New issue of The Internationalist is out
Internationalist Group | 28.12.2012 07:58
24 pages of revolutionary Trotskyist views you can't get anywhere else, US$0.50. Subscriptions by mail US$10. For copies contact your local Internationalist supporter, call 212-460-0983 (New York City) or 971-282-7903 (Portland, OR), or write to Send literature requests and payment to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA.

Get The Internationalist November-December 2012!
24 pages of revolutionary Trotskyist views you can't get anywhere else, US$0.50. Subscriptions by mail US$10. For copies contact your local Internationalist supporter, call 212-460-0983 (New York City) or 971-282-7903 (Portland, OR), or write to Send literature requests and payment to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA.
In this issue:
* A Capitalist Disaster: Class, Race and Hurricane Sandy
* No Choice for Workers in Capitalist Election Shell Game
* Los trabajadores de Hot and Crusty triunfan con contrato que abre camino
* Zionist Mass Murderers Strike Again: Defend Gaza!
* Barack Obama's Global Assassination Bureau
* Defend the ILWU!
* Don't Fall for the Mediation Trap! Mobilize for a Nationwide ILWU-ILA Port Strike
* Chicago Teachers: Strike Was Huge, Settlement Sucks
* UFT Censors Opposition to Obama Endorsement
* Fast Food Workers Need a Whopping Raise And a Fighting Union!
* For A Class-Struggle Fight Against Poverty Wages!
* Walmart Walkouts Show Potential for Class Struggle
* For Real Solidarity with Bangladesh Workers
* Working Families Party: Putting Lipstick on a Pig
* South Africa: Bloody Mine Massacre Unmasks ANC Neo-Apartheid Regime
* For a South African Internationalist Trotskyist Group
* Hot and Crusty Workers Win With Groundbreaking Contract
24 pages of revolutionary Trotskyist views you can't get anywhere else, US$0.50. Subscriptions by mail US$10. For copies contact your local Internationalist supporter, call 212-460-0983 (New York City) or 971-282-7903 (Portland, OR), or write to

In this issue:
* A Capitalist Disaster: Class, Race and Hurricane Sandy
* No Choice for Workers in Capitalist Election Shell Game
* Los trabajadores de Hot and Crusty triunfan con contrato que abre camino
* Zionist Mass Murderers Strike Again: Defend Gaza!
* Barack Obama's Global Assassination Bureau
* Defend the ILWU!
* Don't Fall for the Mediation Trap! Mobilize for a Nationwide ILWU-ILA Port Strike
* Chicago Teachers: Strike Was Huge, Settlement Sucks
* UFT Censors Opposition to Obama Endorsement
* Fast Food Workers Need a Whopping Raise And a Fighting Union!
* For A Class-Struggle Fight Against Poverty Wages!
* Walmart Walkouts Show Potential for Class Struggle
* For Real Solidarity with Bangladesh Workers
* Working Families Party: Putting Lipstick on a Pig
* South Africa: Bloody Mine Massacre Unmasks ANC Neo-Apartheid Regime
* For a South African Internationalist Trotskyist Group
* Hot and Crusty Workers Win With Groundbreaking Contract
Internationalist Group