Atheist Census is back online!
Paul King | 17.12.2012 06:27
We are pleased to let you know that Atheist Census is back online at!
Atheist Census was launched on 7 December and received 8,880 confirmed entries with another c. 2,300 pending before it was taken offline by a DoS (denial of service) attack about 17 hours after launch. The census and DoS attack were mentioned in media reports: Huffington Post, Examiner, Christian Post.
If you have not already contributed to Atheist Census, make sure you are counted! All data from before the DoS attack has been retained, so if you have already confirmed your data you do not need to enter it again. While the DoS attack did take Atheist Census offline the database was not compromised in any way. Further, once data has been confirmed the corresponding email address is stored in a one-way encrypted format for enhanced security.
We have re-sent confirmation emails to the c. 2,300 people who had pending entries for Atheist Census - if you have received an Atheist Census validation email in the last 12 hours please click on the link in the email to confirm your data.
And please help Atheist Census grow by telling others about it - "like" Atheist Census on Facebook, tweet about it (#atheistcensus), distribute the link through any social media channels you use!
Finally, the cost of Atheist Census has increased as result of additional protection put in place after the DoS attack. Any donations to support Atheist Census would be greatly appreciated - please click here to donate.
Thank you for your support.
Paul King
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The problem is not religion it is fundamentalism
17.12.2012 12:41
Progressive religious websites:
@progressive. God is dead!
17.12.2012 13:16
Aunty Christ
diseased scum
17.12.2012 17:53
What is wrong with you people!?
17.12.2012 18:42
17.12.2012 19:36
Obviously by people who don't actually BELIEVE in their religion.
THOU SHALL NOT KILL is one of the commandments.
If there were true Christians then they would not have been involved in the war.
They are really atheists who pretended to be religious in a bid to seek power.
No Christians who is actually BELIEVES in GOD would kill because it is one of the commandments from GOD. Any "Christians" who killed are not Christians, they are frauds and do not really believe in the commandments.
Good Point
17.12.2012 20:39
Just because people say they are something - doesn't mean they are.
And you are a gullible idiot for thinking so.
People are not Christian's because they say they are.
They are Christians through their beliefs and actions.
James the III
@Aunty Christ
17.12.2012 20:43
They teach they we are born from monkeys. Then they wonder why our youth behave like monkeys!
Whos stupid now?
Do not feed the trolls!
17.12.2012 22:23
Aunty Christ
Progressive is right the real problem is the fundamentalists!
18.12.2012 17:31
Free thinker
another vote for religion
18.12.2012 19:00
Laughing at the fools
Religion is an outdated superstition
18.12.2012 23:06
The God Delusion
18.12.2012 23:33
The idea that Earth just happens to be in the Goldilocks zone, and just happens to have the right oxygen, and just happens to have a tidal force and just happens to have water etc is too coincidental.
So Dawkins may be right in a lot of respects but he doesn't explain how things came about. It is easy to criticise but harder to explain.
There is a power
faith in religion
19.12.2012 00:05
Re: There is a power
19.12.2012 09:23
And yes, it is unlikely for a planet to have all the correct conditions to be able to support life; but it is also unlikely that if I put all my money on one number on a roulette table that I will win. Does that mean nobody ever wins!? It's simple probability mate, billions of planets x tiny chance of supporting life = at least some life!
I'm sorry if this isn't fun to hear but Dawkins is offering a hand, why not take it and pull yourself off your knees? There is no god but yourself, love it.
South Coast Sab
Practical Inspiration
19.12.2012 18:40
still not kneeling for science
Re: Still not kneeling
19.12.2012 21:24
Correct me if I'm wrong but your comment basically says:
"Global revolutionaries can't expect to all agree on religion."
Well, yeah. Duh.
I never said that they could, or even should. What I'm saying is that religion is fundamentally incorrect based on all evidence we have. I don't think you can deny that, organised religion sure doesn't; that is the whole concept of "faith".
I would go further and say that religion IS counter-revolutionary because it discourages self-empowerment, but that is just a personal opinion.
Care to reply?
Maybe like a human this time?
South Coast Sab
faith is faith
19.12.2012 23:46
That's not very nice.
You say that 'religion is fundamentally incorrect based on all the evidence we have'. I'd like to respond to that but I figure you'll just take snide swipes based on your superior intellect rather than be open to other viewpoints. However, if you insist:
1) A difficult concept for atheists to understand is that religion is based upon faith and belief. To me, I know God exists in the same way I know the sun will rise in the morning. I have belief in myself, that I can achieve things and cope with the struggles of like, in the same way I have belief in my faith and God.
2) I feel the evidence is there, all you need to do is look around you. Did life in all its complexities and beauty occur by random chance or was it created. I find it ludicrous that people belief it occurred just from some various chemical elements being mixed up in a warm environment. There is evidence that we can't just stick some chemicals in a jar, heat it up and expect life to pop out of it. There is plenty of empirical evidence that the 'scientific' answers don't cut it.
3) religion is counter-revolutionary? So what? Does that mean it is wrong.
All this is showing is your prejudice. Anything that is not "revolutionary" is bad and therefore cannot exist or must not be followed?
Maybe your agenda is more about revolution and who is controlling whom, rather than opening your mind to the truth of the world. Humans indeed - that is how a typical human replies these days i suppose.
There is a power
20.12.2012 00:07
Now, unlike most religious people I'm not arrogant enough to think that I know exactly what is true; that's why I put my trust in rational, critical thought and scientific evidence. You on the other hand KNOW god is real, just because you do. Just like thousands of people who KNOW their imaginary friend is real or KNOW that if they don't turn the light on and off 8 times before they get into bed that their whole family will die. I'm not trying to be mean and I'm sorry if this feels insulting but can you give me one reason your KNOWING is any different?
South Coast Sab
There are many libertarian and anarchist religious people
20.12.2012 11:42
Reality check.
21.12.2012 10:25
So statistically, as a matter of empirical fact, the evidence supports the supposition that Professor Richard Dawkins body of work is a critical failure.
Thats the beauty of science...facts are facts!
agent of faith.
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