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Everythings Not OK Cafe this weekend

Cut the Crap Collective | 10.12.2012 18:55

In light of ongoing austerity measures, due only to get worse, the Cut the Crap Collective introduces a radical discussion space, unashamedly founded on anarchist principles - interested in collective action that works for all. It welcomes anyone who wants to communicate, learn and teach. Hosting workshops, film screenings, discussions and serving hot, tasty meals with the aim of creating a space where people can get together to openly talk and organise for a better future!

Posters: ENOC (jpg) | Cyptric message (PDF) | National callout (PDF)


Weekend of the 15th/16th December – Central Bristol Location

Friday 14th December time & more details tba
Acoustic gig, poetry, spoken word + more

Saturday 15th December @ 12:30-15:30pm
Ipso-phyto introduction to uk herbs

More events coming soon!
Food, screenings, workshops, discussions, exhibitions + more.

Cut the Crap Collective
- Original article on IMC Bristol:


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wh4t 4 trendy fking name

11.12.2012 23:13

Fuck You and Fuck Them .. from the poor people.


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