BNP Support workers co-operatives
lets have a heated debate | 11.12.2012 12:59 | Analysis
Nick Griffin MEP tweets in support of workers co-ops...
@MickDay5: Workers co-ops aren't socialist in the destructive Marxist
sense. John Lewis, Mondragon co-ops etc prove they work.
lets have a heated debate
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And the Golden Dawn hand out food parcels in Greece
11.12.2012 13:11
As the fascist said...
12.12.2012 12:22
The position of the small shopkeeper will certainly be maintained. He gives to the people a
personal service and attention which cannot be given either by co-operative society or chain store.
He is also a factor of stability, enterprise, and patriotism within the Nation which must be
maintained. There is room within the organised State for both Co-operative Society and small
shopkeeper. The former provides cheapness; the latter provides individual service and variety.
But there is not room as well for the chain store. The small shopkeeper will be assisted under
Fascism by a Distributive Corporation, which will provide him with the cheap bulk-buying
facilities at present only enjoyed by the big combine. The Co-operative Societies will play a
greater and not a lesser part in the Fascist State. They support the Fascist principle, which
requires the widest possible diffusion and ownership of capital. They oppose both the Socialist
principle of State ownership, and the capitalist principle of the concentration of capital in the
hands of a few exploiters. Under Fascism, they will perform the vital service of bulk-buying and
cheap selling. Their sphere will be enlarged, but in return they must rid themselves of the
political control which perverts and corrupts the real purpose of co-operation. They will be
genuine trading concerns serving the people.
Oswald Mosely
100 Questions About Fascism