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Cooperative Revolution street exhib of photographs (Tash [Alan Lodge]) | 18.01.2013 08:55


Smithy Row [off Market Square], Nottingham. Between 12 January – 10 February, 

A giant open air street gallery of photographs has arrived in Nottingham as part of a national tour to illustrate the history, scope and impact of co-operation world-wide.



The Co-operative Revolution Street Gallery consists of 24 images on three metre high installations.

The Rochdale Society of Pioneers was originally a group of 30 in Rochdale, Lancashire, that was formed in 1844. As the mechanisation of the Industrial Revolution was forcing more and more skilled workers into poverty, these tradesmen decided to band together to open their own store selling food items they could not otherwise afford.

The United Nations has recognised the powerful global contribution made by Co-operatives to economic and social development by designating 2012 The UN International Year of Co-operatives.

Now, although the exhibition has been compiled by The Co-operative Group, the UK’s largest member-owned organisation ..... This store group is just one example of the development of this idea.  There are many others in the UK and worldwide in the notion of how people can come together in a spirit of cooperation to fulful their needs, rather than the economic model of competition which is the more usual model these days.

"Co-operatives are a reminder to the international community tht it is possible to pursue both economic viability and social responsibility". Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary General.

The Co-opererative Revolution Street Gallery will be touring towns and cities across the UK.  Recently having been to Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Birmingham and Leeds.

More Info:


Recent news:

In the face of protests both on and offline, The Co-operative Group have ditched poverty pimps Atos as their occupational health provider.

Nothing to do with such protest of course........ No, not at all!

Co-op Ditch Atos – Keep Up The Pressure, It Works!



Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham.  UK



Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]


"It is not enough to curse the darkness.

                                   It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"


<ends> (Tash [Alan Lodge])