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Universal Jobmatch leafletting (Unemployed Workers Club) | 08.01.2013 08:55

Notts Unemployed Workers Club were out leafletting both the Station Street and the Lower Parliment job centre this morning.. Getting positive reactions from both those signing on and job centre workers as we handed out information relating to Universal Jobmatch. 

Nottingham Unemployed Workers Club JSA claimants are being told that they 'must' use the Universal Jobmatch to look for jobs and create an account in it. However, there are increasing worries about this system.  Monstrous confidentiality problems... The Jobcentre reassures you that your details and CV, if put on the UJM, can be only accessed by 'authorised employers'. This sounds safe, but is it? Anyone who is an ‘authorised employer' can access your details: they may include neighbours, present or future landlords, abusive ex-partners etc.  And how are those who sign up as 'employers' authorised before they are allowed to see your details? This is a good question. We tried registering ourselves as employers and were authorised automatically! In fact, Jobcentre Plus does not even claim to be able to guarantee security:  'We... cannot guarantee that people or organisations without permission will not gain access to this database'. Will it happen? Probably yes: the business which runs the UJM is none other than Monster Worldwide, an online recruitment company with a long record of scandals for monstrous data losses! In 2009 hackers snatched personal details of 4.5 million jobseekers who had put their CVs and other information in Monster’s hands, and was reported in the Guardian: 'Hackers steal jobseekers' details from Monster recruitment website' Channel 4 news online revealed that a fake job ad posted by a group of hackers seeking to draw attention to the security flaws was able to harvest the personal details of over 70 jobseekers, including passwords and scanned passport details! Techno surveillance... Besides issues of confidentiality, you may be worried about potential IT surveillance. With the government's new smart idea that job seekers should be job seeking for 35 hours a week, your activity within the Universal Jobmatch could in principle (and in the future) be monitored, plunging you into an Orwellian nightmare. Cuts to services and staff... Last but not least, the Universal Jobmatch is the government's latest attempt to make the service 'leaner' through the inconsiderate use of IT, and is an attack on both claimants and Jobcentre workers. The service will have less staff you can speak to face to face, and, at the same time, more workers will themselves end up on the dole. If you are a keen Jobcentre adviser, and do your best to convince (or force) people into joining the UJM, please think twice: the UJM can eventually make you redundant! What to do? Worried about confidentiality? We have received reassurances that joining the Universal Jobmatch is not mandatory and that you can discuss alternative and effective forms of job search with your adviser. Only if you are obliged through a formal order called ‘Direction’ can you be sanctioned for not joining the UJM. Do you want a job and don't want to miss out on something? You can always use the Universal Jobmatch anonymously as a job search engine. You can type a list of skills and the machine will match them with jobs: you do NOT need to create an account for this service. You do NOT need to use the UJM to store or circulate your CV. You can apply for any job by contacting employers directly.  However, we have tried out the UJM and found out that its job selection is not great. Other job search engines may give you more of a chance! Who are we? Nottingham Unemployed Workers Club meets every thursday afternoon between 11 and 2 for cups of tea and coffee, some lunch and sharing of ideas. We meet at 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields. (Unemployed Workers Club)


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Nice work people

08.01.2013 11:36

My experiance of this in Bristol, after initially being asked to sign up to this with an advisor i talked about the data protection act issues, welfare cutbacks and government cutbacks in general. The advisor became more human and honest in his approach, saying it wasn't manditory and that the incoming Unviversal credit thing looks like it's going to be a shambles and not be implimented until Sept at least.

On a side note, and this is just personal, I get the impression from talking with jobcentre staff that a lot of them do get whats going on. A little incident but I think it illustrates, I recently asked for a replacement plastic envelope for my signing card and was told they've stopped issueing them due to cutbacks, the advisor also said the staff water dispensors had been removed and staff now had to bring in their own bottles to fill for water, he said he found it either a sign of "the stingyness of the coalition or a sign of the seriousness of the situation.

They are those jobcentre staff that are following guidelines to the letter and implimenting them with some zeal but my personal experiance is that thses fucks are in the minority.

Nice one Notts, good to hear of claiments unions starting up again


Leaflet text?

08.01.2013 15:41

Sounds good, any chance you could post the text of the leaflet so other groups can use it?

(A) Claimant

im sure anonomous could fuck this one up

09.01.2013 07:25

im sure a denial of service attack could put this fucker off line, or a firefox script which lets you automaticlly log in and browse the site, generating hits, so the job staff think your looking for a job.

we all remember when Rick whats his name won that MTV award due to a Firefox modzilla script allowing multiple votes.


Webtrends are the spy corp doing the governments' snooping

09.01.2013 22:26

Just been looking at the 'Universal Jobsearch' site.
It looks like they're using to do the monitoring (though I didn't log in as I don't have an account)
You can block webtrends in a number of ways the easiest being the ghostery plugin for fire fox here's ghostery's lowdown on webtrends,

fuck da snoopers