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Week of Action against workfare 8th Dec – Charities stop exploiting ...

reposter | 28.11.2012 19:04 | Workfare | Social Struggles

...Charities stop exploiting the unemployed. Take action 8th December onwards

Many companies and charities have pulled out of the government’s workfare schemes when met with pickets and direct action that put these exploitative schemes in the spotlight.

But charities including British Heart Foundation, Scope and Barnardos and many companies like Poundland, Argos and Superdrug still subscribe to schemes which force the unemployed to “work for their benefits”. That’s why Boycott Workfare network are calling A Week of Action against Workfare, focusing especially on the charities involved.

You are urged to join the action which starts on Saturday, December 8th!

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Really poor choice of targets

28.11.2012 23:45

Target the multinationals, not the charities, you muppets

Jim Henson

Crap logic

29.11.2012 13:50

At the moment, our numbers are small (but growing) - taking on the multinationals isn't a strategy for sucess (McDs are doing fine after decades of activist attention). Charities will be nervous about their public image and are more likley to pull out. From there, We can move on, picking up support as we go.
For every person who'se put off because we're demoing a charity, there are more who will feel empowered as they see our efforts pay off.

Yeah, we should go for the multinationals, but only when we stand a better chance of winning.

Also, just because a charity is a charity, that doesn't make everything it does above scrutiny or criticism.

Town End Boy

back to macdonalds, and other multinationals

29.11.2012 15:10

the new generation of Anonmous/Hackivists need a boot up they're arse, last year i saw them during March 26 on Shaftsbury AVenue queing up to buy fast food, if that had been 1998, we'd fuckd that place up (and all of been nicked the following week).
but it annoys me to see multinationals getting an easy ride during the current economic crisis.

king kong

my comment

02.12.2012 16:32

While global capitalism is our chief enemy and needs to remain our main focus, all these hypocrites who are living off people's misery and making money off the 'poor' they are pretending to help need to be taken down, and if they collaborate with government sponsored slavery schemes they need to be exposed.

I fucking hate charities and NGOs