Bradford Inquiry Group Request for Case Studies (joolz) | 03.12.2012 16:55
Please help the Bradford Inquiry Group (BIG) to illustrate what is really happening to your clients/service users/members as a result of the government's austerity and welfare policies.
Please help the Bradford Inquiry Group (BIG) to illustrate what is really happening to your clients/service users/members as a result of the government's austerity and welfare policies. You can use the case study template at to tell the stories of real people whose voices are often not heard.
Please return your case studies to Mike Quiggan at the Resource Centre: Email: Post: BIG, c/o BRC, 17-21 Chapel Street, Bradford BD1 5DT. If you have any questions, please ring Mike on: 01274 725046.
BIG and the VCS Assembly will use your case studies to raise awareness among local Councillors, MPs and Council/NHS officers about the real life consequences of these policies. You can also adapt this form to explain changes to your own services and the 'knock-on' impact on your clients/service users.
If you would prefer to remain anonymous, yet would still like to share your story, you can do so here. Your IP address will not be logged.
Further information about campaigns against the cuts in the Bradford District is available at (joolz)
Original article on IMC Northern England: