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Leeds EDL Organiser Dreams of A Final Solution

Anti-Fascist | 25.12.2012 00:12 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Sheffield

On a serious note, since Tommy Robinson (Yaxley Lennon) was jailed, more and more EDL divisions have become openly racist. Today, while the spirit of Christmas cheer in the air, peace, love and goodwill to all men and all that, Yorkshire EDL (Leeds) were fantasising about an anti-Muslim final solution where ALL Muslim citizens living in the UK would be "removed", and all immigrants would be denied social welfare.

Also targetting all immigrants, removing the rights to any benefits and state-funding, Yorkshire's EDL are no-longer scared of being called nazis. Maybe it's all part of their "reconcilliation" with the NF-loving NWI (Infidels).

So, the EDL will do the old Mosley / Griffin thing of "repatriating" non-Aryans from these shores. Presumably, like their inspiration Adolf Hitler, the Leeds fascist hardliners will also "get rid of" anyone with foreign / Islamic ancestry and bloodlines.

Besides needing to set up a British SS after taking over Britain in a Hitlerite coup, they would also need a UK-version of Josef Mengele to decide who looks "Arab" in appearance through bloodlines, and thus would be subject to the same racial laws imposed by their (fantasy) Fatherland.

Presumably, Muslims who cannot be traced back to any particular country of origin would be first to the gas chamber!

Anybody who still harbours doubts about the EDL being Nazis, need to take a look at this tweet and see the stark truth for themselves. When they began, there were moderates (mild pub racists) within their ranks (all mouth, no trousers), but now their great leader is in jail, notice the hardcore neo-Nazis making the EDL their own, showing their TRUE COLOURS.

For more info about the EDL's fascist activities, read our good friend Malatesta's Blog (including the Xmas message): -



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Sick Cunts

25.12.2012 00:16

Must be the Service Crew boneheads. They actually hate Jews as much as Muslims but it's good PR to pretend they are pro-Isreali.


Smash the EDL

25.12.2012 00:21



someone knows the scumfuck who made this comment

25.12.2012 01:00

lots of moles grasses and ex edl guys who don't like the nazi direction of the organisation will know who the admin is for leeds

name appreciated thanks


EDL Members Only Christmas Party

25.12.2012 16:42


Santa Claws


28.12.2012 10:42

yeah it seems that now the whole EDL project has failed, they are going even more hardline. its gloves off time now that 'soft racism' has been discredited - 'they call us nazis so we might as well be nazis!' mentality.

- Homepage:

BFP / EDL Big Cheese Praises Golden Dawn

29.12.2012 00:04

This picture says it all!

So yes indeed the EDL now openly admire Golden Dawn.

Sadly, since the pretence is over, the bastards in the EDL are now being openly neo-Nazi, and thus pose more of a danger to antifascists than previously.

This is all part of their hopes to "unite the right".

The pretend Jewish and Gay Divisions are now history, and the EDL are now showing their true colours. It is to be hoped that they do not sign a formal treaty of friendship with Golden Dawn, as GD are a violent group which threatens the entire continent.


Pervert Pigs Head EDL

29.12.2012 02:09

The next time you see the Pig's Head Guy (Scott Weedall) at an EDL march (if they still exist by Manchester), and the neo-nutzis are chanting about Muslim paedos, please spare a thought for Scott Weedall, the EDL's internet solo male porno sensation who openly jacks off whilst showing his arse to the camera.

Notice also there are pictures of children on the wall. Let's hope for fuck's sake they are not his, as his self-abuse on camera is not in-keeping with the supposed family values espoused by the British Freedom Party.

Or the homophobic Golden Dawn for that matter.....

EDL Perverts on The Prowl


29.12.2012 02:31

Just like the BNP when they disintegrated, with swingers parties, the Dave Hannam / Mark Collett scandal, the Kitchen' s granny porn etc., the EDL are heading the same way, into moral oblivion.

Fellow "nationalists" (nazis) on Stormfucked are now likewise calling the EDL "degenerates", nazi speak for seriously "wrong-uns" who are doing little to help make supreme the Aryan race by indulging in obsene behaviour in the public realm.
