line on quite east-southern direction. It was about 55 degrees over horizon with only 8 degrees of difference in their sky positions. Moon was visible nearly like big letter “D”.
Such situations created on the nightly sky in character of mystic sign of heavens (compare: Bethlehem Star) I used to name in cabal “Range Beyond Horizons” and “Jupiter-Moon Exclamation Mark” and several times I described. Near term conjunction of such star horizontal line and star exclamation line is to tell to us: “Widen Your Mental Horizons and Be Careful about New Phenomena”.
Andreas Lubitz Germanwings co-pilot:
First picture as it’s revealed he deliberately flew jet into Alps
[Watch line of the Golden Gate not only happy smile of Andreas Lubitz]
Washington, D.C., Including the White House, Hit by Power Outages
Zbigniew Charnas
How “Crossy” Bridge & “Cherny” Viaduct Are, Watch in New Balance Temperature!
16.04.2015 21:41
It is some little step for one human (astronaut, builder)
But the great step for mankind – this little puddle there now
[New puddle of river water inside the metro station in Warsaw]
New Balance Temperature of Many Bridges and Viaducts in Warsaw
In my special research nomenclature Łazienkowski Bridge is named now as “Swany” (localised in region of sporadic visits of swans). For similar shortcut form I named already earlier Józefa Poniatowskiego Bridge as “Pony” (the part of word “Poni-atowskiego”). The Gdański one I named by this way as “Balty” (by city of Gdansk at Baltic Sea), its near railway bridge as “Noisy” (making big noise under trains), and the Śląskodąbrowski one as “Oaky” (Polish “dąbrowa” = English “oak forest”). I named Świętokrzyski Bridge as “Crossy” (this is the bridge of Polish “Saint Cross”) and the Średnicowy one as “Diamy” (“średnica” = “diameter”). I name Siekierkowski Bridge as “Picky” (“siekiera” = “pick”) and three-level crossroad viaducts placed on Siekierkowska Route following to this the latest bridge from Czerniakowska Street finally I name as “Cherny”.
There exists else “Nobly” as such pseudonym for Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie Bridge (named earlier provisionally as Northern Bridge), “Rowy” as such one for Generała Grota-Roweckiego Bridge and “Tunny” for the underwater tunnel of new M2 Metro Line in Warsaw. One after another from the north to the south in city terrain of Warsaw these objects stands as it follows: “Nobly”, “Rowy”, “Noisy”, “Balty”, “Oaky”, “Crossy”, “Tunny”, “Diamy”, “Pony”, “Swany”, “Picky” and “Cherny”.
As I describer earlier in several causes it is possible and even easy to come at for feel distance to dilatational cylinders or slippers of bridge or viaduct in Warsaw. In the majority of other causes it is impossible but one can observe these usually far elements from the level of riverside or street in visual distance, eventually with reinforcement of optical equipment. In such universal situation existing for all bridges in the world it is worth knowing how is balance temperature in given territory. On geological areas of strongly expanding ground vertical or symmetrical right balance position of dilatational movable bearing elements will be changed. There will exist new balance temperature for such bridge object what will be significantly much higher. In new situation vertical or symmetrical position of bearing elements will be achieved in appropriate higher temperature.
As standard bridge or viaduct balance temperature in central Poland one should adopt about 0 °C (in high mountains lower one). Now standard balance symmetrical position of viaduct slippers in about 0 °C lately I just observed in Warsaw only under viaduct of Toruńska Route in sub-sub-district Annopol. New balance temperature for 14 years old the Crossy Bridge is about 12 °C and for 69 years old the Pony Bridge it is maybe 17 °C of temperature. As I lately estimated for just burned in February quite 41 years old the Swany Bridge it can be even some 30 °C (caused by earth move not fire). In the case of described earlier slipper element on frontage of one of viaducts of 13 years old the Picky Bridge it is about 14 °C (this viaduct frontage yet settles down). And in the case of the Cherny Crossroads it is maybe even about 27 °C of temperature. Such difference between standard and changed (new) balance temperature – between 0 °C and for instance 27 °C – is shocking!
Sensational Information from Latest Week in Warsaw
New Underwater Metro Station Is Leaking Again
On Monday the 13th day of April of the year 2015 in my city trip I discover that on tracks of Science Centre Copernicus Metro Station of M2 Warsaw Metro Line after only one month of its work there stands again steaming brine water puddles made of leaking river water. Earlier it was famous affair in Poland to be late for several months for opening of metro line because of leaking. Underwater metro modules were then clipped with solid steel buckles. Engineers and next municipal authorities told after this desperate operation that tunnel and its the nearest station would never leak yet.
Now it just has turned out that it was, it is and it will be not true. The tunnel and the station one fine day can suddenly be dangerously torn in mentioned buckles for millimetres like some string by gigantic geophysical strengths full of its giant nuclear power. Such the second devastating act in Warsaw will be announcing start of the new epoch of our civilisation!
Zbigniew Charnas
How Nowadays Rough GPS System Can Estimate Now Fast Expansion of the Earth
22.04.2015 14:55
= Knowledge Is Power =
But wrong one is downfall or even destruction!
Two Theories & One Planet
As we know, our planet has among others two huge oceans. This is Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. From lessons of geography we know that the Atlantic Ocean widens and Americas get farther from Europe and Africa. If it is true – and it is, of course – the Pacific Ocean should shrink (contract) on the edge of its volcanic Fire Ring. GPS satellites measure tempo of exercises of continents adequate for these modern ocean changes in centimetres for every year. These GPS satellites circulates on their orbits drifting away from the centre of the Earth but GPS computing system compensates it to stabile orbits known in virtual assumption. Such system can see only horizontal moves on globe surface like they exist in Tectonic Plate Theory, but not expansion of this surface up in relation to central point of the planet. One can read about it in my article titled: “GPS Satellites Deceive – Drifting away of Orbits with Micro Extragravite Assist”.
Average tempo of slow natural process of planetary expansion would be measured only in millimetres for every year. But in nowadays globe expansion accelerated by human activity should be measured meanly just in meters for every year. In my conception continental drift of Plate Tectonics Theory and planetary expansion of Accelerated Nuclear-Volcanic Earth Expansion Theory work together in the same time. From this there follows that conclusion that in virtual picture created in our modern time by GPS measurement local velocity of tectonic plate and continent drift should be faster in rift drawing regions and relatively slower in mountain and seashore subduction ones. This geophysical phenomenon – real in nature and virtually present in GPS readout as deformed – should be measured for instance on equatorial line of the Earth.
Virtual Results of Exact GPS Measurement
In my conception it is assumed that expanding planet generate more magma to building of its surface in underwater and land rift terrain. In such case virtually deformed picture of GPS readout should be observed having just a little smaller continents than it was earlier. I heard maybe two years ago that such numeral GPS experiment was made and in its result the terrestrial globe got smaller. Scientists did not believe in it and their results landed beyond institute window instead of beyond the horizon from now to the future!
If the results of mentioned experiment would be compensated not to stable orbits of satellites but to stable size of continents science would have some notion about scale of GPS orbit changes and accelerated expansion of the globe. It would be not exact because continents are stretched in general process, too. They are now a little longer and wider than they were earlier several tens of years ago. But these virtual experimental results would be approximated to comparable with real size geographical values.
When scientists will measure change of some given expanding distance segment on the globe surface with exact satellite geodetic method and in the same time with exact terrestrial geodetic method then they will be able to compare such results and to slot them each to other. This doing can show to science how GPS orbits changed and the Earth expanded. Deformed segments satellite system sees in other manner than geodetic tape measure. Non-deformed both see in similar manner, as I think. Why?
Lithosphere Turret Effect
I assume that science do not know how stabile are orbits of Global Positioning System. This is only scientific assumption. This system is calibrated with some special pattern distance segment measured by GPS satellites on some specially chosen stable terrain. The pattern of metre stored in special conditions at Paris is made of special metal alloy, not of wood or plastic. Such rigid rocky pattern segment dictates “right” volume for whole the globe when other distances are not stabile. Such phenomenon is possible and I explained earlier how it works, naming it as turret effect (defence turret = empty window between brick blanks).
When all deep abyss lithosphere base of thick continent is stretched then its high terrestrial surface is stretched only on tops of thick tender sediment areas not on tops of thick rigid rock areas (sandy-and-rocky turret). In my vertical model cross-section at the start of process there are rectangles of rocky blanks and sandy windows in the continental turret thick for several tens of kilometres. At the end there are trapezes of rocky blanks widened on the bottom ridge and stable on the top one in comparison with primeval rectangles, and trapezes of sandy window widened on the bottom ridge and on the top one, more widened on the top ridge.
When sandy window trapezes are created by this method then their height must decrease. I heard that such phenomenon was observed in GPS comparable geodetic experiment made several years ago over region of Warsaw. Lowland area of this city decreased its lithosphere elevation and settled down in relation to stabile rigid crown geodetic objects surrounding it in territory of Poland. Mentioned cross-section figure should be made like that:
Under the Atmosphere
BCBS ─ Top Stable* 0 · Top Still Stable 0 · Top Stable 0 ─ BCBS
BCBS ─ | Rocky Blank* | Sandy Window | Rocky Blank | ─ BCBS
BCBS ─ |....Rectangle.....|.....Rectangle......|....Rectangle...| ─ BCBS
In the Lithosphere over the Mantle of the Earth
Under the Atmosphere
ACBS ← Top Stable* 0 · Top Stretched + + + · Top Stable 0 → ACBS
ACBS ← / Rocky Blank* \\ Sandy Window // Rocky Blank \ → ACBS
ACBS ← /....Trapeze...+...\\.....Trapeze...+...//....Trapeze...+.\ → ACBS
In the Lithosphere over the Mantle Stretched + + + Now
BCBS = Before Crust Base Stretching
ACBS = After Crust Base Stretching
Top Stable* 0 (zero) & Blank* = here is located GPS Pattern Distance Segment
Schematically three times more stretched distance than “+” = “+ + +”
As I assume, in similar manner petrified basalt magma ocean beds can be a little bigger stretched than maybe more rigid granite rock continent islands – about some five times thicker – drifting on the expanding Earth.
Amazing Astronomic and Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
Today is the 22nd day of April of the year 2015 – International Day of the Earth – and on the darkening nightly sky just after sunset if there will be good weather we will be able to watch near conjunction of unusual bright star (maybe like Bethlehem Star) and the Moon. These astronomical objects will be shining in distance of several angle degrees each to other a little higher than ten angle degrees over the western part of horizon.
I observed this astronomical construction as created conjunction in the 20th and 21st day of April (in the 19th day there were clouds). We have on the nightly sky many animals and articles as their constellations, so I imagined that mentioned above objects created then “Great Gravitational Pendulum”.
I think that this shining bright spring star one can call “Earth Day Horizon Star”. It looks like the sigh from heavens for us telling one more time: “Widen Your Mental Horizons Because There Comes Hard Times What Will Demand From Us Outstanding Solutions!”. Get Ready!
Zbigniew Charnas
Hotel Built over Parking on Pipe Pillars at Airport Has Now Cracking Foundation!
27.04.2015 21:19
Motto I:
Every new house, tower, tunnel or bridge
Built without know-how of expanding terrain and adequate design
Is built de facto as wild-paper architectural and engineering creation
What means wilful, wrong and dangerous building investment
Motto II:
We know terrible felonies against humanity.
Before such crime there must exist many sins and offences.
We will observe now felonies against the planet.
There are many ecological sins and offences in the world.
Crimes against the Earth become crimes against humanity.
Green Colossus Hotel Standing on Pipe Pillar Feet of Clay
At the Airport Gate of the European Capital City
When one come into Warsaw on its Chopin Airport then one can watch airport hotel Courtyard by Marriott. This several-floor hotel has deeply dark green colour and its several-level car parking has simply green colour. It is localised just next to Terminal-A of the airport. Every passenger may park there his car on lower parking platform. This green parking and green hotel stands on many steel pipe pillars conjoined with steel H-beams. For the hotel and under-house part of the parking pipe pillars are thicker and for the rest of this construction they are thinner in their diameter. As I assume tops of pillars are set into iron-concrete base platform of the hotel and their bottoms are set into iron-concrete blocks put deeply in the ground.
I lately discover that concrete walls inside the lowest level of the parking (–1) located on its central long line and on its circumference are vertically cracked. As I just feel in average arrangement there are 0.5-mm cracks per every two or three meters of straight distance. It will give about 3.5 cm of ground stretching of foundation length of this construction what is long for about 160 m and wide for about 80 meters. All this “Courty” (name by me) construction in terrain of Warsaw is some little older than construction of the “Crossy”, “Picky” and “Cherny” (object pseudonyms, read earlier). So, result of ground expansion in airport region is comparable with such effect in pointed earlier other southern region of Warsaw (2 cm / 100 m / ~ 15 last years). Tunnel of Chopin Airport Railway Station leaks now more intensively than it was one year earlier. On its tracks I lately watched more water leaking from its environment.
Similar to above effect of geophysical ground stretching I found in terrain near to Warsaw Chopin Airport under road viaduct joining there Cybernetyki Street with 17 Stycznia Street – the viaduct called by me as “Cybery”. This viaduct is only about five years old as standing there. Some other similar viaduct existing in the same airport neighbourhood area has now already 12 °C of its new balance temperature. The Cybery Viaduct has about 17 °C of its new balance temperature in the average take. For one of its four steel arms (two holds has two dilating arm pairs, one pair for each of two roads) it is just a little less than 10 °C of new balance temperature. But for other arm it is 20 °C and for more other one it is even 28 °C of NBT (the nearest and the next to building with address Cybernetyki Street № 19. I do not know if it is due to inexact sloppy contractor work or due to ground stretching disproportion (or to both of them).
On this viaduct dilatational bearing elements of viaduct platforms there are placed movable long rectangle plates in yellow colour. Each of they has printed black centimetre ruler. On this viaduct pillars at mentioned ruler plates there are set immovable indicator steel rods. On every black ruler of yellow plates there is marked with two red vertical lines dilatational range volume – for each given bearing different.
These dilatational centimetre plates and indicator rods are assembled wrongly for some part of bearings. They show no exercises. Other part of bearings has positioned by this way their base balance temperature in near area of 12 °C – what is wrong as take in assumption in Warsaw, of course. Regardless of these facts plates shows with their red lines that the viaduct gets longer or shorter on its ends in he scale of 2.5 millimetre per every degrees of Celsius in length of about 150 meters of steel viaduct arm. This value is consistent with my earlier approximations and technical data for steel thermal suppleness (1 – 2 mm / °C / 100 m of steel viaduct length, here: 1.6 – 1.7 mm / °C / 100 m).
In wide region of Warsaw Chopin Airport there is located one more viaduct what I lately observed to estimate local ground expansion. This is nearly 40 years old railway steel viaduct of our Warsaw Commutation Railway placed on sub-sub-district Szczęśliwice {Polish: Happy Place} – the viaduct called by me “Happy” (stands still in wide region of my childhood exploration). Taking right angle to watch middle perspective of viaduct pillars one can observe on move of pillars under its bearing elements substantial expansionistic change in its base ground. It is visible especially on the western side. Only ends of this viaduct shows ground exercise in opposite direction due to its frontage settlement.
Frontal brick staircase blocks of the airport green parking are already terribly cracked in their many places and now they are under just started repairs. I am afraid that main pipe pillars of all this construction are in danger of technical deflection and in extreme situation even of unexpected shearing off. It is not yet right now but as I described earlier I expect creation of next EXPAN impact shortly in Warsaw.
My analysis of old and new building cracking in earlier and very recent time and next analysis of new balance temperature of old and new tunnels, bridges and viaducts makes shocking terrible suggestion. It tells that new geophysical and geological phenomenon appearing lately in Warsaw relatively fast accelerate and its scale increase. So, this next “ground shuffle” should be bigger and stronger than the last such devastating phenomenon in autumn, winter and spring in cool season of the year 2014 and 2015. In local effect it can be similar even to effect made usually by earthquake having energy of sixth magnitude in the scale of Richter (6.0 M).
How to Build Today in Deeply Expanding Ground for the Future
It is worth to note that thin crevices existing in pavements in region of huge ground expansion of two centimetres for every hundred meters of the ground for example are quite invisible. Mean size of them in the case of bricks having about 10 cm x 20 cm is 0.02 or 0.04 mm and in the case of slabs 50 cm x 50 cm is 0.1 millimetre. Such crevices in Warsaw used to be filled by street dust and still present here due to dry weather fine dust coming from big volcanic eruption having its place on Iceland several years ago.
It is also worth to note that profile of expansionistic changes taken in regular exact research could be maybe slotted to some deep geological profiles. Then it could tell us from what level of the lithosphere given regional expansionistic process is generated. It should be evidence for its planetary character.
When expanding sandy ground fills up wider than earlier syncline (geological pan) it factually settle down. Often it does it unevenly. So, it is not easy to build in newly created quickly changing terrain. I think that this is the end of classic pillar building, especially with many pillars on long distance. There are needed new engineering solutions. We must build houses standing on solid foundation having its platform made as wide single runner – like huge durable surfboard able to slide in sediment ground. Maybe having more internal steel elements than it was usually.
Amazing Astronomic and Cabalistic Post Scriptum Bonus
Now in April on the nightly sky there are three the brighter astronomical objects. The first is the Moon, of course. In the nights about the International Earth Day, it means of the 22nd and 26th day of April of the year 2015 the Moon had form of horny arc cake (croissant) in its position nearly like the Holly Land has in relation to the Mediterranean Sea. And the second is here – if I know it rightly – great far star Sirius. The object previously pointed by me in supplement as being in near conjunction with Moon in the 22nd day of April. This conjunction distance had nearly thirteen angle degrees as being primeval after sunset and next about fourteen angle degrees as low over horizon (about 14 cm on finger in stretched out arm having about 57 cm, 2πr = 2 x 3.14 x 57 cm = 360 cm / 360° of astral circle).
The third object is here the Jupiter – our next neighbour planet existing beyond the Mars. On the nightly sky of the 26th day of April this planet created near conjunction with the Moon. This was the second such phenomenon in the same week and just in the days when there is the official term for mentioned holiday and memory day and the term of its the open air weekend ecological events. In this manner Moon walked on the firmament from Sirius to Jupiter in the period of the International Earth Day.
I observed mentioned near conjunction yesterday between clouds in Warsaw again in my cabalistic explorations as “Great Jupiter-Moon Exclamation Mark” (name created on similar base like ancient celestial animal constellations may still exist). Jupiter was placed quite high on west-southern part of the sky over the Moon already near to “D-letter”. It was a little deflected to the right in upside-down position for writing exclamation mark (Spanish mark “¡”, not “!”). Shining huge planet was in distance of five angle degrees from our moon (general situation is shown on monthly astronomical map in issue 4/2015 of Polish monthly popular-science journal “Wiedza i Życie”).
The first pointed near astronomical conjunction was visible in Warsaw exactly on the street symmetry axis of Powązkowska Street. This is our famous street known of its grand historic municipal cemetery. In the year 2014 organisation NASA published for the International Earth Day interesting colour virtual cosmic picture of the Earth made of 36,422 self-photos sent in by people from the all world.
The cipher part “422” was there for “April 22”, of course. But why there was number “36”? This number is as symbolic the number of fair people in every generation of Israel but in my cabalistic system symbolise dead victims. Such numeral cabalistic motive is taken from the motion picture titled “The Mothman Prophecies” (USA 2002). It warns about mortal conditions and near catastrophe coming. Some several months ago somebody put printing “Czarny Motyl” – what means “Black Butterfly” – on pavement of the Crossy Bridge in Warsaw.
I described earlier so-called Effect of Pink Girls (read in supplement titled: Alleged Mechanism of Atmospheric Cold & Heat of SANIS in America, Europe & Asia) where I wrote that child rose girls (colour of clothing) “Save the world from war and extermination”. In previous week for the first time in Poland there was started Child Alert for just kidnapped (2015-04-14) ten years old pink girl having her name Maja. The child was quickly find wounded by citizens and police and finally saved (04-15). Unfortunately in the next two days (04-15, -16) there were brutally raped and murdered nine years old little girl named Chloe in Calais in France and also roughly murdered five years old one in Gdansk in Poland (by her native father).
Female name “Maja” comes in one version from name “Maia” what is ancient mythological name of oldest Pleiad and in other version it comes from name “Maia” or “Maiesta” what in Old-Italian language is name of goddess of growth (compare: nowadays economical growth). In Polish language word “Maj” means May (compare: “Mayday!” = aerial and marine extreme deadly conditions alert, meaning the same what “SOS!” means).
Nearly after midnight in the 18th day of April (2015-04-17, 22:16:22 UTC) in previous weekend in the Black Coal Mine “Wujek” – “Ruch Śląsk” in Poland there turned up strong quake of mine formation on level deep for 1050 meters. In its central point in lithosphere seism was deep for five kilometres. It was earthquake of more than fourth (4.2 M) magnitude in the scale of Richter. Such phenomenon is infrequent in Poland. Last one of this power was recorded on our territory in the first eighty years of the XX century. Specifics of mentioned recent mine quake is fact that floor of gangway (underground mine tunnel) was lifted up quite to its very ceiling top. Strength worked from down from the orogen (mine formation). Two of miners are still tragically missing.
On Saturday the 25th day of the year 2015 at the hour 11:56 (only four minutes to the noon = 5 minutes to the 12th hour = symbol “In the Latest Moment”) some area of the Earth was in geophysical way shaken in Nepal. This earthquake ranged quite eighth magnitude (7.8 M) of Richter. Thousands of people are dead. Depth of this quake was fifteen kilometres. The seism was felt on famous Mount Everest called the Roof of the World. There also some people were killed by nature. Information media said yesterday morning about 17 such person and other 61 injured. Today afternoon it was already 22 person dead. All these facts can be read as the sign telling: “Your Planet Already Expands High!”!
Someone talked in television that altitude of the highest mountain of the world is just 8,848 meters no more. He names that now it is 8,849 meters. It turns out that having incorrect measurement equipment we do not know exactly how high is Mount Everest. Internet search-engine prompter gives here among other result of 8,846 and 8,849 meters. Number “8,846” has its two-element end as “46” and number “8,849” has its two-element end as “49”. Cipher four is here for symbol of the globe, six symbolise upper direction vector and nine does it for downer direction one. Number “46” with “41” is in my cabalistic system symbol for “Expanding Planet” and number “49” is for special mystic request (event in 2012-06-12) of Christ the Redeemer from city of Belo Horizonte in Brazil: “Please, Set the Expanding Earth Being Low (Normal)”!
Wyboczenie kolumn {Deflection of columns}
The Making of NASA’s Global Selfie: 100+ Countries, Thousands of Photos
#GlobalSelfie Photos of our Beautiful World / NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Kidnapped girl found safe in Germany
M4.0 – 4km SE of Ruda Slaska, Poland
M7.8 – 34km ESE of Lamjung, Nepal (BETA) 2015-04-25 06:11:26 UTC
2015 Nepal earthquake / Wikipedia
Mount Everest / Wikipedia
Himalayas / Simple English Wikipedia
Make a List of Facts about Everest
Height of Mount Everest
Calbuco (volcano) / Wikipedia
Zbigniew Charnas
New Balance Temperatures & Increasing EXPAN Stages – The Foremost Now!
07.05.2015 08:09
What is shortly telling the most important thing to give security for society living on expansionistic territories in the World? The first important is to find out if given terrain is now under action of strong impact of EXPAN phenomena. It means that the paramount work is to read new balance dilatational temperature of every bridge and viaduct on this place – having they all as approximating research ground expandometers (in Warsaw temperatures changed now from standard ones about 0 °C to new balance even near to 30 °C). And next – if it is possible knowing age of these objects – to state then dynamics of expansionistic changes in mentioned regional terrain in function of time.
The second important thing is here to conduct special continuous or often monitoring of EXPAN change symptoms and to get ready to next EXPAN acts remembering that these seismic phenomena of new unusual type are in their increasing trends bigger and bigger each to other earlier. Every next such ground attack can be more devastating than previous one can be. Classic semi-springy earthquakes and semi-springy new energetic earth shuffles do not work non-stop existing long but manifesting in their unexpected appearances from time to time.
Alphaville – “Forever Young (Dance Remix)” (Official Music Video) / RHINO
[Godzilla attacks Warsaw from 2014 – 2:24 / 4:21 (London, Paris, Tokyo?)]
Zbigniew Charnas
“Bemy”, “Tunny”, “Pony” & “Swany” – the Most Important in Warsaw Now!
19.05.2015 19:47
“Swany” and “Pony”
This is further sequence of the previous supplement for the cases existing in Warsaw. As the first there would be checked out information about new balance temperatures for pointed bridges and viaducts on terrain of the city. Particularly for burned the Swan Bridge (Most Łazienkowski). It means – information about essential ground expansion in Warsaw. If it is possible – having nail holds in pillar plinths – surveyors should measure the scale of ground expansion along the viaduct of the Pony Bridge (Most Poniatowskiego) or estimate it – having mentioned new balance temperatures of other objects. This last is needed to next operation, what is to establish with engineering polytechnical methods how long ground exercise will destroy stability of this viaduct construction and how far in the area that deadline moment can exist. It can be the base for special emergency monitoring of such anticipated event.
“Bemy” or “Casey”
The track running on embankment following onto railway viaduct placed over Kasprzaka Street in Wola District in Warsaw (read earlier) has from winter 2014/2015 at its electric track pole with plate of number 53 some wrongly designed rail complement in its dilatational interruption crack of the right rail (the nearest to the church) . The left rail on this track segment is straight (!) one albeit it is located in the track bend. It exists just at the entrance of the viaduct localised over mobile road. Now in temperatures over 5 °C and especially over 20 °C the right rail [ ( ] is too narrow on long distance and it pressures onto the left one [ / ] when exery train is coming – inviding on both of the rails [ ←/←(-← ].
On the left straight rail on this track bend there are already seven steel sliver pits, every the next one placed nearer to other on direction following to mentioned rail complement located just at the very viaduct entrance. I think that it is dangerous situation – illegal and out of norms – following to tear of the left rail and to railway and road catastrophe. Maybe to catastrophe with gas explosion of high-pressure ground pipeline when some train will fall there between two weak palisades of pointed two-track viaduct.
On last Friday evening (2015-05-15) the deepest new saltwater puddle in track gutter in Warsaw metro station named Copernicus Science Centre was about 15 metres long (5.5 m long from the end platform wall the nearest to “Crossy”), and on last Saturday evening it was already about 18 metres long (+ 3 m per 24 hours). It is very worrying effect in my evaluation! Next this saltwater puddle suddenly disappeared (drunk by Warsaw Basilisk?).
Zbigniew Charnas
Slow High Tide Seismic Wave of Planet Warming – Expansionistic Armageddon Theory
27.05.2015 13:00
“Let your Holy Spirit descend. Let your Holy Spirit descend,
and renew the face of the Earth... and this land!”
John Paul II*
Expansionistic Upcoming Tide Changing Globe Levels
As it was discovered in the year 2012 by German-French group of geophysicists [“Rapid Changes in the Earth Core – The Magnetic Field and Gravity Seen by Satellites” in my supplement “Expansionistic Hothouse Emission Impact on ENSO – Super La Ni ña Standard (SANIS)” and visualisation links in supplement “Changing GPS-Altitude as Result of Mass Compression at the Earth's Plasmosphere”] in effect of the GRACE satellite mission, internal gravity pulsates inside the Earth. It means that also the crust moves up and down for many metres in the scale of months in relation to the very centre of our restless planet. In the same time our globe expands more and more faster.
When in given region the lithosphere slowly pulses up then there are bigger and bigger destructive next by next expansionistic changes in it. As I estimate, described earlier latest EXPAN impact in Warsaw was created with such mechanism. This phenomenon was in infrastructural effects like earthquake of about M5 magnitude in the scale of Richter. And next one will be able to range up to magnitude M6. Situation is here complicated by semi-springiness of geological layers of matter. But why this leap of geophysical event scale is so big?
Tempo of trend increase of such seismic EXPAN phenomenon is still unknown in the world in whole its history, if only it is true that tempo of atmospheric global warming is also the fastest, as they say. As I assume, it is caused by special hysteresis (delay, inertion) in geophysical planetary warming and cooling phenomena, because internal system of the Earth has its entering thermal waves coming from the surface into the core, and next its exiting thermal and pressure waves coming from this nuclear generator onto the surface. Such back thermal and pressure signal runs throughout the mantle of the planet made of sticky matter and gas maybe in time of several decades of years. When wave signal comes into the georeactor nuclear processes intensify. New higher temperature of they makes the Earth bigger – but not just right then. Now we observe the geophysical planet warming effects of atmospheric global warming what existed many years ago. Now geophysical acceleration process in heat balance is due to quite old such acceleration process in the atmosphere.
To Nip It in the Bud** or Not, That Is the Question
Just now – in May of the year 2015 – the lithosphere under Warsaw pulsates down or it comes to start its pulsation up, and there is some silent time before geophysical stormy weather in the city. It can be changed in seismic phenomenon of new type quickly from days to days. Slow High Tide Seismic Wave works relatively slowly and in a long time but also not whole is springy. It will be able to leave some part of its energy transformed in effect into matter of ruins and wrecks, when it will lift ground on higher level and will make ground wider one day in the future.
nip in the bud**
[To sort something out before it will become truly huge problem**]
MAN / Steve Cutts
[Near 2,000 exoplanets what we know exists in planetary systems of
1 – 6 exoplanets and star, only the Solar System has more "visible" planets.
Is still the Earth exceptional? Expansionistic Armageddon Theory = EAT]
Birdy - People Help The People [Official Music Video] / Birdy
[4:11 / 4:17 – Here the cabalistic number of mine "133" (the "Knowing" movie)]
Official Trailer - Nine Days That Changed The World / Citizens United
[1:59 - 2:07 / 3:15 – Words told by the Pope John Paul the Second*
on Saturday 02-06-1979 on the Victory Square in Warsaw.
On Sunday of Pentacost 24-05-2015 on the nightly sky there was watched
near conjunction of Jupiter and Moon – of 8° angle distance]
Turcy opanowali Politechnikę [Zdjęcia] / TRENDER
[A gift from the Embassy of Turkey on the Politechnika Metro Station. On the subway unveiled a mosaic that Embassy of Turkey donated a gift of friendship to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in the year 1414]
Zbigniew Charnas
More than 23 YEARS of (My) Independent Scientific Research
15.06.2015 18:02
Motto I:
An old dog barks not in vain
{Nie na darmo stary pies szczeka}
Motto II:
The braying of an ass does not reach heaven
{Psie głosy nie idą w niebiosy}
[From: position 401 & 406 of "Słownik przysłów w ośmiu językach"
{"Dictionary of Proverbs in Eight Languages"}, PWN 1998]
On Sunday the 14th day of June of the year 2015 there was 23rd anniversary (from 1992) of my first discovery done in climatology (then lovely Sunday, too).
It was about seasonal baric configurations playing a large part in global warmnig process. I found that in low pressure centres the surface of our globe gets cooler and in high pressure centres it gets warmer in the same time. In that way in the second part of the XX century about 33 % of the globe area got cooler of about several degrees when in average intake all globe got warmer of about 0.8 degrees in the scale of Celsius. The consequence of such consideration is uncovering and statement that on the level of 3-kilometre altitude in free atmosphere warming was four times higher than on the sea level.
This situation has been partially changed after the year 2005 by progressing extension of planetary tectonic rifts and global impact of volcanic gases on the atmosphere system in time of new geophysical expansionistic phenomena (EXPAN).
Zbigniew Charnas
Without Acute Monitoring Systems in Appealing but Dangerous Warsaw
16.06.2015 12:42
He that all men will please, shall never find ease
{Kto chce wszystkim dogodzić, musi sobie zaszkodzić}
[From: position 100 in: Dobrosława i Andrzej Świerczyńscy "Słownik przysłów w ośmiu językach" {"Dictionary of Proverbs in Eight Languages"}, PWN 1998]
In my beautiful city of Warsaw there are organised sport events in our new National Stadium located at Vistula River. Bigger part of the city is placed on the other riverside and on the farer south-western terrain. There are Warsaw Chopin Airport and Central Railway Station on this area. For many people to be on the stadium is to travel on the Pony Bridge or in the Tunny Tube - over or under the river. In extreme EXPAN conditions this will be the question "to be or not to be" among living humans. I am affraid that in Warsaw there still does not exist security acute monitoring systems (alarm start set as instant in an emergency) appropriate to EXPAN phenomena.
In the 20th day of May of the year 2015 from steel-concrete cuboid pillar inside the metro station named Copernicus Science Centre salt water was leaking from crevice in tempo measured by me as 25 cm^3 per one minute. This gives 36 litres of semi-caustic water per 24 hours in one point. Such cracked places are in this metro station in more amount. They all are sealed with sintetic resin (if I know it right), and next pillars and walls crack again or crevices are created in other points in this tunnel object.
Come to Warsaw for welcome in the beauty spot, but be careful!
Wheel of Fortune: Amazing Bonus Round Solve! / wheeloffortune
Madonna - Like a Prayer [Official Music Video] / QueenMadonnaHD
Madonna - Like A Prayer (Celebration Album Version) / Madonna Unusual
Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler (Official Video)/ BomfunkMCsVEVO
Safri Duo - All The People In The World feat. Clark Anderson / SafriDuoVEVO
Safri Duo - All The People In The World (Copenhagen Clubbers Remix) / Sergiu Terinte
Safri Duo - All The People In The World (F&W Remix) / Cojocaru Bogdan Nicolae
Safri Duo - Played-A-Live / SafriDuoVEVO
Mary J. Blige, U2 - One / MaryJBligeVEVO
Zbigniew Charnas
MEVEMAUR (MeVeMaUr) ─ Raging Evolution of the Solar System
25.06.2015 06:02
Motto I:
There is no general rule without some exception
{Nie ma reguły bez wyjątku} [655]
Motto II:
The exception proves the rule
{Wyjątek potwierdza regułę} [656]
Motto III:
The great fish eat up the small
{Wielkie ryby pożerają mniejsze} [502]
Motto IV:
The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet
{Jadłby kot ryby, ale nie chce nóg zmoczyć} [220]
Motto V:
The black cat does not bring misfortune. She warns against the danger
{Czarny kot nie sprowadza nieszczęścia. On ostrzega przed niebezpieczeństwem}
[Without the last ─ the one of mine ─ proverbs come from: Dobrosława i Andrzej Świerczyńscy
"Słownik przysłów w ośmiu językach" {"Dictionary of Proverbs in Eight Languages"}, PWN 1998]
Mercury, Venus, Mars & Uranus Probably Impacted by Fragments of Dark Matter
─ Voyager Planet = Travelling Planet = Rogue Planet = Free-Floating Planet, etc.
When the Solar System had just created of dispersed dusty cosmic matter in the very beginning of its cosmic history, it had not looked like it looks like today. In my conception there was then only seven or eight planets as gaseous giants then for a while, and the Sun. There was no moons and planetoids in this system yet (Sun and the queue ─ tress ─ of gaseous planets).
Primeval thick gaseous atmosphere of Venus and Earth was worn out from the rocky planetary crust by the solar wind. Just volcanic gases built next the second atmosphere ─ nearer in its form to this one known today. Moons, planetoids and rubble where introduced into the Solar System by explosion of Inta-Mars (primeval Mars) about one billion years ago. Today only Jupiter, Satutn and Neptune (Ju.Sa.Ne) function like primeval gaseous giant planets, if only not to count dusty contamination in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn ─ coming from Inta-Martian explosion ─ and also their moons and rings (in today's time) . Beige and rusty colours are there due to silicon and iron oxides polutting planets. These colours are one of the evidence traces of mentioned cosmic explosion in the Solar System.
The other planets in this system (Me.Ve.Ma.Ur) have today their special acquired defects. Mercury ─ with its eliptical orbit ─ is here the voyager planet coming from the end of the Solar System or from the galaxy of the Milky Way. Venus ─ having reverse rotation ─ is strongly buffeted in impact event with some giant cocmic voyager object, just like the previous voyager planet Mercury. Such galaxy voyager objects are often in the space. Their amount in the Milky Way is bigger than number of stars here. They are probably part of the dark matter of the Universe. Analogous situation exists in case of Uranus ─ having its reverse rotation and its polar axis very slant. Uranus lost some part of its high gaseous atmosphere.
Mars is now planetary wreck ─ with the hugest volcanoes (dead) in the Solar System ─ after hot explosion and secondary its cool concentration. Mars has now two surfaces. Older one higher of about 8,000 metres than younger one. On its older surface there are more craters per area unit than on younger one. All volcanoes are only on the older crust of the Mars.
In the Solar System only relatively small moons circulate in equarorial plane of their planet. The bigger moon the farther circulating from this standard. Pluto is for me one of objects coming from Inta-Mars explosion and existing today in our star system as moons, planetoids or space rocks.
Earth has its surface deeply changed by biological life, of course. Surface water on the Earth is made of hydrogen what came from impacted atmospheres of the giant gaseous planets and from oxygen what came from internal part of exploding Inta-Mars. Oxygen is produced inside planets in nuclear reactions (read earlier in my articles).
When one will line up planets of the Solar System in one line on schematic visualisation, one will be able to watch that planetary distances from the Sun for Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune (being like primeval planets) and their radiuses exist in special proportion. It is created in trapeze where position of Saturn (S) is put in between position of Jupiter (J) and Neptune (N). If "r" is radius of given planet and "d" is its distance from the Sun then we have:
(Nd - Jd) / Jr = ~ = (Nd - Sd) / Sr
Let us count it:
(4495.69 x 10^9 - 777.84 x 10^9) / 71.35 x 10^6 = 52.11 x 10^3 [m]
(4495.69 x 10^9 - 1426.06 x 10^9) / 60.40 x 10^6 = 50.82 x 10^3 [m]
52.11 x 10^3 = ~ 51 x 10^3 ~ = 50.82 x 10^3 [m]
There were probably more such proportions in primeval intact the Solar System in the Milky Way.
"Crossy" Is Able to Explore for "Tunny"
The Crossy Bridge in Warsaw with its dilatational bearings (steel slippers) can be some natural (built by human) expandometer for the Tunny Tube and the Copernicus Metro Station (Copernicus Science Centre). Its new balance temperature (NBT) is now about 12 degrees in the scale of Celsius. In this condition the bridge is out of technical norms of standarisation.
Solar System
Mercury (planet)
[In the material “New Horizons”: Jupiter as seen by the New Horizons spacecraft during its gravity assist in 2007 / The New Horizons Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) took this 2-millisecond exposure of Jupiter at 04:41:04 UTC on January 24, 2007. The spacecraft was 57 million kilometers (35.3 million miles) from Jupiter, closing in on the giant planet at 41,500 miles (66,790 kilometers) per hour.]
[Dwarf planet – built like a moon and far launched to circle like planet]
Dark matter
Rogue planet
[Voyager planet]
Rogue Planet Collision | How the Universe Works / Science Channel
Zbigniew Charnas
The Crossy Bridge ─ Huge Plain Expandometer in the Centre of Warsaw
30.06.2015 04:38
The Crossy Bridge ─ the Świętokrzyski Bridge {Most Świętokrzyski} in Warsaw ─ has at the Copernicus Science Centre Metro Station and the Warsaw Syren Statue its big sole dilatational comb cog-line, as over 400-metre pylon steel bridge over the Vistula River. This bridge is located at the geometrical centre of the city.
I established ─ watching its dilatation slipper bearings at mentioned metro station and the statue in the end of June in our May summer 2015 ─ that new balance temperature of this bridge is 12 *C.
Pointed dilatational comb area has on the bridge platform its three elongate transverse planes ─ of the riverside comb, of the both combs and of the bridge comb. At 12 *C of temperature the first of these planes has its area equal to the second one, and at 22 *C the second one has its area equal to the third one (only upper side of the cogs, seen direct without any device). I suggest that these parametres will be more changed shortly in the future.
Mentioned bridge fragments and parameters are not furtive but they are public and scientific in their character. Ready to easy veryfication.
Świętokrzyski Bridge
Mermaid Statue (Pomnik Syreny)
Coat of arms of Warsaw
Copernicus Science Centre
Centrum Nauki Kopernik metro station
Centrum Nauki Kopernik (stacja metra)
Krety wyszły z ziemi
{Cretes came out of the ground}
National Stadium, Warsaw
Zawaliła się kamienica przy Kawęczyńskiej
{Old house at Kawęczyńska Street has collapsed}
Czterej Pancerni I Pies część 20 Brama mp4 / Ravil Pokrovski
{Four Tank Men and Their Dog, part 20, The Gate}
Evan Almighty (10/10) Movie CLIP – Congress Gets an Ark (2007) HD
Zbigniew Charnas