Battersea Park Adventure Playground Occupied
Wandsworth Against Cuts | 06.01.2013 21:09 | Free Spaces | Public sector cuts | London
With the expected demolition of Battersea Park Adventure Playground due to begin early tomorrow morning (Monday 7 January), local anti-cuts activists Wandsworth Against Cuts and Occupy London supporters have occupied the playground in protest at Wandsworth Council’s decision to destroy the unique children’s facility and replace it with a staff less ‘safe’ facility.
The occupation follows ongoing opposition from local residents and groups for months and can be located at: Battersea Park, South West corner near junction of Albert Bridge Road and Prince of Wales Drive, SW11 4SF.
Those occupying the play area call on Wandsworth Council to reverse the decisions to get rid of play staff and to destroy the adventure playground. They say:
We share a common aim: that Battersea Park Adventure Playground should be re-opened by Wandsworth Council as a public service, with the existing structures and the staffing levels required for safe, adventurous play, especially for the 13 to 16 year age group.
We believe the council should reconsider the destruction of this unique and popular facility and respond positively and democratically to the thousands of residents who have expressed their support for free, staffed, adventurous playgrounds.
Norman Maclean of Wandsworth Against Cuts (WAC) said:
The highly qualified staff at this very popular and historic playground have provided a stimulating and safe environment for many thousands of children over the past sixty years. The playground staff have helped teenagers from the local area, including the large Doddington, Ethelburga and Surrey Lane Estates, to grow up free from gang and drug related pressures. They have organised cultural, social and educational activities which have helped young people develop confidence and independence.
We call on Wandsworth Council to reverse their decision to get rid of play staff and destroy the adventure playground. Their plan is to extend the adjacent, conventional playground into the adventure play area. This will only be suitable for younger children who are being supervised by their parents.
We call on everyone to support this occupation by visiting the playground, by bringing food and other supplies, or, if they can, by joining it.
Response from local people of Battersea
Local resident, Michael McCarthy, said:
I think it’s terrible what is happening to Battersea Park Adventure Playground. I brought my daughter here today to see for myself what is happening. I think it’s great someone is fighting these cuts. Are the kids going to go? There is nowhere else.
Another local resident, Lois, commented on the response to the occupation since it started saying:
There has been a constant stream of local residents expressing outrage at the impending bulldozers and gratitude to campaigners for trying to stop them. Lots bringing practical support too; and young and old sending messages to the council on our ‘have your say sheet’. No attempts to shift our guardian angels so far but I fear they might just be waiting for the weekend families, to go home because they know they support the occupation.
Videos about the campaign to Save Battersea Park Adventure Playground:
Wandsworth Against Cuts
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you dont know your born
07.01.2013 21:52
Video of Public rally in support of Occupy
17.01.2013 16:58
Brian Jones
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