Liverpool Tenants Say No to the Bedroom Tax
Combat the Bedroom Tax | 14.01.2013 14:52
Tenants in Liverpool are furious over the Bedroom Tax and the complicity of Housing Associations in its implementation.
Saturday 12th of January saw around 100 tenants attend the Defend Your Home Against the Bedroom Tax public meeting at the Black-E Community/Arts Centre in Liverpool.
Reports on the meeting can be found here & here
Tenants in Liverpool are rightly furious over the Bedroom Tax and the complicity of Housing Associations in its implementation. Tenants will have to find around a £1000 a year from April to plug the cut in Housing Benefit, something that is simply unaffordable for people also facing a cut in Council Tax Support and the benefit cap. There are over 700,000 empty homes that could be brought back into use, but the government prefers to kick people out of their homes instead to pave the way for the private sector to move in. The message from the meeting was loud and clear:
With less than 3 months to go before the Bedroom Tax kicks in, we must move fast. And we are! Regular meetings have already been set up to organize resistance against the tax and February will see 2 actions taking place in Liverpool to let Housing Associations know that we, as tenants, will not be bullied or harassed:
Thursday 7th February - Ruckus at Liverpool Mutual Homes
Housing Associations have been complicit in the implementation of the Bedroom Tax since Day 1, and none more so than Liverpool Mutual Homes (LMH) who manage 15,000 homes in the City.
As well as issuing mind-numbing advice to tenants about the Bedroom Tax, the Chief Exec. of LMH, Steve Coffey, is even proposing the idea of getting tenants to do unpaid work, or workfare, to make up the shortfall in their rent:
Make no bones about it, LMH won't hesistate to start legal proceedings if they can't collect the rent. They've even been to court over the treatment of their staff. That's why we, as tenants, need to make it known to LMH that we won't take any bullying or harassment.
Invite your family, friends, neighbours and community to the Ruckus at Liverpool Mutual Homes on Thurs 7th February and let's make sure LMH get the message:
We Can't Pay and We Won't Pay!
Bring Banners & Noise!
Facebook event page:
Thursday 28th February - Stand Up for Social Housing in Bootle!
A demonstration at One Vision Housing to let the people of Bootle air their views and let out their frustration about bedroom tax for those who claim benefits and live in social housing such as that of one vision and riverside housing.
We will meet at the One Vision Office in Caspian Place (off Stanley Road) and if numbers permit we can march down to the council offices at the front of the strand with support of taxi drivers hooting and drummers drumming!!
Facebook event page:
We also need to connect with tenant networks around the country who are taking or considering a no-payment stance. Please get in touch at
This is not the time for lobbying or petitioning. These methods will only disempower us.
The only option we have left is Direct Action: taking matters into our own hands and defending the homes we live in using a diversity of tactics.
Say NO! and Combat the Bedroom Tax!
Combat the Bedroom Tax FB page:
Combat the Bedroom Tax e-mail:
Reports on the meeting can be found here

Tenants in Liverpool are rightly furious over the Bedroom Tax and the complicity of Housing Associations in its implementation. Tenants will have to find around a £1000 a year from April to plug the cut in Housing Benefit, something that is simply unaffordable for people also facing a cut in Council Tax Support and the benefit cap. There are over 700,000 empty homes that could be brought back into use, but the government prefers to kick people out of their homes instead to pave the way for the private sector to move in. The message from the meeting was loud and clear:
With less than 3 months to go before the Bedroom Tax kicks in, we must move fast. And we are! Regular meetings have already been set up to organize resistance against the tax and February will see 2 actions taking place in Liverpool to let Housing Associations know that we, as tenants, will not be bullied or harassed:
Thursday 7th February - Ruckus at Liverpool Mutual Homes
Housing Associations have been complicit in the implementation of the Bedroom Tax since Day 1, and none more so than Liverpool Mutual Homes (LMH) who manage 15,000 homes in the City.
As well as issuing mind-numbing advice to tenants about the Bedroom Tax, the Chief Exec. of LMH, Steve Coffey, is even proposing the idea of getting tenants to do unpaid work, or workfare, to make up the shortfall in their rent:

Make no bones about it, LMH won't hesistate to start legal proceedings if they can't collect the rent. They've even been to court over the treatment of their staff. That's why we, as tenants, need to make it known to LMH that we won't take any bullying or harassment.
Invite your family, friends, neighbours and community to the Ruckus at Liverpool Mutual Homes on Thurs 7th February and let's make sure LMH get the message:
We Can't Pay and We Won't Pay!
Bring Banners & Noise!
Facebook event page:

Thursday 28th February - Stand Up for Social Housing in Bootle!
A demonstration at One Vision Housing to let the people of Bootle air their views and let out their frustration about bedroom tax for those who claim benefits and live in social housing such as that of one vision and riverside housing.
We will meet at the One Vision Office in Caspian Place (off Stanley Road) and if numbers permit we can march down to the council offices at the front of the strand with support of taxi drivers hooting and drummers drumming!!
Facebook event page:

We also need to connect with tenant networks around the country who are taking or considering a no-payment stance. Please get in touch at

This is not the time for lobbying or petitioning. These methods will only disempower us.
The only option we have left is Direct Action: taking matters into our own hands and defending the homes we live in using a diversity of tactics.
Say NO! and Combat the Bedroom Tax!
Combat the Bedroom Tax FB page:

Combat the Bedroom Tax e-mail:

Combat the Bedroom Tax
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