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Boycott Duchy Originals

MA Sutton | 10.01.2013 13:50 | Public sector cuts | Birmingham

According to the campaign group Republic, the heir to the throne, Charles Prince of Wales pays zero corporation tax on his Duchy empire. Boycott Duchy Originals until he pays his fair share of tax.

Campaign group Republic has reported Charles’s Duchy of Cornwall to the HMRC for what has been dubbed a ‘well entrenched tax avoidance scheme’.

Following an investigation by Republic into the Duchy, the group has questioned why the property empire pays no corporation tax on its multi-million pound profits, which are paid directly to Charles every year.

Republic has also written to Margaret Hodge MP in her role as chair of the Commons Public Accounts Committee, asking her to investigate the Duchy’s tax arrangements.

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MA Sutton


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i got a better reason to boycottt them...

10.01.2013 15:43

cause Prince Charlie is a toff!

bill clinton

Too right!

10.01.2013 19:33

Leaving aside the stupidly high price tag, why would progressive/radical people not already be boycotting a corporation that puts mega bucks into the pockets of that nasty toff bastard n his degenerate family?

I'm surprised the tax avoidance is a surprise to anyone, but it does re-confirm what total rich, contemptuous scum Charlie and his family of bastards are.

Off with their heads!!

Town End Boy