Fascists played twice at Ye Old Salutation
anon@indymedia.org (a distant friend) | 05.12.2012 06:55
Fascist bands played twice at Ye Old Salutation. Not oi!, really, fascist. Evidence included.
Ye Old Salutation has been hosting fascist gigs for music label Pure Impact Records, which is associated with the former label of fash band Screwdriver, among others, since at least 12.05.2012, most recently last month. Sometimes they dress it up with "leave your politics at the door" crap, but it's all just for show. Ye Old Salutation has also hosted a love music hate racism gig recently, so maybe the owners are unaware. Obviously fascists should not be hosted by any venue, and definitely not in the centre of Nottingham.
There was a recent concert on 10.11.12 with Skinfull and other extreme right bands. There was also an earlier concert on 12.05.12 with known openly neo-Nazi bands Skinfull and Citizen Keyne. The other bands I didn't look into or instantly recognise. Sometimes far right bands play alongside "grey zone" bands (bands that will play with both extreme right and left wing bands), however in this case it doesn't look like any of the bands are even grey zone. As an example, Skinfull have Nazi tattoos, Citizen Keyne have a photo on their main page where one is wearing a "white and proud" shirt.
Source is a German indymedia equivalent. The brief mentions of Nottingham and the flyer images should be self-explanatory:
Other Links:
Fascist music label puts on event at Ye Olde Salutation, Facebook page with a glance at some lovely attendees
Flyer for the most recent event in image format
Flyer for the previous event in image format
Please stop this happening again.
Please also note there are upcoming gigs in Bedford (this weekend) and Coventry (13 Jan). Any forwarding of the above info to relevant parties greatly encouraged.
anon@indymedia.org (a distant friend)
Hide the following 11 comments
05.12.2012 11:54
The "smoking gun", evidentially speaking, would not be evidence that this gig took place, but proof of the claims that "Skinfull have Nazi tattoos (and) Citizen Keyne have a photo on their main page where one is wearing a "white and proud" shirt" - if you can provide proof of these claims (URL's and screen-captures of web pages or photos) please do so
Capn Scarlet
some evidence
05.12.2012 17:05
Greyzone rubbish
05.12.2012 18:55
They are however happy to play with bands who are close to the extreme right. For example, Skinfull's facebook page shows gigs in Europe with long-standing German fascist band Endstufe, UK closet-fascist Tattooed Mother Fukcers (ex-singer of English Rose) and Pressure 28 (singer is former BNP/C18 activist Kevin Gough).
Their Belgian record label Pure Impact distributes a lot of openly Nazi bands, and they have put out releases by fascists like Crusade and Blood Red Eagle. Their website is hardly discreet about the fact.
Bands like Skinfull and Citizen Keyne are part of a growing scene of right-wing Oi that isn't fascist or openly racist but is tolerant/indifferent to those who are - 'greyzone' as its become known in Germany. Key bands to watch for in the UK include Code 1, Last Orders, Retaliator, Bakers Dozen, Pressure 28, Insane Society, Streetpunk Drunks, Close Shave, Loyalty etc. These bands are (mostly) not openly fascist but will attract an element of their audience which is. They're also uniformly awful.
By the way, that Oirezine is full of crap - there's some blatantly inaccurate smears of perfectly decent people on there.
Punk and proud
Not illegal
05.12.2012 23:10
freedom to all
False claims
06.12.2012 01:39
One Skinfull video shows a cartoon of a white skinhead with his arm around a black skinhead -
Having said that Pure Impact records do sell RAC music (referring to Rock Against Communism, the pseudo-movement co-founded by such people as Nazi singer Ian Stuart Donaldson and BNP leader Nick Griffin) and released the Skinfull LP "Drinking Class Heroes"
Clearly these people are arseholes, but if you're going to make accusations that people are "openly neo-Nazi" you need to properly prove it
06.12.2012 01:42
Sorry, my mistake
More comments
06.12.2012 09:02
More comments
Wrong again
06.12.2012 23:19
The original article said one band member was wearing a "White & Proud" T-shirt, but he wasn't, and the comments are still claiming another band member has Nazi tattoos, but he doesn't
I'm beginning to think this bullshit thread should be taken-down completely
Stop wasting our fucking time
still wankers..
07.12.2012 00:41
skinfull are right wing nationalist arseholes
07.12.2012 12:14
Oi scene [ Fence sitters ]
14.12.2012 15:18
concerned of gipton