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G8 Foreign Ministers to meet in London, April 2013

Hilary "Blood Clot" Clinton | 09.01.2013 17:43 | G8 2013 | London | World

The location for the G8 Foreign Ministers meeting has now been announced.

The Cabinet Office has announced that:

"On 10 and 11 April 2013, the Foreign Secretary William Hague will host his counterparts from the G8 countries. They will meet for the G8 foreign ministers’ meeting at Lancaster House in London."

The following month there will be a meeting of G7 finance ministers and Central Bank governors, although the venue appears not to have been announced yet.

Hilary "Blood Clot" Clinton


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good work hillary,

10.01.2013 15:42

we should keep this secret here on this secret website, so the cops n fash dont work out what were up to.

bill "bad brain" clinton